HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1961-002.90 ORDINANCE No 61-2 AN ORDUAM GRANTING TO LOW& STAR ��,�: WS, ITS �� �� OS M A SIOU .te�A FRAM13S TO SRSOP FIXING RTES AND CHARM TOR NATURAL OAS IN NATURAL OA Y105; PR I O N VOR TRt PAYNXIT O , , R 01 CRARGE FOR US US& OT TIC STREM, ALLAS M PUSLI ME AND COAPOISt S I 11«0 AD LOI SM TAM. ORDAINED BY TVA CITY COMIL OF E Y 0 5RAMMO "- N:K= .I. E I. 0 the City Orap neo Texas, hoar x 3 KK� Balled "City,,* heroby to Quo St*r Oas C'Mroinafter called C t its sucoeaeors and as *neem to use and 000upy the PrOSMand r* stroets, alloys# highways, pu ll. plaeosp publie therovighfares and grounds of pity for the purpose of laying tying, construoting, spored g and rept e the It and themes pipellats and all other appurtenant equipment needed and nooessary to dlivr and soil gas to porsons, Was and corparotions# including 1 the genoral publie, vithin the Myts earporate limitsand tho environs thoreaft said consent King granted, for a torn of o -five 2 yoars from and after tho dato of the final passage M approval of this rl*4 SICTION P. Compony Kall lays nano eonstrAot, oporato and replaeo Its pipe* mains,, eels and othor *qvipmont so as to Interfere as jittlo as ponoible with traffic and aball promptly dean up and t to an approximate origInal ovnditien# at its east, all thoroughfares and otber surfaces Mah it may disturb.,; The location of all mains, pipes, Morals and other appurtenant. equipment shall Ue fi d under the suporKeQn of the City C ull, an anthorised committeer agent appointed by said City uA. StOTION W b Company Kall sako or oauso to bo nade exeavations or shall plaeo obstrvotlots In any stroot, olley o other publie p1see# the public shall be prMeted by barriers and lighta p1sood, erected and saintained 10y 0expanyld in the event I 'injury to any porson or danage to any propvrQ by reason of the sonstruetiou, operation or malatenasee of the gas si r bating Fite or myoton of Mpany,ay shall indeanify and keop harmless; City from anj and a..l liability. in Dorm*anon thorn , with shall repair, Man up M restero to an approxi- mate srit& rendition all atr*ots and alloys disturbed air,_ the 0onstrvetion and repair of its gas distributtal system SECTION h. IN Mitten to tho ratty ebargod for gas supplied, Company may make and entarve reason*blo*barges, Moo and regu- lations for servioe rondortdtho eonduatf its business, In- Kuting*barge for M r d in the inauguration s natural gas service, and may roquire, b*f*re furnishing servioa, h aeio; of a contrast therefor. Company shall have the and every consumer of Baso before gas serviao is commenced* a deposit of We* the amount of an estimated average monthly blll,� which said doposit may be retainod by Company until service is discontinuod and all bills thorotor have boon p0d. Company shall then Warn said deposit to th* consumer* together with six per eont NO intertst the from th* dpte of said deposit up to the date of discontinuance of ser ylee, Company shall Q entitled to apply said dopost, with aearved interest, to any indebtedness *v*4 Company by tho e*nsuxer making the deposit. SECTION T. Tho rtgbts, privileges and .franchises grantod by this aro are not to bo corod exclueW, and City hereby expressly reserves the right to grant, *t any time, like privileges, rights and Mantises as it may *** fit to any other porson or corporation for the purpose of furnisking gas for light, heat and power to and for City and the inhabitants thertof. 360THR 8, Company shall WOW roasonably ado service to the public at reasonable, Woo and charges thofer; and Company shall maintain its property, *quipment and appilanoos in good order and condition. SICTION 9. Coxpy* its successor* and assigns, agrees to pay and City age to accept on or before the first daX of April, 1962, W on or bore tho,saae da Y of ouch ca ng yoar during the UK of this franchise, up to W lueludi*g the year 1987, a sun of m ah shall be equivalont to tvo per cost W), or *aj groator p cent than tvo por **at (?%)# If autherisod and par- sitted by the Logislature of tho So of Tosas, of the gross ro- celpts roeeived by Company from the sale of gas to its domestic and oonssrsial **novmore within the aorperate Ji4s of said City Qxpressly oxeluding, hovevor, raosipts Wived from sales to In- dustrial and 90YOrnmOUtal users and eansumers In said City', for tho M annual a:::;! 0all be for the t ny Inelvding expresslyt without lialtationg tho right to use t Ott alloys and public ways of said City, And it is also exprously agro*d that tho afore- said sonnol pays *hall. bo in lieu of any and all hr addi- tional 000upation taxes, oasoxont and frasohiso taxes, or charges (vtother loviod as an ad More, special or othor character o tax or - `) , in Itev of OURAPS1IN*= Md Wan sty of taxon and stroot or alley metals or charges, and all Wor and additional Muntoipaltaxes, * t levios, Me and rentals of whatooevor kind and character Wish City may Spent or hortafter e authorized to levy and collec, excepting only the usual general r speotol ad Moron taxon, which City to authorized to levy y impose upon al and personal pry Sheaf amity not have the legal pover to agroo that the payment of theforegoing sums of money aball be In lieu of taxes* -1aen ves o street or alKy rentals or 0, easement or franehisstaxes or charges afore- said* foresaid* then City agmen that it vill apply so much of said sues Of monoy paid as may be nooessary to satisfy Coupatyto obligationso if yt to pay any such Won, lietnaev# obargoo, fees, alesse- mant ; In order to Determine too gross receipts received by Mpany from the sale gas (expr*xely oxaluding the sales gas to in- 4ustrial and goveranental e a within the corporate limits o City, Company agroes that an the - gat h poymento aro made to provided in the preceding paragraph of this Section 9. it well file vith the City Work a sworn report *having the gross rooeived from the sajo of gas to its domestic and commorcial con- snx*rs within said Corporate limits for Cho calendar year pu the dato of payment, City a, if it seen t1 h Cho books and records of Company =d by a repressaUtive of said City to ascertain the eorrootness of the sworn reports agreed to be fiNd e ipts from saes to go Cal users or oonannars shall wendo all those receipts derived from the sale of gas to federal, state* county or city govormaeuts or franthes and subdivisions thereof, Wool teta or other similar districts, it being the Intention to include within the taxa "govoramental users con- sumers* all td institutions d or o directly, or indirectly bj said gav*rnxents and branches or ado Cheroot, such as schools, colleges, hospitals, uesyn y Viz. Cuneus, arae or training campat airports,; courthouse, city hall 4nd other institutions of like or sixilarkind and character. 61ndustrial users or sus hyrain used, are Woo g*norally and eammonly classified as oven by Company. The payment heroin prov14ed sball be for th period January to r 31 of the rtspootive year that the pajAost is made, SUTION 10. Effective with the Pirat gas bill randored after the effective date of this ordinanco, the tacos and charges for sales of natural gas and natural gas vorvice randered to residential and commercial consumers within tho Sty limits of City by Compan Ift are horeby Mod and detormined to be ao followat (Based on Monthly Consumption Registerod at On* Motor) Roadiness To ger v* Charge 1.50 Per Month, 8.8431 gross per .HOPI 0759 not p MCF. let rates shall apply to bills pal4 vithtn ton (10) days from the data of monthly billing. A minimus gag e of One Dollar M.001 met p*r motor per month will bo made evtn though customer shall nal havu Uzod sufficient ran in such month to make the amount of bill *qua! ouch On* Dollar The above rates and charges are applicable to each residontlal and commercial consuser per mouth or for any part of a month for AM gaa to u1nd at the same location. Tbo r*tos and chargos WOW pro vidod, howovor, shall to sub - jot to revision and change by oither the it of Grapevine or ton- pany in the manner provided by law, SZOTrqw p. company shan me itg vatten acooptanes of this franchist ordinanes vithin sixty (60) dayv *fter its final passage and approval by said City. PASSSD AND APPA0VU on this the —01_ day of ALL ATUSTs 30 ¢` 7 Z War I / lm Grapevine, Texas Y STATS OF TSXAS COVINTIT OF TAMPLANT 'r"eery of tht City of Mrsby c-ortif and f o"goin,Is a true and corroete y of an ordinance . by tho City Counted of the City of, trope n t .,..,.,. *$sign hold an the day � �, s t appears of " the minutes s &L 0- n 8 MIA'- SAID Yn s the z day of �� �� of Grapovivo, Texas STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS WHEREAS, there was finally passed and approved on March 7, 1961, an ordinance granting to Lone Star Gas Company, a corporation, its suc- cessors and assigns, a franchise to furnish and supply ,,,,,-as to the general public in the City of Grapevine, Tarrant County, Texas, and the environs thereof, which is recorded in Book page - of the Minutes of the City Council of said City; and WHEREAS, Section 11 of said ordinance provides as follows: "SECTION 11. Company shall file its written acceptance of this franchise ordinance within sixty (60) days after its final passage and approval 'by said City." AND, WHEREAS, it is the desire of Lone Star Gas Company, the holder of the rights, privileges and grants under the aforesaid franchise ordinance, to comply with the above -quoted provisions of Section 11 thereof. NOW, THEREFORE, premises considered Lone Star Gas Company, acting by and through its duly authorized officers, and within the time prescribed by Section'll quoted above, does hereby agree to and accept the franchise granted to it by the above described ordinance, in accord- ance with its terms, provisions, conditions and requirements, and sub- ject to the stipulations and agreements therein contained. WITNESS THE EXECUTION HEREOF, on this the .�."-day of 1961. ATTEST;LO 0 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT y 7 Secretary of the City of Grape -vine, Texas, To- hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of a formal acceptance of a franchise ordinance finally passed and approved by said City on Marcia 7, 1961, and of record in Book - , page - of the Minutes of the City; and I do further cer- tify that said acceptance has been duly presented to the City Council and filed in connection with and as a part of said franchise ordinance. OF WHICH, witness my official signature and the seal of said City on this the �,3 day of , 1961. creta yr City'of Grapevine, Texas