HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 06 - CU19-41 Grapevine HondaTO: HONORABLE MAYOR, CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS AND THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION FROM: BRUNO RUMBELOW, CITY MANAGER SCOTT WILLIAMS, DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTOR MEETING DATE: JANUARY 21, 2020 SUBJECT: DEVELOPMENT SERVICES TECHNICAL REPORT OF CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION CU19-41 GRAPEVINE HONDA �- i I Grapevine oo Lake 5 APPLICANT: Cool Breeze Consultants LLC Fe I > I � I 11 A. yah' I.H. 1635 Northwest I PROPERTY LOCATION AND SIZE: n `O` I The subject property is located at 2301 William D. DFW 3 ; Tate Avenue and proposed to be platted as Lot 2, Hall-Johnson6 Airport M ; Block 1, First Baptist Church of Grapevine Addition. L�The addition contains 17.803 acres and has I T ----.m o I L-' - - Glade Rapproximately 400 feet of frontage along William D. co d. �, I _� Tate Avenue and approximately 1,090 feet of frontage along Stone Myers Parkway. REQUESTED CONDITIONAL USE AND COMMENTS: The applicant is requesting a conditional use permit to establish an automobile dealership with sales and service of new and used vehicles and a 40 foot aole sign. The City Council on January 16, 2018 approved conditional use permit CU17-28 on the subject site to allow an automobile dealership and a pole sign which was never developed and has expired. With the request, the applicant proposes to establish a new automobile dealership along northbound William D. Tate Avenue, west of Stone Myers Parkway and north of Prospect Parkway. The dealership will be comprised of two major structures—a 60,802 square foot, two-story primary structure containing the sales, service and administrative operations of the dealership and a single story, 3,750 square foot customer car wash. The car wash is proposed to be continuously accessible to the dealership customers and is located adjacent to Stone Myers Parkway. The dealership will have 0:\ZCU\CU19-41.4 01/16/20 10:59 AM frontage along both northbound William D. Tate Avenue and Stone Myers Parkway. The primary access is proposed from a semi -circle driveway along northbound William D. Tate Avenue. Two secondary access driveways are proposed along Stone Myers Parkway. Required parking for the development is 388 parking spaces -936 are provided that will be utilized for inventory/display, customer, and employee parking. One 40 foot tall, 191 - square foot pole sign is proposed along northbound William D. Tate Avenue and one monument sign, 10' in height and 100 square feet in size is proposed along Stone Myers Parkway. In conjunction with the car wash, shaded vacuum stations are proposed adjacent to Stone Myers Parkway. PRESENT ZONING AND USE: The property is currently zoned "CC" Community Commercial District and is undeveloped. HISTORY OF TRACT AND SURROUNDING AREA: The subject property and the property to the south were rezoned from 1-1", Light Industrial District to "CC", Community Commercial District during the 1984 Citywide Rezoning. C000-43, allowing the development of a Corvette Museum on the subject site, was approved on September 19, 2000. The development of the Corvette Museum has not materialized. City Council at the April 21, 2009 meeting approved SU09-03 (Ord. 2009-12) and CU09-07 (Ord. 2009-13) on the subject site for a new church and a 40 -foot pole sign on the subject site. The Stone property, located to the east and south, was not zoned when it was a part of unincorporated Tarrant County. When the property was annexed into the City on July 20, 1993, it was automatically zoned "R-20" Single Family District. Zone Change request Z98- 19, approved in August 1998, rezoned a portion of the A.C. Stone Tract from "R-20", Single Family District to "PID" Planned Industrial Development District forthe development of Frank Parra Dodge. Conditional Use Permit CU99-78 was approved on June 20, 2000 allowing for the development of the Frank Parra Dodge dealership. Zone Change request 99-10 was approved on January 18, 2000, rezoning the remaining Stone property from "R- 20", Single Family District to "CC", Community Commercial District, "LI", Light Industrial District and "BP", Business Park District. A conditional use request (C000-45) for an automotive dealership (Audi) was considered on the site to the south at the November 21, 2000 meeting but was denied. Conditional use request CU01-27 was approved on the site to the south for the Classic Hummer dealership on June 19, 2001. The site was subsequently amended at the February 19, 2003 meeting (CU02-03) and allowed for an expansion of the Hummer dealership building, and the relocation of the Classic Chevrolet used truck operation to the site. A 20 -foot pole sign was also approved. At the November 19, 2002 public hearing Council approved a revision (CU02-49) to the Hummer dealership site that included a 5.3 acre addition to the site for a lube and tune center, a vehicle washing area, and an employee parking lot. The Site Plan Review Committee at their December 18, 2002 meeting (CU02-51) approved an increase from 7 -feet to 10 -feet and 0:\ZCU\CU19-41.4 2 01/16/20 10:59 AM from 48 square feet to 85 square feet for a monument sign at the Hummer dealership site. The Site Plan Review Committee at their July 23, 2003 meeting (CU03-25) approved an increase from 20 -feet to 30 -feet for a pole sign at the Hummer dealership site. At the meeting on September 16, 2003 Council approved CU03-34 for an automotive reconditioning/detail shop on the subject site. At the September 8, 2004 Site Plan Review Committee meeting Conditional Use Permit CU04-30 approved shade structures over the bulk of the vehicle display area. At the March 12, 2008 Site Plan Review Committee meeting Conditional Use Permit CU08-05 approved an accessory vehicle fueling station on the Hummer site. Conditional Use Request CU08-23 (Ord. 2008-55) approved at the October 21, 2008 joint public hearing included expansion of the site by adding acreage, allow the development of a fleet sales building, increase the square footage of an existing parts and distribution facility and to establish a planned commercial center to allow a pole sign 40 -feet in height. At the October 20, 2009 meeting Council approved a one-year extension to the previously approved Conditional Use Permit CU08-23. Conditional Use Request CU10-01 (Ord. 2010-04) approved at the February 16, 2010 joint public hearing allowed the addition of 1,300 square feet to the existing parts distribution facility. At the May 5, 2010 Site Plan Review Committee meeting Conditional Use Permit CU10-07 approved the addition of 157 parking spaces, revised the parking configuration and exterior elevations for the fleet sales building, and relocated a previously approved pole sign. Conditional Use Request CU11-09 (Ord. 2011-22) approved at the May 17, 2011 joint public hearing allowed the addition of 2,866 square feet to the new car/service department facility of the former Hummer dealership. Conditional Use Request CU12-35 (Ord. 2012-51) approved at the September 18, 2012 joint public hearing allowed the addition of 13,856 square feet to the existing parts and distribution warehouse. Conditional Use Request CU 13-11 (Ord. 2013-26) approved at the June 18, 2013 joint public hearing allowed the placement of equipment for a compressed natural gas facility and pole sign 40 -feet in height. Special Use Request SU 13-01 (Ord. 2013-53) approved at the November 19, 2013 meeting allowed a 100 -foot monopole and ground equipment. City Council approved an extension to SU13-01 at the November 19, 2015 meeting. Conditional Use Request CU14-22 (Ord. 2014-32) approved at the June 17, 2014 meeting allowed for a parking lot expansion and a pole sign 20 -feet in height. To the east of the subject site zone change request Z12-10 (Ord12-38) was approved by City Council of August 21, 1012 meeting to rezone approximately 32.57 acres from "LI" Light Industrial District and 24.62 acres from "BP" Business Park District to "CC" Community Commercial District primarily for the development of a nonprofit institution. Conditional Use Permit CU12-33 (Ord. 12-39) was approved by City Council of August 21, 1012 meeting to establish a nonprofit institution to be utilized as a women's shelter. On the subject site the City Council on January 16, 2018 approved conditional use permit CU 17-28 on the subject site to allow an automobile dealership and a pole sign which was never developed and has expired. 0:\ZCU\CU19-41.4 3 01/16/20 10:59 AM SURROUNDING ZONING AND EXISTING LAND USE: NORTH: "PID", Planned Industrial Development District— undeveloped and DFW Airport Property SOUTH: "CC", Community Commercial District— Classic Chevrolet Business Elite EAST: "CC", Community Commercial District — Epi Kitchens, Gatehouse Commercial, the Gatehouse in Grapevine and DFW Airport Property WEST: State Highway 121 and "PID", Planned Industrial Development District—Office Warehouse, "CC", Community Commercial District — Retail, Entertainment and Office AIRPORT IMPACT: A subject the site is located within "Zone B" Middle Zone of Effect as defined on the "Aircraft Sound Exposure: Dallas/Fort Worth Regional Airport Environs" Map. In "Zone B" the following uses may be considered only if sound treatment is included in building design: multifamily apartments, motels, office buildings, movie theaters, restaurants, and personal and business services. Single family residential and sound sensitive uses such as schools and churches should avoid this zone. The applicant's proposal is an appropriate use in this noise zone. MASTER PLAN APPLICATION: The Master Plan designates the subject property as a Commercial land use. The applicant's request is in compliance with the Master Plan. THOROUGHFARE PLAN APPLICATION: The Thoroughfare Plan designates Stone Myers Parkway as a Type D MinorArterial with a minimum 75 feet of right-of-way developed as four lanes. /at 0:\ZCU\CU19-41.4 4 01/16/20 10:59 AM GN N NS G MNNV�b�� MH 1 R2A 28.5379 @ I U i i I Feet 0 150 300 450 600 XL N �T L X I C W—<�E 5 Date Prepared: 1/7/2020 4R 731 @ 3R 5E P P 1 1AR1 47.123 @ 2AR1 1.59 @ C U 19-41 Grapevine Honda TR 6A 1 A TR 66 4 AC TR 2A 3.04 AC This sista hes bean compiled by the City of Grapevine IT/GIS department. Various official and unofficial sources were used to gather this information. Every effort was made to ensure the accuracy of this data, however, no guarantee is given or implied as to the accuracy of said date. TR 610 IAC CITY OF GRAPEVINE CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION Form "A" PART 1. APPLICANT INFORMATION Name of applicant/ agent./company/contact COOL BREEZE CONSULTANTS LLC - CONTACT: GRAHAM MOORE Street address of applicant/ agent: 1314 AVENUE A SUITE A City / State / Zip Code of applicant / agent: -- KATY, TX 77493 Telephone number of applicant/ agent: Fax number of applicant/agent (832)349-4018 Email address of applicant/agent Mobile phone number of applicant/agent (832) 349-4018 PART 2. PROPERTY INFORMATION Street address of subject property 2301 WILLIAM D TATE AVENUE Legal description of subject property (metes & bounds must be described on 8 1/2" x 11"sheet) Lot 2 Block 1 Addition FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF GRAPEVINE Size of subject property Acres 17.803 ACRES Square footage Present zoning classification: Proposed use of the property.- roperty:CC CCCOMMUNITY COMMERCIAL AUTOMOBILE SALES AND SERVICE Circle yes or no, if applies to this application Outdoor speakers Yes No Minimum / maximum district size for conditional use request: 5 ACRES Zoning ordinance provision requiring a conditional use: SECTION 25-C (REFERENCES SECTION 48) - AUTOMOBILE SALES AND SERVICE USE PART 3. PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION Name of current property owner., LITHIA REAL ESTATE INC - CONTACT: MITCHEL SHELBY Street address of property owner. - 150 N BARTLETT STREET City / State /Zip Code of property owner.• MEDFORD, OR 97501 Telephone number of property owner. • Fax number of property owner. - wner.•(650)238-8213 (650) 238-8213 X1 Submit a letter describing the proposed conditional use and note the request on the site plan document X1 In the same letter, describe or show on the site plan, and conditional requirements or conditions imposed upon the particular conditional use by applicable district regulations (example: buffer yards, distance between users) M In the same letter, describe whether the proposed conditional use will, or will not cause substantial harm to the value, use, or enjoyment of other property in the neighborhood. Also, describe how the proposed conditional use will add to the value, use or enjoyment of other property in the neighborhood. )KI Application of site plan approval (Section 47, see attached Form B'). KI The site plan submission shall meet the requirements of Section 47, Site Plan Requirements. )a All conditional use and conditional use applications are assumed to be complete when filed and will be placed on the agenda for public hearing at the discretion of the staff. Based on the size of the agenda, your application may be scheduled to a later date. )n All public hearings will be opened and testimony given by applicants and interested citizenry. Public hearings may be continued to the next public hearing. Public hearings will not be tabled. W Any changes to a site plan (no matter how minor or major) approved with a conditional use or conditional use permit can only be approved by city council through the public hearing process. I have read and understand all the requirements as set forth by the application for conditional use or conditional use permit and acknowledge that all requirements of this application have been met of the time of submittal. PART 4. SIGNATURE TO AUTHORIZE CONDITIONAL USE REQUEST AND PLACE A CONDITIONAL USE REQUEST SIGN ON THE SUBJECT PROPERTY COOL BREEZE CONSULTANTS LLC - GRAHAM MOORE Print Applicant's Name: Applicant's Signature: The State of Te xas County Of �ACA C!n � _ Before Me Zat i CaCn "14 n` l u /� �� on this day personally appeared y-av f (notary) (applicant) known to me (or proved to me on the oath of card or other document) to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. (Seal) Given under my hand and seal of office this � day of i Ao jeryN\6ef A.D. 201n <pRr pie ZAIDA M QUINTERO ` I G'•�/_ Notary ID #128473347 v`+T My Commission Expires NotWin And For State Of Texas oris December 16, 2822 An r I LITHIA REAL ESTATE INC / 1 J 4�;9'- � Print Prop Owners Name: Prop t ner'sSlignature: The State O &n County Of i Before Me on this day personalty appeared f p �r (notary) (property owner) known to me (or proved to me on the oath of card or other document) to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed hny l(Seal) Given under my hand and seal of office this O(a day of Ak:q"ew- A.D. OFFICIAL STAMP KRISTY J ELLS NOTARY PUBLIC -OREGON Notary In Ond ForTay� COMMISSION NO, 993225 MY COMMISSION EXPNS OCTOBER 211, 6 r, C 1 0", DEC 2 c i9 u t9- Ll l ACKNOWLEDGEMENT All Conditional Use and Special Use Applications are assumed to be complete when filed and will be placed on the agenda for public hearing at the discretion of the staff. Based on the size of the agenda, your application may be scheduled to a later date. All public hearings will be opened and testimony given by applicants and interested citizenry. Public hearings may be continued to the next public hearing. Public hearings will not be tabled. Any changes to a site plan (no matter how minor or major) approved with a conditional use or a special use permit can only be approved by city council through the public hearing process. Any application for a change in zoning or for an amendment to the zoning ordinance shall have, from the date of submittal, a period of four months to request and be scheduled on an agenda before the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council. If after said period of four months an application has not been scheduled before the Commission and Council said application shall be considered withdrawn, with forfeiture of all filing fees. The application, along with the required filing fee may be resubmitted any time thereafter for reconsideration. Delays in scheduling applications before the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council created by city staff shall not be considered a part of the four month period. I have read and understand all of the requirements as set forth by the application for conditional use or special use permit and acknowledge that all requirements of this application have been met at the time of submittal. Signature of Applicant Date: I !x"'11 Signature of Owner Date: DEC 2 2019 (BC COOL BREEzE CONSULTANTS Llc November 27, 2019 Albert L Triplett, Jr., Planner II Development Services Planning Division 200 S Main Street Grapevine, TX 76051 Reference: Conditional Use Application Letter Grapevine Honda 2301 William D Tate Ave Grapevine, TX 76051 Mr. Triplet: cuta-4l Lithia Real Estate, Inc, is the current owner of a vacant tract of land located at 2301 William D Tate Avenue, Grapevine, Texas. The owner wishes to develop the property as an Automobile Sales and Service and Automobile Washing Use. The site is located within the CC — Community Commercial zoning district, which permits Automobile Sales and Service as well as Automobile Washing Uses as a Conditional Use. Therefore, the purpose of this application is to formally request Conditional Use approval for the proposed Grapevine Honda development on the above referenced site. Existing Conditions The site is currently vacant and has been platted as Lot 2, Block 1, First Baptist Church of Grapevine. The site is encumbered by a water easement throughout the site, a 100 year floodplain and drainage easement at the southeast end of the site, a 25 foot landscape, water, and drainage easement and building line along William D Tate Avenue, a ten foot utility easement along the northern property line, and a variable with drainage easement in the southeastern portion of the site. Currently, the site is moderately wooded with native vegetation and trees. Proposed Conditional Use The proposed use will be a showroom/service building, a detached car wash building, and associated parking, utility, drainage and landscape improvements. The site will be accessed by two right -in, right -out driveways on William D Tate Avenue and two (2) full movement driveways on Stone Myers Parkway. The proposed showroom/service building will front towards William D Tate Avenue, and the proposed Car Wash will front towards Stone Myers Parkway. The proposed use will include two (2) masonry dumpster enclosures, as well as an above ground fuel storage tank located behind the showroom/service building. One 40 -feet in height, 192- square foot pole sign is proposed along the northbound State Highway 121 service road along with a monument sign that is ten (10) feet in height and 100 -square feet in size proposed along Stone Myers Parkway. In conjunction with the car wash, shaded vacuum stations are proposed adjacent to Stone Myers Parkway. These proposed improvements are depicted in detail in the attached site plan package. n Page 2 of 3 Conditional Use Letter November 2019 Special Reguirements or Conditions per District Regulations As stated above, the site is located within the CC — Community Commercial zoning district. Per section 25.C.7 of the City of Grapevine Zoning Ordinance, the CC zoning district permits Automobile Sales and Service Uses may be permitted as a Conditional Use if a Conditional Use Permit is issued pursuant to section 48 of said ordinance. In addition, the following requirements shall apply: BULK REQUIREMENTS ITEM REQUIREMENT PROPOSED MIN LOT SIZE SAC 17.803 AC MAX BUILDING COVERAGE 60 % (465,273 SF) 9% (69,006 SF) MAX IMPERV. COVERAGE 80 % (620,399 SF) 72% (559,080 SF) MIN LOT WIDTH 120 FT 393.7 FT MIN LOT DEPTH 120 FT 300 FT MIN FRONT YARD 25 FT 187.4 FIF (CAR WASH) MIN SIDE YARD 20 FT 71.9 FT (SHOWROOM) MIN REAR YARD 25 FT 82.3 FT (CAR WASH) DISTANCE BETWEEN BUILDINGS 40 FT 366.2 FT MAX BLDG. HEIGHT 50 FT 30 FT Additionally, the following requirements from section 25 shall apply: - Landscaping shall be required in accordance with section 53 of the City of Grapevine Zoning Ordinance. - Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with sections 56 and 58 of the City of Grapevine Zoning Ordinance and shall be landscaped in accordance with section 53 of the City of Grapevine Zoning Ordinance. - Off-street loading shall be provided in accordance with section 57 of the City of Grapevine Zoning Ordinance. - Outdoor storage and refuse shall be landscaped and screened from view. - Mechanical and electrical equipment, including air conditioning units, shall be designed, installed and operated to minimize noise impact on surrounding property. All such equipment shall be screened from public view. - Lighting shall be designed to reflect away from any adjacent residential area. - The masonry requirements of section 54 of the City of Grapevine Zoning Ordinance shall be met. The proposed development will meet or exceed these requirements, as shown in the attached site plan package. Value, Use and Eniovment The proposed Grapevine Honda development will add value, use, and enjoyment to the surrounding properties. The proposed use is compatible with adjacent uses and will drive additional retail traffic to the area. The development will also generate value through increased property taxes compared to the vacant land. CLC i.V J 2 "n',n Page 3 of 3 Conditional Use Letter November 2019 Should you have any questions or need further information regarding this submittal, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you, A. - Graham Moore, P.E. Cool Breeze Consultants LLC TBPE Firm # F-20465 1314 Avenue A Suite A Katy, TX 77493 832.349.4018 ORDINANCE NO. 2020-007 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAPEVINE, TEXAS ISSUING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CU17-28 TO ESTABLISH AN AUTOMOTIVE DEALERSHIP WITH SALES AND SERVICE OF NEW AND USED VEHICLES AND 40 -FOOT POLE SIGN IN A DISTRICT ZONED "CC" COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT ON LOT 2, BLOCK 1, FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF GRAPEVINE ADDITION (2301 WILLIAM D. TATE AVENUE) ALL IN ACCORDANCE WITH A SITE PLAN APPROVED PURSUANT TO SECTION 47 OF ORDINANCE NO. 82-73 AND ALL OTHER CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS AND SAFEGUARDS IMPOSED HEREIN; CORRECTING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP; PRESERVING ALL OTHER PORTIONS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE; PROVIDING A CLAUSE RELATING TO SEVERABILITY; DETERMINING THAT THE PUBLIC INTERESTS, MORALS AND GENERAL WELFARE DEMAND THE ISSUANCE OF THIS CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT; PROVIDING A PENALTY NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS ($2,000.00); DECLARING AN EMERGENCY AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE WHEREAS, an application was made requesting issuance of a conditional use permit by making applications for same with the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Grapevine, Texas, as required by State statutes and the zoning ordinance of the City of Grapevine, Texas, and all the legal requirements, conditions and prerequisites having been complied with, the case having come before the City Council of the City of Grapevine, Texas, after all legal notices requirements, conditions and prerequisites having been complied with; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Grapevine, Texas, at a public hearing called by the City Council did consider the following factors in making a determination as to whether this requested conditional use permit should be granted or denied: safety of the motoring public and the pedestrians using the facilities in the area immediately surrounding the site; safety from fire hazards and measures for fire control; protection of adjacent property from flood or water damages, noise producing elements, and glare of the vehicular and stationary lights and effect of such lights on established character of the neighborhood; location, lighting, and types of signs and relation of signs to traffic control and adjacent property; street size and adequacy of width for traffic reasonably expected to be generated by the proposed use around the site and in the immediate neighborhood; adequacy of parking as determined by requirements of this ordinance for off-street parking facilities; location of ingress and egress points for parking and off-street locating spaces, and protection of public health by surfacing on all parking areas to control dust; effect on the promotion of health and the general welfare; effect on light and air; the effect on the overcrowding of the land; the effect on the concentration of population; the effect on the transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks and other facilities; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Grapevine, Texas, at a public hearing called by the City Council of the City of Grapevine, Texas, did consider the following factors in making a determination as to whether this requested conditional use permit should be granted or denied; effect on the congestion of the streets, the fire hazards, panics and other dangers possibly present in the securing of safety from same, the effect on the promotion of health and the general welfare, effect on adequate light and air, the effect on the overcrowding of the land, the effect on the concentration of population, the effect on the transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks and other public facilities; and WHEREAS, all of the requirements of Section 48 of Ordinance No. 82-73 have been satisfied by the submission of evidence at a public hearing; and WHEREAS, the City Council further considered among otherthings the character of the existing zoning district and its peculiar suitability for particular uses and with the view to conserve the value of buildings and encourage the most appropriate use of land throughout this City; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Grapevine, Texas, does find that there is a public necessity for the granting of this conditional use permit, that the public demands it, that the public interest clearly requires the amendment, that the zoning changes do not unreasonably invade the rights of those who bought or improved property with reference to the classification which existed at the time their original investment was made; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Grapevine, Texas, does find that the conditional use permit lessens the congestion in the streets, helps secure safety from fire, panic and other dangers, prevents the overcrowding of land, avoids undue concentration of population, facilitates the adequate provisions of transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks and other public requirements; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Grapevine, Texas, has determined that there is a necessity and need for this conditional use permit and has also found and determined that there has been a change in the conditions of the property surrounding and in close proximity to the property requested for a change since this property was originally classified and, therefore, feels that the issuance of this conditional use permit for the particular piece of property is needed, is called for, an is in the best interest of the public at large, the citizens of the City of Grapevine, Texas, and helps promote the general health, safety and welfare of this community. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAPEVINE, TEXAS: Ordinance No. 2020-007 2 Section 1. That the City does hereby issue a conditional use permit in accordance with Section 48 of Ordinance No. 82-73, the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Grapevine, Texas, same being also known as Appendix "D" of the City Code, by granting Conditional Use Permit CU17-28 to establish an automotive dealership (Grapevine Honda) with the sales and service of new and used vehicles and a 40 -foot pole sign in a district zoned "CC" Community Commercial District Regulations within the following described property: Lot 2, Block 1, First Baptist Church of Grapevine Addition (2301 William D. Tate Avenue) all in accordance with a site plan approved pursuant to Section 47 of Ordinance No. 82-73, attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit "A", and all other conditions, restrictions, and safeguards imposed herein, including but not limited to the following: None. Section 2. The City Manager is hereby directed to amend the official zoning map of the City of Grapevine, Texas, to reflect the herein conditional use permit. Section 3. That in all other respects the use of the tract or tracts of land herein above described shall be subject to all the applicable regulations contained in said City of Grapevine zoning ordinance and all other applicable and pertinent ordinances of the City of Grapevine, Texas. Section 4. That the zoning regulations and districts as herein established have been made in accordance with the comprehensive plan for the purpose of promoting health, safety, morals and the general welfare of the community. They have been designed with respect to both present conditions and the conditions reasonably anticipated to exist in the foreseeable future; to lessen congestion in the streets; to secure safely from fire, panic, flood and other dangers; provide adequate light and air; to prevent overcrowding of land, to avoid undue concentration of population; facilitate the adequate provisions of transportation, water, sewerage, drainage and surface water, parks and other public requirements, and to make adequate provisions for the normal business, commercial needs and development of the community. They have been made with reasonable consideration, among other things, of the character of the district, and its peculiar suitability for the particular uses and with a view of conserving the value of buildings and encouraging the most appropriate use of land throughout the community. Section 5. This ordinance shall be cumulative of all other ordinances of the City of Grapevine, Texas, affecting zoning and shall not repeal any of the provisions of said ordinances except in those instances where provisions of those ordinances which are in direct conflict with the provisions of this ordinance. Section 6. That the terms and provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed to be severable and that if the validity of the zoning affecting any portion of the tract or tracts of land described herein shall be declared to be invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of the zoning of the balance of the tract or tracts of land described herein. Ordinance No. 2020-007 3 Section 7. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in a sum not to exceed Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) and a separate offense shall be deemed committed upon each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues. Section 8. The fact that the present ordinances and regulations of the City of Grapevine, Texas, are inadequate to properly safeguard the health, safety, morals, peace and general welfare of the inhabitants of the City of Grapevine, Texas, creates an emergency for the immediate preservation of the public business, property, health, safety and general welfare of the public which requires that this ordinance shall become effective from and after the date of its final passage, and it is accordingly so ordained. PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAPEVINE, TEXAS on this the 16th day of January, 2018. APPROVED: William D. Tate Mayor ATTEST: Tara Brooks City Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney Ordinance No. 2020-007 4 I m-- z: pf II f 48 PERIMETER -,� -- LANDSCAPE AREA- iIIII11!-iiC m D= - 60' 9 ' 120' SCNE: V-60, NOTES 1. BARBED VIRE FENCING IS NOT PERMITTED. 2. ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE GRAPEVINE SOIL EROSIO CONTROL ORDINANCE SHALL BE MET DURING THE PERIOD OF CONSTRUCTION. I3. CONDITIONAL USE REQUEST CU19-41 ISA REQUEST TO ESTABLISH AN AUTOMOTIVE DEALERSHIP WITH SALES AND SERVICE OF NEW AND USED VEHICLES AND A 40 -FOOT POLE SIGN. PARKING SUMMARY TABLE TYPE EMPLOYEE (60) CUSTOMER (129) (D>::) DISPLAY (255) (tN) INVENTORY (492) TA SUMMARY TABLE BUILDING HEIGHT (STORIES / FEET) 1 � 15'PERIMETER \ LANDSCAPE AREA SEC. 25 1.1 50 FT MAX. 2 STORIES l38 FT. SERVICE BUILDING (PRIMARY BUILDING) SEC. 25.1.1 50 FT MAX, 2 STORIES 130 FT. CAR WASH (ACCESSORY BUILDING) SEC. 25.1.1 15 FT MAX. 1 STORY 115 FT. I / PROP. POLE \ SIGN 775,495 SF (17.803 AC) J 60% MAX. 84,552 SF (832%) FLOOR AREA RATIO 23'PERIMETER ANDSCAPE AREA I— �–� C" •, .r _ DISPLAY 3889 ) 'I= PARKIN( TOTAL IMPERVIOUS AREA TOTAL OPEN SPACE (192) I (72.08%) R r�7 a'a.1 ilk r i ir-- m-- z: pf II f 48 PERIMETER -,� -- LANDSCAPE AREA- iIIII11!-iiC m D= - 60' 9 ' 120' SCNE: V-60, NOTES 1. BARBED VIRE FENCING IS NOT PERMITTED. 2. ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE GRAPEVINE SOIL EROSIO CONTROL ORDINANCE SHALL BE MET DURING THE PERIOD OF CONSTRUCTION. I3. CONDITIONAL USE REQUEST CU19-41 ISA REQUEST TO ESTABLISH AN AUTOMOTIVE DEALERSHIP WITH SALES AND SERVICE OF NEW AND USED VEHICLES AND A 40 -FOOT POLE SIGN. PARKING SUMMARY TABLE TYPE EMPLOYEE (60) CUSTOMER (129) (D>::) DISPLAY (255) (tN) INVENTORY (492) TA SUMMARY TABLE BUILDING HEIGHT (STORIES / FEET) SHOVAOOM (PRIMARY BUILDING) SEC. 25 1.1 50 FT MAX. 2 STORIES l38 FT. SERVICE BUILDING (PRIMARY BUILDING) SEC. 25.1.1 50 FT MAX, 2 STORIES 130 FT. CAR WASH (ACCESSORY BUILDING) SEC. 25.1.1 15 FT MAX. 1 STORY 115 FT. TOTAL LOT AREA SEC. G.1. 8 25.G.2 14,400 SF MIN. 775,495 SF (17.803 AC) TOTAL BUILDING FOOTPRINT AREA 60% MAX. 84,552 SF (832%) FLOOR AREA RATIO WA0.18 ONSITE PARKING 3889 S TOTAL IMPERVIOUS AREA TOTAL OPEN SPACE __. .+za. I (72.08%) R r�7 a'a.1 (ID U-1 L, r �l9¢ SAN 14 IRMN RNY Ps4h IIN. tNtt NtrMl Wp 1NUNNutlgt NfW cee.waatNuc cp ym vwc uc mme �Im � e.a+n n srm (�INn as p: araul p: � NIm� p' MLAS-FORT WORTH INTERNATICNAL AIRPORT LOCATION MAP N.T.B. 1314 Avenue A, Suite A Katy, TX 77493 PRone: 832-34964018 Email. admin@coolbreezeconsucants.com wwwbreezecansupants.com \-n c TBPE FIRM # F-20465 CASE NAME: GWEVDYE HONDA CASE NUMBER: CU19-41 LOCATION: 2301 WILLIAM D. TATE MAYOR SECRETARY DATE: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION CHARMAN DATE: sN« 1 OF 8 APPROVAL DOES NOT AUTHORIZE ANY WORK IN CONFLICT WITH ANY CODES OR ORDINANCES. DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES \ f 1' PROP. 18' �j PERIMETER LANDSCAPE AREA JY' PROP. POLE 1 / SIGN + -► rR�--,., m� � LS I f ff� i + �f ffg— j If&— f_.... n ± a)s 25,. to ' 1 t PROP. FLUSH CUR( PROP, + AND SIDEWALK SIDEWALKJ12 'Vcri PROPRAMPAPROR t j���� f f ADDRESS SI( 1 218,410 SF (27.81%) 2i Ui. �I C; 1 O I Q i 1 i II I� \ f 1' PROP. 18' �j PERIMETER LANDSCAPE AREA JY' PROP. POLE 1 / SIGN + -► rR�--,., m� � LS I f ff� i + �f ffg— j If&— f_.... n ± a)s 25,. to ' 1 t PROP. FLUSH CUR( PROP, + AND SIDEWALK SIDEWALKJ12 PROPRAMPAPROR t j���� f f ADDRESS SI( Kd gy PROP. Y t p- CONC. FLUME 01 to b 13 j 7 Ls rc ® PROP. a Q. '► FIRE LANE S Ls PROP. RDIRECTIONAL 10 } f LS + DIRECTIONALSIGN IG SIGN f « L6 I J PROP. ,. . RETAINING 1 WALL - 1 20' PERIMETER LANDSCAPE AREA CUR$ ... ` Q n i rr n?" •tom( i' � �) i' i 1'' � t „_ � -• to 1 n1 Ls mm 1° N IW IW N Iz i OF GRAPEVINE I a LOT 2, BLOCK 1 1 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF GRAPEVINE ADDITION (17.80.3 AC! 775,495 SF) 1 y 1 r g LS 1 DI6PLAY ' �-a".-' — — \ PARKING PROP Y (63) CONC. FLUME 20' PERIMETER 1 LANDSCAPE AREA 1 \ 1 20'PERIMETER LANDSCAPE AREA REMENTS )UIREMENT PROPOSED SAC 17.803AC $'( (465,273 SF} 996 (89,OO65F) 620,3945E ]2% 559,0805E 120 FT 393 7FT 120 FT 32q FT 25 FT 187.4 FT CAR WASH 20 FT 71.9 FT (SHOWROOM) 25 FT 82.3 FT CAR WASH) 40 FT 366.2FT 40 B0, 80 SO FT -L---P—Fr---J .. SONE: 1•®40' NOTES 1. BARBED WIRE FENCING IS NOT PERMITTED. 2, ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE GRAPEVINE SOIL EROSION CONTROL ORDINANCE SHALL BE MET WRING THE PERIOD OF CONSTRUCTION. 3, CONDITIONAL USE REQUEST CU79-91 18A REQUEST TO ESTABLISH AN AUTOMOTIVE DEALERSHIP WITH SALES AND SERVICE OF NEW AND USED VEHICLES AND A 40-1`001` POLE SKIN. PARKING SUMMARY TABLE TYPE EMPLOYEE (80) CUSTOMER (129) (D25) DISPLAY (255) (1NY) INVENTORY (492) tSUILUINU UHIA SUMMAKY IAtfLt TYPE REQUIRED PROVIDED BUILDING HEIGHT (STORIES /FEET) SHOWROOM (PRIMARY BUILDING) SEC. 25 1.1 SD FT MAX, 2 STORIES/ 38 FT SERVICE BUILDING (PRIMARY BUILDING) SEC. 25,1.1 50 FT MAX. 2 STORIES 130 FT CAR WASH (ACCESSORY BUILDING) SEG, 25.1.1 15 FT MAX. 1 STORY ! 15 FT. TOTAL LOT AREA SEC. G.1. & 25.G2 14,400 SF MIN. 775,495 SF (17,803 AC) TOTAL BUILDING FOOTPRINT AREA 60-A MAX 84,552 SF (8.32%} FLOOR AREA RATIO WA 0.18161 ONSITE PARKING 388 SPACES 836 SPACES TOTAL IMPERVIOUSAREA 80%MAX 559,0805E (7209%) TOTAL OPEN SPACE 20%MIN, -ow SUE ♦ � I / I DALLAS -FORT WORTH 1 Kd gy PROP. Y t p- CONC. FLUME 01 to b 13 j 7 Ls rc ® PROP. a Q. '► FIRE LANE S Ls PROP. RDIRECTIONAL 10 } f LS + DIRECTIONALSIGN IG SIGN f « L6 I J PROP. ,. . RETAINING 1 WALL - 1 20' PERIMETER LANDSCAPE AREA CUR$ ... ` Q n i rr n?" •tom( i' � �) i' i 1'' � t „_ � -• to 1 n1 Ls mm 1° N IW IW N Iz i OF GRAPEVINE I a LOT 2, BLOCK 1 1 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF GRAPEVINE ADDITION (17.80.3 AC! 775,495 SF) 1 y 1 r g LS 1 DI6PLAY ' �-a".-' — — \ PARKING PROP Y (63) CONC. FLUME 20' PERIMETER 1 LANDSCAPE AREA 1 \ 1 20'PERIMETER LANDSCAPE AREA REMENTS )UIREMENT PROPOSED SAC 17.803AC $'( (465,273 SF} 996 (89,OO65F) 620,3945E ]2% 559,0805E 120 FT 393 7FT 120 FT 32q FT 25 FT 187.4 FT CAR WASH 20 FT 71.9 FT (SHOWROOM) 25 FT 82.3 FT CAR WASH) 40 FT 366.2FT 40 B0, 80 SO FT -L---P—Fr---J .. SONE: 1•®40' NOTES 1. BARBED WIRE FENCING IS NOT PERMITTED. 2, ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE GRAPEVINE SOIL EROSION CONTROL ORDINANCE SHALL BE MET WRING THE PERIOD OF CONSTRUCTION. 3, CONDITIONAL USE REQUEST CU79-91 18A REQUEST TO ESTABLISH AN AUTOMOTIVE DEALERSHIP WITH SALES AND SERVICE OF NEW AND USED VEHICLES AND A 40-1`001` POLE SKIN. PARKING SUMMARY TABLE TYPE EMPLOYEE (80) CUSTOMER (129) (D25) DISPLAY (255) (1NY) INVENTORY (492) tSUILUINU UHIA SUMMAKY IAtfLt TYPE REQUIRED PROVIDED BUILDING HEIGHT (STORIES /FEET) SHOWROOM (PRIMARY BUILDING) SEC. 25 1.1 SD FT MAX, 2 STORIES/ 38 FT SERVICE BUILDING (PRIMARY BUILDING) SEC. 25,1.1 50 FT MAX. 2 STORIES 130 FT CAR WASH (ACCESSORY BUILDING) SEG, 25.1.1 15 FT MAX. 1 STORY ! 15 FT. TOTAL LOT AREA SEC. G.1. & 25.G2 14,400 SF MIN. 775,495 SF (17,803 AC) TOTAL BUILDING FOOTPRINT AREA 60-A MAX 84,552 SF (8.32%} FLOOR AREA RATIO WA 0.18161 ONSITE PARKING 388 SPACES 836 SPACES TOTAL IMPERVIOUSAREA 80%MAX 559,0805E (7209%) TOTAL OPEN SPACE 20%MIN, -ow SUE ♦ � I / I DALLAS -FORT WORTH 218,410 SF (27.81%) 1 INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT LOCATION MAP N.T.S. (BC rc I COM BREEZE CONSULTANTS LLC 1314 Avenue A, Suite A Katy, TX 77493 Phone: 832349.4018 Email. atlmioC coolbreezeconeulfantecom wr w, coo0xeezeconauBanta. com TBPE FIRM # F-20485 CASE NAME: GRAPEVINE MDP(DA... CASE NUMBER: {M19-41 LOCATION: 2301 WILLIAM D. TATE MAYOR SECRETARY DATE: P;ANNMG AND ZONING COMMISSION CHAIRMAN DATE: 5r<cEl: 4� Gf H APPROVAL DOES NOT AUTHORIZE ANY WORK IN CONFLICT WRH ANY CbOES Oft ORDINANCES, DEPARTMENT OF CEVELOPMENT SERVICES �Rfxl eawzne. nxxa.xa.mr vxxxwxxxx«e rxxr4 oa•na (aq x�tx>u •x,lpoxxu.mn AWiex�J Avr,l, �etu. cawmrwuc �x.wx«n 6S �xPhe LLS I.xN.,,.•,>a axg4yx•plamm p: CNJwi p: Nx•+•e p; cxIn Q T. F N OA -1100 Wf9 EM M �R N onrproh>»awaca, uc, ,�IICONTROL PLAN Tl, -A LANE N It ■ 00 ' OF GRAPEVINE LOT 2, BLOCK } N ' FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF GRAPEVINE ADDITION I.- ' (17.803 AC 1775,495 SF) UJ j z 19 i PROP. ' FIRE LANE L... .. . .... ....."at. MATCH LINE SHEET 4 of 8 i 1A. TYPE REQUIRED PROVIDED BUILDING HEIGHT (STORIES 1 FEET) SHOWROOM (PRIMARY BUILDING) SEC. 25.1.1 co Qz 2 STORIES 138 FT. SERVICE BUILDING (PRIMARY BUILDING) SEC. 25.1.1 50 FT MAX. 2 STORIES/ 30 FT. '. CAR WASH (ACCESSORY BUILDING) SEC. 25.1.1 15 FT MAX. 1 STORY/ 15 FT. � I I I 775,485 SF (17,803 AC) SIDEWALK 80% MAX. I VUMENT I FLOOR AREA RATIO '�.., EX. SIDEWALK 40' 80' 80' NOTES SCALE 1*®40' 1. BARBED WARE FENCING IS NOT PERMITTED. 1 ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE GRAPEVINE SOIL EROSION CONTROL ORDINANCE SHALL BE MET WRING THE PERIOD OF CONSTRUCTION. 3. CONDITIONAL USE REQUEST CU 1911 IS A REQUEST TO ESTABLISH AN AUTOMOTIVE DEALERSHIP WITH SALES AND SERVICE OF NEW AND USED VEHICLES AND A 40 -FOOT POLE SIGN. PARKING SUMMARY TABLE TYPE EMPLOYEE (60) CUSTOMER (129) (D>5} DISPLAY (255) (■1'D INVENTORY (492) 0UILL)1NU UA I A AUIVIIVUAK T 1 AtSLC TYPE REQUIRED PROVIDED BUILDING HEIGHT (STORIES 1 FEET) SHOWROOM (PRIMARY BUILDING) SEC. 25.1.1 50 FT MAX. 2 STORIES 138 FT. SERVICE BUILDING (PRIMARY BUILDING) SEC. 25.1.1 50 FT MAX. 2 STORIES/ 30 FT. '. CAR WASH (ACCESSORY BUILDING) SEC. 25.1.1 15 FT MAX. 1 STORY/ 15 FT. TOTAL LOT AREA SEC. G.I. 8 25.G.2 14,400 SF MIN, 775,485 SF (17,803 AC) TOTAL BUILDING FOOTPRINT AREA 80% MAX. 64,552 SF (8.32%) FLOOR AREA RATIO WA 0.16181 ONSITE PARKING 388 SPACES 936 SPACES TOTAL IMPERVIOUS AREA 80% MAX. 559,080 SF (72.09%) TOTAL OPEN SPACE 20% MIN. 216,4106F(2791%) LOCATION MAP N.T.S. (BC rc I COOL B*EEZE CONSULTANTS LLC 1314 Avenue A SUlte A Katy, TX 77493 Phone: 832.349-4018 Email: adminQcooYueeaeconeultants—m W W,.cooIbreezeconauXarrce.com TBPE FIRM # F-20465 CASE NAME: GRAPEVINE HONDA CASE NUMBER: CU19-41 LOCATION: 2301 WILLIAM D. TATE MAYOR SECRETARY DATE: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION CHAIRMAN DATE: e Sr EET 3 CF 8 APPROVAL DOES NOT AUTHORIZE ANY WORK IN CONFLICT WITH ANY CODES OR ORDINANCES. DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES �1- Ixh, is nw 1n»saws Art81Meh ac.a plus LLC cxa.�eaoxyrmwx I-)— onx.p: CIixW p: N1x.'mq: ex WnW{s)ayswK..ut. iAM MOORE ;T0, 132 CI -do SITE z 1 1 i IDALLAS i � -FORT WORTH INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT LOCATION MAP N.T.S. (BC rc I COOL B*EEZE CONSULTANTS LLC 1314 Avenue A SUlte A Katy, TX 77493 Phone: 832.349-4018 Email: adminQcooYueeaeconeultants—m W W,.cooIbreezeconauXarrce.com TBPE FIRM # F-20465 CASE NAME: GRAPEVINE HONDA CASE NUMBER: CU19-41 LOCATION: 2301 WILLIAM D. TATE MAYOR SECRETARY DATE: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION CHAIRMAN DATE: e Sr EET 3 CF 8 APPROVAL DOES NOT AUTHORIZE ANY WORK IN CONFLICT WITH ANY CODES OR ORDINANCES. DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES �1- Ixh, is nw 1n»saws Art81Meh ac.a plus LLC cxa.�eaoxyrmwx I-)— onx.p: CIixW p: N1x.'mq: ex WnW{s)ayswK..ut. iAM MOORE ;T0, 132 CI . SME' 1"-40' NOTES 1. BARBED VARF FENCING IS NOT PERMITTED. 2 ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE GRAPEVINE SOIL EROSION CONTROL ORDINANCE SHALL BE MET DURING THE PERIOD OF CONSTRUCTION. 3. CONDITIONAL USE REQUEST CU1941 IS A REQUEST TO ESTABLISH AN AUTOMOTIVE DEALERSHIP WITH SALES AND SERVICE OF NEW AND USED VEHICLES AND A 40 -FOOT POLE SIGN. PARKING SUMMARY TABLE TYPE EMPLOYEE 160) CUSTOMER (129) (Pli DISPLAY (256) UIRRI INVENTORY (492) 17- P11 110119 N2 97—"1 GO BUILDING HEIGHT (STORIES I FEET) MATCH LINE SHEET 3 of 8 SHOWROOM (PRIMARY BUILDING) SEC, 25.11 a =in eaten iiiiiinit ISO= '11111011111 souir-ii livin iniiiiii 2 STORIES 130 FT wwlt�iiio 15FT MAX I STORY 115 FT. TOTAL LOT AREA SEC G.1. A 26G.2 --m 775,495 SF (17.803 AD) 251 PERIMETER SD% MAX 2v FLOORAREARATIO iBBe n 0.: LANDSCAPE AREA 388 SPACES fir U z 80% MAX 659,080 BE (72.09%) TOTAL OPEN SPACE PERIMETER LANO9� 216,410 BE (27.91%) O CANE BOLTS ' - SIDEWALK 11D, �E— PRP RETAINING RDWNDER IT JOr 1. &Oa 1 Pe 21.T 2V w 2T w CL PROP. ADA RAMP FRS7 WMr CH40CH QVPEM A011TON LS DOC. 0209260320 OPRTC MLS ELEC lass 14' PROP. FIRE LANE arc RIV PROP. ADA RAMP -1 13 F TWO (2) PRO P. LOADING ZONES PROP. DUMPSTER ENCLOSURE YY . SME' 1"-40' NOTES 1. BARBED VARF FENCING IS NOT PERMITTED. 2 ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE GRAPEVINE SOIL EROSION CONTROL ORDINANCE SHALL BE MET DURING THE PERIOD OF CONSTRUCTION. 3. CONDITIONAL USE REQUEST CU1941 IS A REQUEST TO ESTABLISH AN AUTOMOTIVE DEALERSHIP WITH SALES AND SERVICE OF NEW AND USED VEHICLES AND A 40 -FOOT POLE SIGN. PARKING SUMMARY TABLE TYPE EMPLOYEE 160) CUSTOMER (129) (Pli DISPLAY (256) UIRRI INVENTORY (492) 17- P11 110119 N2 97—"1 GO BUILDING HEIGHT (STORIES I FEET) SHOWROOM (PRIMARY BUILDING) SEC, 25.11 50 FT MAX 2 STORIES 138 FT SERVICE BUILDING (PRIMARY BUILDING) SEC, 25.11 50 FT MAX 2 STORIES 130 FT CAR WASH (ACCESSORY BUILDING) SEC 25.11 15FT MAX I STORY 115 FT. TOTAL LOT AREA SEC G.1. A 26G.2 14,400 SF MIR 775,495 SF (17.803 AD) TOTAL BUILDING FOOTPRINT AREA SD% MAX 64,662 SF (8.32%) FLOORAREARATIO N/A 0.11618,11 ON-SITE PARKING 388 SPACES 936 SPACES TOTAL IMPERVIOUS AREA 80% MAX 659,080 BE (72.09%) TOTAL OPEN SPACE 20%MIN, 216,410 BE (27.91%) .iiiiiii�/iiiiii ii/iii! ODUMPSTER PAD, rLU----- ------------------------------- -1�1 L--------------------------------------- j REAR LOCATION MAP N.T.S. 6'S ARE 8T PAIXED 'CEKea� :'FLIT -FACE CMU 14�1l1 CONCRETE CEI a ,�9'REINFOR DUMPSTER PAn_. DUMPSTER ELEVATIONS LEFT SIDE Spot Par LL.c (4M— Nr:rrae p: 6x 4c 0 h 014-3 MCI, wX9 z gat 251 (BC rc I .10moi— COOL BREEZE CONSULTANTS LLC 1314 Avenue A, Suite A Katy, TX 77493 Phone: I32-214941018 Email admin@coolbreeza—ltants.com Wanecoojbreeze-rlsotlana"m TSPE FIRM 0 F-20465 RIGHT SIDE CASE NAMIEVIN HONDA CASE NUMBER: 19-41 LOCATION: 01 WILLIAM D. TATE MAYOR- SECRETARY DATE: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION CHAIRMAN DATE. SHEET A OF -A- APPROVAL DOES NOT AUTHORIZE AN, WORK IN CONFLICT WITH ANY CODES OR ORDINANCES, DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES :L. 9° SQUARE STEEL PAINTED BLACK (Tyrp.) T SQ. STEEL TUBE FRAME PAINTED BLACK ii" SPLIT -FACE CMU j CANE BOLTS ' - W REINFORCED CONCRETE DUMPSTER PAD FRONT LOCATION MAP N.T.S. 6'S ARE 8T PAIXED 'CEKea� :'FLIT -FACE CMU 14�1l1 CONCRETE CEI a ,�9'REINFOR DUMPSTER PAn_. DUMPSTER ELEVATIONS LEFT SIDE Spot Par LL.c (4M— Nr:rrae p: 6x 4c 0 h 014-3 MCI, wX9 z gat 251 (BC rc I .10moi— COOL BREEZE CONSULTANTS LLC 1314 Avenue A, Suite A Katy, TX 77493 Phone: I32-214941018 Email admin@coolbreeza—ltants.com Wanecoojbreeze-rlsotlana"m TSPE FIRM 0 F-20465 RIGHT SIDE CASE NAMIEVIN HONDA CASE NUMBER: 19-41 LOCATION: 01 WILLIAM D. TATE MAYOR- SECRETARY DATE: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION CHAIRMAN DATE. SHEET A OF -A- APPROVAL DOES NOT AUTHORIZE AN, WORK IN CONFLICT WITH ANY CODES OR ORDINANCES, DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES :L. —1V i 6NN,DSCAPE BUFFER ` SCREENINGS SNR -10' LANDS CAPEBU FEiF -� int + IS IU ----- rT i ---ENING SHRUBS (METER TREES + f SHADE TREE-. _.. S L1 + t SHRUBS 10' LANDSCAPE PERIMETER w z 0 LAWN s� I v i I I' I OF —1V i 6NN,DSCAPE BUFFER ` SCREENINGS SNR -10' LANDS CAPEBU FEiF -� int + IS IU ----- rT i ---ENING SHRUBS (METER TREES + f SHADE TREE-. _.. S L1 + t SHRUBS 10' LANDSCAPE PERIMETER w z 0 LAWN s� I B I ORDINANCE REQUIREMENTS • GRAPEVINE 1. STREET PERIMETER LANDSCAPE 544 121 - 6`17 91 LINEAR FEET I TREE PER 50 LINEAR FEET 398 / 50 SHRUB SCREENING Bob /3 STONE MEYER I TREE PER 50 LINEAR FEET I,Og2 / 50 SHRUB SCREENING 1,092 / 3 2. INTERIOR PARKING OPEN SPACE 10% OPEN SPACE REQUIRED. 775,485 *.10% I TREE PER 400 SQUARE FEET 77,550 /q50 3. NON VEHICULAR OPEN SPACE 50% IN FRONT YARD 4. PERIMETER LANDSCAPE NG® 1. DESERT WILLOW - CHILOP515 L..INEARIS - �� + j 2, TREE YAUPON - ILEX VOMITORIA + �"'•y�/' t- J ib . r� SCREENING SHRUB - FROM THE FOLLOWING LIST tl,! ~_ ' 1. DWARF BURFORD HOLLY - ILEX CORNUNTA 'BURFORDiI NANA' \: 2. TAMARIX JUNIPER - JUNIPERUS SABINA'TAMARISCIFOLIA' ,l .�^, 3. DWARF YAUPON HOLLY - ILEX VOMITORIA NANA PLANT MATERIAL SELECTED TO SCREEN THE VEHICLE USE AREAS \ \ *� �.;- „- � ____ - f----- — - ` FROM THE RIGHT OF WAY AND FROM ADJACENT PROPERTIES SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF THIRTY (30) INCHES IN HEIGHT AT THE TIME OF PLANTING AND BE THE TYPE OF SPECIES THAT WILL ATTAIN A MINIMUM HEIGHT OF THREE (3) FEET ONE (1) YEAR -PROPOSED TRASH ENCLOSURIi AFTER PLANTING. �V � � • A LANDSCAPE PLAN E MAINTENANCE NOTES F LANDSCAPE NOTES r=� D W I. THE OWNER, TENAT AND THEIR AGENT, IF ANY SHALL BE I. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL EX15TING AND PROPOSED JOINTLY AND SEVERALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SITE ELEMENTS AND NOTIFY ARCHITECT OF ANY MAINTENANCE OF ALL LANDSCAPE. D151-REPANIES. SURVEY DATA OF EX15TING CONDITIONS WAS 2. ALL LANDSCAPE SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN A NEAT AND SUPPLIED BY OTHERS, ORDERLY MANNER AT ALL TIMES, THE SHALL INCLUDE 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL LOCATE ALL EXISTING UNDERGROUND MOWING, EDGING, PRUNING, FERTILIZING, WATERING, WEEDING UTILITIES AND NOTIFY ARCHITECT OF ANY CONFLICTS. AND OTHER SUCH ACTIVITIES COMMON TO LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL EXERCISE CAUTION WHEN WORKING IN MAINTENANCE. THE VICINITY OF UNDERGROUND UTILITIES. 3. ALL LANDSCAPE AREAS SHALL BE KEPT FEE OF TRASH, 3. CONTRACTOR 15 RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING ALL REQUIRED; LITTER, WEEDS AND OTHER SUCH MATERIALS OR PLANTS LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION PERMITS, NOT PART OF TH15 PLAN. 4. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE A MINIMUM OF 2% SLOPE AWAY 4. ALL PLANT MATERIAL SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN A HEALTHY FROM ALL STRUCTURES. GROWING CONDITION A5 15 APPROPRIATE FOR THE SEASON 5. ALL PLANTING BEDS AND LAWN AREAS TO BE SEPARATED k'1 OF THE YEAR, BY STEEL EDGING. NO STEEL TO BE INSTALLED ADJACENT 5, ALL PLANT MATERIAL WHICH DIES SHALL BE REPLACED WITH TO SIDEWALKS OR CURBS,°Y PLANT MATERIAL OR EQUAL OR BETTER VALUE. 6. ALL LANDSCAPE AREAS TO BE 100% IRRIGATED WITH UNDERGROUND AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION SYSTEM AND SHALL INCLUDE RAIN AND FREEZE SENSORS. `�'A 7. ALL LAWN AREAS TO BE SOLID 501) BERMUDA GRASS UNLESS —�..•• NOTED ON THE DRAWINGS. 775,41% *.I5 116,324 *.5 4,853.60 / 50 8 TREES REQUIRED 7 NEW TREES PROVIDED I EXISTING TREES 133 SHRUBS REQUIRED 133 SHRUBS PROVIDED 22 TREES REQUIRED 28 TREES PROVIDED 364 SHRUBS REQUIRED 364 SHRUBS PROVIDED 77,500 SQUARE FOOTAGE REQUIRED 98,000 SQUARE FOOTAGE PROVIDED 82 TREES REQUIRED 120 TREES PROVIDED 116,324 SQUARE FOOTAGE REQUIRED 122,000 SQUARE FOOTAGE PROVIDED 58,162 SQUARE FOOTAGE REQUIRED 42,000 SQUARE FOOTAGE PROVIDED q7 TREES REQUIRED q7 TREES PROVIDED CASE NAME: GRAPEVINE HONDA CASE NUMBER: CU19-41 LOCATION: 2301 WILLIAM D TATE AVE. MAYOR I DATE: SECRETARY PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION CHAIRMAN I DATE: SHEET., 5 OF 8 APPROVAL DOES NOT AUTHORIZE ANY WORK IN CONFLICT WITH ANY CODES OR ORDINANCES. DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES T/ OF FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF GRAPEVINE ADDITIC PERIMETER TREES *F �SCRE 17.803ACRES situated in the J. FAY SURVEY - ABSTRACT 530 GRAPEVINE TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS -- I SHRL E "r / S rv-"or Architect LRhia Real Estate, Inc. Cool Breeze Consultants LLD SPARC - 150 North Bartlett Street 1314 Avenue A, Suite A 622 22nd Street, Suite 101 Medford, Oregon 97501 Katy, Texas 77493 Galveston, Texas 76550Telephone Telephone541-770-311, C CUP LEGEND D TREE MITIGTION NOTESCA" Contact: Eric Iverson Contact: Graham Moore, PE Contact R. Douglas Van Kay WAStl � I `+ SHADE TREE - FROM THE FOLLOWING LIST L THERE ARE 657 CALIPER INCHES OF POST OAKS ON-SITE. 1� 1. LIVE OAK - QUERCUS VIRGINIANA - 3" MIN. CALIPER 2. 214 CALIPER INCHES OF THE EXISTING POST OAKS WILL BE - 2. RED OAK - QUERCUS SHUMARDII - 3" MIN. CALIPER PRESERVED, •'�: 3. CEDAR ELM - ULMUS GRA551FOLIA - 3" MIN. CALIPER 3. 473 CALIPER INCHES WILL BE MITIGATED WITH THE ..1 4. PITSTAGHIO - PISTACHIO CHINEN515 - 3" MIN, CALIPER LANDSCAPE PLAN. 4. NO OTHER MITIGATION 15 REQUIRED. ORNAMENTAL TREE - FROM THE FOLLOWING LIST - -, B I ORDINANCE REQUIREMENTS • GRAPEVINE 1. STREET PERIMETER LANDSCAPE 544 121 - 6`17 91 LINEAR FEET I TREE PER 50 LINEAR FEET 398 / 50 SHRUB SCREENING Bob /3 STONE MEYER I TREE PER 50 LINEAR FEET I,Og2 / 50 SHRUB SCREENING 1,092 / 3 2. INTERIOR PARKING OPEN SPACE 10% OPEN SPACE REQUIRED. 775,485 *.10% I TREE PER 400 SQUARE FEET 77,550 /q50 3. NON VEHICULAR OPEN SPACE 50% IN FRONT YARD 4. PERIMETER LANDSCAPE NG® 1. DESERT WILLOW - CHILOP515 L..INEARIS - �� + j 2, TREE YAUPON - ILEX VOMITORIA + �"'•y�/' t- J ib . r� SCREENING SHRUB - FROM THE FOLLOWING LIST tl,! ~_ ' 1. DWARF BURFORD HOLLY - ILEX CORNUNTA 'BURFORDiI NANA' \: 2. TAMARIX JUNIPER - JUNIPERUS SABINA'TAMARISCIFOLIA' ,l .�^, 3. DWARF YAUPON HOLLY - ILEX VOMITORIA NANA PLANT MATERIAL SELECTED TO SCREEN THE VEHICLE USE AREAS \ \ *� �.;- „- � ____ - f----- — - ` FROM THE RIGHT OF WAY AND FROM ADJACENT PROPERTIES SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF THIRTY (30) INCHES IN HEIGHT AT THE TIME OF PLANTING AND BE THE TYPE OF SPECIES THAT WILL ATTAIN A MINIMUM HEIGHT OF THREE (3) FEET ONE (1) YEAR -PROPOSED TRASH ENCLOSURIi AFTER PLANTING. �V � � • A LANDSCAPE PLAN E MAINTENANCE NOTES F LANDSCAPE NOTES r=� D W I. THE OWNER, TENAT AND THEIR AGENT, IF ANY SHALL BE I. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL EX15TING AND PROPOSED JOINTLY AND SEVERALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SITE ELEMENTS AND NOTIFY ARCHITECT OF ANY MAINTENANCE OF ALL LANDSCAPE. D151-REPANIES. SURVEY DATA OF EX15TING CONDITIONS WAS 2. ALL LANDSCAPE SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN A NEAT AND SUPPLIED BY OTHERS, ORDERLY MANNER AT ALL TIMES, THE SHALL INCLUDE 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL LOCATE ALL EXISTING UNDERGROUND MOWING, EDGING, PRUNING, FERTILIZING, WATERING, WEEDING UTILITIES AND NOTIFY ARCHITECT OF ANY CONFLICTS. AND OTHER SUCH ACTIVITIES COMMON TO LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL EXERCISE CAUTION WHEN WORKING IN MAINTENANCE. THE VICINITY OF UNDERGROUND UTILITIES. 3. ALL LANDSCAPE AREAS SHALL BE KEPT FEE OF TRASH, 3. CONTRACTOR 15 RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING ALL REQUIRED; LITTER, WEEDS AND OTHER SUCH MATERIALS OR PLANTS LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION PERMITS, NOT PART OF TH15 PLAN. 4. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE A MINIMUM OF 2% SLOPE AWAY 4. ALL PLANT MATERIAL SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN A HEALTHY FROM ALL STRUCTURES. GROWING CONDITION A5 15 APPROPRIATE FOR THE SEASON 5. ALL PLANTING BEDS AND LAWN AREAS TO BE SEPARATED k'1 OF THE YEAR, BY STEEL EDGING. NO STEEL TO BE INSTALLED ADJACENT 5, ALL PLANT MATERIAL WHICH DIES SHALL BE REPLACED WITH TO SIDEWALKS OR CURBS,°Y PLANT MATERIAL OR EQUAL OR BETTER VALUE. 6. ALL LANDSCAPE AREAS TO BE 100% IRRIGATED WITH UNDERGROUND AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION SYSTEM AND SHALL INCLUDE RAIN AND FREEZE SENSORS. `�'A 7. ALL LAWN AREAS TO BE SOLID 501) BERMUDA GRASS UNLESS —�..•• NOTED ON THE DRAWINGS. 775,41% *.I5 116,324 *.5 4,853.60 / 50 8 TREES REQUIRED 7 NEW TREES PROVIDED I EXISTING TREES 133 SHRUBS REQUIRED 133 SHRUBS PROVIDED 22 TREES REQUIRED 28 TREES PROVIDED 364 SHRUBS REQUIRED 364 SHRUBS PROVIDED 77,500 SQUARE FOOTAGE REQUIRED 98,000 SQUARE FOOTAGE PROVIDED 82 TREES REQUIRED 120 TREES PROVIDED 116,324 SQUARE FOOTAGE REQUIRED 122,000 SQUARE FOOTAGE PROVIDED 58,162 SQUARE FOOTAGE REQUIRED 42,000 SQUARE FOOTAGE PROVIDED q7 TREES REQUIRED q7 TREES PROVIDED CASE NAME: GRAPEVINE HONDA CASE NUMBER: CU19-41 LOCATION: 2301 WILLIAM D TATE AVE. MAYOR I DATE: SECRETARY PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION CHAIRMAN I DATE: SHEET., 5 OF 8 APPROVAL DOES NOT AUTHORIZE ANY WORK IN CONFLICT WITH ANY CODES OR ORDINANCES. DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES TRUE NORTH PLAN NORTH MASTER SITE PLAN OF FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF GRAPEVINE ADDITIC LOT 1, BLOCK 1 17.803ACRES situated in the J. FAY SURVEY - ABSTRACT 530 GRAPEVINE TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS AQpBoaM l Qwner E "r / S rv-"or Architect LRhia Real Estate, Inc. Cool Breeze Consultants LLD SPARC - 150 North Bartlett Street 1314 Avenue A, Suite A 622 22nd Street, Suite 101 Medford, Oregon 97501 Katy, Texas 77493 Galveston, Texas 76550Telephone Telephone541-770-311, Telephone (832) 349.4018 (409) 877-4138 Contact: Eric Iverson Contact: Graham Moore, PE Contact R. Douglas Van Kay TRUE NORTH PLAN NORTH 4.emmEemm lSe Lbe Eq l>k»So le So frnmlm ba➢alo 4e 1911 4r A+Q.2 Dr d'D+D+A>2a Iz LalbsmmDa bEa DsDsblaL2.l tzm LDa 1a111da Dz tz S+L,3'1.+U. 5r dr E+Lr1-azU-D+Dx 1Ta Sa 9nm Dv ba ba 4am Lmtemt>Da io tam 9e De Eom So k»mDn Damte 1g11Da11mSn1 SeLbo D>Lnm11lam DnmlD< Ea Lbo ba Da La Ae De De Da Da is 2amLla Dn Qe ba Da mba ao 8x La 41 Lx fl,D+h\+Q-Ex Ds Az l.x ]slda 1. be Aa is S.a ,3e1 T4a,bg�e toratLba asm 1, Ts JzLba ba tzltr A'i+D+1 a. S+t,? ➢+D'9, G. S+t,L Da Do Ss Da AnLm LDa Dx Da I, an to bamfo bs m I. L 1 m 1,b.<1 to L la m 1, tx la Ta 1 Da 11, Ls le 11 to 1 L la b> A, ta➢e Da bemDa Do Dell LUto 3¢L Da eam D,b»1411 511 b+tD+G+A+Fa S'D.+Qz 4x1461 S<t, Ds Da Da in gp ata ba i, \s Ss tx 911 •3$�f, to Dolabt. De nal Ea La 311 Salla Dz In d+d,E..G'D,d-b+di3+b.1'➢,A'b+DO Ao to Ea 911 50 ba1A:411!11 taL be tb4110o bD1oo 11l44l11.a<Di4>t 49S11ae namsn ibbenvmbmo Dbbaaa DbDaCUUUttL»eo It1.Ooo bbDpyemlma b➢a Mho Dlal m Da ,d- i, D+ I+tz EbmSa b<B. Fa Dr Ln t,t b+ y>x is ]a R+3r 5u rA;;_1e In be li �b+�l+A4a,j,�zV>i+ls Jv fa 411 D, Fs i+tx Zx 911 bz b+t+D+ti s. 9+41, 4+5+U+1 ➢eeDO ID4v+maub>Da 10 Ua Do fiv Dt»a 4flont1 lbmLtno DlO Ea ADaC b>TGS<S9eo t2ao mDDno bbaa lDo bbl.a tton nloe tLoa Sto bDa•lDac ➢baa ttx<9Se>ltn S1noo tt»o 11be 0t11o AIoae 1 to Dla 2a l'I+bE, D+ t+ 1. 1: slnba ba L Da F• 1, Sa lr te2»}:51111$1 1, Ta t1: xo DL>IIS ➢» I. G 1. Ine bLBaaa ESTt m1+2.11+a-:D. x< b, hz Lr b9am5<1 \n Le 1n •a 4111 ytg?x aia ^v S, is l+lf�a$lwiaii 11111 Lr 4ah>•\a`1s Ir Da BnDnSrt. Sa Ham Ms hr ltamhDa+h.A+2+Sh+DY+bxlte l»4a Aa 5emLi<So tnmD, IlcmDxmLta be lhr La ae La mDr 19>m!>G`wlmna Qc l2c 1n 4o Do m m L Sa ba m la L U to Se Da 1.11 an Ao as Dc b m I t+ D; D+ bx iz Gam 1 L ba Dr 4x !z 1 l+ }pb�, n' }moi 1.+ b Lo ba to lr hr En {r. -'Sr -Ed ya to ya 1z ]a 9a'�. x pn Sa to !s ➢a b. bz D+ ha !a Sa az bz 8+ Dx 4v t+ 1- A+ A n, D+ h+ to 1 5+ D Do bx t.a ka to to ao D, b» to he So to ho 811 Da 4> Fs So L Sa 4n 411 4s E< S> W 511 La 5n Aa ba b> dx ba 1 bn Dc 1 L }o Oe L Do Da b Cn Ao Da L 9x An 1 a+ n, 1r ] n, d Dz m m 1 m ba Da D. t.a 1 ,/1e Ss'taa}eahaLa1 1. L 1, b 8+ t< a r ha 111 b }.sbe 4 /f 1 E{ 8a'1�'-ilSe.. t: ta�D�im•z,a,�ynr Dr De as n> T. 1, Da na t, ➢+ D.x as ➢r Fz a n, n+ n+ t+ J: n, t D+ Lx na bx 1 to ba t, Lc n> La tw to \o as ax t> ax as to Da as as 9> En no to Sn to Da ba to ➢n Gx De L ba m 4o Ln m Dn m Da 1 to Dv Ilo m So a» L D+ Ar 1+ D+ 1 1, 1 9 z Ls Ds ba Se ➢r 1 It t > le Sa 1A+4nt Eta.}a9a is hr Io hx to 1 ba 1 as $. 1 to L 1 L 511 Da S r iYr'4t ba' 1?1} if} 1z De 4e !x 111 • i ta�by5; ➢x As b> as Ea tt Dz E+ 4, A, Da t Lx U- 5+ D+ ➢+ Dx i ➢, A b, Dc pa 411 111 La ha I. De 8e De !e to l0 4a ae D> 4s to !n So !n de ba So fr> bx bg m 1 m !> L !a ba m to L ! 'In 1 av 3o ba m e+ D, S. tr 3 bz 1 a, ba i, 1 !> ba V.s tvn, M>aa3.a SP ffa h> •a+kal>aL T.n T. Er b, to 1 n Ea 8+ as W naka9a to 9k. t G !x 14 �'a Sa ta...t� !.e ]a L t e ! r is •�ia�`, to bx an tv a. Aa Aa ba b+ Dz bz !z Lz to Ax b, Q+ II, t A' to d A, Ao 411 tx !a to 3e Ye to p> ba So !a to D.o 4c ➢a L< 1> to Se to to 9.v ba ➢a Ln L 1411 b< b 811 1 411 ba L a 1 to 10 8.11 1 4» 1 b+ D. Sr 1+ 1 9 �D.s 1, t< L Dm i, 'a le Aa j��T v{ry•" 9fi)x Si tr }a ka"+x )vt}t 4+ bnai x 4r r Dr Ta l laxk .taa 4r `nnL by E, f la b tYln to "111: i ya l: qi }$-b 5„ 1n ]a 2+ •a �i ts.by,�n Gr lr Dm da bx a.• 1. 1, 1, 2g As Dx Ua br La lz t. I, t+ A+ t r ]+ 2+ D: u ac bs tx l¢ La Ao u Ac a> 2c as to Ja Ea ba Da Ea bn 25 Ee ba I, Da 1> b.v to be Do no Ds l2 U to Da m I. 4, S.bL+ 1, by 1• Ln br Ye S, f D/>`rz}Uifstai Ea 1, Ee be S. o ak+Wa, •{aratxz9a as t=ir`t>-tz, En Sx la i+lz it Fx D.xEi}eS>Sa EM,�1$>/fi)tTy_•<•SS.>Ssbte l,S-YTT�,y\z bn Da 4+5e la to Da na a+ba F>bs tv 4z 4+4r b+t+D+t+D A+dx4>tz 411 kx 10 Da 4v➢at<bto s>tn as I. as t, ix ba La ke m So to to 911 m Da L So fa m be d b G+ !, nx 1 by bs lr 5.0 111 1 Sa YyrmlfYt4t4: 9.r 9.c /• 1a+9 z >a iiaibal }+ y. } *)oi�tla T> n h.L. to a. x :a le i z Ha Ss ta' as hs 911 16 Ar' Q7{` i+ Za 411 ]z t,1° to )a •a La As Ue An Ta t< !a ha D.r D.i Se Lt Sa to 1 A+ as fla is M L.a 10 ba bn t t< t to ]o La 11511 , a > Da I.0 1s 1. Da mBS Dc bta to 4em4o 111. ]o ➢n So- ba D-10.41561 bist ` hibzslrat�r Yrlt krt t tah,hn-x4a)vhatxx teait`x•j,+0alzoba b;kftzp axVvizq., Sr t�l>-lj ta'babto 4. to hal as Er baLlEe Se ua la'h.Y{M1 t+ie 4 5111 to ka le U I I9 UUis 1 t Qz➢.ao1. 1, l+ to 1L U I, 14111 to to Dq ➢a Da 1, 1. ba Ga Do- m 4> m 111 Da to t> Dc �r L aq Da L t., A 9+ h, 1 La 1 Dr bb Ta Sa °+V•$Diiala ii Ea Er 1,}x1 a, a R>1ia •>. t akdtoe4. tasla�•zatxmlw4+ Ea Ee tox•nr k=4, tz la Ha La 3. le U la Ya L h+ is hr la L ke Ha hs a, ]a En Ee ] i bi to Sp }' }sL e! 1e 1T Yn S<i 2Thr-yt to Va Dn !< Gr 5n to S. D.e dz b Ea n, T.i b t, S I. Da b> 4 t¢ to u to Qo U to b> to 9n L D VL Ax t.a 1411 bnmm5a 411 ho ba 4d-1, -�s is Y> 4 - t l }..tL� I ) �ekanP $+ Ax 8e t.z 5n J('�'''�hn➢t 1z to tagb> b• to 1cr •„M1s}hsbn4> ba iv !» k, Ea Tn to t, tx T, L+ to !z E+ Es 1, 4s }n Sa ).z t+ Ya Ea Ee a> ae to 411 111 xz S,`ls 4z Aa Yo is Ra Ss"Sj o b< 1.11 !a 2i 5 r fT•be,bi to t< Or ae L+ Da Da Ao ps 411 S+ tr 3. 9n Da ba 9.c Sa Ila 3o Le tw to ba b> Sa 1e Da Ba m Se m m ba 1 t, ba;ta Le m Da 3' b, b� br D.a MPLa � "i tx 4n kh}y,;,tbe Sn b Da 9, •a,bvata4kiLckzt ,±snha"Ivtiebniv ka.y>bahohntxxt sio{•sat.e`. e1z bt bz;•niba Ex tr Se tazka•xile t t; E,e Sn L' Sa } E>Sn is E, b to le is li YexDn i'>-. a is 111 ,' •i _ I p?: f I �a 3 , �$ - y ` ;Pa..}, T< ], }.a TS•ie,jr tr 3r t, t, Sz tz 15 !, dt, Dc b> L< !o to Ra to Sa D» 4e Dx to Da L Da In Sa Da S¢ 5e m to bq, to 4o m L d l+ D bx ba 4s 1 L •a U�im ba 1z )a\ k 5aak rtvksl•xateslag4atuheka•<a4sta•-Wtse4z ix a4t 4ak<5..gb 11111 zat;r alia5vet,+las; x±00 }.+ to to +!+a 1s •aehatj 1{ Sys P, t, }a 411 D+1i'ts,Aa Ya 1» i, to Sn to En iz`Ta to to Er?r a: 4` < ]a Ze to 511 �a eta ba hx t, A A+ be Do En 411 to na Ln u I. he a b Ss Da Ea b<la L.o Se ba 4e ba b4 t>l la pe l-b+D br Dila to -t s}o )a 4ab+9',i<9a 5+nb.Nso-4ya}ze•zaeM+tef Fahe4e-W' taat++➢ac,4�6q�+y it6�l"t"' }a lZ-E'e + `. bya gra y! ;'➢C> ®Sr 11171, Fr;-b'>5aiie Sr Sa be an ly 411 t'tz SaL Sa ii Se tln 'X e'bri¢t+]e Z+D+te bn za b+Dr to Ge is to Ula Da I. D>E» 911 Da 911 Da Sq 1 )a Ia bo ba Datta La 1 4n 1 D+ D' b, m la to i� e Ts�i[�Yn ko1 ata T.r E Icz•'a, 5aatseVk>ly 4xaWnk xaT.a tx t t aka ne 6111 8s F x 1111: n a Eur tt", to 5 1 1 t L'�b as a,w 111 1 L m Sx bU/ Sd ii 4,r 1• ti ' 1f " it / (1 - .4?� •.1z-ta 5e to Aa 2> S�DT•i,y4> a< as Ao Jn to Da Aa Da n> Ga )` w $Y>aTyhe ra Gita{tB'n4ah>Vax J: t '1 Z4bi>>k stm•e+5ab4 katssf- k+ n•4s za{uL 4a4 +•+z Os•o.ele Ta Ya bs •ntz. 1146!'6 an 11 Aa 511 to se ,b to 2' 1e) a "" b iii it nn to }> t.10 1> t I'll to Sa ba la !'P83�a+ }s'Ta-G y Dv Da ba t< m to Do bo Dc ba L�, is to 111 D+ 1' D+ h bz d, Se to Ta •a li b> Da 2 +bs k+ t —G f �. - iE _ {,,Qp , 1 _Y Ta Da ➢+ D+ e+ I --- o !a 411 to b< b> to 911 14111 mlD.a 4a Da D>d[Ute mD,h A•D. bx na !11'11 to !e It to ErL artrt§^+}eta/5vtu\r i•azijNlab i+.ak.•zs ivy-iivhatae 4Eretr.ata.¢luV -_ +,*+_' 'Yn a: kala lz t+bs kq•vka•ab ar 511 ld ba to uSa l+}g•bS Tnc}r S.s A. lr :, z6+3>ta'-ry'4n tY- aYnb Zs 4, ]x !a ]s 4.eRe ioi b5t to t: I" Q+t>2e to ta�yL Sz La t> ix ,51114111 t+114 W4gtv'vtaa4 4.4.4r5v'xa4atn knlvh+4r" .vtag5nzke{vt : r - >a 1 •n?tw! W. •neka•a'aabaB�'v xie �,- 2. 1 hr )� 1 e 1 +a 1' 411 111 b 1• }a 411 }n i �. la ka 3. px ba 4+ L.i'h>ta Da !a ?ia bn ac La Dem ➢e D< 1 to to L 151 L Uo 1 So D+ S' D, 4. 1 Ds Aa 1 tz `s 1,.'b 1 W+4aYa V<ataa4oluk.atvr•¢<4,ta4atvhrtar arku apka5vket i>a 1 1 5 '' - _ • " � + r ' •�' I �� -- ;. j. --, ] �m o>' >a tr pt R.O >qk+. Wn1+z1 a v<4r 411 ba 1e. b+1 6911 Gi 5,. SD 1p 5' ]e``i 55 Sa 1 S%1 x.. dS_h tr)T Ix [e },, 411; t.r LS'YYL'a YaL.2! to S.a to to to A ta. •a 4> ➢+ t, 1+ 4+ Fgta b6 -4e ba Da 2 L as ➢a L 911 1 So Dam 4> bD tL, 1 D, SD+ S- az I> is ie l.r •a 2a`ta to gala! 5 a tl4�°j h'4s•+airdlxAh,SL,t+a1.s'- t {§ah. hr6z�"a �La4a ka t''9a {�ara.� Ds"9e �xa�`,�&.�- z 9i 1e Ys22".RA�� 99{-ae' , Va Sr ], Sa St i�$ ti , - _ _.-.. �°i ...E'ffix'js> --- j�,g.. '+� � - , � 4l IM• `, a Viz-911-!<.p�s !� to }n t 1n 1zb. D+ Da ➢x L !, L+ 511 to ao }e pa L L. Dn Qo 1 L m 211 111 De 1 Lao ix Da 1 9, t b, \' bz ba 311 L 1 .'T.v 5. e9, 4,z.T.@^ii31F1iSt zhxWYa4 ha5u±l8]d&Nbiu SYeho- .rtrn �t Y E �ti.'i'e_ to to L 1t�1r-ic-L-aa-l. Ee 1r.iy. Spi+ yl b Ssin bs2aRa9.' 2 to 4-311;e- L b.e Tn tx L h L to an U tia Da L ae-Ys� tLo mbo 1Dx mD< lba bto LSo 9Dne mDo 19> .'D9c t!oa tEon Sb ' 4D.++ tD DS.. DJ . Dba b1s bAa Lbe, 1la •c 5lm1. Z}a.> Sae:z >ea 4z>9taa 1E, 4hzoe ha44 �r44h. a11 a"r,, 4111i 1184 i4Vx11sh4 v2+rn , ca4r.,hohabal' Y1z 1r a L te'es5ha�!rpt-9._e R s Sal n b.b>I4trrh -:11 1 ]Se 1i, b1^i �b Ss is An le b 1s fa 1i 1. t to }e -Ra -M to 5 n t e La Js 1+ L to bo to t'r > L Se t¢l.a. ,1c Da Dc Da Ile to to as 911 pn.L 4e De Ao b:m l2a Sa 9al t>:m S. to SD.+3'e,t bzL1t,1 U 1,1111 le ,tabs yp.}�..iie5v..o+hx 4e brta In Es- 1{ _B; Li.ba 4aLanle lY.,S.l-'uta}a}e Tr 1.e�5,bbSx lr n L�;1"e"]e to to 2z Fe"3 Nf to Sc t. t+t+]oL Lta p[LDs tem t:U l t. l Da m n q Da U to i b+ h D, t nx As l t, 1 Da tr p+ b bnhaHs 4, bvNak. •u abt�i4r4< 1xr L 2i to , 1i I- •z L 1.r l L to B aMttLa }a b:-4rl�6e-411 da An L t> Ps li la t z De ba b i+ ] La Da Da hp H> ha 5am1m LLSnLm4n ns UDa 4.110,+A 1LSr to SsY 2i5a 1e - ,Ta is 1i 5.1 sK'-7X- E,�q,+llb _ 'MIbq 4L S. t.+b T L%z Se 9,l Snt+911 ir-aay+'u4+Ya ta4s 5+Y•L11,2eSz Aee 4n 4e to bn Ur tz t+lLUnLbcLtx to a bx So by So 5e m D9 b» !o Da 111 A+ D 1.+ A' Dx Da Ax to 4 br 5,'; 1.e Se ,1 k.nkb'Sie>4e•vksia¢Tb84: 4 e'4 4 rtiat a}a aYiL ;, I F �..iS Da A Ta Ea to hr to ba hr S.rt^ L ha 1> L ks Ea 111 yYa Er Lx L t+»bis Te 111 !a 511 t b bn L Ez tz b 1 L» Do L Dt a> L 4 > L 1 be So ba bo b,D L to La 3: m 1 4, t b Uz b 1 S 5. { +. }a 3, _ 004x511 d> 4eWe5ae4.nly,6484a R6h.iwdtw\antve•azknrhe684a PROPOS_ D HONDA ';�, 5i-fln )n 1Et) yp tt_t ,, 5r t. tQ U. *.L..Y¢�- Da. i+'<a td_•<. 511_11!:-3z. 4r L lg }. ,la., ba. in to b> tz hz L+ b- La L aY U�. L 4x D omm4»la1m9y Dn UEa! b,1ID. D t t I U!aD 1,]a Sn 4,1 Tn >a ks41 41 •va5j�atl•00,}q;V kaaut it 1 I E+4�Sa= i!V DEALERSHIP BUIL DING ': Yr L%Ae 911 he A.e11 L}a iz.] 1, Sc ti<tj+.18b L.lab1,{.511_1:11ls.?z.]xlrlalc.!6.!11..5:},1+De is It t+l'LDo 4i DEmt< Da bo ➢a m 1> t ] to 4o tia D» UTe SD+ 1 A D m b G. Se D 5 To lr- b tdxT Ax 1,}''V> 9s h V s#Mia 4d§a b 1> `: T atxeti<4 �Fjr'.jr 4j .I' hs9r Ta Sa 'u S• Se az-4e-as Ss ]a Tc #nisi. 1. to A+ Sa R�ida-#. Daha In Io Tn Sa. }a �o-Tw S+ } De Lg !x t, 1 Ta Da E -.a to L L > m L La 1 Ba m I> bu U 1 1' D, Sb.+ D ax 1 m m 1, 5r UI in 1 92<a$s kata•i t V n1a, •>+Vat �t eta: as >a ax4a4VR<b>)o ' 11:11-x+ n 5q, i, flan+ Ta Sa Ea is tlr to -}a },-L Ee L Ya to-}--�a it Ea Sv ti -in -4 -hz i4a }a }e 5s k-ts $n r U to Qr ao to So bn m 4e>,e ho L S nm l2a So Aa mEa l<bisl b,1 b,A brm iv t>Szb t+";, to1 mSaa)a Sa TAahx•xelii\ t 4.1.at+a •.8 It R.n tr eRrS }L ! bem)s to l,LYa`1n-bel-I, u4511 11S-aelto ks ka9b)taleb+a tela s }.r is U•l+t+m la LDe Qtl`.m Ds b DvL flsb.e 30 ba moo 1]5111+1-D,b-D, tz to to bb t.,i tab 1 1 ) 1»4t yM1,ak1 1.1 { 1 5 t 1 1. <SoeL z5e lna»�Ya%nL2+{s lz le tr] Lbte tn£".e5.a is tzL)ety-}ole a"iSe]Ia to La Sa Y -i le taLLSv i+dkn pa Ea Da`4 Sx 1 > m Sq to do L 1 4v Da in L Sa b, 2 t+ 4 ID+ Da 3z m 1 br l+a ie 1< bn4r)a 511 tgahpb 1 >t•a•u4{5ce�1e<�4a4z4a•za4akr5 aha 811 1.r 1a'aa 61 tr L Se L �t+'�"!7zl. a 311 Ss bs 111 tx I to !a i� b> Da ?: �l��aY�]ta'6� A.i L As Le t r Ta -Se 111 as D. is 9z 2+ 3 L {o L Aa IDa m a >Da 4ob n Da m;j>Lb to U So I.+ b 1 mb,A i+bA 4, b+Dx Da !<11 1D < 1 ba •€..'""ha Ea }?pV 4111 tltl�WitaSeaan by tanL Sz la b<!a !} xaLb LS>L1 4411 is S:-1 ne lr Tn Ea pa r1nW le to gat ) is !°ia tal t S ie�]aLLta az t+h i+5o ba ➢>Lx pl8r 4 a m L b» m De €a 0o L to 1t+r ]n 1 T, 5r 41100 5 k 5 z,k8M1u4 X M1 1 ±u4 •4j,L bn i, yb s t/ �4..7_w-lo a, 1 tx H bix b be is to L be lr En b, ,Ss 1e L Y o ba 1-} y 1e.1r m la V> 211 to le !x b, 1 1 1 D+ d- t+ 1 I. DDj1 4s t >Dc Sa to JoL mli.Dc UFe 1n D+D S.+t 5+Da 1`Az'laini to Sal ,ta bSanSv •h+•,.IubriT••v xka5a+• + e %r -4e -Ta Da y.. iat 1 +111, 1c 1,L12r l:..ka Sell. iz ie -@P la ls. IIA Ia V, 1t' Dz t+I -I, to 1D %'Ec tt azp( Arts L a. )8 b a b< 9> Lo ].o De po,;Ba bb h Ea 5o D, I' 9+ t hr Da bz Da S+ Dyte tia R.a 4zakala >a t xlgxba pe n, 4r 3. 1e 9s Lela E> 4.>-;o-�.> 4l -: ---,- �;•ja'4+'A+ bs b Sa Sa < L Lia. in to L- E>.!.<..Zx.4x }n to -5n r..2r-'Sa.2a 3• !, tn.4n. T Er 2 �p )j R ba !o aD. ➢za1t+4 Aa is 9aEn De a 4c 5.> 2 Sob pa;;> M.ata Sn }a e.:'Sc"z�}}1a}}tlrrttppgg��St }CC},� ,>aaC}-- AA¢¢La a t+ hebe fe 4r 114+•:+11111"l' !: ka•ar} eii: rya Fi E: his 6-i'S-i.LctnrSs s8+ i. e(c dt5ahv .z }a'faaY• /o t��tv-���s Sx to is to I. Y,a 811.111-ir�4r L E.e-L"',�1x A.s E> Sab }.z-]a-La-D.r Ua 4r tr L 1claSr- a i+ ba h+ b h 1: 2+ 1n h+ Do 4>Ls' 4 a Dc 1 be 10 D, Dvea 1 U to 1 A+ 1 bl-3'9Y 45i'FSSFUr to 1 t. b b> 1, 1 4a1a,+a,tv4,b n, ba4.rtn•ba ka hahztv4 kr5a k.+ ka L L W,alenha4cl is `� 4atael b, Y.r Tr to D. Dn to L he }a L ba 1+ 1e tv to Ea L L 1 L'1 1-111 b 1 hs �In I¢bria-1-Ta R, -;a Sa !a 4x 1-111- W 1 is L 1 2+ 3' L, A Lr dr'.1 bx 4 a ba Sn Ra m be baka to li 1 Sn.1+. L:..bt D: 4+ Da. Axe43..'ia�g_44_7.i.�?4 ba l L Ts b hala.r4>bats tra Wahr5a, 4eL •v Usluhtil le 4+ L to a Ta r.e L,1 ` \'al, T + + Ta Sa js >b. SrL to Sa L>aal Lle ael 4511 l2z 11x4 n.in+br D rD<3aLmba Acs:'ibv 4.14!141 Db.+d1L1L-111 11x. Lr , Sa S,io ¢5rpta.4a•'aa�v}s<hihahFhd •iahaf 5zafr{este to t, lnb to Tt as Sn S.a "•'"1 !$hztx l.L}<}r to bri S ! to P..a to ea taL as ui ty>a txtt t>S le to - t l+ia tm'Se }x ba T{ ,. sTa AaL iet Ya b �. to 1115 ! 1<T>]:, Y+1 ie Es 211:1 >a !alis tabtaa bl.n t+Sv LaLl ltam9.n is l La b >m111D LLDoha LnUL311 LD*BirTRtIu 1, It,I'ftxg'�a a rY, Pe {r>i�,yeyw��n�a,' e4r$a Lp !x}18�-t •ieMSTz ba Ee 111 Dc Er a. Ta:Ea IDa en>A+ix ]s Si Te 1+➢+hd zYr }6 ja 1-y-5' Tai+€>a1@Dt:B» 3s a -an 9c]a54 Za Viz. Ia ta-i458]x Be S:-}a4a{Sr4iM]D 5e 4+9.-5: is be Da to !.nL ha LaLba Da 41.511. 9 ab<1a4 ! Lm,p>1 Uaa i bDb1ls L=Se I. S9a,9malAY p> x8p Yb:1111 Ft -i' 'Y';rTo'im=ba _.-i--Sah•-h-S.-4s-4 ]a lx 3 Hz to ii S'+ya>A< ix iz L4aaE:A� ila •e t']s ]n 4i 1+is 5+U dais hog pa+< +isto T�`r t>ln is Re L. ae is Dn >to 511 L b11:11::111, sa T+ nr b taa `� "" -a'T'Sn }. YSTaYm >�,;; 5,11 4i�: VLY'Sdn5rtr5.:'fi>"ts t, tx tx t, tr to to •oto a e pLp , n< 111 Lo 10 5a 1'011 he 1> La 5+ tf D, 5. 1 a }n b, 4 to ket 1 T+bB TI 1i k t bsb, to 1 S> M5m'>ata'arta'9a'MrYtbz-la'te'lait'S3-ar :'. 12'Y Ss b iz Tr Ea Eo fe 5'+ as a+ 8+ br E> a+ as Ea 16H'iHr4a `N � +yam.. 4"t�'4;•Ea. L. a1Sn2 m1Gc}>Sc bto 10 DsS b., Q'9, ba LFam } t.0.,1ga5nL le b4+W 1o4z 511411 }.r 9+ bLtz Sa t+ Lbnbat•511 SnH 5 t Lnc Ea).>Aa14e t>to to to •s 1, •e to 4x Ra to ]eh 4111 i,ad.h`a Sa I, Sa L Yn Ia b,L ho Ea bto a+to>115.11 ae to 1e 1»Tn to!o]a]a Sx la bo Se t+�a io§aYa}a2>L+<te 55 •n to SFia.,ti tz tz `z to is 5, p. Da I v4<LL 1411 an ba Dc Utem➢ah L,A b+9.rbm mLl, t,�a..la: >1iebLU>+i81 lr Ta lx)o1111bt.,T.o1fl+4+1Lti 4z la lla hz t+b Sa b+L4a'ulr it is" 11 50-! 111, It, 1 Se L 1.+ 11+1 to is 1, 1, 1,I 1 to 41111 1.2,11.i Lr 1. 11U Iz 11511111 •a t+la Va to liloSPLTab], f.e frn n Dc m L to D.o l ps Dx lel U 14, I D, D, bz is b ba l 1, l l`'1'a �, b+fr'}a l e ke Ea ts, h i $a 1 4e h / r Dz tt Eb , Yn to L ➢> lP Sh t, �a 11 L 1 Il+ 1 ,bz 1r 1 91 1�+ s is 11 to 5• b•. Ce)b i r 4 lb t'. L M1s {S 1. L ti lY ti.,t�, }a ;1 4 81'. 1r"x2^tM'TiT'41 Sia 4r 1r 511 ! to la^r lia Se ta`}t Rz lz lx le lr 1q 1n 9 rT<a s D m p > do 1 t» > Dq U 1 b, b' ID+ a+ t+ bz m D, 1 to to ke lay tLt � •a t„ ia_ 9r3]o'�L}eia �Sz2L11�yy_tmfiPa,-x11!1 is a. � �. �5,.� • li>!.L 5�� �. 611 t a 1z t.}e da S. in 111 b b 1: 5y' y)+ tb 5+ t> 4n ss ]a t, 1+ 411-T».,a Yz 1et�n pp1, Sr }a 1z to Lb>1a>mmLL ba1 ll UTamLDa to lahe Da D. B+t+1+E,1z9,>Lfrr ha}e19e]ea+be lr iy be 511}•11111 ya Tt Sx1].e-ia 9e b,l T.n la !'1511 le l>Sae•ar11<t>bbla Lla 2e arL1.+1111 I:xlt. it iaLbs,lt•1 L'u to Sa le fraLte ar t811sL1c L'u 511! �'�'(..�b1+9a 4z1a+jao li� qy4, !y !x,!6,11....11 4i-1@a._)a_ts La Da 45411 Lcb> b, m L m to m pa L to m !a L m pe E< t+ Dr ]r t. b+ a. tygy3:5a..T= T, s, T. }a n.., k•T. •. s. }yt".." s" yy.}yy0y<}S it s, s. }y }: T. T. }8 a, s. T" }p x" •,`. T- yt T. s. s. , 5. 5 • t. L :sta=x la 7.L..ln.]a Sx 2a:,i1r l+.}a L-1>1ayli:r-Sn•=,t•}s„ta�.e T. T. T„ s ] is to 1T ]v is 4niTy tr , i.r ..ySis �i ;.r 411 8n la,,Rs, 5�5J€ t a to S.a b Ya {r tz Dn ml3o Da Iola U5ccU1mDa 4o i.e Do e>dr Tvt+S'1+>u 1411{atxta•r}¢m}Z+1ablaZal,}.}+bt•}+}']a9a 4e 9z ea}>I,Ta}s5ab}ebte•, Va to to ta•zU•e Del De in La S>b Da is Da ts•bHe Dair Valetat•te ba to neU to Da'a5aastnU 1511ab4r}i)s la aha )1e'ar+]++n'S 'So` L bo Da E<bLa manm`a UmmTabLlbo hr S, .+]S.+Q4e as 1•L1b.am Eel Dr Sa SeL ae to Da Ds L, Lta as to Del pal La taLbafa 4r 1. tab Ds ba ba 4.!6!4!11 Ds 911141116 Ball b+A,Ta1s 4nL Ae F,. is La 1411 ES Dam Ln tabta to •x \a t. tog 1b}a 9i R.n) 211 la.lz ni.r ar 1.1 L. n � + 0. � Si ] 5>&1UtoST'S a a 111 L ba Axl ho to loLlye_bsA t 10 ba Lbe bn 4olto �.+n 1 h 9+1 411111 1411 baL11<azLlmts E•1z ba 0119110111.4 ltaLLLD.mla t,mllbambSa 3z la as ba Drb to]a1m Le 4+b+m Ss11114z11a Ds Dalnalts >z nnl4a V.a to V.. 1>{e;}o }, Ta �1 ). »}p 411 }+�s .}a 411 }z i.a to iY l•m 1Ra V>bl T.+a to L ba ba Dx b.a La Sn Da bo 811 b1, to na to bn meamYa 4a•+a i:h•b, tray talo+1-ae-tal to Sz Lzb:4111 LMa S.a-Ea Da bal A>L1.x 4g Dz Da DV 911141114: LD,bka lx 9z Da 9x A+4,11z12z1 b,b1]tl Ltz 4+4+16 lz 1, a, bz 11111511 •. Lalbe En tx lz ia15a�9a 41611 ya San 9E 1Y 2'�r� t4tr Sa li}�']a b; �i�.la�e.l to to tf Z< L Qa Da as S¢ Dn Se ba ba 8i Da,1 tie bo Ia m ba D 1 D< Se �.e to a, d➢r D+ I.+ b.+ ] D, D' D+ t+ II+ d+ 2 L, m fa 1 1 1 5� -tr 3;11' Iz 411 tr 4, 1,ta ba 1 L 1 E+ !+ 5.+ 3 1 D+ 0+ 1 b t, J 1 S+ b+ D, S+ t r m ba A 9+ D, S. t+ 11 tz 1 4: fl+ I, Sba b' b+ b, A, h. 2 1 1111 ba D. to le Vn 11 ], � to 1> 4 � kn.. ]a' u�Sa la 9, Ya ?P5Y'taY s.a •a as !�' ]N 113 3"- 1na0111DnmL11m1.e Eam5n minmmDe to la laL b<t+b+b.+ArS br D•➢+A+Il+b+DL+A4,D \r trLd+bb,b+%rL..m1trD+b. D+L, bL.+4L1. b, ti 1, tr IlUpit+Sr9,L., SLp9+D,bt+15+6'a+drh+Dr3•D, Ab+D.+4+D.+/'E+11m5>ba 1.+14 -_--. -_-... -. --_-.. ''. '.....• t, S' L, 4 1x Ds b, L to lV., t+ 4' Dr b b+ Ds D, Da to Ib Honda of Grapevine Fixture Schedule SVmbol Qty Type Part number Description Watts LLF 14 E-1 BLX-I1-4-5545K-UNV-804-WH-pIM-DS LED AREA LIGHT -TSLR(407w) 407 0.800 19 E-2 BLX-11-3-96LC-3-SK-UNV•BOA-WH-DIM-DS-ROT-R LED AREA LIGHT -T4A 1102w]- 102 0.800 4 E-3 BLX-1i-3-96LC-3-SK.UNV•BOA-WH-DIM-DS LED AREA LIGHT -T4A[102w) 102 0.800 10 E-4 BLX-114-128LC-3-SK-UNV•BOA-WH-DIM-DS LED AREA LIGHT - T4 [143wj 143 0.800 7 E-5 BLX-11.4128LC-3-SK-UNV-BOA-WH-DIM-DS LED AREA LIGHT - T3 (143w] 143 0.800 5 E•6 BLX-11-325L-5K-UNV-BOA-WH•DIM•DS LED AREA LIGHT-T2[174w] 174 0.800 6 E-7 BLX-11-3-96LC-3-SK-UNV'BOA-WH-DIM-DS LED AREA LIGHT -T11102w] 102 0.800 63 E-8 81X•11-4-128LC-7-SK-UNV-BOA-WH-DIM-DS LED AREA LIGHT - TSWR (282w) 282 0.800 11 001 BSX-II-4-25L-SK-UNV-804-WH-DIM•OS LEO WALL MOUNTED FIXTURE-T41172w) 272 0.800 3 002 85X•11.4 -201 -SK -20L -BOA -WH -BOA -DS LED WALL MOUNTED FIXTURE-T31152wj 152 0.800 Lj 10 W3 SPK-4-AU)•72LC-3-SK-UNV•WM-WH LED WALL PACK [84w] 84 0.800 aanglt, to 7111 a>m A ba 1, a 115.4! h nn, lz, D 5' 1, I b t D U to b b Ur e E• Sa A'9a 11:1114 b St, dbx Aal Da +a `�. D 11n'b, t+A,1b� n !10'11:115, t,t t Se, AD,Lmt,m16 t a b. nro+axlc>b{� D 111 t'nr 011111:5 NOTES L 1 t. I' D, L 1 b< 1n t t. MOUNTING HEIGHTS FOR'LED AREA LIGHT AT 25'-O' AFG. MOUNTING HEIGHT INCLUDES ASSUMED 3'•0' TALL POLE t h e, m I, 1 b, to Aa t] BASE AND 22'-0' TALL, 5' SQUARE POLE. a 3 eammn. n, ere t mh0L1 b, Dz111z! Ikulatbn SlJrurlary bet CalcType I Units Height [FTj I Avg I Max I Min I Avg/Min I Max/Min Ta 11 a n a 1 F b ta( _T 22' 26 3+ LIGHT POLE ELEVATION � NO SCALE PHOTOMETRIC SITE PLAN t 9'0'•0" D 20' 40 80 SO' 100' !, Ii, SltlY 5 T ! nL 1 { la 3.1lE 9 L• L!}L.. LD 1, Lf $z b+t �1!' �r, '� 5 5 1 n gal Sp; 9 b• IaL1}}ta1 1, all ha lxi i`} In 1st 1 5 { rZo4 1R.9. 111. 1 1h -Lt te9 !. 14 t, 5» !, ! }- r • 1',t 1 9 1 L 1p ! -4 ! 1 } L � }.> 1 a i' Rr L 5 y,1Zn 2 6 1 ! L.Ss 5 L1ax ! 1. 1] ap"911! rk5.5 nT tr} i ! • 5 T 3 ib<t Sea§nSa Z,En h+], it is -+e •n1 1z5f teb •a 1111! b! r§iD5I hr tr la ldt YM 9, Z'-t.otrl3t l.ra uL2a ate }a Tel !aS Yla.-K�L� A !{ 1 > }• 111 S S 1 Se 1 { i \a.L. ]s a ]a bit{. 9111 Fbe eTta�E! 4 Ta Sn a�0 t 4,t D i Li -T bey 111 Lb i>he 1>a} 1 511 b1•!tr 5 f>1 aS •i1 l.1. !e5 Lr 1T 16!11 bS $ 4�9 ] Tz }r4 A 1LZa •. 5 T L x455 LST4 +tr •. to t.1- 1 a. veast� tt�bl arae}r ! IS 911)i�l ltt ]'t11mS ja t%aa la �3�Q iwE S. } -} !z L T }si li is •. 1 1 �a 115r 1 �',� nsyab D fay,n9.aTns T'f }:4• , ta., ,t 5 D Y�b 4s>. !o ly5a }E 111 Z,] 1195 }. •a lv irLtD♦ ! I ira � �Ll-! !at a y Ss5+1i k }n Ant an. 9n 111 at • 5 5 m i. }<! tris yP 1�] t i tis "T L�Sn as 1.1Aa�t 11*axl s Y k iy t T s 111 sen $ a a a+,e> s. 9 1 Kyas'S�a 5 to 4, sn 1 8b 3o L ha L 10 bI Sa ba I .it, 1, 11 Ie U ha to 5., 1 U E t Lc to bz bib 1�}a.YS"4. 1 b L az Y ,y t 14 U to 1. a 1. 2 1 tat ! 11. 1.& IE 1 t i Ny lel p' t ] fa Sab d t is tb 'ta L t Da D b 4 Q 1 11m�,311.-x,..➢. ➢�+'I.iF',-Ea4,ir'T6'ri l Ys3a' li }} }. 1 S n i 5r-1 Y t Sat Dab D ➢. t b tzD D 1 Sab b }} T T t { t Seo }}] -•e b t M1at N E Si 1b U t t hL., D 1Le 1,i } } } 1 bt i t t zla4 } 4 41 'nt D t b ne/ 411 br t 111 to Ea Ye n<a:56,}11 La1D•tr}eUle*a La to Ds Ls L.s111>ULix 2a 4r La 14+1 Ds t..L t. ]a t;amutolUclL tuL l b, 111111114/ De 11]x 4111LLb>tab Gla to Lto ba bx l:Sa tz Sz Ie iallDa ta.A>bi DO La A1I. Sx DzmD. A1mLSt11baL1bz to tam Sx bal to bo bf 4+'S+t, 1 Da, I, L be be L Sita to L L 11. A, 1,L 1,1 1, 1. 1, t, 1114+ m to t+ l 1,1-9111, D>111a to La L� to Ao In to L to Ia 1aII1I+11:LfLDo if h+b+nrbl+b,-I, D+t>Dabt+4-t, Do la ba IDs }a to 4d y,DT55pLDe bo bu mte hn Da 01101114+n+1mD+Dr Arm Se 4+A -b D,lDebte Jo 411 Da ba belt, L-Eam c},join mte tallmEab 1m 911 tnmLmLlas toLLSo ba Do mt<!>11En Da ba D<5a 1'151 Lo SY�Ln 1DnL 4>talmIlo 4.l Ea tx Sc to l\e Dnmin ltn to 511 4»011 t<1G1LamLm,D�ts 1plm c1Dn 1>4a Ja Dnm Da D<]a In S.o ba1b11tvi e1>LnmEe ho Ha be ba ba lDa So Bam b: ba Sa Dai I, t< Sa U ba %.I. Dam Sa to lDn1Sa 11, Dat [1L< m to l I.0 D: be l>tv to ba IIO Da be m I,I 111, Ia la to U 115.+ U< 10 L So 1.m 111, la tat cDrL!>Le 1811! Da Es 1:1511 b. Aam Ux mtai a ba to bom So bn DO Ba D, ha to m5elb, D[h>tnt Io L to U U Dal D, bs l Lm u ba b> m Aa Lt 1b<Sol 141119111 le U ao L l/,U t¢UI Dn Dt SO Ta!9111!1to to do I. Da Ia LLst Da bs 4o is a¢1ha Bs Ae D¢ u t¢ u Da%a DalLt bo 1e 1, 1a U1— ba t[ I> Ta la I. u 4e le 1, tat 811 De 311 Te 14111 Lrm lto So 4111 b, Da Sn Fnt >1mh>ka !0111 Da D<1>2nmba ba bo Du LTai +LLmisU mm N, Sa LL u I I. U l,tat rla!< Sa U In U Do ba Le le L m ba do b, Ix 1. tnt fD 2 YoLAn ba Qo to Dx So to L u u D a at b Li j A A } L no ba 1I, Ae ]a Tn L to 1 ba D<!a Dn t {t t ! ! 1011 Dn b: to 4>L10 b. u, ]>11 �fr>tx bo La Jo tol D>b[!> to Se bn Do 4>m fla tvl is 4e mta to la Da B>ha to La Sa be nc is ee la Lni ,b, Is a>te 14111111 Ls 1Ln 10 4am5, Dsm Lat i:ba 4<bolmfn Dam DV SaL mL111a¢bnt :b> Ix Sa U mSa m ba L Se to mbe I, Dsltat b S 3 t mL1 b b l LD.omm LmAn tet L 4 I L A Dab I L1Ltn 441411 L Sa Tai ''II b S L 11n1b b 1Lho D+m Sr ba Dalt ';be to bin to Deb 9 E 411 Do So 4om 11 Loot ;ba tc laL to bam te11L1o1ba 9, Tem11 tln is 11111!1 bam!>LS09a1mDcm Gai >Es lO inminme>U<1 Ta ba bal Da b<1to1 pa Ds S¢Dn 311 Lba D¢Dv dOLaaLm ba !1111 011 Dc la La 1511! b>av S.o ka Da ao bo be !tat br Ln !alto Dal Dvl Sa La SO Dnm 1x G<m tai %a tx bta to IDa Ao lal lam to lnl bn Dc brit 5�+1411110111 55 1 hr La loLmmbalL.e1 y D 1 to 10 1x1 n, D<Sz !111111 1411 tat I $ei 111110, la teLm nn balm tat t<Sv tom Damll Sa Ln Sa bn Ac 4111 SaLi D t b 2 19114 m3 to 3e 91114111 1:1115 ti t ! L1DvD b D A Ln 4e Dam Da bulLt 4 L J to Bnm9 D Ss tv Su De 4c /am mLR b Dat to 141 b 1 L L io Ln bo b, D< Da !n i i 4x'2y 4a to bb ix TeL Uemba D<S>bai >aU m1 1b m.a is So bnmbo to h>Lt '>at D1111121 DO Ha 11>lmbat "1 LS'Ta Lam m la L Sc UDe 111,➢ai U L % L 111!0: Ao to la bomb>4c Ao tat D lc 911,1 Do ba Dn Ss to SoLm Lba §z tat lu to 1411 inlTn to 90 Ao b>b<ltat I m.L Do b> tx 1> Ta Ia D.e m m S< Sn ba t 1111 m11<m1L11b>b<mLt I, b L mts 4<Sa La 11111➢a Dn1L1 4,F L Lalbemllia to Llamlbs So kat 1L S � 11111 Sa tx Se ba hollSomi b+t b'n m1b<Sa to 1011 Dc Da m m tal D+t 4 4n 45111:1 1.o tx be bo Dv 4>Lat b+t. SaLbw 11a11>t.e la be n.o 4111 mUai tiib h to3'a�4m1114>m 3>balfremba DxmUaS D+T So t.n �9nl lv to Lte 3aL110 DxLtat I.,} to Tn m ba Ds hn l ha I. 111 Se LI b+p. 1+L a 11ib .1Uta t'Ui'Ui b1;b, t. bta b m 4>1 SoL SoLlmDx ltnt ! b:t+t mtv bo 8a 411 ho 4e Sn 911145 Ie 1615 e b 4+Dp1 to 1b Dc! L 1114111 la tat 4 11 b+p toL m9 4 1 4 511 8nm1mha bat b Q Y+b ], d. mb 4 D mloLtn Bomar tet 8 1t,t k 1 15 Vah LSa 911 domm bTnt D Lto%1 l+i, 11 D Da Ln De bnl tol mLi ID Q 3,D 1 to mk D ZnLLba bcD GcmS t D nx S+S ! l+SnL11Da 111 la So /n11DS SaLi D b 'j+ h ! L m be Da t> Ds L to Sa be Do ba bx !> Se i b a, �,+! nt Lm1k>m1LLnn ran lt<1LnP D b jp+E a h+m tem l5 b<Qa La la be lbommLt I 1 +t %tan Del a> axlaLman mb>1m Lt 0x1 ,2 L lrmlam 1411 So 111141! Dr De !tet 4 L>]+D % 1,11111 D>D<lo to tamaa ba Dombal b b+k,U L L mlDo ba D[a>ta la De 4cm Qe Jalt 11111: m 111 Ta It: 1 b> 11n 1, tai I. 1b>t x 2111 n.1 n>Ix lalln Lna n>namtnt D 4xE ])t. s nnm113, to 311 a, amen an tat b a Yat S F. 1011 tat D Lmtob me b ! Li Ilto Y,t b tb.m eamn t LLhoS d 0 D! LI Y L b; b Ai D D '9b-4re-baba 1Y29 -Cob m b m L Ia 1 LLa�p x t s b mn n a m1I 111 a !.11111 L bs 5y F a t Sab ba 8 D ax SnSo..b bob 1 a m t DAmb{d S naDO ! LL43E S �Da by D. S ¢p ba fyt 1 bpl ns�"t a 1p b. Db� 3 �a 4111et !+ De 1e to L b L. t D 111 to 1 1 ti<".ea 1 L1ae e, 1 LG bo to 1L<1U 1 1 1 L m3 m L D 1100 1 b A int m ba 11 D h 2 SO DaL 411 btmL9 1110 2 1S 10 91111:1!4115 Da 1110 m1111LDa 0x1 Da Lei 11051 ata t a¢Lamb>1mm1 Ila bn mhD 0 Aam Damba 2,1bn1 Sa4ta6 10. 211 So Ie ba Ia m 1 tot bb 41119 &h 4 to 911 Dn ba 2s l>1t m 411111!>ta 5.0 Daml: be !6115 11111551 lc 411145 Gx ltaP 14a11Dn 1e l.e ]eLmDv ax l.>Dal 11Dn1 De Sa 4n Da be ho b:m 5.11 lbl L bambv D<1a to to Da ba 05 Qa 1>Lt 1bv La Da D[1>Ia tolDamlc LDal 10111 Dal Sa to So to111 btal p.o 9.e Da bsm ltnLLmba ba ex Dai SHEET NOTES A. ILLUMINATED SIGNAGE INCLUDED IN THE DETERMINATION OF ILLUMINIATION LEVELS. to YOR SECRETARY DATE: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION CHAIRMAN DATE: s,+EEF 6 OF 8 APPROVAL DOES NOT AUTHORIZE ANY WORK IN CONFLICT WITH ANY CODES OR ORDINANCES, DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES if 1x00 Wer fic aaLt 3N HOwaw Mel Mmalaw. w9lmt (OW)2YJLU wrwgw,tee„ Ae0fln0e r ASN: CA018—CO waanb LLC CanwC+iibc+,lnme dwweOMwA (pdy�iw-.Yu IYhtlm m,uulNxN: tarrYY9k MYs�� 290 w.iNbf. w dOdtO pa0}wt-SW O.ICMmYwOaww.wer Ptnfwt Irsfaa0etiaaa e sawaw H+aOw: a tE Ozw,r F+ gaOMFz w awraaaHF: idrnaa npyHyzF (q mi0 9wKa, atG Dealer Pylon Interstate Sign PAR COLUMN CON: Proposed West Elevation L/Ir - 1* -0" RCK)fTOPEWWmENY— SCREENS, TYPICAL STCAERIONTYANDDW ASSEMBLY PARIGFIG LIGHTING FDMIRE , W -W RW TOP EQUIPMENT SCREENS, TYPICAL. 7=71 r77 ,—PREgNW#D METAL COPING EIPS REVEALS, TYPICAL A[MPANEL SYSTEM --ACM PANEL JOINTS 15 Lr-,* FD(TMtE \—S1L11ACECM.I11AI1. :`.A—CAPSTONE ' STORORRONTVANDOW ASSEMBLY ,' EQLa EQLaP--ROOFTOPWP"W SCREENS, TYPKAL. SCREENS� TYPICAL. • TILTWALLPANE1.11INT-1 \'----s,BELuao GLASS CONtRMnLTWALLPANELSWRMKRY TEXTIIRLDCCAT]NG SECTIONAL DOORS 4 Proposed South Elevation 1 STOREFRONT WINDOW -ROOFTOP ASSEMBLY EQUFFININT-� SCREENS, TMCAL. WITH ARO PRE-FIFUSHEDMETAL- RIPS TYPICAL 1116'. 1'-U' CAP STOW *OPB'G ---ACM PANEL SYSTEM 'TOTAL MASONRY PERCENTAGE FOR SM51JOR WALLS: 98% TYPICAL PAR1aNGAS"`M""-�' PIXTIIkE r !V -V WINDOW ASSEMBLY SST's -I- =P =EAMS 3.7 ft. 3.7 NF 31 ft' IF ALL MIFIL)MAND.ARS—, 3.7W 10• 3-0- SECTIONAL DOORS 3'.0. 10, IL - 3'-W V2 314" V - 2 3/4' V-2 3/4" �'--i3LT WALL PANE DINT V -2 3/4' �`--AL184NUM HIGH SPEED —2' 7 COILING DDDR WITH V35fONj im, STEEL AIB)GLASS SECTIONAL DOORS SIGNAGE CONCRETE BASE 2'-11/4" 2'-11/4" EFS AND SK�WECW ,—PREgNW#D METAL COPING EIPS REVEALS, TYPICAL A[MPANEL SYSTEM --ACM PANEL JOINTS 15 Lr-,* FD(TMtE \—S1L11ACECM.I11AI1. :`.A—CAPSTONE ' STORORRONTVANDOW ASSEMBLY ,' EQLa EQLaP--ROOFTOPWP"W SCREENS, TYPKAL. SCREENS� TYPICAL. • TILTWALLPANE1.11INT-1 \'----s,BELuao GLASS CONtRMnLTWALLPANELSWRMKRY TEXTIIRLDCCAT]NG SECTIONAL DOORS 4 Proposed South Elevation 1 STOREFRONT WINDOW -ROOFTOP ASSEMBLY EQUFFININT-� SCREENS, TMCAL. LAS' - PRE-FIFUSHEDMETAL- RIPS TYPICAL 1116'. 1'-U' *OPB'G 'TOTAL MASONRY PERCENTAGE FOR SM51JOR WALLS: 98% TYPICAL PAR1aNGAS"`M""-�' PIXTIIkE r !V -V WINDOW ASSEMBLY SST's -I- 3.7 ft. 3.7 NF 31 ft' IF ALL MIFIL)MAND.ARS—, 3.7W 10• 3-0- SECTIONAL DOORS 3'.0. 10, IL - 3'-W V2 314" V - 2 3/4' V-2 3/4" �'--i3LT WALL PANE DINT V -2 3/4' �`--AL184NUM HIGH SPEED —2' 7 COILING DDDR WITH V35fONj im, SLATS ,—PREgNW#D METAL COPING EIPS REVEALS, TYPICAL A[MPANEL SYSTEM --ACM PANEL JOINTS 15 Lr-,* FD(TMtE \—S1L11ACECM.I11AI1. :`.A—CAPSTONE ' STORORRONTVANDOW ASSEMBLY ,' EQLa EQLaP--ROOFTOPWP"W SCREENS, TYPKAL. SCREENS� TYPICAL. • TILTWALLPANE1.11INT-1 \'----s,BELuao GLASS CONtRMnLTWALLPANELSWRMKRY TEXTIIRLDCCAT]NG SECTIONAL DOORS 4 Proposed South Elevation 1 3 PropoSed East Elevation LAS' - RIPS TYPICAL 1116'. 1'-U' A04 PANEL 'TOTAL MASONRY PERCENTAGE FOR SM51JOR WALLS: 98% REPAONT PAR1aNGAS"`M""-�' PIXTIIkE SPLrrFACECMJVVALLYVTTH-fSTOREFRONT ARCHITECTIRALCAPSTONE WINDOW ASSEMBLY ,—PREgNW#D METAL COPING EIPS REVEALS, TYPICAL A[MPANEL SYSTEM --ACM PANEL JOINTS 15 Lr-,* FD(TMtE \—S1L11ACECM.I11AI1. :`.A—CAPSTONE ' STORORRONTVANDOW ASSEMBLY ,' EQLa EQLaP--ROOFTOPWP"W SCREENS, TYPKAL. SCREENS� TYPICAL. • TILTWALLPANE1.11INT-1 \'----s,BELuao GLASS CONtRMnLTWALLPANELSWRMKRY TEXTIIRLDCCAT]NG SECTIONAL DOORS 4 Proposed South Elevation 1 1116'. 1'-U' 'TOTAL MASONRY PERCENTAGE FOR SM51JOR WALLS: 98% —BUILDING IS FIRE SPRINKLED 3.7 ft. 3.7 NF 31 ft' 3.7W 10• 3-0- 3'-0` -110, 3'.0. 10, IL - 3'-W V2 314" V - 2 3/4' V-2 3/4" V -2 3/4' —2' 7 im, 2'-11/4" 2'-11/4" 2'-11/4' 2'-11/4" Dealership Monument Sign Directional Signs __---PAWWSTEEL COLIMNS & BEAM PANEL SYSTEM CASE NAML,, ,ASE NLJMB LOCATION MAYOR ---'SECRETARY DATE: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION CI -AIRMAN DATE: SHEET 7 OF APPROVAL DOES NOT AUTHORIZE ANY WORK IN CONFECT VVTH ANY CODES OR ORDINANCES. DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES P1 APPIN,.t I A9.b C.W— a ILC anti wau Spam PINA Liz eNe 40 UJZ ZA pp. OF SIV*d It SaWW: 01.02.20 S6w1 TIB. Elultding Elevations Showroom 7 of S CK 41 Carwash West Elevation •uGHruu oN vacuun �4eoE TOPREV rr N F- REC�ED N PREYEMGtARE - - TOPREVMTGIARE. Yi RODF 4wnW4(atmmaua. ''. HS, TYPICAL � A u.e yD.. S.,.IUMNG CONTWU HFAD � AIIdAWU4 TUEDJG ,�' Wiuwmu•em.n.w MT WALL PAKL 'f ..n.w, f y�.-�1 Mws��s,menrYWwEr �HM.�6q.Vf9�0�4 I i TILT WALL PANIEL JOWT—..---..�,_,`, t CANOPY B(4v ARCH �a aMww.r�wwwae wa�vaac.�°4e1tuc EI ILIGHTSIRIP / Y 2. WASTERECEPTACIE eYra arAr•w nM 4.1..rHr4i J.vrvxC HOSE 9DEVALKg t `- " SMEL HAN DOOR 1 I Carwash East Elevation m ROOF TOP SCREENS, TYPICAL. CK 41 Carwash West Elevation •uGHruu oN vacuun �4eoE TOPREV rr N F- REC�ED N PREYEMGtARE - - TOPREVMTGIARE. r,V R61 4wnW4(atmmaua. ''. A u.e yD.. S.,.IUMNG CONTWU HFAD � AIIdAWU4 TUEDJG ,�' Wiuwmu•em.n.w ..n.w, f y�.-�1 Mws��s,menrYWwEr �HM.�6q.Vf9�0�4 PERVIOUS FABRIC—. ! L... ,.�- VAC"TOOL t CANOPY B(4v ARCH �a aMww.r�wwwae wa�vaac.�°4e1tuc EI ILIGHTSIRIP / Y 2. WASTERECEPTACIE eYra arAr•w nM 4.1..rHr4i J.vrvxC HOSE 9DEVALKg _ 8H 'j 9TE OF(rG vllCarwash Elevations ';SNR4tXmabrt 8 of $