HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 04 - FiberTexTO- FROM - MEETING DATE SUBJECT F_ _1 I I -------------� Grapevine t OoLake I Fn Northwest e HONORABLE MAYOR, CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS AND THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION BRUNO RUMBELOW, CITY MANAGER ERICA MAROHNIC, DIRECTOR OF PLANNING SERVICES OCTOBER 18, 2022 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES TECHNICAL REPORT OF CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION CU22-39, FIBERTEX 11 /I I I I I I I.H. 1635 I I a I 't Sy DFW 3 I Hall -Johnson �Airport 60 a I L, I T---_M o I L-3 I Glade Rd I H o - APPLICANT- Spencer Feaster, FiberTex PROPERTY LOCATION AND SIZE - The subject property is located at 623 East Dallas Road and platted as Block 1, Lot 1, W.B. Trigg Grocery Addition. The addition contains approximately 10,357 square feet and has approximately 79 feet of frontage along East Dallas Road. REQUESTED CONDITIONAL USE AND COMMENTS - The applicant is requesting a conditional use permit to allow outdoor storage in coniunction with an existing 2.734 square foot building currently utilized as a construction trade office. The operator of FiberTex, occupies a one-story, 13-foot tall, 2,734 square foot building currently used for office and warehouse purposes. FiberTex's use is classified as a construction trade office including indoor warehouse storage in the City of Grapevine's Zoning Ordinance. These uses are permitted by -right in the "LI", Light Industrial District. The operator proposes to store equipment outdoors onsite including spools of conduit, spools of fiber optic cable, and handholes/storage boxes for the construction. The placement of this equipment is considered outdoor storage and therefore, Subsection 31.C.4, Conditional Uses applies which requires approval of a conditional use permit, "Outside storage in conjunction with permitted uses in Section 31.A. and conditional uses in Section 31.C., provided that such storage shall be screened in accordance with Section 50, Alternates A or C." Equipment stored outdoors onsite will be located in two areas on the sides of the building adjacent to the east and west property lines and fully screened from surrounding properties with an eight -foot wooden screening fence. The areas will feature two gates fully opaque with knox box equipment to allow for emergency access. Access to the site will be provided from an existing driveway on East Dallas Road. Total required parking is five parking spaces. Five parking spaces are provided. PRESENT ZONING AND USE: The property is a single lot developed with an office/warehouse building, associated parking, and is zoned "LI", Light Industrial District. HISTORY OF TRACT AND SURROUNDING AREA: The subject site and surrounding property were zoned "1-2", Heavy Industrial District prior to the 1984 City-wide Rezoning. December 6, 2010, the Board of Zoning Adjustment approved the following requests on the subject site: Section 43.E.3., Nonconforming Uses and Structures allows the Board of Zoning Adjustment to approve the remodeling and/or enlargement of a nonconforming use. The Board approved a special exception to allow the existing structure and property to remain as developed as shown on the site plan. Section 315.1., "LI", Light Industrial District, Density Regulations, requires a minimum lot area of 20,000 square feet. The Board approved a variance to allow a lot area of 10,357 square feet for an existing lot. Section 31.G.1., "LI", Light Industrial District, Area Regulations, requires a minimum lot width of 100 feet. The Board approved a variance to allow a lot width of 80 feet for an existing lot. Section 31.G.2., "LI", Light Industrial District, Area Regulations, requires a minimum lot depth of 150 feet. The Board approved a variance to allow a lot depth of 129 feet for an existing lot. SURROUNDING ZONING AND EXISTING LAND USE: NORTH: "LI", Light Industrial District — Avis/Budget Car Rental SOUTH: "LI", Light Industrial District — Multi -tenant office/showroom building, Factory Builder Store and Ferguson Bath Kitchen & Lighting Agenda Memo 159873 2 EAST: "LI", Light Industrial District — Blanco Studio WEST: "LI", Light Industrial District — Avis/Budget Car Rental AIRPORT IMPACT: The subject tract is located within "Zone A" zone of minimal effect as defined on the "Aircraft Sound Exposure: Dallas/Fort Worth Regional Airport Environs" map. Few activities will be affected by aircraft sounds in Zone A, except for sound sensitive activities such as auditoriums, churches, schools, hospitals, and theaters. The office/warehouse is an appropriate use in this noise zone. MASTER PLAN APPLICATION: Map2: Land Use Plan of the Comprehensive Master Plan designates the subject property as Industrial/Commercial (I/C) land use. The applicant's request is compliant with the Master Plan. THOROUGHFARE PLAN APPLICATION: The City of Grapevine's Thoroughfare Plan designates East Dallas Road as a Type C, Minor Arterial with a minimum right-of-way width of 80 feet to be developed with four lanes and a turn lane. /at Agenda Memo 159873 3 L N s pN 1 1 2 .964 C, SUBJECT 1.325 @ SITE F 10 NE���aev-\O- Nozv\1 CoN oxo�-scv\ 1 13568 1 1 MPR pN s 11 \GG 10� vv TR 2D2 TR 2D2A :::::::.. R0 , N . ............................. E DALLAS RD D F0 ,N�oN .-�VatR Feet 0 60 120 180 240 GRAPEVINE. •7 h_ ` , 1 N 1A 13.397 @ 21 no CU22-39 FiberTex 623 East Dallas Road Date Prepared: 10/6/2022 This data has been compiled by the City of Grapevine IT/GIS department. Various official and unofficial sources were used to gather this information. Every effort was made to ensure the accuracy of this data, however, no guarantee is given or implied as to the accuracy of said data. PART 1. APPLICANT INFORMATION Name a(applicant/Sgerd:kompany/contact FiberTex, L.L.C. I WY r.tA5K Streetad ssa(apdkant/epen(: PO Box 65621 city/State/Zp Code o(epplkam/agent. Lubbock, T TNU 469.387-8938 Email address of eppllsentlagent PART 2. P�FORMATION 8 eladdmssa(subjwXproperty CITY OF GRAPEVINE CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION Form "A° I maweplmne numbwo(appllmrftwn a69aW25 64 E Dallas Rd Lagel deacdBtian o(sub(eN property (metes B bouMs must 69 descd6ed on 612"x 11'sheetl M TRIGG GROCERY ADDITION ARCH. F. Bkak 1 Adddbn LEONARD SVRVEY906TR31AABSTRACT Slm wsub]WpMpMy Oufdoorspeakam Yn MMmpml maximum daW she for comdilanal use request: ZorNng ordinwwe pravlakn requrcrcg a cnndghnal use: PART 3. P. OPERTY OWNER INFORMATION Name o(cum props owner. Wmbmll Rd LP e1M Hemege Ave. Suite 105 Cdy/State /Zlp Code c(pmp" owner. Grapevine, TX 76051 81T-358-NO cm Cm2p 3 G3[sCaC "'0 JUL 05 202Z BY-................. ❑ Submit a latter dasaibilg the proposed conditionaluse andnole the request on no site plan document ❑ In Me same/after, describeor show on the site plan, and cwdNonel requirements mcmditiore imposed upon Me particular rnndifional use by apoiceble district regulations (example: buNaryards, distanw between users) ❑ In the same!after, describe whether the proposed conditional use will, or will not cause substantial harm to Me value, use, or eni lymard of other property in the neighborhood. Also, dasonbe how the proposed condRbnal use will add to Me Value, use or enjoyment of other pmperty In Me neighborhood. ❑ Application of site plan appmval (Section 47, see attached Form'B7. ❑ The rile p an submission Shea meet the requirements aSection 47�Sde Pla7ljeor/jrerr)Pn s. ❑ AI! roml mal use and conxbhonal use aPPticafions are assumed ro e wmPle(e when erd will be pieced on the agenda for public hearing at the discretion of Me staf. Based on Me she of the agenda, your application may be scheduled to a Isterdate. ❑ Allpudmhearingsw111beopenedandtesbmonygimnbyapplicanfsandiWt dedatzenry Poblicheadrgamsybewallmrsdto Me next public hearing. Pubfic hearings will not ba tabled. ❑ Any changes to a arts plan (no matter how minor or mayor) approved with a condidaal use of conditional use permit can only be approved by city council through the public hearing process. ❑ I have read and understand all Me requirements as set forth by Me application far condltional use or amddional use permit and acknowledge that ell ra(�uirements of this a���on have been met at Me time of submittal. PART 4. SIGNATURE Tb AUTHORIZE L`DNDITIONAL USE RE UEST AND PLACE A CONDITIONAL USE REQUEST SIGN ON THE SUBJECT PROPERTY ence(a�StRr _ v,�fAppgmnYSNem /%J( anYsSgrraure: Tho stare of County `11�ry �,I^'i fi1rn, ,/ Betae Me Ni 4VI Ina..) N1 \N on Mkdaypenunalrappeared e` krewn to me (or proved to me on Me mill o card or offer document) to be Me person whose name is subscdbad to the faregoMg m34WMent and ackrrowkdgad to nra Mof he executed fha soma mr Me pummes and consideration thesM expmssed (Seal) Given order my haMaM seal doM'ca Mrs day of. A D. 0\ 4 NHKI M.MLLER �_ �✓T y)���1 y/�r� f� Elm �1 MY=ryM1 111871480 :RY.�'` - EIWLBsMYdi17, 7o15 Notarr n Store Tee:era/ Pd pory -xQC am !! , LP _ P/ r�9a+arra The Stain of 1Y County Of �rAr1 'lArl'1 Befaa Me fU l Y 1! 1 A m fnla ear mrsmagr appease �� IM W h CcY7'-IQ,L__ rnorery) (MopartY °w"erJ known to me for proved re me on the cam ai card a other (1oament) to be the parson whose name ,s subscnbed to Me faegdng Instrument and acknowledged to me Met he executed the same for the purposes and cowderation Maain expressed. (Sea) Given under my herd and seal ofof7ee this dayaiMk, _ k..,. A ill Qon :. NIKKI M. MILLER r\i�'{I'�i/1� I' y1j ."` MY May IDi11671480 �l Cb/� A $,600 BOMSMereh 17, 2028 Notaryn eaiex Em mooawd/ JUL 05 i0� L V 1 (��By:..................... - IV1 I"PART 1. APPLICANT INFORMATION Name of applicant/ageM./company/confacf RberTex, L L C. Sean address ofapplicant/agent PO Box 65621 CAy/Slue/Z u Code uapplcant/agent: Lubbock, TX 79464 Telephone number Of applicant/agent: 469.367-8926 itit R&;nn CITY OF GRAPEVINE SITE PLAN APPLICATION Form "B" Fax nvmDer olapploanl/ageu Emalt address of applicant/agent I Mobile phone number of applicamAegenf 469-367-6926 1 AppRmWs interest M sublectPrepedy' I Tenant I PART JZROpERTY INFQRMATION SWued ress IroPe 623 E Oa6az Rd I Legal description olaubfactploparty (metes d bountls muu be tlesrnLetl on 8 f/2"x if"sheaf) 1I NB TRIGG GROCERY ADDITION ARCHAF Lot2 Biock 1 Addition LEONARD SURVEY 946TR31A ABSTR Sin of subject popery Ar " Prevau zoning ciassucefom Probbead use of the properly: Light Industrial I Construction Office G" a Varietal descipfion offhe proposed use or uses for the proposed development' and equipment when needed Zoning ordinance irronson requiring a fionu use: I PART 3. PRq�ER'JY OWNER INFORMATION Name of grope owner. Kimball Rd LP Street address of property owner 41M Heritage Ave, Suile 105 City/ State lZp Corle olpmperty owner: Gm mnime, TX 76051 Telephone number ofpropeky owrrer. I Fax number otpreperty owner. 617-3566600 �m6L§��, IURrpnr,.. Im U Z2r39 U60 Square Wage ❑ Aftachepnalplat, orrepla(ofthe appravedsubdivislen by cirycouncllshowingpropertybounderylirtes, dimensions, easements, roadways, faNNnea, end publie fights -of way creasing and adjacent to the bscl (f blueline coPY) ❑ Ifa moslerdevelopment plan wrequoid, apach a statement showing the tuoposeduse substandallycon(ores to the masterdevelopmeM plan. ❑ Subrru't a so plan showing allirrlormationrequired by Seobon47.E., Site Plan revlewregmrements(see aftachedrequiremeals). ❑ Provide sh requhed in(ormaflen demonstrsarq compliance with all condtgns imposed on any conditional use, stte Plan mnlng, or con"Whol use zoning. ❑ All shooters must conform to the approved concept don. AnyehatVs to a sHepian, approved with a cnnditfanal use ora corrd'tional pdfl �)NL 7b AY U&ShF( G 6F AC S' SITE %AN %1v p a,e (�eQS fAnts N,a`m/al:�(� 36o1/aam's 5lgrwturr. The5lare Of �C/.h�V..l L Y . County A �tl[-9l's (,%'-.h \ n� n7� ` 1 f f1� � (� y- BeforeW N i 1�t ' ` `. ' V `l l � i. T an NJa deYPeraonaNY aPPearetl �IiP r.- Fy 1 a9l -r (notary) - I (aichcard) known to me (o• proved to nw on the oath of card or other doeumenl) to be the parson whose name is subscribed to the foregoing Mamrment and selmowledgedto me that he executedthe sonar for the purposes and conshforthoon Mersin expressed. (Seal)GlvenundermyhorMaadsealofofficethu 5+V%_ dayof \�Jy)�1�J.5lj�I.-i}� / .AD ..;• BAr"`8', tSiKV(f M, MLLER rvamnr�AnJdfws�are tllrexa�UQ �n '*,}NY h!y NMNyIDY 111f71180 --5'yro„aR'-E:fpttea MarrJt 17,=6 PAnf Yraperly UwnNam2.� LP Prop MY OwnK's�ghaNre a The stare or J"C) S Gmrn"t" I�/ fi� p1/ T V J Before MeA A �(Lj �t�1on this daypersoneuy appsared II.{m �1'Vt x-l`L�IOr _ (nehA,) (property, owner) known to ma (or proved to on; on the oath or carol or other &Cement) to be the person whose nerve is subscribed to the foregoing Instrument and aclnowledged to mu that he executed the same for the pu sand cooside f= th"In expressed. (Seel)ClvenuMrmyhardandseelofo oMr's tley of LA`, .A.O. J[J[lIV I- ` ke�r=ryM. MILER � My Nolery"17,2 00 Mre O/resaa�l4• EvpVea March t7,2025 M�IgQVLgJUL 05 2022 cm �I ..................... Otoor V PLATTING VERIFICATION This verification statement must be signed prior To the submittal of this conditional use application It has been determined that the property described below does require platting or replatting and the applicant has been instructed on this procedure. It has been determined that the property described below is currently platted or does not require platting or replatting at this time. Address of subject property 6621 4� Dk A i M Legal description of subject property Lc A- 1 . ?A r ry, I_ IA.J . F�, 7-rlylGG,I CIWc Lc Vt-I Public Works Department Date This form must be signed by the public works department and submitted along with a completed application to the planning services department G (C agLwgff)D JUL 0 5 2022 By: ..................... C777 CMIV ILLUMINATION PLAN An illumination plan to include a site photometric (including illuminated signs) and all fixture details shall be submitted as part of the site plan review process. Applications will not be accepted without this requirement. I hereby acknowledge that an illumination plan has been included as a part of this submittal. Applicant Signature Date: ) - Z1, 7 L Property Owner Signature ez Date: l ZZ G3L�C�1 �'rmli�DD SEP r CM , ') ' q ACKNOWLEDGEMENT All Conditional Use and Special Use Applications are assumed to be complete when filed and will be placed on the agenda for public hearing at the discretion of the staff. Based on the size of the agenda, your application may be scheduled to a later date. All public hearings will be opened and testimony given by applicants and interested citizenry. Public hearings may be continued to the next public hearing. Public hearings will not be tabled. Any changes to a site plan (no matter how minor or major) approved with a conditional use or a special use permit can only be approved by city council through the public hearing process. Any application for a change in zoning or for an amendment to the zoning ordinance shall have, from the date of submittal, a period of four months to request and be scheduled on an agenda before the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council. If after said period of four months an application has not been scheduled before the Commission and Council said application shall be considered withdrawn, with forfeiture of all filing fees. The application, along with the required filing fee may be resubmitted any time thereafter for reconsideration. Delays in scheduling applications before the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council created by city staff shall not be considered a part of the four month period. I have read and understand all of the requirements as set forth by the application for conditional use or special use permit and acknowledge that all requirements of this application have been met at the time of submittal. Signature ofApplicanKQ.�1 Date: i ' -2 - Z Signature of Owner Date: / /Z' ll Z /- C f�CIC9�D 0 6 C)MI �' �� 10/11/2022 FiberTex, L.L.C. 623 E Dallas Road Grapevine, TX 76051 To whom it may concern: FiberTex, L.L.C. is a utility construction company that places fiber optic cable in the Right of Way to deliver internet for multiple companies in the DFW area. When we needed a new office, Grapevine was a clear favorite due to both location in DFW and surrounding ourselves with like minded "good" people. While we do our best to keep all of our material on the job sites, there are times that we are subject to storing that material at our office located at 623 E Dallas Rd. Conditional use request, CU22-39 is a request to allow outdoor storage in conjunction with our existing FiberTex construction trade office. The following items will be stored outside: • Spools on conduit, • Spools of fiber optic cable, and • Handholes/storage boxes for construction use Thank you, Spencer Feaster DFW Operations Manager FIBERTEM, LLC 623 East Dallas Road Block 1, Lot 1, W.B. Trigg Grocery Addition ORDINANCE NO. 2022- AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAPEVINE, TEXAS, ISSUING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CU22-39 TO ALLOW OUTDOOR STORAGE IN CONJUNCTION WITH AN EXISTING 2,734 SQUARE FOOT CONSTRUCTION TRADE OFFICE FOR BLOCK 1, LOT 1, W.B. TRIGG GROCERY ADDITION (623 EAST DALLAS ROAD) IN A DISTRICT ZONED "LI", LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT ALL IN ACCORDANCE WITH A SITE PLAN APPROVED PURSUANT TO SECTION 47 OF ORDINANCE NO.82-73 AND ALL OTHER CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS AND SAFEGUARDS IMPOSED HEREIN; CORRECTING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP; PRESERVING ALL OTHER PORTIONS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE; PROVIDING A CLAUSE RELATING TO SEVERABILITY; DETERMINING THAT THE PUBLIC INTERESTS, MORALS AND GENERAL WELFARE DEMAND THE ISSUANCE OF THIS CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT; PROVIDING A PENALTY NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS ($2,000.00); DECLARING AN EMERGENCY AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE WHEREAS, an application was made requesting issuance of a conditional use permit by making applications for same with the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Grapevine, Texas, as required by State statutes and the zoning ordinance of the City of Grapevine, Texas, and all the legal requirements, conditions and prerequisites having been complied with, the case having come before the City Council of the City of Grapevine, Texas, after all legal notices requirements, conditions and prerequisites having been complied with; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Grapevine, Texas, at a public hearing called by the City Council did consider the following factors in making a determination as to whether this requested conditional use permit should be granted or denied: safety of the motoring public and the pedestrians using the facilities in the area immediately surrounding the site; safety from fire hazards and measures for fire control; protection of adjacent property from flood or water damages, noise producing elements, and glare of the vehicular and stationary lights and effect of such lights on established character of the neighborhood; location, lighting, and types of signs and relation of signs to traffic control and adjacent property, street size and adequacy of width for traffic reasonably expected to be generated by the proposed use around the site and in the immediate neighborhood; adequacy of parking as determined by requirements of this ordinance for off-street parking facilities; location of ingress and egress points for parking and off-street locating spaces, and protection of public health by surfacing on all parking areas to control dust, effect on the promotion of health and the general welfare; effect on light and air; the effect on the overcrowding of the land; the effect on the concentration of population; the effect on the transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks and other facilities; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Grapevine, Texas, at a public hearing called by the City Council of the City of Grapevine, Texas, did consider the following factors in making a determination as to whether this requested conditional use permit should be granted or denied; effect on the congestion of the streets, the fire hazards, panics and other dangers possibly present in the securing of safety from same, the effect on the promotion of health and the general welfare, effect on adequate light and air, the effect on the overcrowding of the land, the effect on the concentration of population, the effect on the transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks and other public facilities; and WHEREAS, all of the requirements of Section 48 of Ordinance No. 82-73 have been satisfied by the submission of evidence at a public hearing; and WHEREAS, the City Council further considered among other things the character of the existing zoning district and its peculiar suitability for particular uses and with the view to conserve the value of buildings and encourage the most appropriate use of land throughout this City; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Grapevine, Texas, does find that there is a public necessity for the granting of this conditional use permit, that the public demands it, that the public interest clearly requires the amendment, that the zoning changes do not unreasonably invade the rights of those who bought or improved property with reference to the classification which existed at the time their original investment was made; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Grapevine, Texas, does find that the conditional use permit lessens the congestion in the streets, helps secure safety from fire, panic and other dangers, prevents the overcrowding of land, avoids undue concentration of population, facilitates the adequate provisions of transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks and other public requirements; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Grapevine, Texas, has determined that there is a necessity and need for this conditional use permit and has also found and determined that there has been a change in the conditions of the property surrounding and in close proximity to the property requested for a change since this property was originally classified and, therefore, feels that the issuance of this conditional use permit for the particular piece of property is needed, is called for, an is in the best interest of the public at large, the citizens of the City of Grapevine, Texas, and helps promote the general health, safety and welfare of this community. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAPEVINE, TEXAS: Ordinance No. 2022-073 2 Section 1. That the City does hereby issue a conditional use permit in accordance with Section 48 of Ordinance No. 82-73, the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Grapevine, Texas, same being also known as Appendix "D" of the City Code, by granting Conditional Use Permit CU22-39 to allow outdoor storage (FiberTex) in conjunction with a construction trade office in a district zoned "LI", Light Industrial District within the following described property: Block 1, Lot 1, W.B. Trigg Grocery Addition (623 East Dallas Road) all in accordance with a site plan approved pursuant to Section 47 of Ordinance No. 82-73, attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit "A", and all other conditions, restrictions, and safeguards imposed herein, including but not limited to the following: None. Section 2. The City Manager is hereby directed to amend the official zoning map of the City of Grapevine, Texas, to reflect the herein conditional use permit. Section 3. That in all other respects the use of the tract or tracts of land herein above described shall be subject to all the applicable regulations contained in said City of Grapevine zoning ordinance and all other applicable and pertinent ordinances of the City of Grapevine, Texas. Section 4. That the zoning regulations and districts as herein established have been made in accordance with the comprehensive plan for the purpose of promoting health, safety, morals and the general welfare of the community. They have been designed with respect to both present conditions and the conditions reasonably anticipated to exist in the foreseeable future; to lessen congestion in the streets, to secure safely from fire, panic, flood and other dangers; provide adequate light and air; to prevent overcrowding of land, to avoid undue concentration of population; facilitate the adequate provisions of transportation, water, sewerage, drainage and surface water, parks and other public requirements, and to make adequate provisions for the normal business, commercial needs and development of the community. They have been made with reasonable consideration, among other things, of the character of the district, and its peculiar suitability for the particular uses and with a view of conserving the value of buildings and encouraging the most appropriate use of land throughout the community. Section 5. This ordinance shall be cumulative of all other ordinances of the City of Grapevine, Texas, affecting zoning and shall not repeal any of the provisions of said ordinances except in those instances where provisions of those ordinances which are in direct conflict with the provisions of this ordinance. Section 6. That the terms and provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed to be severable and that if the validity of the zoning affecting any portion of the tract or tracts of land described herein shall be declared to be invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of the zoning of the balance of the tract or tracts of land described herein. Ordinance No. 2022-073 3 Section 7. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in a sum not to exceed Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) and a separate offense shall be deemed committed upon each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues. Section 8. The fact that the present ordinances and regulations of the City of Grapevine, Texas, are inadequate to properly safeguard the health, safety, morals, peace and general welfare of the inhabitants of the City of Grapevine, Texas, creates an emergency for the immediate preservation of the public business, property, health, safety and general welfare of the public which requires that this ordinance shall become effective from and after the date of its final passage, and it is accordingly so ordained. PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAPEVINE, TEXAS on this the 18th day of October, 2022. APPROVED: William D. Tate Mayor ATTEST: Tara Brooks City Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: Matthew C.G. Boyle City Attorney Ordinance No. 2022-073 4 i '"' �� �� � '' � �� ' � "' "' � �l.Il'�i�d'dil l�Ild Bill1111�II.IIIii IiIdll,ll�lIIIIIIIId IIIIIIItlW10111JIIIliiLIIIIIIILIIIIIIpIdIIIIiJiI Il lliIIIIIIiIIIJIJYIIplllulilillid�lillllldl�JIIIIIIIIIiIIIJ II �IIII�IIlilll I. I.I. II illli'llI IIIJ'iIII- 1 �11111IIIIldI le I I ICI, Id I � aI IIiI��i�I141uIl III Il�llllullll14JJlIlllli�11J11111u11 JI IIII IIIII�II dIIl1IY41dI Y � I Y WWI IYWWdIdJY I IIId IN, III III IIIYIJl411IIII�II�III�I�II II IIII II iIII I i d ldl III�I� III I141 Illii d I{Ili Ill iY�14d�IiIIIJ1111�Llllihll Ili �Ilu��llll llllll llllll IIIIYII il,11111�1 Illlldlll�l Y IJ 1u116118111ii IIIII II I I I � I lil I����ill � ill�� � �� uJi�ll I��Ii III I II II�� I I III ��e�l� I ulll�l l��I �, I'll! IIIII II Iud1lWl�llull L�III141I III II IIIIIIIUIIIIIiillllllll 11 �h4..I ddJd �dIiIII1dI�dlIIWIIIWI IJJII� Illldl ll6uIIJIII iIIIIIIlYI111111u11411JIli�eIIIIILIdiildJl JudIIIJUIl41d11ulldl14ed1�14111111�IIWII�I11W111JIdIlI1111lldlldlildlilll lull ll�IIII IIIIIIh� I I I � I. IIW IIIII I I I JI�IIi,b,Illlb,IJIIIII�II�Illlll IIIII i111J�illlli ll�II�I iIILI iIi llllldl,lll II �I del llilll,d J1114111 llllll IIIII YII III II 11 I IiIIJIJIIJIi I,LYII{ SITE ADDRESS: 623 E DALLAS RD PLANS PREPARED BY: GRAPEVINE, TX 76051 (TARRANT COUNTY) A JURISDICTION: CITY OF GRAPEVINE SITE M 80879231 SITE NAME: 623 E DALLAS RD PROJECT DESCRIPTION: FENCE REPLACEMENT *LATITUDE N 32° 55' 58.74" (NAD'83) (32.932960° N) *LONGITUDE W 970 04' 15.45" (NAD '83) (97.070945° W) *INFORMATION FROM GOOGLE EARTH SITE COORDINATES A I w v 1014:49 • A A • a • 623 E DALLAS RD GRAPEVINE, TX 76051 (TARRANT COUNTY) PROPERTY OWNER' ALL WORK AND MATERIALS SHALL BE PERFORMED AND INSTALLED IN ' - ACCORDANCE WITH THE CURRENT EDITIONS OF THE FOLLOWING CODES NAME: KIMBALL RD LP AS ADOPTED BY THE LOCAL GOVERNING AUTHORITIES. NOTHING IN THESE ADDRESS: 4100 HERITAGE AVE STE 105 PLANS IS TO BE CONSTRUED TO PERMIT WORK NOT CONFORMING TO THE CITY, STATE, ZIP: GRAPEVINE, TX 76051 LATEST EDITIONS OF THE FOLLOWING: 1. INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE 12006 EDITION) CIVIL ENGINEER: a. CITYICOUNTY ORDINANCES NAME: TOWER ENGINEERING PROFESSIONALS CODE COMPLIANCE ADDRESS: 326 TYRON RD CITY, STATE, ZIP: RALEIGH, NC 27603 CONTACT: ANDREW R. BERGLUND, P.E. GROUND SCOPE OF WORK: PHONE: (303) 566-9917 • WOODEN FENCE REMOVE 1 �1�CHAIN-LINK INSTALL FENCE CONTACT INFORMATION SCOPE OF WORK CHAIRMAN CONDITIONAL USE REQUEST CU22-39 IS A REQUEST j TO ALLOW OUTDOOR STORAGE IN CONJUNCTION WITH AN OFFICE/WAREHOUSE. CASE NAME: FIBERTEX CASE NUMBER: CU22-39 LOCATION: 623 EAST DALLAS RD DATE: MAYOR SECRETARY PLANNING SERVICES DEPARTMENT ti- DATE: SHEET: 1 OF 8 SHEET DESCRIPTION REV APPROVAL DOES NOT AUTHORIZE ANY WORK IN CONFLICT WITH ANY CODES OR ORDINANCES T-1 TITLE SHEET 2 N-1 PROJECT NOTES 2 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING SERVICES C-1 OVERALL SITE PLAN/LANDSCAPE PLAN 2 C-2.1 ENLARGED SITE PLAN 1 2 TITLE SHEET C-2.2 ENLARGED SITE PLAN it 2 FOR C-2.3 ENLARGED SITE PLAN III 2 FIBERTEX C 3 ELEVATIONS 2 LOT 1, BLOCK 1, W.B. TRIGG GROCERY ADDITION C-4 FENCE DETAIL 2 CITY OF GRAPEVINE, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS FT. 10,357 SQ. "LI" LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT LOCATION MAP INDEX OF SHEETS DATE E OF PREPARATION: SEPTEMBER 22, 2022 Ii111Y 1�1, Il�dl�l� IJ,IIII II11,11,41II IIIIIdI I lilt ll lli�4111 II�IIJI III idlllYhlll'll ,'I 1, I 111 �ld 'I ,IIIII '� �� I�Y41111dd�11 II'llllil141li Jlild I II I I I il�dml'd I W III, II dllilll II,1'I�IIII IYddIIl I�I1111 1 Illil, I III I�II.I lil4d I� II II',I JI,II II II I Ildl ll ll lli� 11 YI III II II 1111114111 'llo III dell Ill. 1 I1111111 IIYYI IIIII I'll II IYI'I ll III Id.11�l I I IY'I� IIIeIli1111WiI lY Y 1111k IIIA I',illll II IJ,IIi IdA 1111 I11'I' Y'ddIL111411 oidb lul lull l ,I'lll 111IIIII II III dI dl ldllill ll;l,l 1 Itl111W11b11I 1114161 d�la�l'll, iII II Id llllll' IIIIIIIIb InYullldYll'�IJwll'I WdaIli lil' III I'll llidlll TOWER ENGINEERING PROFESSIONALS 326 TYRON RD RALEIGH, NC 27603 OFFICE: (919) 703-5895 www.tepgroup.net TX FIRM#: F-19415 2 1 0/ 1 1122 CONSTRUCTION 1 10/05/22 CONSTRUCTION 0 09/22/22 CON5TRUCTION A 09/06/22 PRELIMINARY REV DATE ISSUED FOR: DRAWN BY: DR5 I CHECKED BY: HMMI SEAL: _ iJ ANDREW RAGNA.. BERGLUND i 141230 %err I AO I«�Mait�S,S October 11, 2022 SHEET NUMBER: REVISION: T-1 SHEET: I OF 8 ru I luow li�I'II I lu Il�lll ��dld I I11 �, Ird��l l,l�u I 1, n� l l�l I I I I I �� I I I I I'II .I Il,aleL i,ll Lld.I.I PROJECT INFORMATION: PROJECT NOTES: STANDARD NOTES: 623E DALLAS RD 76051 1. ALL WORK PRESENTED ON THESE DRAWINGS MUST BE COMPLETED BY THE CONTRACTOR UNLESS NOTED GRAPEVINE, TX COUNTY) 1. REFUSE DISPOSAL AREAS SHALL BE LANDSCAPED AND SCREENED FROM VIEW IN TARRANT COUNTY OTHERWISE. THE CONTRACTOR MUST HAVE CONSIDERABLE EXPERIENCE IN PERFORMANCE OF WORK SIMILAR ACCORDANCE WITH THE ZONING ORDINANCE. TO THAT DESCRIBED HEREIN. BY ACCEPTANCE OF THIS ASSIGNMENT, THE CONTRACTOR IS ATTESTING THAT HE DOES HAVE SUFFICIENT EXPERIENCE AND ABILITY, THAT HE IS KNOWLEDGEABLE OF THE WORK TO BE 2. MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT INCLUDING AIR CONDITIONING UNITS, SHALL BE PERFORMED AND THAT HE IS PROPERLY LICENSED AND PROPERLY REGISTERED TO DO THIS WORK IN THE STATE OF TEXAS. DESIGNED, INSTALLED, AND OPERATED TO MINIMIZE NOISE IMPACT ON SURROUNDING PROPERTY. ALL SUCH EQUIPMENT SHALL BE SCREENED FROM PUBLIC VIEW IN ACCORDANCE PLANS PREPARED BY: 2. WORK SHALL BE COMPLETED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE 2006 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE. WITH THE ZONING ORDINANCE. 3. UNLESS SHOWN OR NOTED OTHERWISE ON THE CONTRACT DRAWINGS, OR IN THE SPECIFICATIONS, THE FOLLOWING NOTES SHALL APPLY TO THE MATERIALS LISTED HEREIN, AND TO THE PROCEDURES TO BE USED ON THIS PROJECT. 4. ALL HARDWARE ASSEMBLY MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS SHALL BE FOLLOWED EXACTLY AND SHALL SUPERSEDE ANY CONFLICTING NOTES ENCLOSED HEREIN. 5. IT IS THE CONTRACTOR'S SOLE RESPONSIBILITY TO DETERMINE ERECTION PROCEDURE AND SEQUENCE TO INSURE THE SAFETY OF THE STRUCTURE AND IT'S COMPONENT PARTS DURING ERECTION AND/OR FIELD MODIFICATIONS. THIS INCLUDES, BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO, THE ADDITION OF TEMPORARY BRACING, GUYS OR TIE DOWNS THAT MAY BE NECESSARY. SUCH MATERIAL SHALL BE REMOVED AND SHALL REMAIN THE PROPERTY OF THE CONTRACTOR AFTER THE COMPLETION OF THE PROJECT. 6. ALL DIMENSIONS, ELEVATIONS, AND EXISTING CONDITIONS SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS SHALL BE FIELD VERIFIED BY THE CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO BEGINNING ANY MATERIALS ORDERING, FABRICATION OR CONSTRUCTION WORK ON THIS PROJECT. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT SCALE CONTRACT DRAWINGS IN LIEU OF FIELD VERIFICATIONS. ANY DISCREPANCIES SHALL BE IMMEDIATELY BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE OWNER AND THE OWNER'S ENGINEER. THE DISCREPANCIES MUST BE RESOLVED BEFORE THE CONTRACTOR IS TO PROCEED WITH THE WORK. THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS DO NOT INDICATE THE METHOD OF CONSTRUCTION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUPERVISE AND DIRECT THE WORK AND SHALL BE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL CONSTRUCTION MEANS, METHODS, TECHNIQUES, SEQUENCES, AND PROCEDURES OBSERVATION VISITS TO THE SITE BY THE OWNER AND/OR THE ENGINEER SHALL NOT INCLUDE INSPECTION OF THE PROTECTIVE MEASURES OR THE PROCEDURES, 7 ALL MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT FURNISHED SHALL BE NEW AND OF GOOD QUALITY, FREE FROM FAULTS AND DEFECTS AND IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. ANY AND ALL SUBSTITUTIONS MUST BE PROPERLY APPROVED AND AUTHORIZED IN WRITING BY THE OWNER AND ENGINEER PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE AS TO THE KIND AND QUALITY OF THE MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT BEING SUBSTITUTED. 8. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR INITIATING, MAINTAINING, AND SUPERVISING ALL SAFETY PRECAUTIONS AND PROGRAMS IN CONNECTION WITH THE WORK. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ENSURING THAT THIS PROJECT AND RELATED WORK COMPLIES WITH ALL APPLICABLE LOCAL, STATE, AND FEDERAL SAFETY CODES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING THIS WORK. 9, ACCESS TO THE PROPOSED WORK SITE MAY BE RESTRICTED. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE INTENDED CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY, INCLUDING WORK SCHEDULE AND MATERIALS ACCESS, WITH THE RESIDENT LEASING AGENT FOR APPROVAL. 10. ALL PERMITS THAT MUST BE OBTAINED ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR. THE CONTRACTOR WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ABIDING BY ALL CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS OF THE PERMITS. 11. IF APPLICABLE, ALL CONCRETE WORK SHALL COMPLY TO LOCAL CODES AND THE ACI 318-11, "BUILDING REQUIREMENTS FOR STRUCTURAL CONCRETE". 12. ALL TOWER DIMENSIONS SHALL BE VERIFIED WITH THE PLANS (LATEST REVISION) PRIOR TO COMMENCING CONSTRUCTION. NOTIFY THE ENGINEER IMMEDIATELY IF ANY DISCREPANCIES ARE DISCOVERED. THE OWNER SHALL HAVE A SET OF APPROVED PLANS AVAILABLE AT THE SITE AT ALL TIMES WHILE WORK IS BEING PERFORMED. A DESIGNATED RESPONSIBLE EMPLOYEE SHALL BE AVAILABLE FOR CONTACT BY GOVERNING AGENCY INSPECTORS. 13. ALL TOWER MODIFICATION WORK SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH TIA-1019-A STANDARD FOR INSTALLATION. ALTERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF ANTENNA SUPPORTING STRUCTURES AND ANTENNAS. 3. OPEN STORAGE, WHERE PERMITTED, SHALL BE SCREENED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ZONING ORDINANCE. 4. THE MASONRY REQUIREMENTS OF SECTION 54 OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE SHALL BE MET. 5. ILLUMINATED SIGNAGE WAS INCLUDED IN THE DETERMINATION OF THE SITE ILLUMINATION LEVELS. 6. OUTDOOR LIGHTING SHALL COMPLY WITH ILLUMINATION STANDARDS WITHIN SECTION 55 OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE UNLESS SPECIFICALLY EXCEPTED 7. PROPOSED GROUND SIGNAGE SHALL MEET THE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS OF SECTION 60 OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE AND IS CONTINGENT UPON APPROVAL OF A SEPARATE BUILDING PERMIT WITH BUILDING SERVICES. 8. ALL ONSITE ELECTRICAL CONDUCTORS ASSOCIATED WITH NEW CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE LOCATED UNDERGROUND. 9. USES SHALL CONFORM IN OPERATION, LOCATION, AND CONSTRUCTION TO THE FOLLOWING PERFORMANCE STANDARDS IN SECTION 55 OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE: NOISE, SMOKE AND PARTICULATE MATTER, ODOROUS MATTER, FIRE OR EXPLOSIVE HAZARD MATERIAL, TOXIC AND NOXIOUS MATTER, VIBRATION, AND/OR OTHER PERFORMANCE STANDARDS. 10. ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE CITY OF GRAPEVINE SOIL EROSION CONTROL ORDINANCE SHALL BE MET DURING THE PERIOD OF CONSTRUCTION. CONDITIONAL USE REQUEST CU22-39 IS A REQUEST TO ALLOW OUTDOOR STORAGE IN CONJUNCTION WITH AN OFFICE/WAREHOUSE CASE NAME: FIBERTEX CASE NUMBER: CU22-39 LOCATION: 623 EAST DALLAS RD MAYOR SECRETARY DATE: PLANNING SERVICES DEPARTMENT CHAIRMAN DATE: SHEET: 2 OF 8 APPROVAL DOES NOT AUTHORIZE ANY WORK IN CONFLICT WITH ANY CODES OR ORDINANCES. TOWER ENGINEERING PROFESSIONALS 326 TYRON RD RALEIGH, NC 27603 OFFICE: (909) 703-6351 www.tepgroup.net TX FIRM#: F-19415 llmm October 11, 2022 2 10111122 CONSTRUCTION 1 10/05/22 CONSTRUCTION 0 09/22/22 CONSTRUCTION A 09/OG/22 PRELIMINARY REV DATE ISSUED FOR: DRAWN BY: DR5 1 CHECKED BY: HMMI SHEET TITLE: DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING SERVICES PROJECT PROJECT NOTES NOTES FOR FIBERTEX LOT 1, BLOCK 1, W.B. TRIGG GROCERY ADDITION SHEET NUMBER: REVISION: CITY OF GRAPEVINE, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS 10,357 SO. FT. 2 ZONE: "LI" LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT N-1 DATE OF PREPARATION: SEPTEMBER 22, 2022 SHEET: 2 OF 8 y , „ ,,, I. ............ ,,,................. ,, ,, ,,,, , ,,,,„ „....................... ... ., , ,I ,,. , . , ,,,, . .. „ ., ., „ , .. , , „, , ,, ,,,,,,,,. , ..., I. , ., . , . „ .„ „,,,, ,..,,..., NOTES: ............ .... ...... „„ „ , I,I,, ..,,,,,,„ „ , , ,. „ ,. „ , , „ ,, , , ,,, ,l „ „ „ , „ , , , ,,,,, , -, „,, ........ ,, „ PROJECT INFORMATION: SITE DATA CHART 1. SITE PLAN DETAILS SHOWN BELOW PROVIDED BY LOCAL GIS. — 2. ALL GROUNDWORK TO BE PERFORMED WITHIN EXISTING LEASE AREA. NO PROPOSED ADDITIONS TO BUILDING HEIGHT I -STORY, 15' `-------' -- 623 E DALLAS RD GRAPEVINE, TX 76051 3. EXISTING SITE FOOTPRINT. SECTION 43.E.3., NONCONFORMING USES AND STRUCTURES ALLOWS THE BOARD OF ZONING BUILDING AREA 2,734 SO. FT. OR 0.06 AC. (TARRANT COUNTY) ADJUSTMENT TO APPROVE THE REMODELING AND/OR ENLARGEMENT OF A NONCONFORMING USE. TOTAL LOT AREA 10,357 SO. FT. OR 0.24 AC. �J FF1TI 1 THE BOARD APPROVED A SPECIAL EXCEPTION TO ALLOW THE EXISTING STRUCTURE AND PROPERTY TO ' REMAIN AS DEVELOPED. TOTAL OPEN SPACE AREA 1,152 SO. F7. OR 0.03 AC. ------------,-- -+—r ------------- ••. 4. SECTION 31.F.1., "LI" LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT, DENSITY REGULATIONS, REQUIRES A MINIMUM LOT TOTAL PAVED AREA 6,468 SO. FT. OR 0.15 AC. I E°" °"° AREA OF 20,000 SQUARE FEET. PLANS PREPARED BY: THE BOARD APPROVED A VARIANCE TO ALLOW A LOT AREA OF 10,357 SQUARE FEET FOR AN EXISTING LOT. 5. SECTION 31.G.1., "LI" LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT, AREA REGULATIONS, REQUIRES A MINIMUM LOT VICINITY MAP WIDTH OF 100 FEET. Site Plan Data Summary Table THE BOARD APPROVED A VARIANCE TO ALLOW A LOT WIDTH OF 80 FEET FOR AN EXISTING LOT. 6. SECTION 31.G.2., "LI" LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT, AREA REGULATIONS, REQUIRES A MINIMUM LOT Item Requked Proposed ®l1 DEPTH OF 150 FEET. Gawal MW daUI THE BOARD APPROVED A VARIANCE TO ALLOW A LOT DEPTH OF 129 FEET FOR AN EXISTING LOT. "it",Ughttndustr:ai 11'jightlndustr�al 7. BZA10-16 APPROVED ON DECEMBER 6, 2021 BY THE BOARD OF ZONING ADJUSTMENT ALLOWED #3-6 Zran:ng(trornzoningmap) Drs"nc4 DIstrrct ZONING: LI Lanc Use (train Zonvp Ordinance; Include all app€rtacle ?ft.,e/. ar ehouse with f -lest N/A outdoor storage Total Lot Area (<quale feet and acres) :0,000 sq ft/0,459 acre 10 3157 sq ftf0.217 Total Burimng Area ?sge:are feet} 5,178 sq If 2, 734 sq tt BLOCK 1, LOT 1 I Building Height (feet) 50feet � 13-feet CONNEICAMPBELL ADDITION I # 79'-0"t 34'-O" t 5 A A ® A 0 I M 0 H i 0 0 I � EXISTING BUILDING EXISTING NON -PERMANENT _ LOT 1, BLOCK 1 REFUSE CONTAINER TO BE �' --•-. 10,357 SQ. FT. OR STORED BEHIND PROPOSED _ 0.24 ACRE FENCE FOR SCREENING v BUILDING HEIGHT:13'-O" o BUILDING AREA:2,734 01 SQ. FT. Ir narlang fiat66 (from Zoos rig Ordrnancel 7 .> wwM10" Area 8ui€ding wootp,,rt Area (square feet) 7?4 sq ft Area of Srdesvaiks, Pavement & otter impervious F'latwrrk (Square feetf 6,463 sq ft TOWER ENGINEERING PROFESSIONALS 326 TYRON RD RALEIGH, NC 27603 OFFICE: (909) 703-6351 www.tepgroup.net TX FIRM#: F-19415 Total Otcn Spare Lsquare feet and free Celnage) 1553 sq tti 151. 1,152 zq W12% Total Imper noun Area (square feet and percentages 8'30? sq ft/ 85% 9,202 sq ft/ 88% v BLOCK 1, LOT 2 1 SEAL: W.B. TRIGG GROCERY ADDITION PROPOSED STORAGE AREA 12'-2"t 45'-0"t 22'-0"t I623 EAST DALLAS RD LEGEND I ZONING: LI ZONING: LI EXIST. PROPERTY LINE � —R/W it 0 R/W — -R/W— — O PROPERTY CORNER - - - - - - ADJ. PROPERTY LINE BLOCK 1, LOT 1 _ N/F: KIMBALL RD LP W.B. TRIGG GROCERY ADDITION E DALLAS RD PARCEL #: 80879231 --R/W-- RIGHT-OF-WAY \ CONDITIONAL USE REQUEST CU22-39 IS A REQUEST TO ALLOW OUTDOOR STORAGE IN CONJUNCTION WITH AN OFFICE/WAREHOUSE, CASE NAME: FIBERTEX CASE NUMBER: CU22-39 LOCATION: 623 EAST DALLAS RD MAYOR SECRETARY DATE: PLANNING SERVICES DEPARTMENT CHAIRMAN DATE: SHEET: 3 OF 8 APPROVAL DOES NOT AUTHORIZE ANY WORK IN CONFLICT WITH ANY CODES OR ORDINANCES. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING SERVICES OVERALL SITE PLAN/LANDSCAPE PLAN FOR FIBERTEX LOT 1, BLOCK 1, W.B. TRIGG GROCERY ADDITION CITY OF GRAPEVINE, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS 10,357 SO. FT. ZONE: "LI" LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT DATE OF PREPARATION: SEPTEMBER 22, 2022 October 11, 2022 2 10/ 1 1122 CON5TRUCTION 1 10/05/22 CONSTRUCTION 0 09/22/22 CON5TRUCTION A 09/OG/22 PRELIMINARY REV DATE ISSUED FOR: DRAWN BY: DR5 ( CHECKED BY: HMMI SHEET TITLE: OVERALL SITE PLAN/LANDSCAPE PLAN SHEET NUMBER: REVISION: OVERALL SITE PLAN/LANDSCAPE PLAN o 3? 64 C-1 2 SCALE: 1/32" = V-0" SCALE IN FEET SHEET: 3 Of 9 PROJECT INFORMATION: NOTE: MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF EQUIPMENT STORED BEHIND PROPOSED FENCE '-- ---- 623 E DALLAS RD NOT TO EXCEED 8 FEET GRAPEVINE, TX 76051 79'-O" t (TARRANT COUNTY) 22'-0't 34'-0"t 22'-0"t -------1----------------------- PROPOSED STORAGE AREA (TYP) ' PLANS PREPARED BY: 0 I to 0 I EXISTING i i GRASS X/,/, ,i i 12'-0"t e - _I EXISTING GRASS EXISTING EDGE OF CURB PROPOSED SCREENING FENCE VICINITY MAP SITE DATA CHART BUILDING HEIGHT 1-STORY, 15' BUILDING AREA 2,734 SO. FT. OR 0.06 AC. TOTAL LOT AREA 10,357 SQ. FT, OR 0.24 AC. i/ LXISTING i./ TOTAL OPEN SPACE AREA 1,152 SO. FT. OR 0.03 AC. EXISTING BUILDING EL j GRAV/ LOT 1, BLOCK 1 //: , TOTAL PAVED AREA 10,357 SO. FT. OR 0.24 ACRE /i BUILDING HEIGHT:13'-0" BUILDING AREA:2,734 SO. FT. ;" , rf /' RIGHT-❑F-WAY i - DEDICATI❑N AREA EASEMENT DEDICATION AREA NET PLATTED AREA 45'-0"t 22'-0"t TOTAL PLATTED J AREA I � I EXISTING 9'-0" X 18'-0" — EXISTING ASPHALT PARKING STALL (TYP) PARKING LOT EXISTING SIDEWALK �! s I I � LEGEND E DALLAS RD — X — SCREENING FENCE EDGE OF CURB 6,468 SQ. FT. OR 0.15 AC. 0 (ZERO) SO. FT. 2,402 SO. FT. OR 0.06 AC. 10,357 SO. FT. OR 0.24 AC. 10,357 SO. FT. OR 0.24 AC. CONDITIONAL USE REQUEST CU22-39 IS A REQUESTON TO ALLOW OUTDOOR STORAGE IN CONJUNCTI I WITH AN OFFICE/WAREHOUSE. EXISTING PROPERTY LINE CASE NAME: FIBERTEX CASE NUMBER: CU LOCATION: 623 EASTSTDALLAS RD DATE: MAYOR SECRETARY PLANNING SERVICES DEPARTMENT TOWER ENGINEERING PROFESSIONALS 326 TYRON RD RALEIGH, NC 27603 OFFICE: (909) 703-6351 www.tepgroup.net TX FIRMM F-19415 SEAL: ANDRE'N RAGNAR BER LUND .................................... '0 141230 a> AV NA1_ October 11, 2022 CHAIRMAN 2 10/ 1 1122 CONSTRUCTION DATE: 1 10/05/22 CONSTRUCTION SHEET: 4 OF 8 0 09/22/22 CONSTRUCTION r A 09/06/22 PRELIMINARY EXISTING APPROVAL DOES NOT AUTHORIZE ANY WORK IN GRASS CONFLICT WITH ANY CODES OR ORDINANCES. REV DATE ISSUED FOR: ( DRAWN BY: DR5 I CHECKED BY: HMMI DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING SERVICES —_ENLARGED SITE PLAN I SHEET TITLE: FOR FIERTEX ENLARGED SITE LOT 1, BLOCK 1, W.BBTRGG GROCERY ADDITION CITY OF GRAPEVINE, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS PLAN 10,357 SO. FT ZONE: "LI" LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT DATE OF PREPARATION: SEPTEMBER 22, 2022 SHEET NUMBER: REVISION: ENLARGED SITE PLAN I 40 2 0 20,C SCALE: 1" = 20'-0" SCALEN FEET ® SHEET: 4 OF 8 „. 1,1 NOTE: _ 79'-O"t G PROJECT INFORMATION: MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF ' EQUIPMENT STORED ------ ------ 623 E DALLAS RD BEHIND PROPOSED FENCE 23'-0"t 34'-0"t 22�-0"t ( GRAPEVINE, TX 76051 NOT TO EXCEED 8 FEET '' i` �— (TARRANT COUNTY) rm-n ------------- PLANS PREPARED BY: VICINITY MAP SITE DATA CHART PROPOSED SCREENING FENCEAll BUILDING HEIGHT 1-STORY, 15' 014 BUILDING AREA 2,734 SO. FT. OR 0.06 AC. o TOTAL LOT AREA 10,357 SO. FT. OR 0.24 AC. PROPOSED STORAGE AREA TOWER ENGINEERING PROFESSIONALS TOTAL OPEN SPACE AREA 1,152 SO. FT. OR 0.03 AC. 326 TYRON RD /' ;' / , / EXISTING TOTAL PAVED AREA 6,468 SO. FT. OR 0.15 AC. RALEIGH,NC27603 ' GRASS OFFICE: (909) 703$351 �0 (ZERO) SOwww.tepgroup.net DEDICATION AREA TX FIRM#: F-19415 FT.. EASEMENT 2,402 SO. FT. OR 0.06 AC. DEDICATI❑N AREA NET PLATAREA 10,357 10,357 SO. FT. OR 0.24 AC. / TOTAL PLATTED 10,357 SO. FT. OR 0.24 AC. SEAL: +1 / / % AREA / EXISTING / CONDITIONAL USE REQUEST CU22-39 IS A REQUEST GRAVEL �% / -' I f / TO ALLOW OUTDOOR STORAGE IN CONJUNCTION F_ WITH AN OFFICE/WAREHOUSE CASE NAME: FIBERTEX EXISTING BUILDING f' f' ' / ' CASE NUMBER: CU22-39 LOT 1, BLOCK 1 / / / LOCATION: 623 EAST DALLAS RD /"•`•"E•""•• •A"•••'•••• -•.ND 10,357 SQ. FT. OR 0.24 ACRE , ANDR RAGNAR B UND DIRE ERGL / BUILDING HEIGHT:13'-0” ' l -0 141230 / BUILDING AREA:2,734 SO. FT. / / / MAYOR SECRETARY r+4 r f .. A * C� DATE: ``,` `ZO"` PLANNING SERVICES DEPARTMENT / October 11, 2022 CHAIRMAN ' 2 10/ 1 1122 CONSTRUCTION EXISTING PROPERTY LINE DATE: -- 1 10/05/22 CON5TRUCTION SHEET: 5 OF 8 0 09/22/22 CONSTRUCTION A 09/OG/22 PRELIMINARY APPROVAL DOES NOT AUTHORIZE ANY WORK IN REV DATE ISSUED FOR: 12'-0"t 45'-0"t 22'-0"t CONFLICT WITH ANY CODES OR ORDINANCES. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING SERVICES DRAWN BY: DR5 CHECKED BY: hiMMI ENLARGED SITE PLAN II SHEET TITLE: LEGEND EXISTING FOR ASPHALT FIBERTEX LOT 1, BLOCK 1, W.B. TRIGG GROCERY ADDITION ENLARGED SITE CITY OF GRAPEVINE, TARRANT 7 SO FT. COUNTY, TEXAS PLAN II — X — SCREENING FENCE ZONE: "LI" LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT DATE OF PREPARATION: SEPTEMBER 22, 2022 • SHEET NUMBER: REVISION: ENLARGED SITE PLAN 11 20 C-2.2 2 SCALE: 1" = 10'-0" 0 SCALE 10 '11FEET 1 1 1 1 1 SHEET: 5 OF 8 �� „ 1„ 1 .....i......i..ii....i.........i.i..i.i. I yy�����������i�mo�x�����i�i�����na�i�una�„ �.i........ .i... ....i ... .i........a.n,...e.....iII..........„...i...�....,I............ .... .I..i.i...e....,.i.i..........i.ma......... i...ee...i......ii..man...nme.i...nm, nai.........ni.i...ea.eni..... we........imi..w.i...inn.....mm..i....Jws.ltlmlmpinolem i w. m......u.....e...u.. ... ..ue.......I.....i..i.i...i.................o..i......„.i....,..e.e.i ,.,.........i.ni,��iii���i�����i f PROJECT INFORMATION: NOTE: MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF EQUIPMENT STORED BEHIND PROPOSED FENCE / i / i PROPOSED STORAGE Ll ______�------ NOT TO EXCEED 8 FEET ' J / AREA (TYP) 623 E DALLAS RD GRAPEVINE, TX 76051 / (TARRANT COUNTY) PROPOSED SCREENING FENCE FFf1T EXISTING BUILDING LOT 1, BLOCK 1 10,357 SO. FT. OR 0.24 ACRE Eon PLANS PREPARED BY: BUILDING HEIGHT:13'-0" BUILDING AREA:2,734 SO, FT. VICINITY MAP EXISTING 9'-0" X 18'-0" PARKING STALL (TYP) EXISTING PROPERTY LINE EXISTING ASPHALT PARKING LOT \ E /J EXISTING GRAS :__, ) LEGEND - X - SCREENING FENCE %%%% EDGE OF CURB ENLARGED SITE PLAN III SCALE: 1" = 10'-0" SITE DATA CHART — ( BUILDING HEIGHT BUILDING AREA TOTAL LOT AREA TOTAL OPEN SPACE AREA TOTAL PAVED AREA r./w 1—STORY, 15' 2,734 SO. FT. OR 0.06 AC. 10,357 SO. FT. OR 0.24 AC. 1,152 SO. FT. OR 0.03 AC. 6,468 SQ. FT. OR 0.15 AC. RIGHT—❑F—WAY 0 (ZERO) SO. FT. DEDICATION AREA EASEMENT 2,402 SO. FT. OR 0.06 AC. DEDICATION AREA NET PLATTED 10,357 SO. FT. OR 0.24 AC. AREA TOTAL PLATTED 10,357 SO. FT. OR 0.24 AC. AREA CONDITIONAL USE REQUEST CU22-39 IS A REQUEST TO ALLOW OUTDOOR STORAGE IN CONJUNCTION WITH AN OFFICE/WAREHOUSE CASE NAME: FIBERTEX CASE NUMBER: CU22-39 LOCATION: 623 EAST DALLAS RD MAYOR SECRETARY PLANNING SERVICES DEPARTMENT TOWER ENGINEERING PROFESSIONALS 326 TYRON RD RALEIGH, NC 27603 OFFICE: (909) 703-6351 www.tepgroup.net TX FIRM#: F-19415 SEAL: October 11, 2022 CHAIRMAN 2 1 0/ 1 1122 CONSTRUCTION EXISTING DATE: SHEET: 6 OF 8 - 1 10/05/22 CONSTRUCTION 0 09/22/22 CONSTRUCTION GRASS A 09/06/22 PRELIMINARY APPROVAL DOES NOT AUTHORIZE ANY WORK IN CONFLICT WITH ANY CODES OR ORDINANCES. REV DATE ISSUED FOR: DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING SERVICES ! DRAWN BY: DR5 ( CHECKED BY: HMMI ENLARGED SITE PLAN III SHEET TITLE: FOR - FIERTEX ENLARGED SITE LOT 1, BLOCK 1, W.BBTRGG GROCERY ADDITION CITY OF GRAPEVINE, TARRANTCOUNTY, TEXAS PLAN 111 1SQ. FT. ZONE: "LI" LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT DATE OF PREPARATION. SEPTEMBER 22, 2022 SHEET NUMBER: REVISION: 2SCALE IN FEET 20 ®� 3 0 10 ® SHEET: G OF 8 .it.... u........ .................. I......... .......... .e.... ......il.......w.....................uu..............m............. .... ..... ...... .... ........ ...... ...... ........ ........l..iwl.11lil... ...... .lwu......................................... ills,wig.. .... ...... i.....e...... ..... .........u. ... .w......... .J....l....w................ ........w.u..I.I.............................. .........il... .....i..........e..1...... ..a......J.....l.A.e.....i.... a ..... ..uu........... .. ..........0 .e...,.... ..I................................... 1.1............... ... .i.l.....wwl..........1...u........ .... w..... ..Au.......... ...... I.....l.l......JJ.... I.1............I............Iluill.....l..l...........l...i.I...m uliil u11,1.1111'1J'II11,111.1.1111.11"I'lil,,,"iilliiiil""I'lil'. PROJECT INFORMATION: PROPOSED 8'-0" TALL 0 EXISTING METAL BUILDING 0 WOOD FENCE a PROPOSED 9'-0" WIDE EXISTING GARAGE DOOR 623 E DALLAS RD ACCESS GATE GRAPEVINE, PROPOSED 14'-0" WIDE (TAR A601 NT COUNTY) ACCESS GATE PLANS PREPARED BY: o o 0 I i m I 0 00 v _ EXISTING BUILDING ENTRANCE EXISTING PAINTED BRICK BUILDING SOUTH ELEVATION SCALE: N.T.S. EXISTING METAL BUILDING 0 — 0 I NORTH ELEVATION SCALE: N.T.S 0 PROPOSED 8'-0" TALL WOOD FENCE -�- ---------------------------------- —E PROPOSED 8'-0" TALL WOOD FENCE EXISTING PAINTED BRICK BUILDING EAST ELEVATION SCALE: N.T.S. CONDITIONAL USE REQUEST CU22-39 IS A REQUEST TO ALLOW OUTDOOR STORAGE IN CONJUNCTION WITH AN OFFICE/WAREHOUSE. CASE NAME: FIBERTEX CASE NUMBER: CU22-39 LOCATION: 623 EAST DALLAS RD MAYOR SECRETARY DATE: PLANNING SERVICES DEPARTMENT CHAIRMAN 0 DATE: I 0 SHEET: 7 OF 8 v v .______ ------------------- _- APPROVAL DOES NOT AUTHORIZE ANY WORK IN CONFLICT WITH ANY CODES OR ORDINANCES. PROPOSED 8'-0" TALL DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING SERVICES WOOD FENCE ELEVATIONS EXISTING PAINTED FOR BRICK BUILDING FIBERTEX LOT 1, BLOCK 1, W.B. TRIGG GROCERY ADDITION CITY OF GRAPEVINE, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS WEST ELEVATION 10,357 SO FT. SCALE: N.T.S. ZONE: "LI" LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT DATE OF PREPARATION: SEPTEMBER 22, 2022 11.. I I„....1. I,11I11..1..1.,1...1.. TOWER ENGINEERING PROFESSIONALS 326 TYRON RD RALEIGH, NC 27603 OFFICE: (909) 703-6351 www.tepgroup.net TX FIRM#: F-19415 SEAL: October 11, 2022 2 10/ 1 1122 CON5TRUCTION 1 10/05/22 CONSTRUCTION 0 09/22/22 CON5TRUCTION A 09/OG/22 PRELIMINARY REV DATE ISSUED FOR: DRAWN BY: DR5 1 CHECKED BY: HMMI SHEET TITLE: ELEVATIONS SHEET NUMBER: REVISION: C-3 2 SHEET: 7 OF 8 PROJECT INFORMATION: DRAWING NOTES: OO 1x6 TREATED WOOD. ATTACH TO 2x4'S WITH HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED STEEL SCREWS. O 2x4 TREATED WOOD. ATTACH TO GALVANIZED FENCE POST WITH SUPPORT BRACKET AND %"0 X 1" LAG BOLT (TYP.) O GALVANIZED FENCE POST ® WOOD FENCE TO BE APPROPRIATELY STAINED OR PAINTED. —k; 1 II ................ I , , o EXTEND BARRIER h 4 STONE 1'-0• BEYOND FENCE ON ALL 4 SIDES 1--Ar,i s• No. s� r , � � .t FINISH GRADE STOP ` CEOTExiYLE FABRIC f " i `± i- I. 1� DRLLED PER I '1 1. 3000 P9 CONCRETE FILL MATERIALS L-_-�—� DEPTH VARIES �2" 8' HIGH FENCE LINE POST - 2" O.D. CORNER POST - 3" O.D. DRIVEWAY GATE POST - 4" 0. D. WALKWAY GATE POST - 3" O.D. WOOD FENCE DETAIL SCALE: N.T.S. FOOTINGS WOODEN FENCE ATTACHMENT BRACKET 9" X 36" 12" X 48" LINE POST - 2" O.D. 2"0 ATTACH. BRACKET 12" X 48" CORNER POST - 3" O.D. 3"0 ATTACH. BRACKET 12 X 48" DRIVEWAY GATE POST - 4" O. D. 4"0 ATTACH. BRACKET i 1 II'9 ,U. —1_., i 1 I 12„ �I ICI 1 6'-0" (TYP.) �j �— 1"X6"X8' TREATED LUMBER ATTACHED TO 2"X4" SUPPORT BRACE WITH GALVANIZED SCREWS 2"X4" PRESSURE TREATED WOOD SUPPORT BRACE (TYP.) CONDITIONAL USE REQUEST CU22-39 IS A REQUEST I TO ALLOW OUTDOOR STORAGE IN CONJUNCTION WITH AN OFFICE/WAREHOUSE. 623 E DALLAS RD GRAPEVINE, TX 76051 (TARRANT COUNTY) PLANS PREPARED BY: TOWER ENGINEERING PROFESSIONALS 326 TYRON RD RALEIGH, NC 27603 OFFICE: (909) 703-6351 www.tepgroup.net TX FIRM#: F-19415 SEAL: October 11, 2022 2 10/ 1 1122 CONSTRUCTION 1 10/05/22 CON5TRUCTION 0 09/22/22 CONSTRUCTION A 09/06/22 PRELIMINARY REV DATE ISSUED FOR: I DRAWN BY: DR5 I CHECKED BY: HMMI FENCE DETAIL SHEET TITLE: FOR FIBERTEX LOT 1, BLOCK 1, W.B. TRIGG GROCERY ADDITION CITY OF GRAPEVINE, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS FENCE DETAIL 10,357 SO. FT. ZONE: "LI" LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT DATE OF PREPARATION: SEPTEMBER 22, 2022 .- SHEET NUMBER: REVISION: C-4 2 SHEET: 8 OF 8 CASE NAME: FIBERTEX CASE NUMBER: CU22-39 LOCATION: 623 EAST DALLAS RD MAYOR SECRETARY DATE: PLANNING SERVICES DEPARTMENT CHAIRMAN DATE: SHEET: 8 OF 8 APPROVAL DOES NOT AUTHORIZE ANY WORK IN CONFLICT WITH ANY CODES OR ORDINANCES. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING SERVICES