HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-11-20 Regular MeetingAgenda Grapevine Historic Preservation Commission City Hall 2"d Floor Council Chambers 200 South Main Street Grapevine, Texas 76051 Wednesday, November 20, 2024 6:00 pm Welcome 1. Call to Order 2. Citizen Comments Any person who is not scheduled on the agenda may address the Historic Preservation Commission under Citizen Comments or on any other agenda item by completing a Citizen Appearance Request form with staff. A member of the public may address the Historic Preservation Commission regarding an item on the agenda either before or during the Commission's consideration of the item, upon being recognized by the Chairman or upon the consent of the Commission. In accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, the Commission is restricted in discussing or taking action during Citizen Comments. 3. Work Session A. Approved Certificates of Appropriateness as follows: #CA24-54(A) for property located at 334 South Barton Street; #CA24-54(B) for property located at 320 South Barton Street; #CA24-55 for property located at 314 South Barton Street; #CA24-56 for property located at 324 Ruth Street; #CA24-58 for property located at 129 South Main Street, Suite #100; #CA24-61 for property located at 129 South Main Street, Suite #235; #CA24-64 for property located at 121 East Worth Street; #CA24-66 for property located at 319 South Main Street; #CA24-51 for property located at 120 South Main Street, Suite A; #CA24-52 for property located at 215 East Wall Street; #CA21-53 for property located at 525 East Worth Street. 4. Workshop A. Commission to hold a Workshop and training session on the history of the Grapevine Historic Township, its buildings and styles. 5. Minutes A. Commission to consider the minutes of the October 23, 2024 Regular Meeting. 6. Adjournment If you plan to attend this public meeting and have a disability requiring special arrangements at the meeting, please contact the Department of Historic Preservation at 817-410-3185 at least 24 hours in advance. Reasonable accommodations will be made to assist your needs. The next meeting of the Grapevine Historic Preservation Commission will be held at 6:00 pm on December 18, 2024 in the 2"d Floor Council Chambers, Grapevine City Hall, 200 South Main Street, Grapevine, Texas 76051. In accordance with Texas Government Code, Chapter 551.001 et seq acts of the 1993 Texas Legislature, the Grapevine Historic Preservation Commission agenda was prepared and posted on the 18th day of November15, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. k4-1� David Klempin I Historic Preservation Officer Erica arohnic Director of Planning Services HPC NOVEMBER 20, 2024 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT CITY OF GRAPEVINE The Historic Preservation Commission for the City of Grapevine, Texas met in a Public Hearing on Wednesday, November 20, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. in the Grapevine City Hall, 2nd floor Council Chambers located at 200 South Main Street, Grapevine Texas with the following members present: Sean Shope Margaret Telford Ashley Anderson Theresa Meyer Jana Garcia Taylor Bunn David Ewbank Paul Slechta Monica Hotelling Chairman Vice -Chairman Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner City Council Liaison P&Z Liaison The above constituting a quorum, members absent: Janice Rhoda Commissioner- Alternate with the following City staff present: Matthew Boyle City of Grapevine Attorney Paul W. McCallum Executive Director Convention & Visitors Bureau David Klempin Historic Preservation Officer (HPO) Kayce Vanderpool Historic Preservation Secretary CALL TO ORDER Chairman Shope called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. CITIZEN COMMENTS Any person who is not scheduled on the agenda may address the Historic Preservation Commission under Citizen Comments by completing a Citizen Appearance Request form. In accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, the Commission is restricted in discussing or taking action during Citizen Comments. Chairman Shope called for any citizen comments; There were none. WORK SESSION 2024-11-20 HPC HPC NOVEMBER 20, 2024 Approved Certificates of Appropriateness as follows: #CA24-54(A) for property located at 334 South Barton Street; #CA24-54(B) for property located at 320 South Barton Street; #CA24-55 for property located at 314 South Main Street; #CA24-56 for property located at 324 Ruth Street; #CA24-58 for property located at 129 South Main Street, Suite #100; #CA24-61 for property located at 129 South Main Street, Suite #235; #CA24-64 for property located at 121 East Worth Street; #CA24-66 for property located at 319 South Main Street; #CA24-51 for property located at 120 South Main Street, Suite A; #CA24-52 for property located at 215 East Wall Street; #CA21-53 for property located at 525 East Worth Street. WORKSHOP The Historic Preservation Officer David Klempin presented the training session on the History of the Grapevine Historic Township, its buildings and styles. Vice Chairman Telford commented that the training information presented was excellent Chairman Shope agreed. Commissioner Meyer asked if the Cameron Company House that was moved to Jean Street from the corner of Main and Franklin, would it be relocated when building the new townhomes approved by City Council. David Klempin said he would look into the planning of that property. Chairman Shope asked about our history with garages. Mr. Klempin said that he could create a section of what was historically here in Grapevine. Most of the properties had sheds and some had garages that were detached. Most of the garages are in the back 50% of the lot across the United States. Commissioner Ewbank asked about the Doris Bateman House on the corner of Smith and Franklin and if the Historic Preservation Commission would welcome someone to create and design a better style house than the minimalist style house. Mr. Klempin said it is a Minimal Traditional House on a large lot, we work to retain our existing structures. We don't remove the houses, we could work with them by using the Pattern Book, you could expand it, enrich it and enhance it. The lot has a lot of possibility the HPC Staff could guide the new owner through the process. Commissioner Meyer moved to close the training session; Commissioner Anderson seconded the motion and was followed with a vote of: Ayes: 7 (Shope, Telford, Anderson, Meyer, Garcia, Bunn, Ewbank) Nays: None Absent: 1 (Janice Rhoda - Alternate) MINUTES 2024-11-20 HPC HPC NOVEMBER 20, 2024 Commission to consider the minutes of the October 23, 2024 Regular Meeting. Vice - Chairman Telford moved to approve the minutes as written; Commissioner Bunn seconded the motion and was followed in a vote of: Ayes: 7 (Shope, Telford, Anderson, Meyer, Garcia, Bunn, Ewbank) Nays: None Absent: 1 (Janice Rhoda - Alternate) Minutes approved ADJOURNMENT Chairman Shope adjourned the meeting at 6:47 p.m. November 20, 2024 Minutes Passed and approved by the Historic Preservation Commission of the City of Grapevine, Texas, this the 18th day of December, 2024. APPROVED: CHAtRQAN ATTEST: 2024-11-20 HPC 3