HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1966-008 / Gr�DI`tANC'.: NG ���~�',,,,,,_,,, ys ����� �/ AI� C�1tz�iNAP�� ANNI:kIP+if'a TH;. H�'.�I}AIAAFT:�' ��:�CRIB�.� T�'t�?I'I'�R'Y' TO TH� CI�'Y OF t'�RAF�VIAt�, ZN TA�t�A1�fiT Gc3U3VT"'f, T"r.`YAS, AI�[I� �c?x:.�di?II� '1"f� BC?U'T�R�c' LI�I TS �F �:A I� C I'IY, SC? �S 'T� �NCLt3DE �A I� H:���I NA F'T:� +�"�SCn i�3°:+� FT�t�F'�'RTY �'1I'�`HI N TH: C I7`f L I'��I T5. �VH��.:::A�, th� City of Grap�r�rin+�, 'Tex�ts, act�ng by �nd und�x ��ctic►r� �.Cf� of Artie)� 2 of its Hom� Rtt2e Ch4r'��r and Art�cl+� 97Qa of V. 1�. T. S. ha� d�t�rmined tla�satait� b+�.e�dari�s st�c�u2d be �cniarc��d ar�d ext�r�d�d by the �nnaxation of additi�rta� t�rrttQry d�scrtbed as ga I lcr�+�s, towwi t; 'Trscts af �and ir� fi�rra�t Cv�unty, ?�xas, describec� a$ folla�►ss A�'rINNIN[�r, at th� Southa�►st corner crf Lo� lt; , Bto�k 1l�����ction i c►f �ra�vin� L�k� �.st�tes, a� dsa�cribe� in oiume _. , p�ge, 3� c�f Titrrant CQunty ��d Record�, �a�d bec�tnrti+�g potnt al�c� �e�tA� the inte�a�ection r�f the �turth lir�� of l{imb�ll ?�c�a�� anc� thE ',�'��t Iin� c��" Lakeview Drtv�; TH�".I�C�, Idcrth, �1c�ng anc� wi�h safd ��st lin+� of Lakevi�w �rIU� r�nd a�t :��L l��e aP ��id Gr�gsv��� La1�s �:states 99� �'4��, �or� or le�s, to a point #n �he :.�st iicte Q�' L�r� �: Block ii, S�ction 1 of �sid Grap�vine L�ke �.�ta►tes, �a3d pc�int b�in9 du� Yve�� a�" th� :�outhwest ccr�t�r r�� Lct �8, B�vck 10, S�ctfon �. of �a.�d Gr�pevine Lake ti�t�t��; TN�IC,:, r,.ffi�t, alcng �r�d with tM� I�oz�th �in� of �'or�st t�i2is Road �:nd a "a�uth�i�►+� p�" sa�d Gt���vit�� Lak� �sta�e�, ��7U f�et, raore or Ie�s, tc► the W+�:t ri�ht df ar�y lfrte a�f ?kr�►� LnQp �'oad; �:�s'NC�, South E���J 2"ar�t, �ore or� le��, �lo�g ��id �es�C rir2�t +�f way 1 i rt� c�� 74au� Lcop Rcaad to a pai flt du� '�1��� of a :,cauthwe�t carr��r c��' I.ak�e Fc�re�t .��d�tion; ?H�3C�, r:�a��, 5d f��t to �aid �auLhwest corn�r o£ La�� �c�rest �d�itfon� 'Th��c�, :'�$t� ?�-9,2 f��t, I��rthwe�t ���, 1 �`e�t, Scrot�hessC b7�. f�et, NQrth�aa�t 2t��9.8 fe�et, Nca�t�ao��t t�.lt?.2 t'e�t f �tarth ��a.7� f���, North ��;7.�� fe�C, Nflrthsmst ' lt?. a� fec:t, rTar#�hwest 9.?�I �"aet, Sautt�st �l5.�. fe�t tc a pc►!nt it� th� :�c�utha��t eorn�r af tfie L. Pa�#. progertY; 1"�i�tC�, corttinuin a�round �aid L,, P�a� t�.5�3-$ �►cras th� fo11�w3 nc� d�i�tance�� �orth ��� �`���, Norxh�a�t 1�.0 t'ee�., rvast 7�� f��t to t�h�a Nr�rthw�st enrrt�r ot' the Aak�r Survey, �Y so b�i n� the Northc�s st �c�r�+�r �f the C�r� �s�sey 9,6 acr� tr�ct; TH:NC�:, c�ntzzuir�c� a�ourlrt the R����y tr�►ct the foliewina di�t�r�c�$, �i+arthwe��. �a8.2f} feet, �c�uthweat 5?9.5 feet, NoTthw�st 2�9.!-Y= �'e�t; '�'H��C:°: , ��J��� ,'�C? f�et �o a potnt 2���ng �h� Not�the�st corn�z' of Lat 1 of �+�ctiar� 3 Grapevine Lake �::states; 'PH��NCE, coc�tinui�ng �►rour�d Grag�vine L�ke c.st�t�s the following dis«� �a�ees; �'���t t�#.,� fc�t, Sou�hwsst �.2�}.6 teet, ;�nuth 712. 20 f�et, `�'�st 239.2 f�+e�, to a pc�int in the �;aat Yi�e of a 15.73 acr� Lract c�vrr�ed by �'aui V�rbur�f fl�c�� 1 of 3 psges TH:NC�� contirtuin� around the s�.fd Verburg tr�ct, North 27�. fe�t, 'rVes� 2�0 feet, North !.�50 feet, �Nest 1,�4 fe�t, South�rsst �.65 �'eet, G"�'�st 17� a�at, to a �7oi�t being the :�outheast cor.�ar of Lot 1�, �lock �, >ectior� ":'j`� �f t�lacid ;enir�st�.1a �+�ditian; TH::�dC'� eontinuina aroun�i �lacf� t enir�sul� �';GditioCl lVorth IrOJ feet, "uVest 37h f��t, ;�ortli �7.8 fect , r3orthwU�t 12�i.�;. f�..t, .�outhw�st 12E�.4 f4�fi., �>outhw�st �il f�;et, `�outheast 227• 1� f�et, ::�outhw��t 2�6 feet, :�c�uth �i?0 fuz�, :�outh�ast 2?5 fee�., :�outhc;�st �.Q�. I .f�gt, Southzv�st 1T�0 fr�e�,, �st b50 f�et, :�outhwest 87�.7� feet, !;�st �55.�� feet , South 2�.�3.�39 feet to a po�nt in the idorth ric�h� of vr�y of :��ir�`li�1 a �to�d ar�d the �`J�s�C r i qht of way of Red I3i rd Lar1�; TH:�NC:: cantfr�uit�c� alpn� �aid Nor�h lirt�' oi I{imble �to�d , ::as�. 5Q �'�e�, ta a potnt b-iqc� �he Southwest ecrner of a 6 acre tract owned �ay ,; :�rry :;ill�es; TH:�:� along the :south 2ine of aaid '.�'ilk�s tract a:�d sald i��orth line flf ?fi��tble �",oad 9L{-1• lq f�et to a p�int bein� t�e t�outheast cc�rrter of �a i� 'Y4'i 1k2 s t,ract a l so be i ng the Sc�uth�re st corna r of �.ot 16, �10�' � 1 , Second Sectie�n af Placid P�ninsu2a ��ddition; '�H�TIC�. _last continuin9 al.onc� th� said North line af iir�ble �"<oad, ,1.! ���,. fset m�re or less tc� the p3.ac�: of begirtninc�; L::�`:; �4NI� �':�;XC��:�'T t.he fallrnufrzg lr�t� of 3and which 3re inc�uded withirt th� abc�Ve c3escrfbed prap�rty; La�, 7, 5�cti:��. ?, Lc�ts 1, 4, �, 6, and the ':�Ie�t half" af 'ot � in Bloc�c 2, Lots � artd '� irt Black �, Lots �,�,7� �, 9, }.4, 11 , 12, �nd 1� r�f Blnck il. , Lots 6, 7, 10, Z7, 2�, and 2� ir� Llock '�, Lqts 3 1-{-, S, 6, I1 , 12, �3, aT1� 1l.�. ir1 B1oCk 9: Lots I, 2, 3, �,-, 5p ?, �,�, 9, 10, li, 12, 17, 2$, 19s 2q, 21, 22, 23s 2�: 2.�, �b, 27, and 2� in B1oc:k I�, in the Grapevir�� Lake �state� �dditior�. Lot {� fn Block i of Y3a�ic� Pentrt�ula �ddition and Lot 7 in B2ock 3, L.flt, �, Z;., and � iri �31r�ck �, Lots I , 2, 3, 9. 1�, ��� 16, I9, �Oi 21, 2?_, 2�, 2��, t3t1d 2� iri Blt�ck 7, I,ots 3, �1-, �, 6s ?s �'i 9� �a� I2� 13s �,�, i�, Zb, 1"j, and 1B in Block £3, Lots 3, �-�-, 5� 7� �. 9, 1Q, il, 3�, 3.%� ��-1-a �5r 36� 1�3 �$s 19� 2C? 8I1t� Z1 �T1 �32+�Ck g� LOtS 2� 5: �� 7� � �9 9a l�s � 1i 22i Za� lt-i-: 15r ��� 1f� a�1d lf3 fr1 B1pCk 10� Lo#.s I� � �, �, �: 7, � � �}, ip, 21, 12, 1?, 2�. and 15 in Block �,Z , also 13,}�� acres of lanci in the �Vhitman Surv�y, �b�tr�ct ;;F1593, �`�'�c'� �C2 in Placi�i F�nf nsuia �?dcIf tion, �tlH�s"'�t:A�, �ach af the above tracts of land ara wit�� ' � th� con#°ines o�' Lh� �xtrat�rritoriai ,jurisdictitin o#' said City of Grapevine, �6X3S� SAdi �'IH.1R�`.�, after cc�n�iderina the �nnexat�ort of the above c�escribed t�rritory, the �ity Council of said City of Grapevine, '�exas ;�as unanimously voted tc� �nnex said tracts of said City of Grapeuin�, �LX3Sy 3)'IC� t '9aH'�:r;=�r�:7, �il legal rcquirenents for the ann�xati�n or: each sa�c� tracts, including publicatian end publ�c hearing, have been here-�. tafor� du3.y, tim�iy, arsd proper�y' performed ar�d don� , artd, . r�-�:-µt:��,�, it is for the public vrelf<ira, and for an ° #.o the advan�ar�e, eyenera� weifare, and b�n��i�that�s�rreibcy nowGann�vicl�Lo�the�Cityd of and f ar each sa id t a , af G�ape vi n� , T�xa s: Pac�e 2 of 3 pa�es N'�w"f TH";�'� :�;;`':, �+=' IT O^ �;�AIAI�'J BY Ti-i�, GITY COUIVGI:. c�� TH�. CIT'Y C:F Cr?'tAP �Vli,t .:, T�; u�.:,: That the t.r�cts cf ian;d, as above c���cri�iec�, be and the sa�� are hereby anr�e;:p� 4o tz1� City af Graperrin� , in Tarrant Cou�ty, Texa�, �,�d th��� th� �ounr��.ry lirr:its af the City of Gr:.pevine, 'T`,xas, bc and �ha sa��� ar�: lY�reby �xtenc��c� ta includc the avc�v� c2escribed tracts withiq th� City Limlts of th� City t�f Grapeuine , '�exas, a mu�r�icipal corparatinn, ar�d �saici tracts of land , artd the future inhubitar�ts Lhereof shall hereaft�r b�; erttitled ta richts �;r;� privilec��� cf oth�r citizen� of th� City of Grapevine, T�xas, �fld, they shali be hLr�after bouncl by thL acts and Grdinartces of said City. �a�s�d orz firs� r��dirzc� ta �h� second reading by art affirr��.titi�c vat� af al l r-far�:;bers presertt ar� Apri �1 19� 196b. P�ssed and approv�d �n i'ts s�cor�� readir�9 on this �� day of '�av �_�....f. _t� 196b, ,� L� a � �� ,,� �., ` t ar��t�v::U�._ ' � ,� �, :��, �r�..��•--�z ' ; �f i" ,r A" �] ? � � / tS i L v..��a ,�r � , , � ^ � . , y . �.. .: , �w . . . �J'.�"� .... 1 _ 7 , � r� � .-C.I ':� �. � � y ;� re ary J tl u °G � y }i�p{:. � ��f .�. ��� ��t• fi� " !f:,..�'.4���'.', . ,.. . .....,.. ..:,.,.,.._._.,-!',:�..,....;,,:.� . � r';p�rnv��l �.� �o farr:� atld lcga2itys � '� a -'._ . � . , ,� _ � �, )/ : `ti ,y � ��__.-F v.�__ � .:�.�,.v j [�' ;� {� y A a�tn�y Page 3 af ? pags� * � , - � � yj .. � � ., � � . � • . , y � _� Q � x ` a., . � U �� � C.N � � a .0 � � r o ac��� �' � � `� ,� rs, c� r-i �� oi t..F � C- W � �WH p � •�c� ., � � O Y � O � A - � .° � fXC �J ' � � � � � � � wE�-� �. s�» � � v � � a H W � .N .�.� � O c� � O ��if � � a� � • �. aC � o c�,c7 � � . �„ . � �. � . . _ . , � _ ._.. � .;�r ._':;:�,� �+ �t..° ,�i � a i.,s� ��': � �� .,, i,. _�.�' . . . } 1C, t�.r'.T�: � J1:._ _, . __ __ .,.<, ._ , ,:.i,. �: _, i P � . .. . �. .. . _ }i.itii c;'xi �� ��� ;-�. , .. ,,:. ,.;; ' . .. �.: �, MAY 10 1���: _. . ,// ��a; r . . li �ACel� ,F i, . . ....._._.. ,""' �.�� {� . . �MAY �2 1Q56 � . . �4'.s�� � • ' - � ��� � � : _ - C: ' ' '_.i . . . . . e�f t ' .�. � f � . ... .. ..� - ....._..�.__... 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