HomeMy WebLinkAboutCU2010-09- 09 T 9 X A S CITY OF GRAPEVINE CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION Form "A PART 1. APPLICANT INFORMATION Name of applicant logentYcompanyleontact 6ILL Street address of oppikant I agent 15- 2.0 kV, VA L, Iq U T- #11, 1- citylstatelzip Code of applicant /agent: —75'039 Telephone number of applicent lagaht Fax number otapplicant4fagent Email address of applicantlagent Albbffe phone number otapplidantlagent SK (0 0 7pFc—anrs Interest In subject plopedr. PART 2. PROPERTY INFORMATION hadaddiress of subject property &Q15 Legal description otsubject properly (motes & bounds must be describe 8112' 8112'x 11"shoo0 Lot Block Ad,*,ffon E51 PLAZA - She otsubject property qAcres /1 Square foolaae Present zoning das;fficallon: Proposed use of tproperty: AE5 1,4L6 0 14 0 L 5ku25 KnItnum1maximwn district size for use Uest. ora /4 Lor At, Zoning 0AWnWC8 provision roqvfdng a conditions! use: ,q,-wto L �Up,*IIKIAA3 PART 3. PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION Name occurrent property owner. --LA"lle 6f4 2 -r It} -r t eACIA-L-- t NC. - Street address of property owner f I-, A-.0ti Oy/ City/State lZip Code of property owner tj I 7-,K 7 7 07 Telep no numberorpnVedy ownerf (0 Fa;x 7nmb0rofpW;*owner APP 5 2010 in Curs -D9 0 Attach a rmalpla( or reptal, ortheapproved subdivision by city council showing property boundatyliries, dimensions, easements. I roadways, rall fines, and public tights -of way crossing and adjacent to the tract( I bluellne copy) • If a masterdevotopment plan is required, attach a statement showing the proposed use substerillelyconforms to the master development plan. • Submit a site plan showing all Information required by Section 47.E., Site Plan review requirements (see attached requirements). • Provide all required Womialion demonstrating compliance with all conditions imposed on any conditional use, site plan zoning, or conditional use zoning. 13 All alts plans must conibim to the approved concept plan. Any changes to a site plan, approved with a conditional use or a condtWonal use, can a* be gemyed by Ek council thro!jLh the public hearing proom PART 4. SIGNATURE TO AUTHORIZE FILING OF A FINAL SKE PLAN/ I PIrtatApplicant's Name. 1fpWMfe ftnatunr V_ The state C0oCounty —QaUAZ—a—) A Balbre AM k0W\a-6y) jt on this daypersonaffy appeared Wl�*&tAeV, (appli:800 known to me (or proved to me on the oath of card or other document) to be the person whose name is subscribed to the thregaing instnment and adum g d thn &"a for tha oses and consideration therein expressed (Seat I ryhandri,"414-okaw I dayof.-19-04A��AD.c2::Q(4 'Notafy F,6uc, 5air c)f Texas -T P4 cOr"f 1)11.;S�on Expires December 23, 201 I ) Notary In And For State Of Texas 0Y -t/,/- AZ(PeC,1-Zrb PdnfPthparty Owners Name. a The state Of k - County Of Before Me LQILA� 0-t�� on this dayp ; ersonaffyappeaied(:�ng� (notary) (propend' owner) known to me (or proved to me on the oath of card or other document) to be'the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing.insitniment and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. un DONNA L. TURNEday R Texas Expires '66cember 23, 2011 Notary In And For SWOf Texas A P R 5 2010 ca -1c)_09 61 H A 9 CITY OF GRAPEVINE SITE PLAN APPLICATION Form "B" PART 1. APPLICANT INFORMATION memo of SpAlkentlagentAompenyloonfact 6ILL._ ln"OA(Alat A Street soVmss of eppkwt I agent - I t5ZO W, k14Lmar ALL- L4-IIE- CitylState lZfp Code ofs~logent __25;eq/lueGet '7_X -75-039 Telephone numberIorappantlgbat Fax numbeIr of appIcanttlegent -,—qqz—yq4�0 L -41L( 37 Lo Emall address of appFconMegant Moble phone number ofappficantlagent Appffcanf's Interest In subjeotpropetty. 60 a�At + PART 2. PROPERTY INFORMATION Street address ofsuWctprcpw(y Legal desorption ofauAfed property (males &bounds must be described on 8112'x 11shost) Lot A&Ww JA21414:11, Afros Square foots Present Zoning Wa-ssiftcallon: Proposed use of the property: CG Gfvongenoraidescvfpgonofthoproposqd use or uses rarthe prqpcse4FddV0ADpM0n(. _ eU51_ e4AL DW 141,911L _1W_ Zoning oidnance provision requiring a conctiliDnal use. Atmot_$16Aeow 15�IA44r c - q :5 P Y, , -A= PART 3. PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION f Alamo of curiontpropedy owner 1,440 7' (dril M 9-44 /A L_ REA.L."r Street achlress of property wner. I /Off L P,4\),b City" S ;7Zip Code of property owner 1 1 Tete lf;h7numberolpteperlyowne'r FF-axnu*&rofprQpe* owner. 7' 0 0 _ S'70 - 6 -Jr -1' '1 .14; � —17 0,1,9 At" R 5, 0 off 0 Submit a letter describing the proposed conditional use and note the request on the site plan document ❑ In the same tetter, describe or show on the site plan, and conditional requirements orcondih`ons Imposed upon the particular conditional use by applicable distrkt regulations (example. bufferyarts, distance between users) Q to the same letter, describe whether the proposed conditional use will, or will not cause substantial hamh to the value use, or enjoyment of other property in the neighborhood. Also, describe how the proposed conditional use wit add to the value, use orenjoyrnent of other property in the neighborhood. El Application of site plan approvat (Section 47, see attached Form 'B?. Q The site plan submission shall meet the re uirements of Section 47 Site Plan Requirements. 0 Ai conditional use and condlltonal use applications are assumed to be complete when filed and wilt be placed on the agenda far public hearing at the discretion of the staff. Based on the sloe of the agenda, your application maybe scheduled to a later date. El AN pubic hearings wilt be opened and testimony given by applicants and interested citizenry. Public hearings maybe continued to the next public hearing: Pubic hearings will not be tabled. Q Any changes to a site plan (no matter how minor or major) approved **he conditional use or conditional use permit can only be approved by city council through the public hearing process. O 1 have read and understand all the requirements as set forth by the appticsion for Ilonal use or conditional use permit and acknowtedbe that all Mgftmants of this application have been met he thn su tial PART 4, SIGNATURE TO AUTHORIZE CONDITIONAL US QU T DPLACE A C DITIONAL USE REQUEST SIGN ON THE SUBJECT PROPER lkh��_ PrfntAppieani's Name: nit' Stgnat The state of.s jtj County Ol ` Before Me_ on this dayporsonallyappeared _v --A C. t ®� (notary) (applicant) rl r dacument) to be the person whose name Is subscribed to the foregoing Instrument and ackrn I@ ¢tfjti3tta that hf$AdtheitTfliEfpr the pi oses and const oration therein expressed. Notary p �����y STd•}tt-__�r jrxa december 23, 2011 otary in And For state taxa f r�C rintProp Owners Mother part, vne na(ure: The State County Of Before Mo on this day personalty appeared (notary) property owner) — known to me (or proved to me on the oath of card or other document) to be the person whose name Is subscribed to the foregoing Instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consid aien'therain expressed. (Seal) ,u►�IhiF' day of �, A.D. ``opR"' A DONNA G TURNER . :'PdC`ofy P ir, S35 r t r 4-xas =, a, My C , r ss o Expires Decembe_n 23,2011 Notary in And For State Of Taxes ` ILLUMINATION PLAN An illumination plan to Include a site photometric (including illuminated signs) and all fixture details shall be submitted as part of the site plan review process. Applications will not be accepted without this requirement. I hereby acknowledge don plan has submittal. 7 7 .// Applicant Signature " /F/AVVWMW4 Date: Property Owner Signature Date: Z to Included as a part of this A Pp, 20,0 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT All Conditional Use and Special Use Applications are assumed to be complete when filed and will be placed on the agenda for public hearing at the discretion of the staff. Based on the size of the agenda, your application may be scheduled to a later date. All. public hearings will be opened and testimony given by applicants and interested citizenry. Public hearings may be" continued to the next public hearing. Public hearings will not be tabled Any changes to a site plan (no matter how minor or major) approved with a conditional use or a special use permit can only be approved by city council through the public hearing process. Any application for a change in zoning or for an amendment to the zoning ordinance shall have, from the date of submittal, -a period of four months to request and be scheduled on an agenda before the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council. If after said period of four months an application has not been scheduled before the Commission and Council said application shall be considered withdrawn, with forfeiture of all filing fees. The application, along with the required filing fee may be resubmitted any time thereafter for reconsideration. Delays In scheduling applications before the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council created by city staff shall not be considered a part of the four month period. I have read and understand of for, conditional use or spec I use this application have bee " m t ay Signature of Date: Signature of Owner Date: r _ fulrements as set forth by the application and gohowledge that all requirements of a of s mittal, APR 50 PLATTING VERIFICATION This verification statement must be signed prior To the submittal of this special use application It has been determined that the property described below does require platting or replatting and the applicant has been instructed on this procedure. It has been determined that the property described below is currently platted or does not require platting or replatting at this time. Address of subject property Legal description of subject property I rw f Public Works Department -f: Date This form must be signed by the public works department and submitted along with a completed application to the planning and zoning department APR 5, 20110 BOWIE LN 2 6 47 37 3 33R 46 F,, 10 9 8 7 6 Q q 34 35 FP`s 36 � 49 t 4� W 5 CR Tp 50 0 1 2 3 4 5 LJJr ;-5; 790 3 1� --SAN JACINTO-LN - U 32 31 t Q51 isa2 its I Z p 29 28 __. 1.3 10 9 8 7 6 R-MF_=2 `s F R-7.5 4 01 9 24 25 26 27 1 qg �� It R-3.5 C* q q.° 1 2 3 p Srt HOU TONOAKS C z �y�p,VC.p ,� 1�i P. .......GOLIAD LN -_.. 1,1Q 23 21 20 19 37 V l Pg �P 8 7 6 5 2 4 [� 6a of [$ 12 1 6.OD33 5 1 2 3 4 13 14 15 16 17 ,B 15 ,4 73, 1, 1 9 9 7 6 5 4 3 2 7 1 "BONHAMI'RL 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 q 3 i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ,2 R—TH 2, 96 2 7 7 6 5 4 3 5 3 23 15 14 13 12 ii 10 9 8 g� 2 TR 2D .451 a@ 2E3 _ _ 0 9 ,.839@ - - - - . R-20 2.307 @ -p - _ p. CR CC . .3. _ _ . "p CN ....._.. CN SP Z F Sh � �4 _ FE <�a aa�a X3'9 1.os ANT �R e'q� Sy r�4'6 -ii �t1T�t�► < ,q CN 1.38 @ 1 os cs F y F R-20 L� Ppp� 5 7.35 1 32.00 GAJEWA� p¢ 1 inch = 300 feet Cu 10-09 Westgate Market HC OPA i L Lot 2 Block 2 z Westgate Pla 1 Grapevine, Texa4 Westgate Market addition CU10-09 APRIL 22, 2010 WESTGATE 2215 WESTGATE PLAZA MARKET PROPOSED TO BE PLATTED AS LOT 2R, BLOCK 2R, WESTGATE ADDITION WESTGATE MARKET 1. Please add case number CU10-09, the case name and address to signature block found below to all each sheets. 2. Please add the following notes to the master site plan and dimension control plan: a) Conditional use request, CU10-07 is a request to amend the previously approved site plan of CU08-18 SPRC, CU07-04 (Ord. 07-17) for a planned commercial center, specifically to allow the possession, storage, retail sale and off -premise consumption of alcoholic beverages (beer and wine only) in conjunction with the development of a 3,177 square foot market/deli, a 1,600 square foot carwash and two 1,013 square foot greenhouses. b) The entire site is the premise. 3. Please revise the following on the master site plan: remove the former South lake/Grapevine city limit line, provide a bolder line to emphasize the subject site, label the lot dimensions which correspond with the proposed plat, label the access easement as Westgate Plaza, revise the width from 27' to 37', label the existing developments (lot 3 - animal hospital, lot 6 - eye consultants) conceptual (lots 1, 2 and 4) and the subject site (proposed car wash, market and green houses). 4. Please add the third tower found on the floor plan to all sheets. 5. Please show the distance on the site plan the distance between the proposed car wash and the refuse storage area to the residential uses to the north. 6. Please arrange the site data table on the site plan sheet in a chart form showing the amount required and provided: height in stories and feet, total building area, total open space (landscaped area), total building, paved areas, total parking provided including accessible parking spaces. Also include the percent of the landscaping within the front yard. 7. Please show the location of the pergola on all sheets and if any vacuums or associated devices are proposed include those also. If the parking adjacent to the car wash is proposed to be designated for the car wash then please add that note on the site plan and master site plan. 8. Please include within the landscape calculations chart the perimeter and non -vehicular open space calculations and the corresponding trees. Please omit from the final landscape plan the existing tree survey. 9. Please label the location, size and arrangement of all outdoor signs. Please note that lighting levels at the property lines, including the lighted signs may not exceed 3.0 footcandles. Light fixtures shall be mounted no higher than the highest point on the primary structure. Also add the following note to the site plan and photometric plan: • The sign was included in the determination of the illumination levels. 10. Please remove the contour lines from the site plan sheet. 11. Please provide a dimension control site plan which provides the distance to the property lines for all proposed structures. 12. A temporary chain link fence is shown on all sheets. Please note on the site plan the purpose of the fence and the expected duration on the site. 13. Please provide a ghosted elevation which insures that if rooftop mechanical equipment is proposed that it will be screened from public view. 14. Please provide a chart to the elevation sheets which provides the percentage of masonry for all structures. Please provide the elevation of the refuse storage area including material used for exterior and gate. 15. Please hatch the alcohol storage and point of sale areas on the floor plan. 16. Please replace the current signature block with the following signature block, minimum size 3" x 4". CASE NAME: CASE NUMBER: LOCATION: MAYOR SECRETARY DATE: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION CHAIRMAN DATE: SHEET: OF APPROVAL DOES NOT AUTHORIZE ANY WORK IN CONFLICT WITH ANY CODES OR ORDINANCES. DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES K, 17. Please review the building elevation directional views. The directional elevations may need to be adjusted. 18. Please add a note on that site plan the states outdoor loudspeakers area not proposed for the subject site. 19. For verification purposes please email a PDF of the final plans to atriplett(&-cirapevinetexas.ciov prior to producing the final copies. The above comments must be reflected in the revised submittal, which is due by Thursday, April 29th at 12:00 p.m. for the May 18th public hearing. Please submit the revised documents to the Department of Development Services at 200 South Main Street. The revised submittal shall include: one (1) mylar (uncolored) of each sheet (minimum size 22" x 34") one (1) colored version of a rendered landscape plan (absent text) on 11" x 17" or a digital version of the same two (2) folded blackline copies of each sheet, (minimum size 22" x 34") forty (40) reduced sorted (collated sets) copies at 11" x 17" three hole punched, stapled and z -folded (fold the right edge to the left edge and then fold the right edge in half to form a z -fold). If these revisions are made and submitted at the correct time, you will be scheduled for the next available agenda. If you have any questions please contact Albert L. Triplett, Jr. at (817) 410-3155. 3 HP OfficeJet K Series K80 Personal Printer/Fax/Copier/Scanner Last Transaction Date Time Z= Identification Apr 22 3:07pm Fax Sent 92144413702 Log for DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 8174103018 Apr 22 2010 3:09pm Duration Pages Result 1:35 K3 Toc From: . Fax: "" Pages: Phone: Date: Re: �` cc: ❑ Urgent ❑ For Review ❑ Please Comment ❑ Please Reply ❑ Please Recycle • Comments: FM `�T'E ATS` April 30, 2010 Ms. Christine Lopez Fort Worth Star Telegram P.O. Box 1870 Fort Worth, Texas 76102 Grapevine Account # CIT 25 Dear Ms. Lopez, VIA FACSIMILE 817-390-7520 Please find enclosed the following for publication on Sunday, May 2, in the Northeast Edition of the Neighborhood Extra Section of the Fort Worth Star Telegram. (One time only) Item Notice of Public Hearing CU10-06 - RaceTrac Notice of Public Hearing CU10-08 - Hayley Addition Notice of Public Hearing CU10-09 -'Westgate Market Notice of Public Hearing CU10-10 and CU10-11- Hartnett's American Grill and Mexican Grill Notice of Public Hearing PD10-03 - Townhomes of Westgate Meeting Date May 18, 2010 May 18, 2010 May 18, 2010 As always, your assistance is greatly appreciated. If you have any questions please contact me at (817) 410-3155. Albert L. Triplett, Jr. Planner II DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT The City of Grapevine - P.O. Box 951041 Grapevine, Texas 76099 - (817) 410-3154 Fax (817) 410-3018 - www.grapevinetexas.gov CITY OF GRAPEVINE, TEXAS On Tuesday evening, May 18, 2010 at 7:30 P.M. in the City Council Chambers, 2nd Floor, 200 South Main Street, Grapevine, Texas, the City Council and Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Grapevine will hold a public hearing to consider the following items: CU10-06 - RaceTrac - submitted by RaceTrac Petroleum for property located at 751 East Northwest Highway and platted as Lot 5, Block 1, W R Boyd Center Addition. The applicant is requesting a conditional use permit to allow gasoline service and off -premise consumption of alcoholic beverages (beer and wine only) and a monument sign with changeable copy in excess of 30 -percent in conjunction with a convenience store. The property is currently zoned "CC" Community Commercial and is owned by Miles Production, LP CU10-08 - Hayley Addition - submitted by Ball Street Joint Venture for property located at 1303 and 1401 William D Tate Avenue and platted as Lot 2R, Block 1, Hayley Addition. The applicant is requesting a conditional use permit to allow the development of a multi - tenant retail building, a drive through restaurant and a 40 -foot pole sign. The property is currently zoned "HC" Highway Commercial and is owned by Gartner Grapevine Ltd. CU10-09 - Westgate Market - submitted by Ridgemont Commercial Construction for property located at 2215 Westgate Plaza and platted as Lot 2, Block 2R, Westgate Plaza Addition. The applicant is requesting a conditional use permit to allow the possession, storage and retail sales of off -premise consumption of alcoholic beverages (beer and wine only) outside dining, and a 20 -foot pole sign in conjunction with the development of a market/deli, carwash and two greenhouses. The property is currently zoned "CC" Community Commercial and is owned by Midwest Commercial Realty, Inc. CU10-10 and CU10-11- Hartnett's American Grill and Mexican Grill - submitted by ION Design Group LLC for property located at 1265 and 1295 South Main Street and platted as Lot 1, HCP Grapevine Condominium. The applicant is requesting a conditional use permit to allow the possession, storage and retail sales of on -premise consumption of alcoholic beverages (beer, wine and mixed drinks) outside speakers and outside dining in conjunction with two restaurants. The property is currently zoned "PO" Professional Office and is owned by Hartnett Commercial Properties, LP. PD10-03 - Townhomes of Westgate - submitted by J R Rose Architecture for property located at 2300 Westgate Plaza and platted as Lots 1-39, Block 1, Townhomes of 2 Westgate. The applicant is requesting a planned development overlay to allow the development of 22 detached townhomes. The property is zoned "R-TH" Townhouse District and is owned by KM/DC Westgate LP. After all parties have been given an opportunity to speak, the public hearing will be closed and the Commission and the City Council will deliberate the pending matters. Please contact Development Services Department concerning any questions, 200 S Main Street, Grapevine, Texas 76051 or PO Box 95104, Grapevine, Texas 76099, 817-410-3155. A copy of the site plan for all the above referenced requests is on file with the Development Services Department. 3 HP OfficeJet K Series K80 Personal Printer/Fax/Copier/Scanner Last Transaction Date Time Twe Identification Log for DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 8174103018 Apr 30 2010 1:23pm Duration Pa es Result Apr 30 1:22pm Fax Sent 98173907520 0:44 3 OK Star -Telegram 400 W. 7TH STREET FORT WORTH, TX 76102 (817)390-7761 Federal Tax ID 26-2674582 Bill To: CITY OF GRAPEVINE SECRETARY PO BOX 95104 GRAPEVINE, TX 76099-9704 Attn: Attn: TINA . BEN MEIR CITY OF GRAPEVINE, TEXAS On I3580 Sales Discount Misc Fee INVOICE lam^ f b"0 9 Customer ID: CIT25 Invoice Number: 310010751 Invoice Date: 5/2/2010 Terms: Net due in 21 days Due Date: 5/31/2010 PO Number: Order Number: 31001075 Sales Rep: 083 Description: CITY OF GRAPEVI Publication Date: 5/2/2010 1 177 177 LINE $1.72 $303.56 ($157.80) $10.00 �� oaz�00 L�"13 THE STATE OF TEXAS County of Tarrant Net Amount: r $155.76 Before me, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, this day personally appeared Deborah Baylor Norwood, Bid and Legal Coordinator for the Star -Telegram, published by the Star -Telegram, Inc. at Fort Worth, in Tarrant County, Texas; and who, after being duly swom, did depose and say that the attached Gipping of an advertisement was publishrthe above named paper on the listed dates: BIDS & LEGAL DEPT. STAR TELEGRAM (817) 390-7501 qct„_ r\ _ A SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME, THIS Monday, Notary Thank You For Your Payment ------------------------------------- Remit To: Star -Telegram Customer ID: P.O. BOX 901051 Customer Name: FORT WORTH, TX 76101-2051 Invoice Number: Invoice Amount: PO Number: Amount Enclosed: CIT25 CITY OF GRAPEVINE SECR 310010751 $155.76 'S ------ . ....... Avenue and Platted as Lot 2R, Block 1, Hayley Addition. —h - applicant is re- questing a condi- tional use permit to allow the develop- ment of a multi - tenant retail build - ,Ing, a drive through restaurant and a 40 - foot pole sign. The property is currently zoned "HC" Highway Commercial and is owned by Gartner Grapevine Ltd. CUI0-09 Westgate Market submitted by Ridpemont Com- mercial Construction for property located at 2215 Westgate Plaza and platted as Lot 2, Block 2R, Westgate Plaza Ad- gition. The applicant is requesting a con- ditional use permit to allow the pos- session, storage and retail sales of off- premiseconsump- tion 1 of alcoholic n in con - with the lent of a ell, car - and two is owned by lost Commen lealty, Inc. Lo and CU10-11- lett's American and Mexican - suhmitted by at 1265 and South Main and platted0s fCP Grapevine r.p..Pe ninium. The nt is re - Ig a condi- use permit to the posses - storage and sales of on- e consump- of alcoholic ges (beer, and mixed outside .rs and outside in conjunction lett Corn - Properties, for property tocaTea at 2300 Westgate Plaza and platted as' Lots 1-39, Block 1, Townhomes of Westgate. The ap- plicant is requesting a planned develop- ment overl to al- low t e development ant of 22 detached town o es. The nrnoertyiszoned"R- all parties have given an inIt- y to speak, ng Dep.3rtment- con- cerning any ques- tions 200 S Main' street, Grapevine, Texas 76051 or PO Box 95104, Grape- vine, Texas 76099, 817-410-3155. A copy of the site plan for all the above referenced requests is on file with the Development Ser- vices Depdrtment. Development Service Department Public Hearing Property Owner Research Applicant: Westgate Market Case No.: CU10-09 Address/Legal Description: 2215 Westgate Plaza 0:\ZCU\Forms\ZCU.31 a.doc Westgate Plaza 2700 W State Hwy 114 Netvet Group LLC Blk 2R Lot 4 2700 W State Hwy 114 Grapevine, TX 76051 Westgate Plaza 2201 Westgate Plaza Eye Consultants Properties Lp Blk 2R, Lot 1 614 Llano Ct Southlake Tx 76092 Easter, Thomas Survey 2750 W State Hwy 114 168 Venture No 111 A 458 Tr 2E03 2119 Scenic Bay Dr Arlington Tx 76013 Easter, Thomas Survey 2750 W State Hwy 114 168 Venture No 111 A 458 Tr 2E03 2119 Scenic Bay Dr Arlington Tx 76013 Grapevine Plaza Addition- W Northwest Hwy Bigsix Realty Ltd Gpv 3102 Maple Ave Ste 500 Blk Lot 1 Dallas Tx 75201 Oakwood Meadows 2157 Pritchard Dr Shelton, Matt Etux Amber Addition 2157 Pritchard Dr Blk 2 Lot 15 Grapevine Tx 76051 Austin Oaks Addition- 2402 Bonham Tr Tripp, T B Grapevine 2402 Bonham Trl Blk 6 Lot 17 Grapevine Tx 76051 Austin Oaks Addition- 2404 Bonham Tr Hamraei, Arman Grapevine 2404 Bonham Trl Blk 6 Lot 16 Grapevine Tx 76051 Austin Oaks Addition- 2406 Bonham Tr Cook, Quinn L Etux Barbie A Grapevine 2406 Bonham Trl Blk 6 Lot 15 Grapevine Tx 76051 Austin Oaks Addition- 2408 Bonham Tr Tasker, B Jeffrey Etux Twyla J Grapevine 2408 Bonham Trl Blk 6 Lot 14 Grapevine Tx 76051 Austin Oaks Addition- 500 Austin Creek Dr Brown, Donald Scott Grapevine 500 Austin Creek Dr Blk 6 Lot 13 Grapevine Tx 76051 Austin Oaks Addition- 2400 Bonham Tr Friedman, Harold L Grapevine 2400 Bonham Trl Blk 6 Lot 18 Grapevine Tx 76051 0:\ZCU\Forms\ZCU.31 a.doc Development Service Department Public Hearing Property Owner Research Applicant: Westgate Market Case No.: CU10-09 Address/Legal Description: 2215 Westgate Plaza ., o• I-. �.. Austin Oaks Addition- 2403 Bonham Tr Schemp, Keith Etux Monica Grapevine 2403 Bonham Trl Blk 1 Lot 11 Grapevine Tx 76051 Austin Oaks Addition- 2405 Bonham Tr Derasaugh, D L Etux Elizabeth Grapevine 2405 Bonham Trl Blk 1 Lot 10 Grapevine Tx 76051 Austin Oaks Addition- 2407 Bonham Tr Dendy, Kimberly R Grapevine 2407 Bonham Tri Blk 1 Lot 9 Grapevine Tx 76051 Austin Oaks Addition- 2409 Bonham Tr Jones, David Etux Shannon Grapevine 2409 Bonham Trl Blk 1 Lot 8 Grapevine Tx 76051 Austin Oaks Addition- 2401 Bonham Tr Johnson, David J Etux Leslie Grapevine 2401 Bonham Trl Blk 1 Lot 12 Grapevine Tx 76051 Austin Oaks Addition- 2411 Bonham Tr Steen, Leslie Anne Grapevine 2411 Bonham Trl Blk 1 Lot 7 Grapevine Tx 76051 Austin Oaks Addition- 2417 Bonham Tr Tucker, Mark Etux Jenny Grapevine 2417 Bonham Trl Blk 1 Lot 4 Grapevine Tx 76051 Austin Oaks Addition- 2413 Bonham Tr Blackwood, Terry Etux Jackie Grapevine 2413 Bonham Trl Blk 1 Lot 6 Grapevine Tx 76051 Austin Oaks Addition- 2415 Bonham Tr Beck, Michael G Grapevine 2415 Bonham Trl Blk 1 Lot 5 Grapevine Tx 76051 Westgate Plaza - E State Hwy 114 Highway 114 Prospect Ltd Grapevine 4011 N Midland Dr Blk 3 Lot Midland Tx 79707 Blk 2R Lot 2 Blk 2R Lot 3 Townhomes Of Westgate 2248 Churchill Loop Weekley Homes Lp Blk Lot 13 1111 N Post Oak Rd Houston Tx 77055 Townhomes Of Westgate 2252 Churchill Loop Weekley Homes Lp Blk Lot 14 3301 N 135 Ste A Carrollton Tx 75007 0:\ZCU\Forms\ZCU.31 a.doc Development Service Department Public Hearing Property Owner Research Applicant: Westgate Market Case No.: CU10-09 Address/Legal Description: 2215 Westgate Plaza 0:\ZCU\Forms\ZCU.31 a.doc Townhomes Of Westgate 250 Churchill Loop Km/Dc Westgate Lp Blk Lot 22 395 W Northwest Pkwy Ste 114 Southlake Tx 76092 Townhomes Of Westgate 246 Churchill Loop Km/Dc Westgate Lp Blk Lot 23 395 W Northwest Pkwy Ste 114 Southlake Tx 76092 Townhomes Of Westgate 238 Churchill Loop Weekley Homes Lp Blk Lot 25 1111 N Post Oak Rd Houston Tx 77055 Townhomes Of Westgate 234 Churchill Loop Weekley Homes Lp Blk Lot 26 1111 N Post Oak Rd Houston Tx 77055 Townhomes Of Westgate 2209 Cameron Crossing Km/Dc Westgate Lp Blk Lot 28 395 W Northwest Pkwy Ste 114 Southlake Tx 76092 Townhomes Of Westgate 2213 Cameron Crossing Km/Dc Westgate Lp Blk Lot 29 395 W Northwest Pkwy Ste 114 Southlake Tx 76092 Townhomes Of Westgate 2217 Cameron Crossing Km/Dc Westgate Lp Blk Lot 30 395 W Northwest Pkwy Ste 114 Southlake Tx 76092 Townhomes Of Westgate 2221 Cameron Crossing Km/Dc Westgate Lp Blk Lot 31 395 W Northwest Pkwy Ste 114 Southlake Tx 76092 Townhomes Of Westgate 2225 Cameron Crossing Dodd, John Blk Lot 32 3600 S Lakeside Dr Oklahoma City Ok 73179 Townhomes Of Westgate 2229 Cameron Crossing Irwin, Madelyn Blk Lot 33 2229 Cameron Xing Grapevine Tx 76051 Townhomes Of Westgate 2233 Cameron Crossing Weekley Homes Lp Blk Lot 34 1111 N Post Oak Rd Houston Tx 77055 Townhomes Of Westgate 2237 Cameron Crossing Weekley Homes Lp Blk Lot 35 1111 N Post Oak Rd Houston Tx 77055 0:\ZCU\Forms\ZCU.31 a.doc Development Service De• . -'Ir,ublic Hearing Property Owner Research Applicant: Westgate Market Case No.: CU10-09 Address/Legal Description: 2215 Westgate Plaza 0:\ZCU\Forms\ZCU.31 a.doc Townhomes Of Westgate 2241 Cameron Crossing Hutchings, Eric & Claudia Aman Blk Lot 36 2241 Cameron Xing Grapevine Tx 76051 Townhomes Of Westgate 2245 Cameron Crossing Weekley Homes Lp Blk Lot 37 1111 N Post Oak Rd Houston Tx 77055 Townhomes Of Westgate 2249 Cameron Crossing Weekley Homes Lp Blk Lot 38 1111 N Post Oak Rd Houston Tx 77055 Townhomes Of Westgate 2229 Churchill Loop Weekley Homes Lp Blk Lot 16 3301 N 135 Ste A Carrollton Tx 75007 Townhomes Of Westgate 2225 Churchill Loop Weekley Homes Lp Blk Lot 17 3301 N 135 Ste A Carrollton Tx 75007 Townhomes Of Westgate 2221 Churchill Loop Km/Dc Westgate Lp Blk Lot 18 395 W Northwest Pkwy Ste 114 Southlake Tx 76092 Townhomes Of Westgate 2217 Churchill Loop Km/Dc Westgate Lp Blk Lot 19 395 W Northwest Pkwy Ste 114 CR Southlake Tx 76092 Townhomes Of Westgate 2213 Churchill Loop Km/Dc Westgate Lp Blk Lot 20 395 W Northwest Pkwy Ste 114 Southlake Tx 76092 Townhomes Of Westgate 2253 Cameron Crossing Cary, Elaine W Blk Lot 39 2253 Cameron Xing Grapevine Tx 76051 Townhomes Of Westgate 242 Churchill Loop Warzecha, Beverly A Blk Lot 24 242 Churchill Loop Grapevine Tx 76051 Townhomes Of Westgate 2233 Churchill Loop Km/Dc Westgate Lp Blk Lot B 395 W Northwest Pkwy Ste 114 Common Area Southlake Tx 76092 Townhomes Of Westgate 2256 Churchill Loop Weekley Homes Lp Blk Lot 15 3301 N 135 Ste A Carrollton Tx 75007 0:\ZCU\Forms\ZCU.31 a.doc Development Service Department Public Hearing Property Owner Research Applicant: Westgate Market Case No.: CU10-09 Address/Legal Description: 2215 Westgate Plaza Townhomes Of Westgate 2300 Westgate Plaza Km/Dc Westgate Lp Blk Lot A 395 W Northwest Pkwy Ste 114 Common Area Southlake Tx 76092 TXDOT P O Box 6868 Fort Worth, TX 76115 Townhomes of Westgate 230 Churchill Loope Ogburn, Tommy Joe Blk 1, Lot 27R 230 Churchill Loop Grapevine, TX 76051 Proof of Notice in the City of Grapevine, Texas Case No. CU10-09 Planning and Zoning Commission Pursuant to Article 1011 F, Vernon's Civil Statutes: I, the undersigned being a Planner for the City of Grapevine and having the records pertaining to applications for change of zoning and the notices sent pursuant thereto under my supervision and control, in the performance of the function of my office and employment, do hereby solemnly swear and affirm that pursuant to Article 1011 F, Vernon's Civil Statutes, written notices were served on the parties listed above in the City of Grapevine, zoning Case CU10-09 on this the 7th day of May 2010. (D) — Duplicate (./) — Indicates notice addressed and stamped. Executed this the 7th day of May 2010. r F-1 ity o Grapevine Planner State of Texas County of Tarrant Before me Susan Batte on this day personally appeared Albert Triplett Jr known to me (or proved to me on the oath of card or other document) to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. (Seal) given under my seal of office this 7th day of May 2W. Osonip ®�® ary Not in and for State of exas ?3%2013 0:\ZCU\Forms\ZCU.31 a.doc 5 8 7 6 24 25 26 27 3 411 9 NOtjSTON OAKS CT - 5 10 23 21 20 19 1 2 R -MF -2 ,DVN 413 4 1 5 1 1 11 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 312(1 CN 0 1 inch = 200 feet R-20 mi 168 Venture No 111 Netvet Group LLC Km/Dc Westgate Lp 2119 Scenic Bay Dr 2700 W State Hwy 114 395 W Northwest Pkwy Ste 114 Arlington Tx 76013 Grapevine, TX 76051 Southlake Tx 76092 Weekley Homes Lp 1111 N Post Oak Rd Houston Tx 77055 Beck, Michael G 2415 Bonham Trl Grapevine Tx 76051 Bigsix Realty Ltd 3102 Maple Ave Ste 500 Dallas Tx 75201 Blackwood, Terry Etux Jackie 2413 Bonham Trl Grapevine Tx 76051 Brown, Donald Scott 500 Austin Creek Dr Grapevine Tx 76051 Cary, Elaine W 2253 Cameron Xing Grapevine Tx 76051 Cook, Quinn L Etux Barbie A 2406 Bonham Trl Grapevine Tx 76051 Dendy, Kimberly R 2407 Bonham Trl Grapevine Tx 76051 Ogburn, Tommy Joe 230 Churchill Loop Grapevine, TX 76051 Schemp, Keith Etux Monica 2403 Bonham Trl Grapevine Tx 76051 Shelton, Matt Etux Amber 2157 Pritchard Dr Grapevine Tx 76051 Steen, Leslie Anne 2411 Bonham Trl Grapevine Tx 76051 Tasker, B Jeffrey Etux Twyla J 2408 Bonham Trl Grapevine Tx 76051 Tripp, T B 2402 Bonham Trl Grapevine Tx 76051 Tucker, Mark Etux Jenny 2417 Bonham Trl Grapevine Tx 76051 TXDOT P O Box 6868 Fort Worth, TX 76115 Dodd, John 3600 S Lakeside Dr Oklahoma City Ok 73179 Eye Consultants Properties Lp 614 Llano Ct Southlake Tx 76092 Friedman, Harold L 2400 Bonham Trl Grapevine Tx 76051 Hamraei, Arman 2404 Bonham Trl Grapevine Tx 76051 Highway 114 Prospect Ltd 4011 N Midland Dr Midland Tx 79707 Hutchings, Eric & Claudia Aman 2241 Cameron Xing Grapevine Tx 76051 Irwin, Madelyn 2229 Cameron Xing Grapevine Tx 76051 Johnson, David J Etux Leslie 2401 Bonham Trl Grapevine Tx 76051 Derasaugh, D L Etux Elizabeth Warzecha, Beverly A Jones, David Etux Shannon 2405 Bonham Trl 242 Churchill Loop 2409 Bonham Tri Grapevine Tx 76051 Grapevine Tx 76051 Grapevine Tx 76051 0• WESTGATE MARKET Because you are a property owner within 200 feet of the subject tract of land as shown by the last City -approved tax rolls, you received this notice. If you cannot or do not wish to attend the hearing, the attached form is provided for your convenience. If owners of more than 20% of the property within 200 feet of the subject tract object to the case, a 3/4 vote of the City Council is required to approve the request. Purpose of Request: The public hearing is to consider an application submitted by Ridgemont Commercial Construction for property located at 2215 Westgate Plaza and proposed to be platted as Lot 2R, Block 2R, Westgate Plaza Addition. The applicant is requesting a conditional use permit to amend the previously approved site plan for a planned commercial center, specifically to allow the possession, storage and retail sales of off -premise consumption of alcoholic beverages (beer and wine only) outside dining, and a 20 -foot pole sign in conjunction with the development of a market/deli, carwash and two greenhouses. The property is currently zoned "CC" Community Commercial and is owned by MidWest Commercial Realty, Inc. A copy of the site plan is on file with the Development Services Department. Hearing Procedure: When: 7:30 PM, TUESDAY, MAY 18, 2010 What: JOINT PUBLIC HEARING GRAPEVINE CITY COUNCIL & PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Location: PUBLIC HEARING: COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 2nd FLOOR COMMISSION'S DELIBERATION SESSION, 2nd FLOOR 200 S. MAIN STREET, GRAPEVINE, TEXAS Applicant and Other Speakers' Presentation. Public Input, Neighborhood Associations, Property Owners Within 200 feet, Interested Citizenry. Questions from City Council and Planning and Zoning Commission for Applicants, City Staff and Guests Present. WRITTEN COMMENTS MUST BE RECEIVED BY THIS OFFICE NO LATER THAN 5 PM ON MONDAY MAY 17 2010 Procedure to Respond: As (a Property Owner within 200 feet of the subject tract) or (an interested citizen), I (approve) (protest) and/or (have the following comments) Current Property Owner (printed) Property Address: Lot , Block , Addition Property Owner Signature: Property Owner Name (printed): Daytime phone number: Telephone: (817)410-3155 Fax: (817)410-3018 Direct questions and mail responses to: Planning Technician Department of Development Services City of Grapevine P.O. Box 95104 Grapevine, Texas 76099 MEMORANDUM CITY OF GRAPEVINE TEXAS TO: HONORABLE MAYOR, CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS AND THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION FROM: BRUNO RUMBELOW, CITY MANAGER SCOTT WILLIAMS, ACTING DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTO SUBJECT: CU10-09 — WESTGATE PLAZA — PERCENT OF OPPOSITION DATE: MAY 18, 2010 The total percent of property currently in opposition within 200 feet of the subject property is 24.45 percent. Because the total percent of property within 200 feet of the subject property exceeds 20 percent, a % vote is required in order to approve this request. The neighbors within 200 feet of this request stated several reasons why they oppose the rezoning request, and some of the reasons are as follows: • Alcohol sales • Traffic • Noise /sb 7 6 4 5 5 4 4 I 9 0 11 12 13 5 6 7 2.307 @ 1 0 1 inch = 200 feet Cu 10-09 24.45% Opposition CU 10-09 WESTGATE PLAZA . tie] . , 1 , 4 LETTERS CONCERNED CITIZENS THAT DO NOT OWN PROPERTY WITHIN NOTIFICATION AREA SUPPORT: 0 LETTERS OPPOSITION: 1 LETTER DERLEY, 21MMERM"... Fax:2145594466 May 14 2010 11:52 P.03 .._ ,,ram , a j • II, r I r I - L � t 1 Planning Technician C)QPSrtrmnt of Development Services MY of Grapevine P.O. Box 95104 GrapovIne,Vii_• M,, Jill Malouf DEALEY, ZIMMERMANN, CLARK, MALOUF& MACFARLANE, P.C. Attorneys At Law 3131 Turtle Creek Boulevard, Suite 1201 Dallas, Texas 75219-5415 214-559-4466 (fax) May 14, 2010 Via Facsimile, First Class Mail and CMRRR Planning Technician Department of Development Services City of Grapevine PO Box 95104 Grapevine, TX 76009 Re: Grapevine File # CU -10-09 Dear Sirs: 214-521-5575 (direct) This firm represents Eye Consultants Properties, LP and Dr. Phillips Kirk Labor. Please see the enclosed notice of protest by Eye Consultants Properties, LP (Dr. Phillips Kirk Labor) in the above referenced matter. Should you need to reach me, the best way is via my cell phone at 214 417 0358. JAM/bte Enclosures cry truly yours, 41t kA-dj+ Y 20/0 05-17-2010 11:12AM FROM-THESUSHFIRM T-030 P 001/001 F -DIS r -ue iT: uwu-uti WESTGATE MARKET •&Tj F"V, "T i P Jywr! WAAWN 17, & As (a P ne, within 200 feet of the subject tract) or (an interested citizen), I (approv rotest and/or (have the following comments) Current ProSea,, Owner,(printed)—� Property Address: Lot Block L Addifif Daytime phone number: Direct questions and mail responses to: Planning Technician Department of Development Services City of Grapevine P.O. Box 95104 Grapevine, Texas 76099 File #: CU 10-09 WESTGATE MARKET WRITTEN COMMENTS MUST BE RECEIVED BY THIS OFFICE NO LATER THAN .5 PM ON MONDAY, MAY 17, 201 Procedure to Respond: As (a Property Owner within 200 feet of the subject tract) or (an interested citizen), I (appowe) (protest) and/or (have the following comments) `7`"f211 r` le `` c5 4 &%/ -A e /Z �' 6 �r 1-e W/O f C 7-1 0? / ltte CT (-U(t , 71 CL4 CA 06t I' � a L /P 4 a Current Property Owner (printed) Property Address: Lot -, Block , Addition Property Owner Signature: 4 1`6_- Property 6-_;; Property Owner Name (printed): Daytime phone number: W/7 4,? �- - -7c, 41 / Telephone: (817)410-3155 Fax: (817)410-3018 Direct questions and mail responses to: I Planning Technician Mk 17 2010 Department of Development Services City of Grapevine P.O. Box 95104 Grapevine, Texas 76099 File10-09 WESTGATE MARKET WRITTEN COMMENTS MUST BE RECEIVED BY THIS OFFICE NO LATER THAN.5 PM ON MONDAY, MAY 17, 201 Procedure to Respond: As (a Prope er within 200 feet of the subject tract) or (an interested citizen), I (approve) rotes and/or (have the following comments) JA11# 611Ve M (//, V Current Property Owner (printed) \1 9(,Xe N f V18-+, Vel - Property Address: I M Lot Block Addition CA A Property Owner Signature: Property Owner Name (printed): _ d - �ri,-e Daytime phone number: M - Telephone: (817)410-3155 Fax: (817)410-3018 Direct questions and mail responses to: Planning Technician Department of Development Services City of Grapevine P.O. Box 95104 Grapevine, Texas 76099 M MAY 1 7 2010 File #: CU 10-09 WESTGATE MARKET As (a Property Owner within 200 feet of the subject tract) or (an interested citizen), I (approve) (protest) and/or (have the following comments) AO ittL%� G.&,K M IM -1 R E3921=1 Daytime Phone number. (4W - - , aC� Telephone: (817)410.3155 Fax, (817)410-3018 Planning Technician Department'of Development Services City of Grapevine P.O. Box 95104 Grapevine, Texas 76099 VI LM, 17 2r 010 PROPERTY OWNER NOT WITHIN 200 FEET OF SUBJECT PROPERTY IT f JO TO: HONORABLE MAYOR, CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS AND THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION FROM: BRUNO RUMBELOW, CITY MANAGER1 SCOTT WILLIAMS, DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTOR MEETING DATE: MAY 18, 2010 SUBJECT: DEVELOPMENT SERVICES TECHNICAL REPORT OF CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION CU10-09 WESTGATE MARKET F_ I I 1 I --- j ------ -- rGI (i5 i l ,L�I - evne apevine Lake APPLICANT: Bill McDonnell dove Ra, I I _aaI.H. 1635 _ I 1 a 1 I I sy oFw 3 l Hall -Johnson 3s Airport m a I L, 1 L Glade Rd.m I I F c O PROPERTY LOCATION AND SIZE: The subject property is addressed as 2215 Westgate Plaza and is proposed to be platted as Lot 2R, Block 2R, Westgate Plaza. The property contains approximately 1.594 acres and has approximately 165.41 feet of frontage along State Highway 114. REQUESTED CONDITIONAL USE AND COMMENTS: The applicant is requesting a conditional use permit to amend the previously approved site plan of CU07-04 (Ord. 07-17) for a planned commercial center specifically to allow the possession, storage, retail sales and off -premise consumption of alcoholic beverages (beer and wine only) outside dining, and a 20 -foot pole sign in conjunction with the development of a market/deli, carwash and two greenhouses. The applicant is proposing to develop a 3,177 square foot, single story, market/deli, a 1,600 square foot car wash and two green houses with an area of 2,023 square feet. The market/deli will have indoor and outdoor dining and among other items sell beer and wine for off -premise consumption. External speakers are not proposed for the development. The car wash will be automated and use valets for detailing. The green houses will offer bedding plants and flowers. A 20 -foot, 100 square foot pole sign is proposed adjacent to State Highway 114 and a 10 -foot, 100 square foot monument sign is proposed on the north side of the subject site adjacent to Westgate Plaza. Please see the attached letter. 0:\ZCU\CU10-09.4 1 05/13/108:38 AM PRESENT ZONING AND USE: The property is currently zoned "CC" Community Commercial District and is undeveloped. HISTORY OF TRACT AND SURROUNDING AREA: The subject property was zoned "R-2" Two Family Residential prior to the 1984 City Rezoning. During the City Rezoning the subject site was rezoned to "R-3.5" Two Family District. At a January 16, 1990 meeting, Council approved a rezoning (Z89-17) of the subject site to "CC" Community Commercial District and the property has remained vacant. The Grapevine Plaza Shopping Center to the east was rezoned from "C-2" Community Business District to "CN" Neighborhood Commercial District during the 1984 City Rezoning. It was later rezoned (Z85-10) to "SP" Site Plan District to allow the development of a shopping center with a grocery store with off -premise alcohol beverage sales. At the April 15, 2003 meeting, Council approved a conditional use permit (CU03-10) for a planned commercial center for a future retail/office complex. At the August 15, 2006 meeting a conditional use permit (CU06-31) was approved on the subject site to allow the development of a medical office building. A zone change request (Z06-12) and a planned development overlay (PD06-08) was approved by Council at their October 17, 2006 meeting rezoning the property immediately to the north of the subject site which was part of the original planned commercial center, from "CC" Community Commercial District to "R- TH" Townhouse District with a planned development overlay to allow for deviation from the front, rear and side yard setbacks, building separation and private streets. Conditional Use Request CU07-04 (Ord. 07-17) approved at the April 17, 2007 joint public hearing allowed the development of a 12,772 square foot veterinary facility. At the August 27, 2008 Site Plan Review Committee meeting Conditional Use Permit CU08-18 approved a reduction to the square footage and revised the elevations of the previously approved medical office building. Zone change request Z09-02, (Ord. 09-23) approved at the June 16, 2009 joint public hearing approved the rezoning of 10.629 acres recently acquired from the City of Southlake from "R-20" Single Family District to "CN" Neighborhood Commercial District, "CC" Community Commercial District and "HC" Highway Commercial District. Planned Development Overlay PD10-01 (Ord. 10-05) approved at the February 16, 2010 joint public hearing allowed the relocation of a portion of the existing masonry screening wall for an existing townhouse project. SURROUNDING ZONING AND EXISTING LAND USE: NORTH: SOUTH: EAST: WEST: O:\ZCU\CU 10-09.4 "R-TH" Townhouse District—proposed townhouse development State Highway 114 "R-5.0" Zero -Lot -Line District and "CN" Neighborhood Commercial District – Oakwood Meadows and Grapevine Plaza Shopping Center City of Southlake E 05/07/103:41 PM AIRPORT IMPACT: The subject tract is located within "Zone A" Zone of Minimal Effect as defined on the "Aircraft Sound Exposure: Dallas/Fort Worth Regional Airport Environs" Map. Few activities will be affected by aircraft sounds in "Zone A" except for sound sensitive activities such as auditoriums, churches, schools, hospitals, and theaters. The applicant's proposal is an appropriate use in this noise zone. MASTER PLAN APPLICATION: The Master Plan designates the subject property as a Commercial land use. The applicant's request is in compliance with the Master Plan. /at 0:\ZCU\CU10-09.4 3 05/07/103:31 PM June 28, 2010 Bill McDonnell Ridgemont Commercial Construction 1520 W Walnut Hill Ln Irving, TX 75038 RE: GRAPEVINE FILE #CU10-09 Dear Mr. McDonnell, This letter is to verify that your request to amend the previously approved site plan of CU07-04 (Ord. 07-17) for a planned commercial center specifically to allow the possession, storage, retail sales and off -premise consumption of alcoholic beverages (beer and wine only) outside dining, and a 20 -foot pole sign in conjunction with the development of a market/deli, carwash and two greenhouses on property located at 2215 Westgate Plaza and proposed to be platted as Lot 2, Block 2R, Westgate Plaza Addition was denied by City Council on May 18, 2010. On May 18, 2010, the Planning and Zoning Commission, recommended the City Council deny the request. A waiting period of one (1) year between the date an application for amendment to the zoning ordinance, or a requested change in zoning, is denied by the City Council and a new application for such a change or amendment is accepted, is hereby established. The one-year waiting period shall be applicable to all requested amendments and changes for the same zoning district, or districts, on all or any portion of the property previously considered for amendment or change in zoning; provided, however, said one-year waiting period shall not be applicable to any proposed amendment or change instituted by the City Council or Planning and Zoning Commission or to any proposed amendment or change denied by the City Council without prejudice. Please do not hesitate to contact us if we may be of further assistance Sincerely, 154 usan Batte Planning Technician DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT The City of Grapevine - RO. Box 95104 - Grapevine, Texas 76099 - (817) 410-3154 Fax (817) 410-3018 - www.grapevinetexas.gov RIDGE ;07� commercial construction Westgate Market The project will consist of a new 4000sf Brick and Stone Building, 2000sf of greenhouses and a carwash. The project will be a unique building that will consist of warm spaces, wrought -iron fences, brick and stone veneer, and wood trellis, reminiscent of an old town market. The Customer will have the opportunity to shop for high-end food, wine, beverages, as well as prepared foods, and bedding plants and flowers. The business plan is to attract customers and keep them in the building for 20 - 30 minutes as they enjoy a unique shopping experience. They will also be able to get their vehicle detailed at this facility by the helpful valets. This proposed plan will add value to the business park and adjacent neighbors by building a facility that will look and feel as if was a part of the plan from the beginning. The design and construction materials will compliment the adjacent buildings and flow well with the existing type of construction. Great care has been taken to insure no adverse affects from traffic; noise or any other operations will harm the neighborhood or city. There will be no use of an outdoor sound system or loud speakers on this project. Additionally the project will be a destination many in the city will appreciate, as it is not a cold commercial building. The products and services this type a facility will offer will greatly enhance the quality of life for the patrons of the city. 1520 w. walnut hill lane irving, texas 75038 tel 214 492 8900 fax 214 441 3702 www.ridgemont.com a texas corporation a i DUMPS NOTES 1. PROPOSED USES INCLUDE RETAIL RESTAURANT WITH DRIVE THIRD SERVICE, AND PROFESSIONAL OFFICE IL ARCHITECTURAL ELEVATIONS OF PROPOSED STRUCTURES WELL BE PROVIDED ON INDIVIDUAL SITE PLANS AND ARE SUBJECT TO APPROVAL BY THE PLANMNO AND ZONING COMMITTEE AND CITY COUNCIL 3. BUILDING CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS SHALL MEET THE MINIMUM STANDARDS OF SECTION 54 OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE AND ARE SUBJECT TO APPROVAL BY THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMITTEE AND CITY COUNCIL 4, TXDOT PERMITS FOR ACCESS DRIVEWAY FACILITIES ON HIGHWAY RIGHT-OF-WAY SHALL BE OBTAINED AND PROVIDED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCT M & OUTDOOR SIGNAGE WALL BE PROVIDED WITH INDIVIDUAL SITE PLANS IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 60 OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE AND ARE SUBJECT TO APPROVAL BY THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMITTEE AND CITY COUNCIL G. DETAILED LANDSCAPE PLANS AND IRRIGATION PLANS WELL BE PROVIDED WITH INDIVIDUAL SITE PLANS AND SNALL BE PROVIDED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 53 OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE AND ARE SUBJECT 70 APPROVAL BY THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMITTEE AND CITY COUNCIL 7, ALL REGULATIONS OF THE CITY OF GRAPEVINE SOL EROSION ORDINANCE SHALL BE MEF DURING ANY CONSTRUCTION. & CFF -STREET PARKING AND LOADING SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 56-58 OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE AND ARE SUBJECT TO APPROVAL BY PLANNING AND ZONING COMMITTEE AND THE CITY COUNCIL 9. ALL REFUSE STORAGE AREAS SHALL BE SCREENED AND LANDSCAPED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION SDb.3 OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE AND ARE SUBJECT TO APPROVAL BY THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMITTEE AND CITY COUNCIL 10. ALL UTILITIES SHALL OR DESIGNED AND CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE STANDARDS OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS, 11. BUILDING HOM473 SHALL NOT E%CEED 30 FEET. 12 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT SHALL CREATE MINIMUM NOSE AND BE COMPLETELY SCREENED FROM PU13UC VIEW. 13. DETAILED UGNDNG PLANS WALL BE PROVIDED WITH INDIVIDUAL SITE PLANS AND SHALL BE DESIGNED TO REFLECT AWAY FROM ADJACENT PROPERTY AND ARE SUBJECT TO APPROVAL BY THE PLANNING MID ZONING COMMITTEE AND CITY COUNCIL IC BUFFER YARD SHALL COMPLY WITH SECTIONS 53 AND 25.M.4 OF THE ZONING ORMNAq= 15. DENSRY: A. LOT SIZE - 30.000 SQFF. (MIN) & OPEN SPACE - 205 (MN) G BLDG COYFlRAGE - 805 MAX) D. IMPERVIOUS MATERIAL - 805 (MAX) 16. AREA REGULATIONS A. LOT WIDTH - 120' (MIN) IL LAT DEPTH - 12W (MIN) GFRONT BUILDING LINE - 25' & SIDE BUILDING LINE - 10' E REAR BUILDING LINE - 25' 17. PARKING WITHIN SETBACKS SHALL BE N ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPROVED CONCEPT FLAN. AUSTIN OAKS ADDITION CAB. 'A", SLIDE 408 P.R.T.GT. N57'19'49'W 122' '7s• �y/ (^"y STT W 6jY949. '^ \„gyp CvARrq�'VLi �70� SMV ^owJ THE PRIMARY ROADWAY (PUBLIC ACCESS EASEMENT) ARD PUBLIC UITUM S. THE WALL WILL BE CONSTRUCTED OF DOUBLE SIDED. SPLIT FACED CONCRETE BLOCK WITH A UM13TONE WHITE COLOR. A CONTINUOUS CONCRETE FOOTING LL BE CONSTRUCTED AND WEEP HOLES WILL ALLOW FOR NATURAL DRAINAGE. SCREENING WALL CONSTRUCTION PLANS WILL BE APPROVED BY THE CITY OF GRAPEVINE PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION. THE SCREENING WALL WILL BE CONSTRUCTED 5 FEET INSIDE THE EXISTING A PROPERTY LINE IN ZONE ''. A LL S FOOT 'WALL MA1NiFNANCE EASEMENT' WILL BE PROVIDED BETWEEN 7Fff WAAND THE RESIDSEPAL PROPERTY UNE TO ALLOW FOR CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE OF THE WALL MASTER DEVELOPER WILL CONSTRUCT THE EXTENSIONS OF EXISTING RESIDENTIAL WITHIN THE 5 FEET WALL MAINTENANCE EASEMENT OF THE SCREENING WALL 23. LANDSCAPE BUFFER - OPEN SPACE BUFFERS WLL BE PROVIDED ADJACENT TO ALL RESIDENTIAL USES IN ZONE *A* AND ZONE "B'. WITHIN ZONE'A' THE BUFFER WILL VARY IN DEPTH BETWEEN 30 AND 90 FEET AS PER THE CONCEPT PLAN. WITHIN ZONE '8' A 20 F00T DEPTH WILL BE PROVIDED, WTZONE "e HIN OFLANDSCAPING VIT O THE WAU- THE SCREENING WALL. MASTER D UPONNEVELOPIR WILL LL INSTALIVE OAK TREES WITH A MINIMUM SIZE OF 3 CALIPER INCHES AT 24i PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION - A RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION OF 10 FEET WILL BE PROVIDED AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF BONHAM TRAIL AND ALAMO TRAIL PLACEMENT OF THE SCREENING WILL BE ALONG THE EAST LINE OF THE PROPOSED DEDICATION. 25. BUILDING HEIGHTS - ALL STRUCTURES SHALL HAVE A MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF 1 STORY. 26. RESTRICTED USES - LOTS 7-11 WILL BE RESTRICTED TO 'CN' NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL 0MIRICT USES (RETAIL. PROFESSIONAL OFFICE, TTG). RESTAURANTS OR RESTAURANT WITH DRIVE THRU SERVICE ARE EXCLUDED FROM CM AREAS 27. RESTAURANTS MIN DRIVE THRU WINDOWS - DRIVE 1HRU RESTAURANTS LL N07 ALLOW OUTDOOR DINING OR OU15DE AUDRORY SPEAKER& DRIVE UP WINDOWS LL SE PLACED AWAY FROM RS4DENTAL AREA& 2& OUTDOOR ODVNG - OUTDOOR DINING ON RESTAURANTS WILL BE STRUCTURALLY COVERED AND LOCATED AWAY FROM RESIDENTIAL USES 28. LIGHTING - WESTGATE PLAZA LIGHTING SHALL BE DESIGNED TO PROVIDE CLOSING 3D. SIGNS - ALL SIGNS ON SITE (GRAPEVINE OR SOUTHLAKE) MUST BE TURNED OFF AT CLOSING SIGNPOS 3 SHALL NOT EXCEED 40' IN HEIGHT AS MEASURED FROM GROUND TO THE TOP OF THE SIGN. 31. DUMPSTERS - TRASH RECEPTACLE& AS CONSTRUCTED BY FUTURE LOT DEVELOPMENT. SHALL BE SETBACK A MINIMUM OF 120' FROM ANY SINGLE FAMILY PROPERTY LINE AND SHALL BE FENCED AND GATED ON ALL SLOES, AND LANDSCAPED ON THREE SIDE LANDSCAPING SHALL CONSIST OF EVERGREEN SHRUB& 32 GREASE TRAPS AND KITCHEN VENTS - TRAPS AND VENTS ITEMS SHALL BE LOCATED AWAY FROM RESIDENTIAL USES. MAINTENANCE SHALL OCCUR DURING DAYTIME HOURS. 33, TRUCK TRAFFIC - WASICATE PLAZA SUPPLY DELIVERIES AND TRASH PICK UP SHALL OCCUR DURING THE HOURS OF 7:00 A.M. TO 6:00 PAL SUNDAY TRUCK TRAFFIC SHALL BE PROHIBITED. 34, COMMOTION TRAFFIC - TRAFFIC ASSOCIATED WITH ANY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES SRALL BE PROHIBITED THROUGH ANY RESIDENTIAL USES, ALL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES AND DELIVERIES SHALL BE LIMITED TO 8:00 A.M. - 8:00 P.M.. MON.-SAT. 35. AC AND ELECTRICAL UNITS - THESE UNITS AND OTHER NOISE GENERATING UNITS SHALL BE SCREENED FROM VIEW WFHETHER ROOF MOUNTED OR GROUND LEVEL. GROUND LEVEL. UNITS SHALL BE LOCATED AWAY FROM ALL RESIDENTIAL USES AND SURROUNDED WATH SCREENING FENCE AND/OR EVERGREEN HEDGE MATERIAL fig780� TYPICAL SCREENING WALL O SCALE 0 20 40 80 120 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET 2 HWY MALT COUNTY MAPSCO 27F VICINITY MAP (NOT TO SCALE) LOT 1 0.924 AG (40,214 SF) W�a of 3,500 SR/2,585 SF. =j 1:0.1 LOT COVERAGE 105 (BLDG.) 5 4, OPEN SPACE 305 OUMPSTER N _�-- AREA N 89'55'14' W 67.63' NOTES 1. PROPOSED USES INCLUDE RETAIL RESTAURANT WITH DRIVE THIRD SERVICE, AND PROFESSIONAL OFFICE IL ARCHITECTURAL ELEVATIONS OF PROPOSED STRUCTURES WELL BE PROVIDED ON INDIVIDUAL SITE PLANS AND ARE SUBJECT TO APPROVAL BY THE PLANMNO AND ZONING COMMITTEE AND CITY COUNCIL 3. BUILDING CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS SHALL MEET THE MINIMUM STANDARDS OF SECTION 54 OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE AND ARE SUBJECT TO APPROVAL BY THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMITTEE AND CITY COUNCIL 4, TXDOT PERMITS FOR ACCESS DRIVEWAY FACILITIES ON HIGHWAY RIGHT-OF-WAY SHALL BE OBTAINED AND PROVIDED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCT M & OUTDOOR SIGNAGE WALL BE PROVIDED WITH INDIVIDUAL SITE PLANS IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 60 OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE AND ARE SUBJECT TO APPROVAL BY THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMITTEE AND CITY COUNCIL G. DETAILED LANDSCAPE PLANS AND IRRIGATION PLANS WELL BE PROVIDED WITH INDIVIDUAL SITE PLANS AND SNALL BE PROVIDED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 53 OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE AND ARE SUBJECT 70 APPROVAL BY THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMITTEE AND CITY COUNCIL 7, ALL REGULATIONS OF THE CITY OF GRAPEVINE SOL EROSION ORDINANCE SHALL BE MEF DURING ANY CONSTRUCTION. & CFF -STREET PARKING AND LOADING SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 56-58 OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE AND ARE SUBJECT TO APPROVAL BY PLANNING AND ZONING COMMITTEE AND THE CITY COUNCIL 9. ALL REFUSE STORAGE AREAS SHALL BE SCREENED AND LANDSCAPED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION SDb.3 OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE AND ARE SUBJECT TO APPROVAL BY THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMITTEE AND CITY COUNCIL 10. ALL UTILITIES SHALL OR DESIGNED AND CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE STANDARDS OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS, 11. BUILDING HOM473 SHALL NOT E%CEED 30 FEET. 12 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT SHALL CREATE MINIMUM NOSE AND BE COMPLETELY SCREENED FROM PU13UC VIEW. 13. DETAILED UGNDNG PLANS WALL BE PROVIDED WITH INDIVIDUAL SITE PLANS AND SHALL BE DESIGNED TO REFLECT AWAY FROM ADJACENT PROPERTY AND ARE SUBJECT TO APPROVAL BY THE PLANNING MID ZONING COMMITTEE AND CITY COUNCIL IC BUFFER YARD SHALL COMPLY WITH SECTIONS 53 AND 25.M.4 OF THE ZONING ORMNAq= 15. DENSRY: A. LOT SIZE - 30.000 SQFF. (MIN) & OPEN SPACE - 205 (MN) G BLDG COYFlRAGE - 805 MAX) D. IMPERVIOUS MATERIAL - 805 (MAX) 16. AREA REGULATIONS A. LOT WIDTH - 120' (MIN) IL LAT DEPTH - 12W (MIN) GFRONT BUILDING LINE - 25' & SIDE BUILDING LINE - 10' E REAR BUILDING LINE - 25' 17. PARKING WITHIN SETBACKS SHALL BE N ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPROVED CONCEPT FLAN. AUSTIN OAKS ADDITION CAB. 'A", SLIDE 408 P.R.T.GT. N57'19'49'W 122' '7s• �y/ (^"y STT W 6jY949. '^ \„gyp CvARrq�'VLi �70� SMV ^owJ THE PRIMARY ROADWAY (PUBLIC ACCESS EASEMENT) ARD PUBLIC UITUM S. THE WALL WILL BE CONSTRUCTED OF DOUBLE SIDED. SPLIT FACED CONCRETE BLOCK WITH A UM13TONE WHITE COLOR. A CONTINUOUS CONCRETE FOOTING LL BE CONSTRUCTED AND WEEP HOLES WILL ALLOW FOR NATURAL DRAINAGE. SCREENING WALL CONSTRUCTION PLANS WILL BE APPROVED BY THE CITY OF GRAPEVINE PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION. THE SCREENING WALL WILL BE CONSTRUCTED 5 FEET INSIDE THE EXISTING A PROPERTY LINE IN ZONE ''. A LL S FOOT 'WALL MA1NiFNANCE EASEMENT' WILL BE PROVIDED BETWEEN 7Fff WAAND THE RESIDSEPAL PROPERTY UNE TO ALLOW FOR CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE OF THE WALL MASTER DEVELOPER WILL CONSTRUCT THE EXTENSIONS OF EXISTING RESIDENTIAL WITHIN THE 5 FEET WALL MAINTENANCE EASEMENT OF THE SCREENING WALL 23. LANDSCAPE BUFFER - OPEN SPACE BUFFERS WLL BE PROVIDED ADJACENT TO ALL RESIDENTIAL USES IN ZONE *A* AND ZONE "B'. WITHIN ZONE'A' THE BUFFER WILL VARY IN DEPTH BETWEEN 30 AND 90 FEET AS PER THE CONCEPT PLAN. WITHIN ZONE '8' A 20 F00T DEPTH WILL BE PROVIDED, WTZONE "e HIN OFLANDSCAPING VIT O THE WAU- THE SCREENING WALL. MASTER D UPONNEVELOPIR WILL LL INSTALIVE OAK TREES WITH A MINIMUM SIZE OF 3 CALIPER INCHES AT 24i PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION - A RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION OF 10 FEET WILL BE PROVIDED AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF BONHAM TRAIL AND ALAMO TRAIL PLACEMENT OF THE SCREENING WILL BE ALONG THE EAST LINE OF THE PROPOSED DEDICATION. 25. BUILDING HEIGHTS - ALL STRUCTURES SHALL HAVE A MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF 1 STORY. 26. RESTRICTED USES - LOTS 7-11 WILL BE RESTRICTED TO 'CN' NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL 0MIRICT USES (RETAIL. PROFESSIONAL OFFICE, TTG). RESTAURANTS OR RESTAURANT WITH DRIVE THRU SERVICE ARE EXCLUDED FROM CM AREAS 27. RESTAURANTS MIN DRIVE THRU WINDOWS - DRIVE 1HRU RESTAURANTS LL N07 ALLOW OUTDOOR DINING OR OU15DE AUDRORY SPEAKER& DRIVE UP WINDOWS LL SE PLACED AWAY FROM RS4DENTAL AREA& 2& OUTDOOR ODVNG - OUTDOOR DINING ON RESTAURANTS WILL BE STRUCTURALLY COVERED AND LOCATED AWAY FROM RESIDENTIAL USES 28. LIGHTING - WESTGATE PLAZA LIGHTING SHALL BE DESIGNED TO PROVIDE CLOSING 3D. SIGNS - ALL SIGNS ON SITE (GRAPEVINE OR SOUTHLAKE) MUST BE TURNED OFF AT CLOSING SIGNPOS 3 SHALL NOT EXCEED 40' IN HEIGHT AS MEASURED FROM GROUND TO THE TOP OF THE SIGN. 31. DUMPSTERS - TRASH RECEPTACLE& AS CONSTRUCTED BY FUTURE LOT DEVELOPMENT. SHALL BE SETBACK A MINIMUM OF 120' FROM ANY SINGLE FAMILY PROPERTY LINE AND SHALL BE FENCED AND GATED ON ALL SLOES, AND LANDSCAPED ON THREE SIDE LANDSCAPING SHALL CONSIST OF EVERGREEN SHRUB& 32 GREASE TRAPS AND KITCHEN VENTS - TRAPS AND VENTS ITEMS SHALL BE LOCATED AWAY FROM RESIDENTIAL USES. MAINTENANCE SHALL OCCUR DURING DAYTIME HOURS. 33, TRUCK TRAFFIC - WASICATE PLAZA SUPPLY DELIVERIES AND TRASH PICK UP SHALL OCCUR DURING THE HOURS OF 7:00 A.M. TO 6:00 PAL SUNDAY TRUCK TRAFFIC SHALL BE PROHIBITED. 34, COMMOTION TRAFFIC - TRAFFIC ASSOCIATED WITH ANY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES SRALL BE PROHIBITED THROUGH ANY RESIDENTIAL USES, ALL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES AND DELIVERIES SHALL BE LIMITED TO 8:00 A.M. - 8:00 P.M.. MON.-SAT. 35. AC AND ELECTRICAL UNITS - THESE UNITS AND OTHER NOISE GENERATING UNITS SHALL BE SCREENED FROM VIEW WFHETHER ROOF MOUNTED OR GROUND LEVEL. GROUND LEVEL. UNITS SHALL BE LOCATED AWAY FROM ALL RESIDENTIAL USES AND SURROUNDED WATH SCREENING FENCE AND/OR EVERGREEN HEDGE MATERIAL fig780� TYPICAL SCREENING WALL O SCALE 0 20 40 80 120 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET 2 HWY MALT COUNTY MAPSCO 27F VICINITY MAP (NOT TO SCALE) LOT 1 0.924 AG (40,214 SF) -TOTAL FLOOR AREA 3,500 SR/2,585 SF. FLOROAR AREA 1:0.1 LOT COVERAGE 105 (BLDG.) 5 70M (BLDG. & PAVING) OPEN SPACE 305 LOT 2 1.34 AG (B&454 SF) -TOTAL FLOOR AREA 4,000 SR/3,642 SF. FLOOR AREA RATIO 1:0.14 LOT COVERAGE 105 (BLDG.) 5 7115 (BLDG. & PAVING) OPEN SPACE 305 LOT 8 LOIS AC. (131,464 SF) TOTAL FLOOR AREA 17,724 SF FLOOR AREA RATIO 1:0.1 LOT COVERAGE 105 (BLDG.) 5 LOT 3 1.566 AG (69,146 SF) f TOTAL FLOOR 12.772 SF. 9.987 ACRES AREA FLOOR AREA 1:0.19 Q RATIO LLl LOT COVERAGE 185 (BLD&) 2E 545 (BLDG. & PAVING) Ltj OPEN SPACE 275 r� LOT 4 1.546 AG (67,834 SF) •TOTAL. FLOOR &C00 SF./7,750 SR AREA FLOOR AREA 1:0.15 RATIO LOT COVERAGE 205 (BLDG.) 805 (BLDG. & PAVING) OPEN SPACE 205 LOT 3 y -. (89,411 SF) E T. 4 F�.. Y LOT 8 LOIS AC. (131,464 SF) TOTAL FLOOR AREA 17,724 SF FLOOR AREA RATIO 1:0.1 LOT COVERAGE 105 (BLDG.) 755 (BLDG. & PAVING) OPEN SPACE 1 255 LOT 8 LOIS AC. (131,464 SF) TOTAL FLOOR AREA 17,724 SF FLOOR AREA RATIO 1:0.13 LOT COVERAGE 145 (BLDG.) 735 (BLD& & PAVING) OPEN SPACE I 275 COGS-31/CU07-04 C/TYOF CJE I CJS Io 11 AP --40• PK FIE: 2247-1G-034 WNTCOUNTY,TEMS '7w FILE JWG SP -1 DWG FILE 2247-10-034CVXWG Na I OATS I MPEMI&V 8350 N. CENTRAL EXPWY. SUITE 1000 Pacheco Koch DALLAS, TX 75206 972235.3031 TIL REG ENGLNEEIBNG FlRY F-489 DALLAS . FORT WORTH . HOUSTON TX REG SURVEYING FIRM LS -100080-00 Q ti MASTER SITE PLAN WESTGATE PLAZA LOTS 1-6 9.987 ACRES C/TYOF CJE I CJS Io 11 AP --40• PK FIE: 2247-1G-034 WNTCOUNTY,TEMS '7w FILE JWG SP -1 DWG FILE 2247-10-034CVXWG LOT 3 T. EASTER N0. /- HIGHWAY 114 PROSPECT, LTD. 458 ADDITION / (INST. NO. D203095974) (CAB. A, t/ In SL 13021) - I 15' PEDESTRIAN EASEMENT (CAB. A. 13121) 'a II W riNLLANE ¢p I I PROVIDED 125.0' 32 FT I I No. OF STORIES R35.0' 3 II PROP. BARRIE] R2, (CAR A. 13a21) I I m PROPOSED TOTAL BUILDING AREA (MAX) v-, 6,801 SF CONCRETE 55,529 SF (INST. NO. D20 53 6 6 61 5) 1 TOTAL PARKING PAVEMENT 64 SPACES (2 HC) T� TRAFFIC SIGNAL CONTROL I(CAB. A, SL 13021) • NJ 1- I (INST. NO. D206058427) , I i R4 5 ��✓✓ I FLOOD LIGHT 3. ALL ON-SITE ELECTRICAL CONDUCTORS ASSOCIATED WITH NEW CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE LOCATED UNDERGROUND. FLAG POLE 4. OUTDOOR LOUDSPEAKERS ARE NOT PROPOSED FOR THE TRAFFIC SIGN IRS 1/2 INCH IRON ROD W/"PACHEC0 KOCH- CAP SET 5. -x a 0' POLE SICK t --� PROPERTY LINE 20;10 (SEE DETAIL t -�- Qo 3 � ' 5.5' R2 ' � o 0 THIS SHEET) OVERHEAD UTIUTY UNE z m R25 �i} I I u 50.0' F.F.®b41.00 GREENN W BE 1010 67 S _ I I 1w c• X, II W riNLLANE ¢p I I PROVIDED 125.0' 32 FT R25' No. OF STORIES 15.5' 1 II PROP. BARRIE] 15' PEDES AN EASEMENT - (CAR A. 13a21) -- 1021 - 10' UTILITY TOTAL BUILDING AREA (MAX) N' I( EASEMENT (CAB. 0. SL 13021 ' f 6,801 SF t (+---�10' UTILITY EASEMENT 55,529 SF (INST. NO. D20 53 6 6 61 5) 1 TOTAL PARKING I LOT 1 64 SPACES (2 HC) T. EASTER NO. 458 ADDITION TRAFFIC SIGNAL CONTROL I(CAB. A, SL 13021) • EYE CONSULTANTS PROPERTIES 1- I (INST. NO. D206058427) , I i TELEPHONE BOX LOT 3, BLOCK 2R WESTGATE PLAZA (CAB. A, SL 12829) PART OF HIGHWAY 114 PROSPECT, LTD. (INST. NO. D203095974) BUILDING UNE - - ®- N 21'08'25' E 414.84' IX IIIIIIIIIIIIIII111111 "PLAn 50.0' PROVIDED F4. 641.15 32 FT GREENHOUSE (101244 SF) No. OF STORIES 1 1 TOTAL BUILDING AREA PROP. BARRIE] =' FREE RAMPS -- 1021 - -- TOTAL BUILDING AREA (MAX) 13,882 SF BENCH MARK LIST CITY SM CITY OF ORAPEVPIE HORIZONTAL CONTROL MONUMENT NO. 5, BEING AN ALUMINUM ROD WITH CAP STAMPED CITY OF ORAPEVINE, MON 5, FOUND NEAR THE ENTRANCE TO THE CANNON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PARKING LOT APPROXIMATELY 250 FEET NORTH OF THE WIERSECTION OF NEST COLLEGE STREET AND PEBBLEBROOK ROAD. ELEV=633.01 BM8 1 ' O ' CUT SET ON BACK OF CURB ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF WESTGATE PLAZA, 150'7 WEST OF THE NORIHWEST PROPERTY CORNER OF SITE. E EV -822.20 BMP 2 ' O ' CUT SET ON Rff CENTER OF A CURB INET ON THE NORTH SIDE OF 7HE WEST BOUND SERVICE ROAD FOR E STATE HIGHWAY 114. SV:b WEST OF THE SOUTHWEST PROPERTY CORNER OF SITE ELE.V=627.66 (69,412 SF) <_ R25' LOT 2, BLOCK 2R WESTGATE PLAZA (CAB. A. SL 12829)PAR; M b AY 114 ( NST. 0. 030 5974 ILED: MAR H 18. 200 REQUIRED PROVIDED BUILDING HEIGHT (MAX) 32 FT 30.83 FT No. OF STORIES 1 1 TOTAL BUILDING AREA MS4 TO BUILDING UNE (F(R PLulI 26.8' - - 6,803 SF TOTAL OPEN SPACE (MIN) 13,882 SF 17,462 SF TOTAL BUILDING AREA (MAX) 13,882 SF 6,801 SF TOTAL BUILDING/PAVED AREA (MAX) 55,529 SF 55,528 SF TOTAL PARKING 45 SPACES 64 SPACES (2 HC) LANDSCAPE IN FRONT YARD TRAFFIC SIGNAL CONTROL 11% BENCH MARK LIST CITY SM CITY OF ORAPEVPIE HORIZONTAL CONTROL MONUMENT NO. 5, BEING AN ALUMINUM ROD WITH CAP STAMPED CITY OF ORAPEVINE, MON 5, FOUND NEAR THE ENTRANCE TO THE CANNON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PARKING LOT APPROXIMATELY 250 FEET NORTH OF THE WIERSECTION OF NEST COLLEGE STREET AND PEBBLEBROOK ROAD. ELEV=633.01 BM8 1 ' O ' CUT SET ON BACK OF CURB ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF WESTGATE PLAZA, 150'7 WEST OF THE NORIHWEST PROPERTY CORNER OF SITE. E EV -822.20 BMP 2 ' O ' CUT SET ON Rff CENTER OF A CURB INET ON THE NORTH SIDE OF 7HE WEST BOUND SERVICE ROAD FOR E STATE HIGHWAY 114. SV:b WEST OF THE SOUTHWEST PROPERTY CORNER OF SITE ELE.V=627.66 (69,412 SF) <_ R25' LOT 2, BLOCK 2R WESTGATE PLAZA (CAB. A. SL 12829)PAR; M b AY 114 ( NST. 0. 030 5974 ILED: MAR H 18. 200 PROPOSED CONCRETE PAVEMENT 7..0 .I.GIRIc McicN POWER POLE 9a1 J ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE GRAPEVINE SOIL EROSION I I ne�N r- (I R25' PROP. 20k15'--I---11II DRAINAGE ESM) LOCAP ON a MS4 TO BUILDING UNE (F(R PLulI 26.8' - - 8'55 10 BUILDING UNE 730' EASEM T� I C�I I LOT PLANS) PROPOSED CONCRETE PAVEMENT 7..0 .I.GIRIc McicN POWER POLE 9a1 J ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE GRAPEVINE SOIL EROSION LIGHT STANDARD 5` RIDI SI • 4 i) R25' PROPOSED R25' LOCAP ON a WATER VALVE 2. (REF ARCH •'+ EASEM T� I C�I I LOT PLANS) 9%� SL ) I i I ^ .•_ I a� , 5.5' F�yk' _ •16.0' .. 14.6 v 21.1' R14.5' pp .' pR POSED 15'^ 4` 6 ACES 9.0' WA EMEN 2.'r@ II 20.7 W PROP. R25' R25 MONUMENT SIGN CAN (SEE DETAIL 2 0 U3 REF ARCH "�- �' THIS SHEET) ( PROP. BARRIER R�sS' PLANS) FREE RAMPS 7.4' RSI, q. PROPOSED b CONCRETE MARKET�DEU 24.0' PAVEMENT I1 0{ (3177.68 SF% FF=639.75 �) FlRELANEY - � _ � R25' I '.�• �i. I N PROP. T r{ a5.4' CANIX'Y I .per PROP SEO II (Rff ARCH I I l�.a •s- PER LA PLANS) 4 'o- 9 PACES ®9.0' ; 15.5' 71'5 67.140 R1.5 �v CAR WASH X15 838 u`L tOr DSCAPE BU 9•5' 10' r=� �•600a0;09d o 6a BUILDING UNElmG(RcAAIeN. sElAStE2MBE2NsT) .;s 1 fes" as.7 I ,J b S" 21'QB'2J� W 426,5784 BUILDING LINE - ,. y I I II I B -B - 'r: `s I LOT 1, BLOCK 2R ;r. II II I is WESTGATE PLAZA (CAB. A, SL 12829) II EYE CONSULTANTS PROPERTIES (INST. NO. D206058427) FRONT VIEW SIDE MEW 1 1 WESTGATE MARKET o NOTES: 1. CABINET TO BE 100 SF GROSS 10'x10'z14' MAX) 2 POE SI ELEVATION TO BE 20' MAX HBGUNT POLE SIGN _ NOT TO SCALE -�-� WESTGATE MARKET 1, NOTES.' 1. SIGN TO HAVE MAX HEIGHT OF 10. MONUMNET SIGN 2 NOT TO SCALE II ( LOTI36 I I CONFOUND I LOTI 35 I Y'I I LOTI 34 LOTj 33 BLOCK 1 aTOWNHOMES OF R WESTGATE ,I (CAB. A. SL 12165) -i- 14' PRIVATE DRA NAGE IEASEMENT (CAB. A. SL 12165) ( A LOTI 32 ro 5 UI LITY EASEMENT (CAB. A, SL 8847) - - - -I- 37' ACCESS 1 UTILITY EASEMENT (CAB. A, SL 8847) LOTI31 + WTI IN - =- RETE PO1N8 1 LOT 130 I I ,..Id LOTI29 ISI I LOTF - - - I I I 0 10 20 40 60 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET EGE ® m RRANT 0 MAPSCO V/C/N/TY MAP (NOT TO SCALE) wm rr, .I.GIRIc McicN POWER POLE 1. ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE GRAPEVINE SOIL EROSION LIGHT STANDARD .•. CONTROL ORDINANCE SHALL BE MET DURING THE PERIOD WATER METER OF CONSTRUCTION. WATER VALVE 2. mv� IRRIGATION CONTROL VALVE Q FIRE HYDRANT 4 CLEANOUT a. .0 MANHOLE ..{ ❑ TRAFFIC SIGNAL CONTROL • TRAFFIC SIGNAL POLE -0 TELEPHONE BOX ��✓✓ u FLOOD LIGHT 3. ALL ON-SITE ELECTRICAL CONDUCTORS ASSOCIATED WITH NEW CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE LOCATED UNDERGROUND. FLAG POLE 4. OUTDOOR LOUDSPEAKERS ARE NOT PROPOSED FOR THE TRAFFIC SIGN IRS 1/2 INCH IRON ROD W/"PACHEC0 KOCH- CAP SET 5. (GM) CONTROLUNG MONUMENT t --� PROPERTY LINE Vu! -�- FENCE -alt OVERHEAD UTIUTY UNE CASE NAME WESTGATE MARKET CASE NUMBER CU 10-09 CASE ADDRESS: 2215 WESTGATE PLAZA MAYOR SECRETARY DATE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION CHAIRMAN SHEET 2 OF 12 APPROVAL DOES NOT AUTHORIZE ANY WORK W CONFLICT W7µA CODES OR CES DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES '.. NOTES - 1. ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE GRAPEVINE SOIL EROSION CONTROL ORDINANCE SHALL BE MET DURING THE PERIOD _ S OF CONSTRUCTION. Na DA7P AE VISION g 2. THE ENTIRE SITE IS THE PREMISE. CONDITIONAL USE REQUEST, CU 10-07 IS A REQUEST TO AMEND THE 8350 N. CENTRAL EXPWY SUR 1000 Pacheco KochDALLAS. TX 75208 972.235.3031 Q PREVIOUSLY APPROVED SITE PLAN OF CU 08-18 SPRC, TX REr, ENGINEERING FIRM F-460 HOUSTON CU 07-04 (ORD. 07-17) FOR A PLANNED COMMERCIAL DALLAS . FORTWORTH , TX REG. SURVEYING FRY LS-IOOOBD-00 y CENTER, SPECIFICALLY TO ALLOW THE POSSESSION,1 STORAGE, RETAIL SALE AND OFF -PREMISE CONSUMPTION SITE PLAN OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES (BEER AND WINE ONLY), MARKET STORE OUTSIDE DINING, AND A 20 -FOOT POLE SIGN IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE DEVELOPMENT OF A 3,177 WESTGATE PLAZA SQUARE FOOT MARKET/DELI, A 1,600 SQUARE FOOT CARWASH AND TWO 1,013 SQUARE FOOT GREEN HOUSES. LOT 2, BLOCK 2R 3. ALL ON-SITE ELECTRICAL CONDUCTORS ASSOCIATED WITH NEW CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE LOCATED UNDERGROUND. C/TYOFGRAP"NE, TARRANTCOUNTY, TEXfIS 4. OUTDOOR LOUDSPEAKERS ARE NOT PROPOSED FOR THE DESIGN OR4HW I DAM I SO4LE I MOWS I AZZ I ND. SUBJECT SITE. 5. THE SIGN WAS INCLUDED IN THE DETERMINATION OF THE- MAR 1•®20' SP -21 ILLUMINATION LEVELS. 2010 PK FILE 2247-10-034 DWG PBT: 2247-10-034CV.DWO wcc mn rin_tn-nual nun LOT13 3 T. EASTER NO HIGHWAY 114 PROSPECT, LTD. 458 AMMON' (INST. NO. D203095974) 1 (CAB. A, / LOT 3, BLOCK 2RI ( '•. �) 19 SL 13021) 9� WESTGATE PLAZA II (CAB. A. SL 12829) PART OF HIGHWAY 114 PROSPECT, LTD. (INST. NO. D203095974) PROP. ZO'xlW lorft b 15' PEDESTRIAN DRAINAGE ESMT R EASEMENT (CAB. A. 10' BUILDING LINE I I EL 13021) 9, ld BUILDING LINE N 21'OB`W E 414.84i 47,1' 19j" f- X 10, BUILDING LINE 100.0, t 73.0' 7NllCAlE B,a1FFER RZ5' gv 6 11 Sp VR31 t9 ( OD.D` a R3; L . B CK 2R R35.0' R35.[f (x 0 -Ta Li E FF R2.5' J (69,412 SF) PROPO ED R7 5' P F. R2.5` 2 CONCRETE q IR DROMPPOSEMED 4j I i45� i; 1. LOT Z BLOCK 2R CONCRETE LOCATION BEI.V.TTY iz PROPOSED PAVEMENT -5 WESTGATE PLAZA PAVEMENT LOT C E, (REF ARC td (CAB. A, SL 12829) PLANS) W !e R2.5' 2. 31 R2.1' nr 5 av, I I 1p HIG(�INVAY 1,14 03S.P.�,C.T,4 0 0 R3S.Cv R350. H i1p. LED: MAR H 18, 200 55,v POLE "N a 9.0 ■ DE,��G p In (SEE 'L THIS SHUT) 71.V GO 7.1' L -PRI 11*41 r LIS.3 6 1 8 S 'ACES 0 9.0' WA` OSE -A! EIVM&;STB r F25' ET 73.(' 50.0, 30.1, 1 1 1 R15, 194.0' R2- MONUMENT SIGN All I PROP. 6 F.F-641.00 (CANOPY THIS SHEET) IN) GREENHOUSE VPIOP. BARRIER b REF ARCH b PROPO (1010.67 Sn PLANS) FREE RAMPS 7.4! L94 CONCRETE BED RETE P A I AVUENT 18.51 (3177.6B ) MARKET/DEJ 24.0' to Tll (REF An FIRELANE F.F.-639.'7F, RZS* 11111111111111111 PLANS) PROP :S ..LROP PLANS) 7 PER, 5.4! CANOPY :2 25.0! illwillilillill FlRELANE (REF ARCH pi -J 50.0, 14� ACES b 4 -q F.&.641.15 III 25' BUILDINGGREENHO BE Ik, LIN(1012.44 SF) 15.5. �-f I -_ f 1 1 2 4- " I 83.W 7 1111 0 15 1.61 11 71.5- 779 ti R1.5 CAR WASH 1. DR AIN SEMENT R9.5 P" VF (CAB... 12a2s) b PROP. BARRIER 11 4, R2 5' FREE RAMPS ct ;N'�.2 0 o -[ANDSCAPE SU P 10- BUILDING ------ LDING LINE 4 IL 102-r -4� P- BUILDING UNE 15 EASEMENT 10 =INCH CAB. A, 13021) S 21-08-2i; 426. ROD UTILITY - 0.5, WTH,P EASEMENT 7 Air CAP FOUND (CAEL A. SL 13021 27- B-8 _IO` UTILITY EASEMENT INST. NO. D205366615) LOT 1 LOT 1, BLOCK 2R IT. EASTER NO. 458 ADDITION WESTGATE PLAZA (CAB. A, SL 13021) (CAB. A. SL 12829) II I EYE CONSULTANTS PROPERTIES EYE CONSULTANTS PROPERTIES (INST. NO. 0206058427) (INST. NO. D206058427) II smcm MARK usir CITY sm CITY OF GRAPEVINE HORIZONTAL CONTROL MONUMENT Nil 5, BEING AN ALUMINUM ROD WIN CAP STAMPS) 'CITY OF GRAPEVINE. MON. r. FOUND WAR THE ENTRANCE TO THE CANNON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PARKING LOT APPROXIMATELY 250 FEET NORTH OF TIE INTERSECTION OF WEST COLLEGE STREET AND PEBBLE33ROOK ROAD. ELEW633.01 BMf I WT SET ON BACK OF CURB ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF WESTGATE PLAZA. 150`1 WEST OF THE NORTHWEST PROPERTY CORNER OF SITE . E"-622.20 BMj 2 CUT SET ON THE CENTER OF A CURB INLET ON THE NORTH SIDE OF THE WEST BOUND SERVICE ROAD FOR L STATE HIGHWAY 114, M 80'1 NEST OF RE SOUTHWEST PROPERTY CORNER OF SITE ELEV-527.65 OWNER: HIOWAY 114 PRospircr, LTD. SURVEYOR, PACHECO KOCH CONSULTING ENO)NEERS CONTACT, LOFFY gtvwuft CONTACT, Erl, Kralner 4011 N. MIDLAND DRIVE 6350 N CENTRAL. EKPIVY. SUITE IOM MIDLAND, I=" 79710 DALLAS, =AS ?MOB TEL (512) 768-3510 TEL 1 972) 236-3031 FAX 1512) 768-9956 II I CLUDTO b IN NO ALL LOTI 32 CONSTRUCTION CENTRAL TEXAS A AND ANY OTHER APPLICABLE STANDARD DO . F WORK -6 Ull TY EASEMENT 8ElPLEjnU0ANR OFMTHALLANSPAERCIISS AND IN NO WAY REUEVE THE - Of (CPB. A. SL 8 ... ACCORDANCE WITH ALL SUCH APPUCABL S. THE HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL LOCATIO LOT1,36 0 10 20 40 6.0 -37- ACCESS a PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTIONOF ANY SUCH THE CONTRACTOR TO PROTECT ALL truir UTILITY EASEMENT o (CAR. A. SL 8847) GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET LOTI31 UNE, AND L- M -r- G Em: r -_J C=> SHA . - I. THE CITY AS REWIRED. LL 7. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR COMPLIANCE WITH ALL FEDERAL. STATE AND • OUT IN t . BOLLARD DIMENSIONS. 9. REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR DETAILED BUILDING ENTRANCE LAYOUTS, RAMPS. CONCRETE -FOUND dm ELECTRIC METER POWER POLE C 10. BARRICADING AND PROJECT SIGNS SHALL CDNFO MNM TRANSPORTATION M AL OF UIREORM-TRAFFICCIRGL UPDATES. LOTI 35 LIGHT STANDARD WATER METER uj WATER VALVE r Nvt IRRIGATION CONTROL VALVE � k RLQ FIRE HYDRANT> Ol CLEANOUT W Vx a MANHOLE -0 TRAFFIC SIGNAL CONTROL 111. TRAFFIC SIGNAL POLE LOTI 34 -Ea TELEPHONE BOX sY FLOOD LIGHT FLAG POLE m� TRAFFIC SIGN 0 LOTI 33 - IRS `lA".-0"-'K'OCHROD* CAI Sl?- yp TOWNHOMES OF PROPERTY LINE Lij WESTGATE FENCE (CAB. A. OVERHEAD UTILITY UNE 7- SL 12165) GENERAL NOTES 4 VA- --T-D �PXA SE I 1. ALL WORK. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. SHALL CONFORM TO THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTOR, BY THE N OM CENTRAL TEXAS COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENT, AND CITY OF G STANDARD CONSTRUCTION LLI uj EASEMENT (CAB. A. I SL 12185) SPECIFICATIONS. Z PRIOR ANY CONSTRILIC17M THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE FAMILIAR WTH THE PLAN S . THE STANDARD 5--n- mn, mini ir. NO u 0 4 LOT128 II I CASE NAME WESTGATE MARKET CASE NUMBER: CU 10-011 CASE ADDRESS 2215 WESTGATE PLAZA --VA-YDR SECRETARY DATE DATE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION - CHAIRMAN BEET 3 OF 12 APPROVAL GOES N&AUTHOgRiffEANO IN WORK "WINANCES IN GO* ANY DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ISSUED FOR PRELVAINARY PRICING PURPOSES ONLY (SUBJECT TO REVISION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION) THESE 130MJMBM HAVE BEEN PREPARED BY THE ENGINEER WITH THE INTENT OF COMPLYING WITH ALL CITY STANDARD REQUIREMENT" THESE DOCUMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN APPROVED AND RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION BY THE CITY AS OF THIS DATE TN AND. EREPGRE• REVISIONS MAY BE REQUIRED PRIOR M CONSTRUCTION. BY ANY USE OF THESE DOCUMEIM THE USER AFFIRMS THEIR UNDERSTANDING OF THE PRELIMINARY STATUS OF THE PLANS AND THE POTENTIAL FOR REVISION PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION. NO. DA 7-' R"SION -U Pacheco Koch D'AUA'S. 'TX '7,2GIExpWY,-7"Al-,.13-00,',' TX REAL ENGINEERING FIRM F-469 Ml DALLAS . FORT WORTH - HOUSTON IX RED. SURVEYING FIRM LS--lW0BO-OO DIMENSIONAL CONTROL PLAN MARKET STORE WESTGATE PLAZA LOT 2, BLOCK 2R /TYOFORAffKME, URRANrCOUNI-Y, TE"S DESAGN DRAEPN VAr-- S0446 NOTES TALE Ala CJE/CjSj X_ I 201MAR 0 C1.1 PK FLF- 2247-10-034 DWO FILE-- 2247-10-034CV.DWG CENTRAL TEXAS A AND ANY OTHER APPLICABLE STANDARD DO . F WORK -6 Ull TY EASEMENT 8ElPLEjnU0ANR OFMTHALLANSPAERCIISS AND IN NO WAY REUEVE THE - Of (CPB. A. SL 8 ... ACCORDANCE WITH ALL SUCH APPUCABL S. THE HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL LOCATIO CONCRETE BEEN DETERMINED FROM DATA RECORDE1 NECESSARY CROSSING CLEARANCES BETV -37- ACCESS a PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTIONOF ANY SUCH THE CONTRACTOR TO PROTECT ALL truir UTILITY EASEMENT o (CAR. A. SL 8847) CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY SITE AND LOCAI 4, IT WILL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE LOTI31 UNE, AND 4 LOT128 II I CASE NAME WESTGATE MARKET CASE NUMBER: CU 10-011 CASE ADDRESS 2215 WESTGATE PLAZA --VA-YDR SECRETARY DATE DATE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION - CHAIRMAN BEET 3 OF 12 APPROVAL GOES N&AUTHOgRiffEANO IN WORK "WINANCES IN GO* ANY DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ISSUED FOR PRELVAINARY PRICING PURPOSES ONLY (SUBJECT TO REVISION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION) THESE 130MJMBM HAVE BEEN PREPARED BY THE ENGINEER WITH THE INTENT OF COMPLYING WITH ALL CITY STANDARD REQUIREMENT" THESE DOCUMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN APPROVED AND RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION BY THE CITY AS OF THIS DATE TN AND. EREPGRE• REVISIONS MAY BE REQUIRED PRIOR M CONSTRUCTION. BY ANY USE OF THESE DOCUMEIM THE USER AFFIRMS THEIR UNDERSTANDING OF THE PRELIMINARY STATUS OF THE PLANS AND THE POTENTIAL FOR REVISION PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION. NO. DA 7-' R"SION -U Pacheco Koch D'AUA'S. 'TX '7,2GIExpWY,-7"Al-,.13-00,',' TX REAL ENGINEERING FIRM F-469 Ml DALLAS . FORT WORTH - HOUSTON IX RED. SURVEYING FIRM LS--lW0BO-OO DIMENSIONAL CONTROL PLAN MARKET STORE WESTGATE PLAZA LOT 2, BLOCK 2R /TYOFORAffKME, URRANrCOUNI-Y, TE"S DESAGN DRAEPN VAr-- S0446 NOTES TALE Ala CJE/CjSj X_ I 201MAR 0 C1.1 PK FLF- 2247-10-034 DWO FILE-- 2247-10-034CV.DWG AND GRADE DURING EHE CONSTRUCTOR OF THE PAVING FOR THIS DEVELOPMENT. EL &1 PROTECT AND MAINTAIN ROADWAY TRAFFIC THROUGHOUT THE PROJECT, PROVIDING A MINIMUM OF ONE LANE OPEN IN EACH DIRECTION, CUTIN S2 PROVIDE AND INTERIM ACCESS FROM ROADWAYS CURRENTLY IN USE TO STREETS 13 ALL DRIVEWAYS AND TINO OR ALLEYS CONCRETE 5.3 MAINTAIN NORMAL PROJECT NEW DRAINAGE FACUM ARE FUNCTIONAL, INCLUDING, WHERE NECESSARY. INTERIM REPLACEMENT OF EASITNO TRU L REMOVED FOR CONSTRUCTION OF NEW DRAINAGE DRAINAGE STRUCTURES 1 LOTO 5.FACILITIES. 4 MAINTAIN ALL WORK AND MATERIAL STORAGE AREAS IN ORDERLY CONDITION, FREE 2 OF DEBRIS AND WASTE' ON COMPLEIION OF CONSTRUCTION, CLEAN UP THE PROJECT AND ADJACENT AFFECTED AREAS TO ACCEPTABLE CONDITION, ALL AS PROVIDED IN THE GENERAL CONDITIONS. 6. PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION, BONDS AND THREE-WAY CONTRACTS SHA . - I. THE CITY AS REWIRED. LL 7. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR COMPLIANCE WITH ALL FEDERAL. STATE AND LOCAL REGIJLA71ONS REGARDING TRENCH SAFETY. & REFER To ARCHITECTURAL AND STRUCTURAL PLANS TO VERIFY ALL BUILDING DIMENSIONS. 9. REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR DETAILED BUILDING ENTRANCE LAYOUTS, RAMPS. LOT 29 LANDSCAPE AND SIDEWALKS. 70(AS DEPARTMENT OF 10. BARRICADING AND PROJECT SIGNS SHALL CDNFO MNM TRANSPORTATION M AL OF UIREORM-TRAFFICCIRGL UPDATES. 4 LOT128 II I CASE NAME WESTGATE MARKET CASE NUMBER: CU 10-011 CASE ADDRESS 2215 WESTGATE PLAZA --VA-YDR SECRETARY DATE DATE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION - CHAIRMAN BEET 3 OF 12 APPROVAL GOES N&AUTHOgRiffEANO IN WORK "WINANCES IN GO* ANY DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ISSUED FOR PRELVAINARY PRICING PURPOSES ONLY (SUBJECT TO REVISION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION) THESE 130MJMBM HAVE BEEN PREPARED BY THE ENGINEER WITH THE INTENT OF COMPLYING WITH ALL CITY STANDARD REQUIREMENT" THESE DOCUMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN APPROVED AND RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION BY THE CITY AS OF THIS DATE TN AND. EREPGRE• REVISIONS MAY BE REQUIRED PRIOR M CONSTRUCTION. BY ANY USE OF THESE DOCUMEIM THE USER AFFIRMS THEIR UNDERSTANDING OF THE PRELIMINARY STATUS OF THE PLANS AND THE POTENTIAL FOR REVISION PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION. NO. DA 7-' R"SION -U Pacheco Koch D'AUA'S. 'TX '7,2GIExpWY,-7"Al-,.13-00,',' TX REAL ENGINEERING FIRM F-469 Ml DALLAS . FORT WORTH - HOUSTON IX RED. SURVEYING FIRM LS--lW0BO-OO DIMENSIONAL CONTROL PLAN MARKET STORE WESTGATE PLAZA LOT 2, BLOCK 2R /TYOFORAffKME, URRANrCOUNI-Y, TE"S DESAGN DRAEPN VAr-- S0446 NOTES TALE Ala CJE/CjSj X_ I 201MAR 0 C1.1 PK FLF- 2247-10-034 DWO FILE-- 2247-10-034CV.DWG I TXDOT BRASS FOUND 32 PROP. 310' �...RS F- 10' BUILDING LINE N 33 PROP. 20`05' DRAINAGE ESMT FOUND , •SAN. SEWER LOT 35 - Fm LOT 34 LOT 33 LOT 32 JlIHrIL— LOT 31 CONCR LOT 3D ' _ 1�P11 �� ►—�.�. �. s�il. _i `roe 1 / � 4 I - ' ilii -Til ' I LOT I THIS AREA UNDER CONSTRUCTION AT LOT 28— TIME OF SURVEY. OWNER: HIGHWAY 114 PROSPECT, LID. CONTACT.Larry Sl .... I 4011 N. MIDLAND DRIVE MIDLAND, TEXAS 79710 TET. (5121 766.3510 FAX (5121 766.9956 SURVEYOR: PACNECO KOCH CONSULTIAD ENGINEERS CONTACT: trio Krelner 6350 N. CENTRAL EXPWY. SUITE 1000 DALLAS, TEXAS 7SZO6 TEL ISIT21 236.3031 PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION THIS DOCUMENT IS ISSUED FOR THE PURPOSE OF SCHEMATIC REVIEW ONLY AND IS NOT INTENDED FOR PERMITTING, BIDDING, OR CONSTRUCTION PURPOSES PLANS PREPARED UNDER THE DIRECT SUPERVISION OF C. JACK EVAN& P.E. TEXASREGISTRATION NO. 93M DATE 04/2B/2010 0 10 20 40 60 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET r COMMENTS PROPOSED 1 )ROP )RroOSp , INLET CALCULATIONS INLETOt09 INLET INLET INLET NUMBER AREA (Cfa) ..(FT) TYPE CAPACTILY (CFS) Al 6 .2510 CURB 10 A2 4 C.45 CRATE 1.57 A2 6 0.65 5 CURB 2 ISSUED FOR PRELIMINARY PRICING PURPOSES ONLY (SUBJECT TO REVISION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION) THESE DOCUMENTS HAVE BEEN PREPARED BY THE ENGINEER WITH THE INTENT OF COMPLYING NRH ALL CITY STANDARD REQUIREMENTS THESE DOCUMENTS HAVE NOT BEENAPPROVED AND RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION BY THE CITY AS OF THIS DATE AND. THEREFORE, REVISIONS MAY Be REQUIRED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. BY ANY USE OF THESE DOCUMENTS, THE USER AFFIRMS THEIR UNDERSTANDING OF INE PRELIMINARY STATUS OF THE PLANS AND THE POTENTIAL FOR REVISION PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION. CASE NAME WESTGAIE MARKET CASE NUMBER: CU ID -O9 CASE ADDRESS: 2215 WESTGATE PLAZA MAYOR SECRETARY DATE PLANNING AND ZONING CDMMISSON CIiAIRMAN .SHEET 4 OF 12 APPROVAL DOES NOT AUTHORIZE ANY WORK IN CONFLICT 'NTN y CODES OR INAN DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES NQ DATE RENSIDN //�� 6350 N. CENTRAL EXPWY. SUITE 1000 Pacheco oc DALLAS, TX 75206 972.235.3031 TXREO. ENGIN—NC FIRM F-469 IN DALLAS . PORT WORTH . HOUSTON TX REG. SURVEYING FIRM LS -100080-00 CONCEPT DRAINAGE PLAN MARKET STORE WESTGATE PLAZA LOT 2, BLOCK 2R C/TYOFGRAPhWNE, TARR4NTCOUNTY, TEXAS - DES/ DRAWN D47E SCALE ND7ES FILE Na WE CJS 20 p 1'-20' CO92 PX FILE 2247-10-034 DWO FILE: 2247-IO-034DM.DWG B NC/NIrY MAP (NOT TO SCALE) 0- 'ac 0 9. BOLLARD ELECTRIC METER--- PROPERTY LINE PD. POWER POLE —><— FENCE � LIGHT STANDARD 6 � � � � ■ � � ■ PROPOSED DRAINAGE DIVIDE o WATER METER PROPOSED CONTOUR WATER VALVE .1. IRRIGATION CONTROL VALVE PROPOSED DRAINAGE FLOW DIRECTION Iwo FIRE HYDRANT PROPOSED 100 -YR FLOODPLAIN UNITS col. CLEANOUT OO MANHOLE /5A-7 PROPOSED DRAINAGE AREA ID 'u0 TRAFFIC SIGNAL CONTROL 1.09 AREA IN ACRES Q— IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND ts'• TRAFFIC SIGNAL POLE 8.71 —D TELEPHONE BOX ay. FLOOD LIGHT m • FLAG POLE Sw TRAFFIC SIGN PROPOSED DRAINAGE CRITERIA: 0-(C)(IXA) COMMENTS PROPOSED 1 )ROP )RroOSp , INLET CALCULATIONS INLETOt09 INLET INLET INLET NUMBER AREA (Cfa) ..(FT) TYPE CAPACTILY (CFS) Al 6 .2510 CURB 10 A2 4 C.45 CRATE 1.57 A2 6 0.65 5 CURB 2 ISSUED FOR PRELIMINARY PRICING PURPOSES ONLY (SUBJECT TO REVISION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION) THESE DOCUMENTS HAVE BEEN PREPARED BY THE ENGINEER WITH THE INTENT OF COMPLYING NRH ALL CITY STANDARD REQUIREMENTS THESE DOCUMENTS HAVE NOT BEENAPPROVED AND RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION BY THE CITY AS OF THIS DATE AND. THEREFORE, REVISIONS MAY Be REQUIRED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. BY ANY USE OF THESE DOCUMENTS, THE USER AFFIRMS THEIR UNDERSTANDING OF INE PRELIMINARY STATUS OF THE PLANS AND THE POTENTIAL FOR REVISION PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION. CASE NAME WESTGAIE MARKET CASE NUMBER: CU ID -O9 CASE ADDRESS: 2215 WESTGATE PLAZA MAYOR SECRETARY DATE PLANNING AND ZONING CDMMISSON CIiAIRMAN .SHEET 4 OF 12 APPROVAL DOES NOT AUTHORIZE ANY WORK IN CONFLICT 'NTN y CODES OR INAN DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES NQ DATE RENSIDN //�� 6350 N. CENTRAL EXPWY. SUITE 1000 Pacheco oc DALLAS, TX 75206 972.235.3031 TXREO. ENGIN—NC FIRM F-469 IN DALLAS . PORT WORTH . HOUSTON TX REG. SURVEYING FIRM LS -100080-00 CONCEPT DRAINAGE PLAN MARKET STORE WESTGATE PLAZA LOT 2, BLOCK 2R C/TYOFGRAPhWNE, TARR4NTCOUNTY, TEXAS - DES/ DRAWN D47E SCALE ND7ES FILE Na WE CJS 20 p 1'-20' CO92 PX FILE 2247-10-034 DWO FILE: 2247-IO-034DM.DWG B L OWNERr Nf6E69AY Ifo PROSPECT, LRD. SURVEYOR: PACNECO KOCH CONSOLT/NO ENGINEERS CONTACT, L-, Sl. -It CONTACT, Urfa Kr9fRAr 4011 N. MIDLAND DRIVE 6350 N. CENTRAL EXPWY. SUITE 1000 MIDLAND.TEXAS 1,91,10 DALLAS. TEXAS 7'5206 TEL (512/ 1,66-3610 TEL (972) 236-3031 FAX (3121 766-9956 PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION TH15 DOCUMENT IS ISSUED FOR THE PURPOSE OF SCHEMATIC RENEW ONLY AND 15 NOT INTENDED FOR PERMITTING, BIDDING, OR CONSTRUCTON PURPOSES PLANS PREPARED UNDER THE DIRECT SUPERVISION OF C. JACK EVANS, P.E TEXAS REGISTRATION N0. 93640 DATE 04/26/2070 L- E G E I -J O �m ELECTRIC METER POWER POLE u, UGHT STANDARD WATER METER WATER VALVE NMrATON CONTROL VALVE 0 10 20 40 60 FIRE HYDRANT cy CLEANOUT GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET 9E® MANHOLE ❑ TRAFFICSIONAL CONTROL • TRAFFIC SIGNAL POLE TOED TELEPHONE BOX ..'.. FLOW UCHT FLAG POLE TRAFFIC SIGN 9 A25 i/2 -INCH IRON RW E W/'PACHECO KOCH' CAP SET i (GM.) CONTROLLING MONUMENT PROPERTY UNE FENCE w -ac- OVERHEAD UTUTY UNE Z UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC UNE 6 UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE LINE ® ®- _I_ UNDERGROUND CABLE UNE -6'W- UNDERGROUND WATER UNE z --6'SS-- UNDERGROUND SANITARY SEWER UNE IL LLJ WATER AND SANITARY SEWER GENERAL NOTES {•� 1.UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, ALL CONCRETE SHALL BE MAW 'A', (3CO DPS). 2. ALL WATER INS SHALL B MAINS PVC 6900, DR 10. CLASS 15M FIRE PROTECTION SERV SHALL BE PVC CSW. DR 14, CLASS 200 AND INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITIi THE DE57(1� AND SPEC ICATONS OF THE FIRE PROTECTION PLANS TO BE PREPARED BY A LICENSED Foy J PROTECTONENGINEER 3. WATER AND SANITARY SEWER SERVICES SHALL MEET PLUMBING CODE REQUIREMENTS 4. ALL WATER MAINS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM COVER OF 48' 8E1 FINISHED GRADE 5. SANITARY SEWER PIPE SHALL BE PVC SDR -3S B. WHEN WATER MAINS AND SANITARY SEWERS ARE INSTALLED. THEY SHALL BE INSTALLED OF THE SEWER PIPE MUST E S UNDER A WATERLINE AND AND SEWER SHALL BE ASTM SPECFICATONS WITH PS. THE VERTICAL d 1SDE DIAMETERS AND THE BETWEEN OUTSIDE RUNE NE SEWER IS CONSTRUCTED 0- JRE RATING OF 150 PSI. AN CL E DIAMETERS SHAD. BE LOW THE WATERLINE WHERE FEET FEET EWERHOFUZONTALLY. SHOULD SEWER MU ION FOR THE WATERLINE PRODUCE THAT THE SEWER 6 REARING, THE SEWIDR MUST BER PARAGRAPH. OR REPLACED AS (F) THE S IN NEED NOT (A) OR (D) OF THIS PARAGRAPH. (F) THE SEWER NEED NOT BE DISTURBED WHERE A NEW EVIDENCE IS A CROSS OVER (BY TWOVAT FEET OR MORE) EXISTING SEWER SHOWING NO AT THE SEWER LEAKAGE SHOULD THESEW R FOR TIE EPARED PRODUCE EVIDENCE THAT THE UBSIS LEAKING- THEN THE SEWER MUST BE REPAIRED OR REPLACED AS DESCRIBER IN SUBSECTIONS NS TR CT (N, 7. CONTRACTOR TO VETOES* ALL EXISTING SEWER FLOW LINES BEFORE BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. 0. CONTRACTOR SHALL LE A Y WIDE PIECE OF RED FLAGGING FLAGGINGEXPOSED TO THE END FI SEWER SERVICE AND SHALL LEAVE A COMPLETED. OF 3S* A TORSH EMARK AFTER TION F SE ER SERB AND PAVING IS COMPLETED. CONTRACTOR SHALL MARK THE LOCATION OF THE SEWER SERVICE ON THE CURB OF ALLEY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE STANDARD Orr SPECIFICATIONS 9. ALL SANITARY SEWER LINES SHALL BE TESTED M ACCORDANCE WITH THE STANDARD CITY SPECIFICATIONS - 10. THE UTIUTY CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL THE WATER SERVICES TO A POINT TWO (Y FEET BACK OF THE CURB LINE AT A DEPTH OF 12 INCHES THE METER BOX SHALL BE FINISHED AND INSTALLER BY THE CONTRACTOR AFTER THE PAVING CONTRACTOR HAS COMPLETED THE FINE GRADING BEHIND THE BACK OF THE CURB. EACH SERVICE LOCATION WILL BE MARKED ON THE CURB. WITH A BLUE LETTER 'W BY THE UTILITY CONTRACTOR AND TIED TO PROPERTY CORNERS ON THE 'RECORD DRAWINGS*. 11.ALL METER BOXES SHALL BE LOCATED IN NON -TRAFFIC AREAS 12. TRENCH BACKFILL MATERIAL SHALL CONFORM TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF NCTCW ITEM 504.2 AND SHALL BE MECHANICALLY COMPACTED IN S' LIFTS TO THE TOP OF SUBGRADE TO A MINIMUM OF 95X STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY IN ACCORDANCE WITH NCTCOG ITEM 504.5 UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN ON THESE PLANS OR STATED IN THE STANDARD CITY SPECIFICATIONS 13. EMBEDMENT SHALL CONFORM TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF NCTCOG M 504.3 UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN ON THESE PLANS OR STATED IN THE STANDARD CITY SPECIFICATIONS 14. VALVE BOXES SHALT. BE FURNISHED AND SET ON EACH GATE VALVE AFTER THE FINAL CLEAN-UP MIO ALIGNMENT HAS BEEN COMPLETED, THE CONTRACTOR (UTILITY) SHALL POUR A CONCRETE BLOCK 24'%24'X6' AROUND ALL VALVE BOX TOPS WHICH SHALL BE LEVEL. WITH THE FINISHED GRADES, 15. IF REQUIRED DUE TO CONSTRUCTION, POWER POLES TO BE BRACED OR RELOCATED AT CONTRACTORS EXPENSE ISSUED FOR PRELIMINARY PRICING PURPOSES ONLY (SUBJECT TO REVISION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION) THESE DOCUMENTS HAVE BEEN PREPARED BY 114E ENGINEER WITH THE INTENT OF COMPLYING WITH ALL CITY STANDARD REOUIREMENTS THESE DOCUMENTS HAVE NDT BEEN APPROVED AND RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION BY THE CITY AS OF THIS DATE AND,THEREFO E REVISIONS MAY BE REQUIRED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. BY ANY USE OF THESE DOCUMENTS, THE USER AFFIRMS THEIR UNDERSTANDING OF THE PREUNINARY STATUS OF THE PLANS AND THE POTEHTAL FOR REVISON PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION. CASE NAME WESTGATE MARKET CASE NUMBER: CU 10-D9 CASE ADDRESS 2215 WESTGATE PLAZA MAYOR SECRETARY DATE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION CHAIRMAN SHEET 5 OF 12 APPROVAL DOES NOT AUTHORIZE ANY WORK IN COUP OOROIINANCN4 CODES OR DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES PIC FILE.- 2247-10-034 DWG FILE 2247-10-034ULOWC M PLANT LIST QTY. SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME SPEG(FICATION5 TREE 3 Quercus macrocarpa BUR OAK 3' CAL, 10'-12'. B ! B. SINGLE TRUNK 3 Quercus shumardl SHUMARD RED OAK 3' CAL, 10'-12'. B < B. SINGLE TRUNK I Cercis canadensis REDBUD 6'-8' B45, MULTI -TRUNK SH-IRUBS 31 Leucophyllum Frutescens mama COMPACT TEXAS SAGE 5 GAL, 36' O.C., FULL TO 5A5E 31 Nandina domestics 'Compact' COMPACT NANDINA 5 GAL, 36' O.C, FULL TO BASE 29 Ilex cornuta 'Burford❑ Nana' DWF. BUR -ORD HOLLY 5 GAL, 36' O.G., FULL TO BASE II Chaemomeles japonica FLOWERING QUINCE 5 GAL, 36' O.C, FULL TO BASE 24 Flyperlcum pagulum HYPERICUM 5 GAL, 36' O.C, FULL TO EASE 16 Hesperalos parviFlora RED YUCCA 5 GAL, 36' O.C, FULL TO BASE 18 5pirea 'Anthony Waterer' SPIREA 3 GAL, 36' O.C, FULL TO BASE 6 Juniperus sabina 'Tamarl—IFOla' TAM JUNIPER 5 GAL, 36' O.C, FULL TO BASE 11 Pittosporum tobira9Lheeler's Dwarr' WHEELER'S DU1F. PITTOSPORUM 5 GAL, 36' O.C, FULL TO BASE CaR,4SS 5 Schizachyrlum ecoparlum var. Frequens LITTLE 5LUE5TEM 5 GAL, 36' O.C, FULL TO BASE 13 Muhlenbergla capollaris GULF MUHLY 3 GAL, 36' O.C, FULL TO BASE 15 Muhlembwela Ilndi-eim-1 LINDHEIMER'S MUHLY 3 GAL, 36' O.C, FULL TO BASE 11 Panicum vmgatum SWITCH GRASS 5 GAL, 36' O.C, FULL TO BASE S4 Koelerla elauca BLUE HAIR GRASS 1 GAL, 24' O.C, FULL TO BASE CsROUND COVER 4 TURF t MISCELLANEOUS 828 s.F. Lirlope muscari LIRIOPE 4' POTS a 12' O.C.E.W. 1032 s.f. Lirlope muscarl'511very 5unprooP' SILVERY LIRIOPE 4' POTS a 12' O.CP.W. 210 sF. Ophlopogon japonicum MONDO GRASS 4' POTS a 12' O.C.E.W. 10,124 s.F. Cymodon dactylon COMMON 5ERMUDAGRA55 50LID SOD 169 I.F. Steel edgtmg RYER50N STEEL EDGING 1/6' x 4', GREEN IN COLOR, WITH 12' STAKES 639 s.F. Washed river gravel WASHED RIVER GRAVEL 315 sA. Arizona cobble extra small ARIZONA COBBLE EXTRA SMALL 215 ay. Oklahoma thick flagstone OKLAHOMA THICK FLAGSTONE JIF THERE IS A DISCREPANCY BETWEEN PLANS AND PLANT LIST, THE PLANS SHALL GOVERN. ®i.M'1? Ir - •'i GENERAL NOTE - TREES: I.) FINAL DECISION ON TREE REMOVAL NEAR BUILDING WILL DEPEND ON FINAL G-RADING PLAN. 260 -STEEL 5- 'PIREA 2 -TAM JUNIPER 198-LIRIOPE 5-WA5HED RIVER GRAVEL -CWF. BURFORD HOLLY''" 202-L I RIOPE ,(-I LANDSCAPE CALCULATIONS: ♦ . : ► No+ •^r +;..per TOTAL SITE AREA 69,421 SF. REQUIRED LANDSCAPE AREA (1590 10,413 5F. PROVIDED LANDSCAPE AREA 18,183 SF. IMPERVIOUS PAVING 31,120 SF. FRONT YARD 00 5351 INTERIOR LANDSCAPING GRO55 PARKING AREA (G.P.A.) 31,120 5F REQUIRED INTERIOR LANDSCAPING (10% OF G.PA.) 3,112 SF. PROVIDED INTERIOR LANDSCAPING 4,102 SF. REQUIRED TREES (ONE TREE/400 s.F.) 10 PERIMETER LANDSCAPING WEEDING, MOWING OF GRASS, IRRIGATION, FERTILIZING, PRUNING, PERIMETER AREA (165,414426) 1,005 I.F. REQUIRED TREES (ONE TREE/50 LF.) 20 NON-YEHICULAR OPEN SPACE PARKWAYS, AS NEEDED.THE REQUIRED LANDSCAPING MUST BE NON -VEHICULAR OPEN SPACE 6,5x4 s.F. REQUIRED LANDSCAPE AREA (15%) 10,413 SF, PERCENTAGE OF SITE IN NON -VEHICULAR OPEN SPACE 109' REQUIRED TREE IN NON -VEHICULAR OPEN SPACE 3 TOTAL COMPLY WITH THE V15151LITY TRIANGLE REQUIREMENTS. TOTAL REQUIRED TREES 33 EXISTING TREES 33 PROPOSED TREES 6 TOTAL PROVIDED TREES 39 f ADO NOT CUT LEADER BLACK REiNFORGED 3 GUY WIRES PER ,GROVE FIRST 'PIER OF PLANT REQUIRED. LLY AT BRANCHES---------- 120 DEGREES AROUND TREE. 5 GUY RES USED G V' 92 GAUGY (/✓J/fit/ FOR 5' Ci AL. OR LARGER GALVANIZED G Y WRE_ Y1. 3' .Y TOPSOIL GRADE REMOVE ALL BURLAP + WIRE FROM TOP V3 OF ROOT BALL. 01M SLANTING DETAIL ♦ . : ► No+ •^r +;..per 04/25/10 SYC . 04126110-A STC VICINITY MAP REMOVE CONTAINER +NORTH RIM 3' ABOVE NO SCALE LIGHTLY SCARIFY R00T5 SOIL BEFORE PLANTING. PINSHEDSAUCER GRADUALLY GRADE. SLOPE GRADUALLT TO FINISHED GRADE. SET PLANT Z' ABOVE FINISHED GRADE 3' MULCH IN PLANTING BED. To FINISHED GRADE GENERAL A IOtCC.- LOOSEN 5U5501L AT TOPSOIL MIX THE PROPERTY OUNER 15 FULLY RESPONSIBLE FOR REGULAR 5OTTOM PLANT, LIGHTL'� WMPACTEO WEEDING, MOWING OF GRASS, IRRIGATION, FERTILIZING, PRUNING, PIT 4' MIN. s• TOP501 AND OTHER MAINTENANCE OF ALL PLANTINGS, INCLUDING "m PARKWAYS, AS NEEDED.THE REQUIRED LANDSCAPING MUST BE ° CE :0,z m m @ EL 000 c MAINTAINED IN A HEALTHY GROWING CONDINTION AT ALL TIMES. 02 SHf%1B PLANTING DETAIL �. ALL LANDSCAPING WITHIN THE VISIBILITY TRIANGLES SHALL Qa COMPLY WITH THE V15151LITY TRIANGLE REQUIREMENTS. �i�, ♦ . : ► No+ •^r +;..per 04/25/10 SYC . 04126110-A STC ��i 05/02/10 SYC �^'..00 �I/rT^ �►/l ulr., � / _ _\ .�+►r..��y�_I�i u•, t,tr :�►t► ���t"';., ; � To FAA Y. ao jy ,, ► �'i ""^:a 1►/►+S a Ir►J �►1 �i^r 1 11 �Il/iii ��`a::�. �I .. ss I O W OoN� 0 () mq a I CE :0,z m m @ EL 000 c y `n M J Qa otl W> W �Z a. I (Dg W ® �i�, ♦ . : ► No+ •^r +;..per 04/25/10 SYC i , -.• I - 04126110-A STC 04/29/10-8 END 05/02/10 SYC I � To L71 Y. ao jy ,, ► �'i ""^:a 1►/►+S a Ir►J �►1 �i^r 1 11 �Il/iii ��`a::�. �I .. ss I O W OoN� 0 () mq a I CE :0,z m m @ EL 000 c LANDSGAPE PLAN SCALE: P=20' 11 i 04/25/10 SYC 04126110-A STC 04/29/10-8 END 05/02/10 SYC � To �I U) lf) Hip r��N Z EE. H- b O O h O W OoN� 0 () mq a I CE :0,z m m @ EL 000 c y `n M J Qa otl W> W �Z a. _W Z (Dg W ® 1 ILL. 0 O W w, Z Q o ® LJ Z z aQ; > W RL v LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 2, BLOCK 2R WESTGATE PLAZA GRAPEVINE, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS OWNER: MIDWEST COMMERCIAL REALTY, INC LARRY STEWART TREE FLAGGING: ALL TREES TO BE PRESERVED SHALL BE FLAGGED BY THE DEVELOPER WITH BRIGHTLY COLORED TAPE WRAPPED AROUND THE MAIN TRlPJIC PROTECTIVE FENCING ALL PRESERVED TREES REMAINING ON-SITE SHALL HAVE PROTECTIVE FENCING, INSTALLED BY THE DEVELOPER LOCATED APPROXIMATELY AT THE TREE'S DRIP LINE. THE PROTECTIVE FENCING MAY BE CCMPR15ED OF BRIGHTLY COLORED VINYL CONSTRUCTION FENCING, CHAIN LINK FENCING OR OTHER SIMILAR FENCING WITH A 4' APPROXIMATE HEIGHT. CUT ! FILL: A MINIMUM OF 15% OF THE CRITICAL ROOT ZONE (WITHIN DRIP LINE) MN5T BE PRE5ERVED AT NATURAL GRADE WITH NATURAL GROUND COVER NO P15TUR54NCE OF THE SOIL GREATER THAN 4' CAN BE LOCATED CLOSER TO THE TREE TR. NK THAN 112 THE DISTANCE TO THE DRIP LINE. AUTOMATIC UNDERGROUND IRRIGATION TO BE PROVIDED WITH AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER WITH RAIN AND FREEZE GUARDS. IRRIGATION: THE DESIGN AND TRENCHING FOR IRRIGATION 5YSTEMS SHALL NOT CR055 THE CRITICAL ROOT ZONES OF THE PRESERVED TREES. THE IRRIGATION TRENCHES SHOULD BE LOCATED OUTSIDE OF THE CRITICAL ROOT ZONE AND DESIGNED TO THROW WATER INTO THE AREA WITHIN THE DRIP LINE OF THE TREE. ANY TRENCHING WHICH MUST BE DONE WITHIN THE CRZ SHALL BE DUG BY HAND AND ENTER THE AREA IN A RADIAL MANNER SUCH AS IN A BICYCLE SPOKE CONFIGURATION. ON- SITE DUMP5TER SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL SCREENING REQUIREMENTS SET FORTH BY THE CITY OF GRAPEVINE SCREENING ORDINANCES. DUMPSTER ENCLOSURE WILL BE OF MASONRY WALLS THE WEIGHT OF THE CONTAINER WITH OPAQUE GATES. IF CMU'S ARE USED THEY WILL BE 5PLITFACE OR DECORATIVE. THIS LANDSCAPE PLAN MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE REQUIREMENTS SET FORTH IN THE LANDSCAPE AND SCREENING STANDARDS. CASE NAME: WESTGATE MARKET CASE NUMBER: CU10-09 LOCATION: 2215 WESTGATE PLAZA MAYOR SECRETARY DATE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION CHAIRMAN DATE SHEET 6 OF 1 2 APPROVAL DOES NOT AUTHORIZE ANY WORK IN CONFLICT WITH ANY CODES OR ORDINANCES DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES REMSIONS BY 04/25/10 SYC 04126110-A STC 04/29/10-8 END 05/02/10 SYC � To U) lf) Hip r��N Z EE. H- b O O h O W OoN� 0 () mq a Q CE :0,z m m @ EL 000 c y -00LLJ ° M J Qa otl W> W �Z a. _W Z (Dg W ® 1 ILL. 0 O W w, Z Q o ® LJ Z z aQ; > W RL v ¢ o DR4YM 5YC CHEC D END Dare 04/25/10 sra E V=20'_0" JOB NO. 100'1 SECTION 02900 LANO5CAPING PART 1 - GENERAL 101 QUALITY A55URANCE: in I firma specializing In landscape contracting r f the landscape work to be a s e A Contractor a P 9 P 9 P g B. The Contractor shall be responsible For all certlricates OF Inspection of plant materials that may be required by Federal, state, a other authorities to accompay shipment of plants. All plants must be Inspected and approved before they are planted. C. Plant Materials: Plant names used In plant schedule conform to 'Standardized Plant Names' published by the American Joint Committee on horticultural Nomenclature (current edition). The minimum size and quality standards shall be those recognized by the regional or stale organizations affiliated with the American Association of Nurserymen For extra heavy grade. The mosey stock shall be first quality, sound, healthy, vigorous, well•branched and densely Foliated. All plants shall be Ree OF disease, Insect pests, eggs or larvae and shall have a healthy, well -Famished root system. D. Sizes: All plants shall conform to the measurements specified In the Plant Schedule as shown on the drawings. Measurements specified shall be minimum size acceptable for each variety. Plants larger In size than that specified In the Plant Schedule may be used R approved by the Landscape Architect, but the use of larger plants shall not increase the Contract Price. IF the use of larger plants is approved, the ball or earth shall be increased in proportion to the size or the plant 203 PLANT MATERIALS: A Deciduous Trees: Provide tress or height and caliper listed or shaven and with branching configuration recommended for tine and species required. Provide either balled and burlapped (5t6)o, container grown deciduous trees as sdleduled. B. Deciduous Shrubs: Provide shrubs of the height shorn or listed and with not less than the minimum number of canes required For the type and height of shrubs required on plant specifications. C. Cenlferous and Broadleafed Evergreens. Provide evergreens of the size shown or listed. Dimensions Indicate minimum spread For spreading and eaml-spreading type evergreens and height For all types, such as globe, dwarf, cone. P� amdal broad uPrt9 h , and columnar. Provide normal qualltv evergreens reens with well bra nched form conP 9 ^g with equfremenls For other size relationships to the primag dimension shown. D. Ground Cover: Provide plants established and well rooted In removable container and with not less than the minimum number and length of rimers called Out on Plant Schedule in drawing. 2.04 GRASS MATERIALS: A. Grass Seed: Provide fresh clean, new crop seed complying with he tolerance For purity and germination established by the Official Seed Analysis of North America. Provide Bermuda (common name), Cuguodon dactylon (5otanical name) grass seed with a minimum percentage of pure seed OF 919"1 a minimum percentage OF germination of 65Rt and a maximum percentage of weed to seed or 1099,.. B. Grass, St. Augustine: Shall be live, a rich green color, Free or weads, runt grass, or other undesirable strains so Far as Is possible. Shall have 3/4 Inch Of earth with the cut Grass shall not be stacked for more than 24 hours between time of cutting and placement in position at job site. Sod shall bs cut In strips as locally practiced with straight sides and square ends. PART 3 - EXECUTION E. Rejections: Plants meeting the requirements specified h the Plant Schedule but not possessing a normal balance between height and spread will be rejected. 301 PREPARATION: F. Nursoy Grown Plants: Nursery grown plants shall mean plants which are healthj, vigorous plants, lined out In A Layout Individual trees and shrub locations and areas For multiple planting. Stake locations and out1 a areas rows in a nursery and which are annually cultivated, sprayed, pruned and Fertilized in accordance with good and secure Landscape Architect's acceptance berore start of planting work Make minor adjustments as may be horticultural proactive. All plants shall be nursery grown with the exception of large trees. All plants shall be requested. Freshly dugs neither heeled -in plants From cold storage will be accepted All mrsey grown plants shall have been transplanted or root prued at least once In the past three years. Balled and burlapped plants shall 302 TOPSOIL come Rom soil which will hold a Firm ball. All plants shall be typical of their species or variety and shall have a normal habit of growth No trees which have had their leaders cut, or have been so damaged that A, The vee planting (see detail) utilizes plant pits and removal of existing rocks and subsoil. 5acVlll pit with cutting Is necessary, will be accepted. Stock Furnished in a size range specified shall be Interpreted to approved topsoil. Ornamental plants are also planted In pits and are handled the same way. Ground cover areas mean that not less than 50% shall be of the maximum size specified. must have an entire cover of 6' (six Inches) of topsoil in the entire plant bed. This Is done by excavation If necessary, tilling to a depth Of 3' before 3' OF new topsoil Is added. Do not mix peat, compost, or ay other 102 PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING: soil amendment, but have the plant bed loose and workable, not compacted. A Deliver packaged materials In contalners showing weigh, analysis and name of manufacturer. Protect 3ID3 PREPARATION FOR PLANTING LAM: materials from deterioration during delivery, and while stored at the site. B. Provide freshly dug trees and shrubs. Do not use trees Or shrubs uh- c have been in cold storage. Do manner as to damage bar n bind -tie trees or chubs In such k prior to deiiv Do not band a b not prune o 9 Pr p break branches Or destroy natural shape. Provide protective covering during delivery. C. Deliver trees and shrubs after preparations for planting have been completed and plant Immediately. if planting is delayed more than 6 hours aFier delivery, set trees and shrubs In shade, protect From weather A Loosen subgrade of lawn areas to a minimum depth of 4'. Remove stones over 11/2' In any dimension and sticks, roots, rubbish and other extraneous matter. Limit preparation to areas which will be planted In the near Future. B. Spread topsoil to smooth even surrace with loose, unVormly Fine texture. Fold and rake and remove ridges and rill depressions, as required to meet Finish grades. Limit fine grading to areas which can be planted within the near Future. and medhanlcal damage, and keep roots moss. C. Moisten prepared lawn areas before parting IF sail Is dry. Water thoroughly and allow surface moisture to dry 1.03 J05 CONDITIONS: before planting lawns. Do not create a muddy soil condition Restore lawn areas to specified condition IF eroded or otherwise disturbed after fine grading and prior to planting. A Proceed with and complete the landscape work as rapidly as portions of the site become available, Reparation of Unchangedra Grades: WTene lawns are to be planted in areas (hal have not orlon altered or working within the seasonal limitations For each kind of landscape work required. disturbed by excavating, grading or stripping Operations, prepare soil for lawn planting as Follows: TIII to a depth B. Determine location of underground utilities and perform work in a manner which will avoid possible damage. of not less than 6' i apply soil amendments and initial root stimulator as specirieds remove high areas and rill in Nand excavate, as required, to minimize possibility of damage to underground utilities. Maintain grade stakes depresslOnst till soil to a homogenous mixture of Fine texture, Free of lumps, clods, stones, roots and other set by others until removal Is mutually agreed upon by all parties concerned in any event any underground extraneous matter. utilities are uncovered, the contractor shall promptly notify the Landscape Architect For Instructions. 1.04 GUARANTEE AND REPLACEMENTS: 304 EXCAVATION FOR TREES AND SNRU55: A The Guarantee period For trees, shrubs and grass shall start after Initial acceptance of the work Initial acceptance will be acknowledged by the Landscape Architect, if the plant material meets specifications and when it has been Installed, strictly according to the drawings and specifications. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to keep accurate detailed records as to the date of request For Initial acceptance, results of Inspection by the hLandscape Architect for Initial acceptance, reasons For refusal or initial acceptance and other pertinent information. Final acceptance will be acknowledged after all plant material has been In place for the guarantee period and is In vigorous, healthy condition. The guarantee period shall end at this time. B. Upon final written acceptance by the Landscape Architect, the Contractor will assume a 90 day guaranty of all grass, shrubs, and ground cover. At the end of the 90 day period an Inspection will be made by the Contractor and the Landscape Architect. A count of all dead or ser ously Impaired plants will be made. The Contractor will than replace all such plant materials with live plants equal to originals. All "as shall be quaranteed For 12 months Following acceptance. The Landscape Architect may elect a time to assume satTsFactory Ilvabillty. Only one replacement For each tree, shrub, or ground cover will be required. Grass shall be growing and covering W91. of all lawn areas. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 201 TOPSOIL: A Topsoil, that must be approved by the Landscape Architect, will be stockpiled For reuse In landscape work If quantity OF stockpiled topsoil Is Insurflclent, provided additional topsoil as required to complete landscape work A Excavate pits, beds and trenches with vertical sides and with bottom of excavation 5112Miy raised at center to provide proper drainage. Loosen hard subsoil in bottom or excavation. B. For balled and bila pped trees and shrubs, make excavations at least twice as wide as the ball diameter and equal to !ha ball depth, plus the following allowance For setting of ball m a layer of compacted backfill. Shrubs - Allow For 4' setting layer or planting soil mixture. Time - Allow For 6' setting layer of planting soli mixture. C. Prepare beds so that all surrace water will drain away rrom building, leaving no ponding or water next to Foundation. 3.05 PLANTING TREES AND 5HRU65 A Set balled and burlapped stock on layer of compacted planting soll mixture, plumb and In center of pit or trench with top of ball at same elevation as adjacent Finished landscape grades. tihen set, place additional backfill around base and sides of ball, and work each layer to settle backflll and eliminate voids and air pockets. When excavation Is approximately 2/3 Full, water thoroughly before placing remainder OF backfill. Repeat watering until no more Is absorbed Water again after planting final layer of backfill. 306 SETTING PLANTS B. Provide new topsoil which Is fertile, Friable, natural loam, surface soil reasonabl Ree of subsoil, cls lumps, A All plants shall be planted In pits, centered, and set On four Inches (47 or prepared soft to such a brush weeds, and Other litter and Ree OF roots, stumps, stores larger than 2' In any dimension, and other) P depth that the Finished grade level at the plant, after settlement, will be the same as that at which the extraneous of toxic matter harmful to plant growth plant was grown. they shall be planted upright, except where Instructed otherwise, and Faced to give the best appearance or relationship to adjacent plants or structures. Roots shall be spread In their C. Obtain topsoil from local sources or From areas having similar soft characteristics to that Found at project normal position. All broken or Rayed roots shall be cut OFF cleanly. Prepared soil shall be placed and site. Obtain topsoil oily From naturally, well -drained sites where topsoil occurs In a depth of not less than compacted carefully to avoid Injury to roots and to rill all voids. Uhen the hole is nearly Filled, add 4't do not obtain frau bogs or marshes or river bottom slit water as necessary and allow it to soak away. IF plants are balled and burlapped,remove surplus binding from top and side of the balls. Do not pull burlap from under the balls. 2ID2 SOIL AMENDMENTS: A Root stimulator shall be applied at the rate specified and according to the manufacturer. B. Mulch Mulch materals shall be shredded pine bark a sterilzed decomposed cotton burrs or equal. Till 3' or mulch into topsoil and apply 1' or mulch on top of topsoil 301 PLANTING GROUND COVERS A Space plants as shown on drawings. Dig holes large enough to allow For spreading of roots and backfill with planting soil. Work soli around roots to eliminate air pockets and leave a slight abutter Indentation around plants to hold water. Water thoroughly arter planting taking care not to cover Crowns Of plants with Nat soils. Mulch areas between ground cover plantst place not less than 2' thick. 306 PLANTING LAUNIS HYRPO-MULONING A QUALITY ASSURANCE L Estabilahnent and Acceptance: Regardless of unseasonable climatic conditions or other adverse conditions affecting planting operations and the growth of the grass, It shall be the sole responsibility or the Contractor to establish a uniform stand of grass. am adverse conditions such as drought, cold weather, high winds, excessive precipitation, a other Factors prevail to such an extend that satfsractory results are unlikely, the owner may, at his own discretion, stop any phase or the work until conditions change to favor the establishment of grass. a. Unrorm Stand Of Grass: A unlrorn stand will complete coverage of the specified grass shall be derinad as not less than 150 growing plants per square foot for seeded areas. 2. Post Planting Mamtenxe: Maintenance shall begin ImmedlatelS after each portion orgrass area is planted. All planted areas will be protected and maintained by watering weeding, and replanting as necessary es until receipt by Owner of Certificate of Occupancy or as much longer as necessary to establish a unirorm stand with complete coverage of the specified grass. Grass shall be mowed once a week by the Contractor until final acceptance. All water equipment deemed necessary by the Contractor will be provided by the Contractor. Contractor will pay for all water required For watering. B. WARRANTY I. Grass shall be quaranteed by the Contractor For 30 days after the date of substantial completion For the project, or attainment of the required stand of grass, whichever Is later. During this time, the contractor shall be responsible for all watering, weeding, mowing, fertilization, other maintenance as required, and replanting. a. At the and of the 30 day warranty period, the grass will be reinspected by the Owner and ay defective areas will be repaired a replaced by the Contractor. b. The grass will be reinspected in subsequent 30 day intervals as required until all defective areas comply with subsection 33. All costs associated with the Initial 30 day warranty perlod and subsequent 30 day period, IF required, shall be the responslblity or the Contractor. C. MATERIALS I. Bermudagrass Seed: Grass seed shah be 'Cgnoda Dactylon' (common Bermudagrass). The seed shall be harvested within I year prior to plantingt Ree of Johtsongrass Field bind weed, doodler seed, and Ree of other weed seed to the limits allowable under the Federal Seed Act and applicable seed laws. The seed shall not be a mixture The seed shall be hulled, extra rancy grade, treated with fungicide, and have a germination and purity that will produce, after allowance for Federal Seed Act tolerance, a pure live seed content or not less than EfSx, using the Formulas: purlty a times (germination % times plus hard or sound seed.). Seed shall be labeled In accordance with U.S. Department of Agriculture rules and regulations. 2. Fertilizer: Fertilizer shall be a commercial product, uniform In composition. Free Flowing and suitable For application with approved equipment Fertilizer $hall be delivered to the site In Fully labeled original containers. Fertilizer which has beer exposed to high humidity and moisture, has become caked or otherwise damaged making it unsuitable far use, will not be acceptable. t II a of an or anlc base I Initial Planting Appitcation: Fertilizer Far the initial planting appiicat'_ a she b g -1 (IN -YJ also s E_V( trients15 P rovarcene o veal htthedcobpp P y 9 nedb In asr wiredo da ,(fate and traces of trop and z ccontainis eq antingApplicatonFertillxerFar thepost planting applin will be a c_, basetainingbywighhefollowingpercentagesofnutrients-P-YJ ammonium bullata or thus nitrogen eq."blamt of 33.0-0 ammonium nitrate. 3. PSol Mulch Provide Comed Wydro-Mulch All mulch will be manufactured From hardwoods only and will be refired specirically for Num hjro-mulch applications. 4. Roundup: Apply Roundup to all areas to receive grass to remove all undesirable plant growth S. Topsoil: Shall be as described In Section 02200. D. IN5TALLATION I. Sol[ Reparation. a. Tillage: Tillage shall be accomplished to loosen the sol, destroy existing vegetation, and prepare an acceptable seed bed. All areas shall be tiller with heavy duty discs or cMsel-lype breaking plow, chisels set not more than 10' apart. Initial tillage shall be done In a crossing pattern for double coverage, then Followed by a disc harrow. Depth of tillage shall be 6'. b. Cleaning: All rocas and clods 3/4' In size or larger shall be removed from the Fine graded area. Sol[ shall be Further prepared by the removal of debris, Including building materials, rubbish weeds, concrete chips and small pieces of wood, regardless or size. a Fine Grading: After tillage and cleaning, all areas to be planted shalt be leveled, fine graded, and drug with a weighted spike harrow or float drag. The required result shall be the elimination of ruts or depressions that would cause water to stand or pond Immediately anter rainfall or operation OF the lawn irrigation system, humps, and objectionable soil clods. This shall be the final soil preparation step to be completed before the commencement of fertilizing and planting. 2. Fertilizing pounds per low square Feet (600 pounds per acre). L Timing: The Initial planting application of Fertilizer shall be applied after the soil preparation, but not more than 2 days prior to grass planting. Fertilizer shall be applied over sod after planting, but not more than 2 days later. b. Post Planting Application: Thirty days after planting, grass areas shall receive an application of 21.0. 0 or 33-0.0 Fertilizer at the rate of 9 pounds per 1000 square fest (400 pounds per acre). I. Timing: The Landscape Architect will determlne If R Is too late in the growing season For post planting application. In the event that It is, the application Shall be made In the Spring of the next year, or the cost of the application shall become a credit due to the Owner. a Post Planting Maintenance: Areas without a unlForm stand (complete coverage) shall receive subsequent applications of fertilizer, as described above, every 30 days until a uniform stand is achieved. 3. Planting a. Hydroseeding: Following Soil preparation, Bermudagrass seed, fertilizer, mulch and water shall be mixed together and applied to the planting area in the Following quantities and rates using conventional'WSdro-Mulch' equipment as manufactured by the Bowie Machine Works: ITEM RATE PER ACRE Grass seed lie pounds Fertilizer We pounds Water As reacted Wood Fiber Mulch Minimum as needed to achieve marking OF seeded areas. L Timing: oder no circumstances shall grassing operations occur in planting periods other than the following: April 5 to August 15 of the year of project substantial completion IF grassing operations cannot be accomplished during these periods the contractor shall establish an Interim stand of winter rye grass, than remove rye and provide specified grass during the next period in the following year. 2. Acceptance of grass For the purpose of establishing the date or Substantial Completion and subsequent re-inspectlons shall be based on the Following minimum requirements: a. Grass must indicate weed -Free uniform, health, and vigorous growth, devoid of discoloration or d dration. a on and signs d'9 water shall not stand or I o flat a er r Res or low or hollow laces s b, the grace shall be p Ford during rains or Irrigation operation. c. Grass shall be rtrmiy rooted cO that sections cannot be removed. 3. Protection: No heavy equipment shall be moved over the planted lawn area unless the soil is again prepared, graded, leveled, and replanted. Protect all paving surfaces. curbs, utilities, plant materials, and any other existing Improvements from damage by heavy equipm nit. Any damages shall be repaired or replaced at no cost to the owner. 4. Erosion Control: Throughout the project and the maintenance period For grass, it is the Contractor's resporsibllity to maintain the topsoil in place at specified grades. Topsoil and grass looses due to erosion shall be replaced b9 the Contractor until establlshnent and acceptance is achieved. 5. Clean Up: Contractor shall remove excess material a debris brought onto the site or unearthed as a result of Ndro-muidng operations. 3.09 MAINTE34MICE A The Contractor shall maintain all plant material Including grass within the limits of the work In accordance with these specrications as shown on drawlrgs and as directed by the Landscape Architect during planting operations. Maintenance will stop upon final acceptance. B. Maintenance $hail Include watering, mowing and edging turF, weeding, cultivation control of Insects, Argus and other diseases by means of spraying with an approved Insecticide or fungiddet pruning, adjustment and repair of stakes, anchors and wire. C. All weeds within the cut around each tree and In each shrub bed shall be removed as often as required. Under no circumstances shall weeds and grass within planted areas be allowed to attain more than 4 inches of growth The cost or maintenance stall be Included In the bid price. All areas damaged by tree or shrub planting operations shall be fully restored to their original condition CLEANUP 3.0 r Includingatora a areas tines keepthe construction area, trd Clor shalt at dII f A The Con 9 used by him Ree from accumulations of waste materials, r rubbish from an about te I a s promises, and all tools, equipment, and materials not the o property of the C rers. completion of Contract, leave the work and premises in a condition satisra toy to Owners. 1 W Z > LLJCL ! Q LL - 0 LU 0 Z ® Z CASE NAME: WESTGATE MARKEEL CASE NUMBER: CU10-09 < < LOCATION: 2215 WESTGATE PLAZA MAYOR SECRETARY DATE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION CHAIRMAN DATE SHEET % OF 12 APPROVAL DOES NOT AUTHORIZE ANY WORK IN CONFLICT WITH ANY CODES OR ORDINANCES DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES A a fD N - (r H bsec z c O0166 m W 00¢¢N W O U� mw�.rr�a Q It 0, 0 Z Q uu)~U` OLL o O tLl OZ N QU a C/) LU W OZ U CI% f tu d Q cls — 'w W V— W W (L �Qz U ��w cn Wq C1 10Z L11 (� 04 DRAWN SYC CHECKED END DATE (04/29/10 sca JOB NO. 1001 SHEET L-2 1 OE 2 SHEETS PERGOLA FLOOR PLAN (CARWASH) 3/16'•Pm' FLOOR PLAN 0 2912* AC 3/16'•I'm' R uj Z IQ ® ! s Q ulU- 0 0 F® W Q U a Data 04/29/10 d MJW ov& A�a;kBy MM CA915 M&M WW"12 KAPWU V CAM MMM CLW -03 � LO"Mb IIa USMATC PLATA W_ lNtCR gCMART DAM n u+a n,vo mawa eal"WAN r r owKta aaa _ Shaat No. mw B w 12 %` I APPFAL VM wor •ani nn WOW J'�t N �' IS own OR O Rojxt No. V 10022RIG oaP�a a aaw.an8+r aaaws ROCK TO MATCH BLDG. BOLLARD 3 ti' ICDUMPSTER ELEVATIONS A41 9/16'•I'0' SOLID RS. CEDAR WOOD DOORS BOLLARD STONE CH NEY MANSARD STYLE ROOF MECk UNITS BEYOND GREENHOUSE BEYOND METAL SHED ROOF WROUI•HT IRON FENCING STONE COLUMM STUCCO MA50NRY TABLE DIRECTION MASONRY x FR I ELEV. RK,HT ELEv. lomx PEAR ELEV. mmx L�7 ELEV. IZOx TOTAL IOmx (2�WRTW ELEVATION A43 S1161,P01 FINIAL WEST VAT oN A41 — 9/16,Im 20.12 METAL ROOF z > w i ATTIC VENT 2: W CLuj_ z 24'0' PLATE d w �R Z U_ c1 � U utA.l STOIC -1 } t{1 z Q BRICK ROUILOCK z w RS. CEDAR SHUTTERS Q_ CJ) 0 WROUGHT IRON FENCU Q U STONE COLUMN STONE CACI WIS. Rwr"TC!LYON CAW RA'om cuw- 0 LOCAM16 =0 wQ I"M FWA ruYM SOMWARY axa PtAq AIV X S 0R1'Ilxlwl DAM N.=i s m 12 AITIVYAL Pace wr AUrAMM AMY W_ -W ',.. N CXNLGTCp� OR DCTA"M OF OCVOAR W CERVICIS Date 04/2SAO Drawn By mw PLw4-4 C4� M. CI I p Sheet No. 3 44.2 Proj=t. No. J 10=2PJG LUMINAIRE SCHEDULE N Symaal "m any -9 D—Pnan I-- LLP wafts ® $i KAD a00M SR43C A— Wminmre, 4CPN ] ]8000 0.)4 458 (PULSE START) 9HH. 5CSNaN Cupid( ry (CA®. A, SL, 13021 m Y MEETS THE 'NIGHRIME 10' UTILITY EASEnENT FRIENDLY CRITERIA LO 3 • --S M.LumbWre, tr00W • 1 (PULSE START). Rtr Rdiedvr. F,M Cube. HouusiGa SM.eM ]8000 v. 912 MEETS THE wIGHTTIME FRIENDLY CPT E Wi ItAD i50M PA Am LumWire, 250W 1 USESTA4i) MH. Rtr R"Batlor. FUB ]3500 0.1a 2B8 Zt'mbM CWdIMEETSTHE NIGHTTIME FRIENDLY' CR(iERW T, AST R NO. HIGHWAY 119 PROSPECT, LTD. 15DM R8 Pm Lumindre, ISOW 1 (PULSE START) P m°urNn9M MEETSEETS THE 12500 a10 Zt1B MG NIFITfIME FRIENDLY' CRITERl4 STATISTICS O"acrlPNon Symaol Ave MM MarlMin Av nen Calc IDneat - 1.6b 9.3 tc ac NyA Pm mUna ..Ob 0.5Ic CCI. NIA N/A The sign was included in the datomination of the illumination levels NOTES ,. 25' Palae LOT LOT LOT `�'� LE" EE uv a, 03 a N �C - CAB. A, S ,I�O 3, 40 ° qv °.° vv ' /2-INOH IRDN RCD a °10' uffLITY v.v .v WITH "PATE' " EASEMENT S CAP FOUND ry (CA®. A, SL, 13021 m Y , 10' UTILITY EASEnENT DMk2 LO 3 LOT 1 oT. EASTER NO. 458 ADDITION wiliBc .eLLT P EYE CONSULTANTS PROPERTIES (INST, NO. D206056427) T, AST R NO. HIGHWAY 119 PROSPECT, LTD. s�1 B 45 AD ET EON <INST NO. 11203095974) LOT 3, BLOCK 2R (C A X130 I) u WESTGATE PLAZA (CAB. A, SL. 12829) - L07 36 6 ' (" P`V2M1 PART OF HIGHNAY 114 PROSPECT, LTD, (INST. N0, D203095974) • CU IN (� Q 15' PEDESTRIAN mE8 e2nxr 8 OONCD FOUN➢ tE Yom. EASEMENT N (CAB. A, 6'33 Z x-� PF SL. 13 M1 PCC Nc O'o5'511 E 414.84`LLJ 'P LOT 35 ao 38.15ao ov v av ao A. vv ai v.o va o.o v.v v.o 76,70'. y ix ° m Q _, 03A.4z Z 6f - h _ L Z A LCI s 4 a 4 a LOT 34 {.y ~ <CA A. L, 292 s' UT EPSEV ENT ttl 4 � 4] -v.v 2, -v, ae zP r.e 4�F [L D: J 26 OdbO .a y.a a.T -av 8 2v - 29 2* 2a f — ;TZsa .n. SL a OT D � W pAR7 F Q LOT 33 Q Q m a, a os , zz vB zs z. ,.c 11dIGH 7 11 sP OS ECTk.a- D- 'A + +a as s. BI l Uj "Z u (F1L m s a 2 03)®- W, Cf? 0 I'— N o < 0 O L] � a n, � °. ° 52 .9 •� 3 IA a 3 B L.1 f LOT LJJ - T. E TER a __.__. 4 a, a .. 2� 2B .a o v? LOT 322 NO. ADD T 0 -9 n N (CAB A, SL, 0 1 ti ro� (FIL D NOV M B 11, 2 08) w>n�t vL'1 cyAl- B .., z 49 P a N Q�aa W4^�2 2=0J o, A,, JT LOT 31 L'= v v • J)PA1NAGE EASEMENT vev2n[m v.v AT, , (LAB, A, K. 12829) A. A. Al DONCeE y f0UN0 E LOT 30 D�.tr1 ' P. ➢ ➢T ]AN ASEMENT S 2dJ'❑ 1° 2a>m.51' o "-+ ttnvSN[v v�,n nuv, vev2ncwn i �t3 x vev2ncN, .>. � r4v4ncve " 2 ,x�,-c'nc_ LOT 1, BLOCK 2R WESTGATE PLAZA (CAB. A, SL. 12829) EYE CONSULTANTS PROPERTIES (11,12T. N0. D206050427) Man Vlew LOT oN. To4re nus A. 12 APrm>a. xas rnr Am.ma �eu..c �C - CAB. A, S ,I�O 3, 40 ° qv °.° vv ' /2-INOH IRDN RCD a °10' uffLITY v.v .v WITH "PATE' " EASEMENT S CAP FOUND ry (CA®. A, SL, 13021 m Y , 10' UTILITY EASEnENT �'--""'132M386615)T. NO. 25366615) LOT 1 oT. EASTER NO. 458 ADDITION wiliBc .eLLT (CAB, A, SL. 1302]) EYE CONSULTANTS PROPERTIES (INST, NO. D206056427) ttnvSN[v v�,n nuv, vev2ncwn i �t3 x vev2ncN, .>. � r4v4ncve " 2 ,x�,-c'nc_ LOT 1, BLOCK 2R WESTGATE PLAZA (CAB. A, SL. 12829) EYE CONSULTANTS PROPERTIES (11,12T. N0. D206050427) Man Vlew LOT oN. To4re nus A. 12 APrm>a. xas rnr Am.ma �eu..c FINIAL FINIAL 20.12 KETAL ROCF Aq I I M\A 20`I2 METAL ROOF ATTIC Yew ---47-// / /' 1W \ \ \ \\'�l ATTIC VENT STONE CHIMNEY— MECH. HIMNEY—MECH. UNIT SCREENING WALL ". CEDAR F'ERWLA FINIAL 20:12 METAL ROOF ATTIC VENT 24'E LLI 91 01 STONE UAWUGHT IRON FENCING FINIAL 20:12 METAL ROOF ATTIC VENT ,,17ouTw r=LEvATioN — ACCESS GATE — STONE COLUMN CAM WAMM WW 'M K40M CAM mi -Em CUIV-00 =A=* ZM IWIMAM RATA --r�,-M 81101WAMr own ma"a *0 Zw" ca"u-N aurin "7111 — mw 10 opL 2 . AIPM.AL VM WN AMC= OW WOW IN COW -W WN AW COD!! OR vwNANCLO I pw%Am"w OF vwmon'wNt 40WAM Date 04129A0 vraw B9 ma asawd B9 miw O 1111. PLATE tCM2PJG METAL ROOF STONE AST ELEVATION 3AW-10' MASONRY TABLE w LET ELEV. TOTAL ISR womx Z >uj w Z, a- w < U- MANsAfQv STYLE ROOF MECH. UNITS BEYOND w GREENHOUSE F- Z< tu w z CL (/) a 0- < x < 0 ,,17ouTw r=LEvATioN — ACCESS GATE — STONE COLUMN CAM WAMM WW 'M K40M CAM mi -Em CUIV-00 =A=* ZM IWIMAM RATA --r�,-M 81101WAMr own ma"a *0 Zw" ca"u-N aurin "7111 — mw 10 opL 2 . AIPM.AL VM WN AMC= OW WOW IN COW -W WN AW COD!! OR vwNANCLO I pw%Am"w OF vwmon'wNt 40WAM Date 04129A0 vraw B9 ma asawd B9 miw O Project NO. tCM2PJG MS. CEDAR P BRICK CARWASH DRIVE-TIdRCU@H CAR DETAILD O TH CAWASN ELEVATfON A4A 3A&' -IV MASONRY TABLE CIW=ON MAIOWY x fRNT EL.EY. 100T. WGNT ELEV. 100x � ELEv. amx LEFT ELEV. TOTAL U10% 3 SO TW CARWASH ELEVATION A4.4 346•.PO' Date 0429/10 Dramand 9y ma � ey MJW MTAL R8.OEDAR P BRICK C CA z w ST CARWASH ELE,TION A4A 3/16••1'0• 4 ,,.AST CA A H V LION A4.4 3/16•.,0• CAce MdM aa0Tt16M IWM CAM MktWb CUW-M LOCATION IIe 001"= RATA rMym NC7�fARY w1a PLA OU Aro 09W ccerneelon o"NI N PATS Near 11 w 12 APFF IAL DOW VM AOMMM A WOW N CONL=RN MY cam OR OmlN� ON-AP"MM Or MUM -KW SMIUM T* er i i app*sR° Shm�ert No. AT.4 Project NO. 10022PJG