HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 29 - FP GHH AdditionMEMO TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR, MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL, AND THE PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION FROM: BRUNO RUMBELOW, CITY MANAGER MEETING DATE: JANUARY 21, 2020 SUBJECT: FINAL PLAT APPLICATION LOTS 1 AND 2, BLOCK 1, GHH ADDITION PLAT APPLICATION FILING DATE ...................................................... January 14, 2020 APPLICANT ................................................ Grayson CeBallos, Windrose Land Services REASON FOR APPLICATION ....................... To plat unplatted property into two (2) lots PROPERTY LOCATION............................................................717 & 721 E. Wall Street ACREAGE................................................................................................................ 0.532 ZONING................................................................................................................... R-7.5 NUMBEROF LOTS........................................................................................................ 2 PREVIOUS PLATTING.................................................................................................No CONCEPT PLAN...................................................................................................Z19-02 SITEPLAN.................................................................................................................... No OPEN SPACE REQUIREMENT.................................................................................. Yes AVIGATION RELEASE............................................................................................... Yes PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED....................................................................................No C:\Users\tbrooks\AppData\Local\Temp\Agenda Memo 17477_853938\Agenda Memo 17477.doc PLAT INFORMATION SHEET FINAL PLAT APPLICATION LOTS 1 & 2, BLOCK 1, GHH ADDITION GENERAL: • The applicant, Grayson CeBallos with Windrose Land Services is platting the 0.532 acre tract of land into two (2) lots for residential properties. Lot 1 has an existing home that will remain and Lot 2 will be a new home site. The properties are located at 717 and 721 E. Wall Street. II. STREET SYSTEM: • The development has access to Wall Street. • Abutting roads: ❑ on the City Thoroughfare Plan: ® not on the City Thoroughfare Plan: ❑ Periphery Street Fees are due as follows: Type of Roadway Cost / LF ❑ Major Arterial (A) $ 234.57 / LF ❑ Major Arterial (B) $ 178.35 / LF ❑ Minor Arterial (C) $ 203.06 / LF ❑ Minor Arterial (D) $ 170.33 / LF ❑ Collector (E) $ 170.33 / LF ❑ Collector (F) $ 150.98 / LF ❑ Sidewalk $ 25.00 / LF ❑ Curb & Gutter $ 15.00 / LF ® Periphery Street Fees are not due: STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM: • The site drains northeast. Length Cost • The developer will be required to design for onsite as well as offsite drainage in accordance with the requirements of the City of Grapevine's Code of Ordinances. C:\Users\tbrooks\AppData\Local\Temp\Agenda Memo 17477_853938\Agenda Memo 17477.doc IV. WATER SYSTEM: ® The existing water supply system bordering the subject site is adequate to serve the development. ❑ The existing water supply system bordering the subject site is not adequate to serve the development. Additional off site water system improvements will be necessary to serve the site. V. SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM: ® The existing sanitary sewer collection system bordering the subject site is adequate to serve the development. ❑ The existing sanitary sewer collection system bordering the subject site is not adequate to serve the development. VI. MISCELLANEOUS: ® Water and Wastewater Impact Fees are not required for: Lots 1 & 2, Block 1, GHH Addition (previous home sites) ❑ Water and Wastewater Impact Fees are due prior to the issuance of building permits for: ❑ Single Family Residential ( $ 2,414/ Lot) ❑ Multifamily ( $ 1,134/ Unit) ❑ Hotel ( $ 43,632/ Acre) ❑ Corporate Office ( $ 20,523/ Acre) ❑ Government ( $ 4,414/ Acre) ❑ Commercial / Industrial ( $ 5,739 / Acre) ® Open Space Fees are not required for: Lots 1 & 2, Block 1, GHH Addition (previous home sites) ❑ Open Space Fees are due prior to the preconstruction meeting for public infrastructure improvements for: ❑ R-5.0, R-TH, Zero Lot District ( $ 1,416.00 / Lot) ❑ R-7.5, Single Family District ( $ 1,146.00 / Lot) ❑ R-12.5, Single Family District ( $ 1,071.00 / Lot) C:\Users\tbrooks\AppData\Local\Temp\Agenda Memo 17477_853938\Agenda Memo 17477.doc ❑ R-20.0, Single Family District ( $ 807.00 / Lot) ❑ Public Hearing Only ❑ Variances were required on the following items: ❑ Front building line ❑ Allowing a setback of 3 feet for the rear property line for an accessory building ❑ Lot width & depth ❑ Max. Impervious Area ❑ Landscaping Regulations, allowing no landscape buffer between the edge of the parking area and the adjacent property line. ❑ The following items associated with this plat are not in accordance with the current subdivision standards: ❑ 50' ROW dedication not met: Developer is proposing to dedicate variable width private access easements throughout the development. The access easements will be owned and maintained by a Home Owners Association (HOA). ❑ Length of cul-de-sac street exceeds the 600 -foot limit: ❑ Driveway Spacing not met. VII. STATEMENT OF FINDINGS: A. The City has determined that the right-of-way and easements required to be dedicated for streets, utilities, drainage, access, sidewalks and other municipal needs and services are consistent with the City's ordinances and master plan, are reasonable and are connected to the proposed project in the following manner: ® The right-of-way provides for future widening of public streets that will serve the development of this site. ® The onsite utility easements provide for a utility network to serve the development of this site. ® The onsite drainage easements provide for a drainage network to serve the development of this site. C:\Users\tbrooks\AppData\Local\Temp\Agenda Memo 17477_853938\Agenda Memo 17477.doc ❑ The onsite access easements provide cross access capabilities to this site and surrounding property. ® The onsite sidewalk easements provide for a sidewalk network to serve the development of this site. B. The City further finds that the required dedication is related both in nature and extent to the impact of the proposed development as follows: ® The right-of-way is necessary to provide for future widening of public streets that will serve the development of this site. ® The onsite utility easements are necessary to provide for a utility system to serve this development and connect to existing utilities on surrounding property. ® The onsite drainage easements are necessary to provide for storm drainage improvements to serve the development of the site. ❑ The onsite access easements are necessary to provide cross access capabilities to this site and surrounding property. ® The onsite sidewalk easements are necessary to provide for a sidewalk network to serve the development of this site. ® All of the dedications benefit the development to at least the extent of the impact of such on the development. VIII. RECOMMENDATION: The members of the City Council and The Planning & Zoning Commission consider the following motion: "Move that the City Council (Planning and Zoning Commission) approve the Statement of Findings and the Final Plat of Lots 1 & 2, Block 1, GHH Addition." C:\Users\tbrooks\AppData\Local\Temp\Agenda Memo 17477_853938\Agenda Memo 17477.doc I ]AT L SLOCE 1 m o w to be IxME: I- • O.PR T C.T. SURVEYOWS NOTES: 1. Startup ad 4uu- are bored on Texas Stats Plate Coord-W Sy ftri, Tew North Cmtrd Zone 4202 North Amm m Dame of ) 983 (NAD 83) (U.S. Feat) widia eambioed ark fir a d 1.00012. 2. Thin property• thea w*. Zone 'X' U.,h dad of the Flood In-, Rate Map for Tar1affi CaaNy, Tem ad Inoaporatcd Anton, rap no. 48439CO105K, dated Scpterbr 25, 2009, vu maid map i-atioa ad graphic pldtog. 3. Noir-: Selling a port m of Wu addition by mdn and bourib is a vmlahm of City eibdivtaim ordimoca ad side pdhg Adak, ed is nbjnt to f ad withholding ofutild sand building «nifinun. 4. The propose dWLJ plot is to rake two exi.tog heclo ad sere two bb. VICINITY MAP STATE OF TEXAS I ]AT L SLOCE 1 I COUNTY OF TARKA14T $ NETRO .hF. SHOP • O.PR T C.T. od load WHFREAS, Gmevme pHWom Hamra f- W LLC b W 'OWNER', u III -owns of that cetko prd loa ADDITION I aitmfed m We City of Omparv'®e, Tamm Cams•, Taw berg mate parti-irly dewribed a .haww-this plot C,36. A PG.2JOi Amt PJLTC.T. I I I I I RIGHT OF WAY by mea under my d..t -and anpervium 1 ( TI R'BFFORE, it c -sidearm dih amt BONE AND 00/100 (SI 00) DOLLAR and oder good ad vahubk STATE OF TEXAS $ Numb- 946, n convoyed b Guapevoe Historical Homo, LLC by it.& waded o lnMoaae Nmber D216104339 -it D216101540, Dad Records, Tamm C logy, Tema and being m -e panindMy &scribod by moa sad bound, Y toliow+: ceroid -oda, Ste mceipt turd aC-.y of wt ich u h -b)• WHY .1ka- red and oatfrAmd, Omer does �Y waive. z M • C M. mkam, roome and quitckim m the City ofGrafevix, Tamm Ceanty, Terse, the DaUm-Foa worth Ion niuioml Airport m, •Citta'. asarMg sees �� I 55� M�,�,y�p B r ®ch von pipe found for Ura m carer of a tract .loud e-vryW m Ddbn S. DomN by deed rammed --- ------------------- Thomas W. Mark, RP.L.S. --------� restriction n prnently era UAW by Ordu m e No. 73-50 f We City dtkapevoe. known Y We Alrp-t Zooms No. 5119 to MZ Sorin LLC Sana 19 by dad roc-dW i. hutnmmt Number D219017141, Doed Recd , Tmmm Cordy, T- OrBimoce of Ste Da11asFoa Wath odnati-el Avpo t, b m otiak bc*M above same, wether ouch dmye shill - - - - - /0141111 tea3 - - ---------- r---- - - T 1 I 1 This imuumem does not rdease We cru -s or opmum dairnnft him tiebliry for damage m utport Mi perm or property" BEFORE W the mdagped authority, a Nokry Pub& ®and f the &de of Toga, m this dry pereonally Ntmba D207192143, Dmd R...6, Tanmt County, Tem: -mW by fatltog atrraft of Whig ph,.W abjc b from etraak except n coded b-eo with respect to mix, turn, Auer, appamd Thoma W. Maul, known to me to be the pawn whom mate u arbutobod to We f-egoiog ionnmrmt E8� I I I I I I i I I I I I i la I property: and it is further apced that Wirt mmmem droll be a covaomtremog with d. Laid, and it" be raordod O Poe GIVEN [RIDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE Our dayof20 pod sod lying -We north rightd-y Lou ofFea WAR Suad(V.,.bk Width Riht.Way); D.W Records of the county . cortin is which We prop" it .1imW I 101'7, ELOCY.1 EXECUlEDat Ten., Wirt dryof_ 2(�._ I I lt'.\iJ. 6TRF1'1' TDwN NYAL3t,.3DDIT10N II I IOT 1, R1 it PArM6-1DDIT,l DOC NO. D2161198 NO. D218249135 I YRTC7. PAT.0T I I INSr 1N0- D-linollJ I I YHT,CT. I 1 I GrWft. Molork Bern, LLC dna b -by adopt this plot of GHH Addttlen. Lau 1 t 2. Skate 1, n addition b the City of I ( I Grapevine, Tamm Cavgv, Tew it doe. hereby dWtcot, b the public bore f -or We rightol wry od -thou .hown lyase. DESIRES. DDR, The coma tbw9 berm arc hereby ended for rhe papom, �icou& The utility• -.b d" bo op- f W City a ( �,$ I I /' unm Lasoort a1z Pt]tD:61.LCSPRD519 INST.NO.D21W171H aALGL I i�� ( Asim mtaYas I I i D.RTCT. I I a Ilaury Yarm.T arsr.wo:rsu�tL tl Y�I I Said eum-ui beittg h -by rerervd fm ft mutual um ad aeoommodak- of all public obliu. ming, or d..w to tree rte. Any s69°ms-w JUIS City or f mohmW ubhty shall hve the roll right to rem We rd keep rem oil all or pats of may faro., Iron, drubs, or ah- ,res IerJ ,/r nor r.c Na'21�1•x' 11.9!'x' anw � - -S89roe'33'W IOD.JB• - - - _ STATE OF TEXAS I STATE OF TEXAS f STATE OF TEXAS $ COUNTY OF TARKA14T $ COUNTY orDENTON $ • O.PR T C.T. od load WHFREAS, Gmevme pHWom Hamra f- W LLC b W 'OWNER', u III -owns of that cetko prd loa Th. u b oaatify Wr 1. Thomas W. M.L a Regirere'd Prdnr-an d Land 8avry-of -ft]. Star of Texas, hove COUNT$' OF TARRANT $ aitmfed m We City of Omparv'®e, Tamm Cams•, Taw berg mate parti-irly dewribed a .haww-this plot plotf St. - &m -atom away m We gro-d, and Sot Wu file oovrecSy mpmmts that awry made • ROW RIGHT OF WAY by mea under my d..t -and anpervium WHEREAS Glapev®eHut-ical Ikmn. LLC arc the owner of two Wase of lend aimetadm the A.F. Lomond Survey, Abstmat TI R'BFFORE, it c -sidearm dih amt BONE AND 00/100 (SI 00) DOLLAR and oder good ad vahubk STATE OF TEXAS $ Numb- 946, n convoyed b Guapevoe Historical Homo, LLC by it.& waded o lnMoaae Nmber D216104339 -it D216101540, Dad Records, Tamm C logy, Tema and being m -e panindMy &scribod by moa sad bound, Y toliow+: ceroid -oda, Ste mceipt turd aC-.y of wt ich u h -b)• WHY .1ka- red and oatfrAmd, Omer does �Y waive. z M • C M. mkam, roome and quitckim m the City ofGrafevix, Tamm Ceanty, Terse, the DaUm-Foa worth Ion niuioml Airport m, •Citta'. asarMg sees �� I Bond, the Chin ofDailoa Tem ad Feat Wade, Tau., Wei aeaua-+and aoigac, MmaAa oaEad f me use ad beaefrt d the pubo and its m ..... ny and all claim. fa.mag•• of any laud b paama or Property that Owffi M�,�,y�p B r ®ch von pipe found for Ura m carer of a tract .loud e-vryW m Ddbn S. DomN by deed rammed may ruff'. by ream of We p. -p ad Bight of.H aM-ft o the air apace above Guitar. property above 0. height Thomas W. Mark, RP.L.S. Initru rout r he 0000ff o lrutruanem Nuanbcr D208454506, Deed Records. Trrmt County, Tem, tone bad the mWeaa tamer da tract of broad mwryd restriction n prnently era UAW by Ordu m e No. 73-50 f We City dtkapevoe. known Y We Alrp-t Zooms No. 5119 to MZ Sorin LLC Sana 19 by dad roc-dW i. hutnmmt Number D219017141, Doed Recd , Tmmm Cordy, T- OrBimoce of Ste Da11asFoa Wath odnati-el Avpo t, b m otiak bc*M above same, wether ouch dmye shill that h� eucuted the none For We Por- ad -4-h- Wren impreAred. aogmak Som gone, vib h k ftma, duo, fud and hlblicmt prticks, ad all cher effort. that may be c...d by the STATE OF TEXAS $ opastion of tile- L briding at. or bkmg offfim, a oprwint: r or -Sir D -11 -Fort Wor161gsaoatioml Aupori. ma il tract,. amce of66.09 fad to a 1/2 inch THENCE South 99 deg54 minium 49 recons East, with the moth Hre diad DmYdu COUNTY OF DENTON reb. sapped'ASC'WSir the -rthov can -ofd baa ofLaid -.yed w Bea F. Flay Ir. by deal butturoura This imuumem does not rdease We cru -s or opmum dairnnft him tiebliry for damage m utport Mi perm or property" BEFORE W the mdagped authority, a Nokry Pub& ®and f the &de of Toga, m this dry pereonally Ntmba D207192143, Dmd R...6, Tanmt County, Tem: -mW by fatltog atrraft of Whig ph,.W abjc b from etraak except n coded b-eo with respect to mix, turn, Auer, appamd Thoma W. Maul, known to me to be the pawn whom mate u arbutobod to We f-egoiog ionnmrmt I Joel and hbrieant p -tries, and admwlo4cd to we that dw mecmed the ®me for the pmpaes •d eomideraum thele® impressed . THENCE South 00 degrees 42 a»omec 30 scrods Era[, deporting We mmr lice diad Donal tura, with the west hoe of nu Ekey It u Ap-d thm this Rekae shall be biding Wpm said aov--it his Ido and naigoa. ad arccnaa. In int- st m acid Notary Public mad for the Sde d7em hact, a dutmce of I79AS fes to a PIC mT sd for tho -dwor comer of said mond rd rri-d Grap-im Hbu i. l Ham., LLC property: and it is further apced that Wirt mmmem droll be a covaomtremog with d. Laid, and it" be raordod O Poe GIVEN [RIDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE Our dayof20 pod sod lying -We north rightd-y Lou ofFea WAR Suad(V.,.bk Width Riht.Way); D.W Records of the county . cortin is which We prop" it .1imW EXECUlEDat Ten., Wirt dryof_ 2(�._ I I THENCE North 99 depot 54 mbnges 49-6 Wnt with Ere northright fway true of rid Fid Wall Street a diamce of 67.71 Notre Public in ad for the Sure d7em frd to a PK m0 W For corm,, N00"11'55"W 7.17' LEGEND OF ABBREVIATIONS Title: • DR.TC,T- DEED RECORDS, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS THENCE Nath 00 deport i i morn 55 aecouds W=I. with the mtheaa right.way roe of ab Era W.R Street, a duu- of • O.PR T C.T. OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS. TARRANT COUNTY, TFXAS • PR TC T, 7.17f tb a PK aril Wf comer, Area ed Dedication: • ROW RIGHT OF WAY raw Rrsl • IRS 1/2 INCH CAPPED REBAR STAMPED"ASC" SET STATE OF TEXAS $ 12. Net Ploved A- 19,182 Sq.. Feet -0.417 Acres • C M. COUNTY OF $ 1.3 Right of Way Dedi.ti-: 4,999 Square Feet I THENCE South 89 dWoos 48 mmmer 33 rem.. Wer nth the noah tight of way b- of aid Eat Wa11 Strut, • du- of 65.11 BEFORE ME, the ® -q od authority, • Naery Public m ad for the Sulo of Tem. - this dry pen -illy Weared fW to it PK mit W for rhe -drwi t cema of rid fed r fa -.d Onpevoe HW -k.1 Hum. burr. Kelly Paha known to me b be the pan whose none is m aftied to We foregoing mrrt-m ad ad.- Wged to m that h� eucuted the none For We Por- ad -4-h- Wren impreAred. THENCE NAW 00 degre. i l mmut,c 27 aecouds West with We wed hire of rid fest mfermced Grapevine Hutorwi HamMi, trace, pneaug a poWf the rouheint eaffi da batt dimd at a iiaana of23.58 fed emveyW to Na Settee LLC Series 8 by deal GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this day of - 20_ I rotor W to Imvusrnt Nub. D219017144, Deed ltecorda, Tmant Comte. I -and mfoug with We east hoe o[ raid ML I SLLC Senn a batt, • ectal ditur- of 171.00 fed It, e 112 inch mbr -ppW'ASC' W for We uoMua comer diad MZ Sai. orin LLC Series 8 flan, same being a point -the Louth h. of rid ME Solan ILC Sala 19 boot; Notary Public mad for the Sde d7em TIINNCE Nord 68 degrrs 40 mmu9. 09.emnda Ear with the mud Ron of rid MZ Sorin LLC Bain 19 tract, a dimnoe of 65.11 fort to THE POINT OF BEGINNING ad comm 0.532 area of led or 23,181 agmen fat of lend, nose or lea. I I NOW, TBERWORE° KNOW ALL NEN BY TBESE PRESENTS I e GrWft. Molork Bern, LLC dna b -by adopt this plot of GHH Addttlen. Lau 1 t 2. Skate 1, n addition b the City of Grapevine, Tamm Cavgv, Tew it doe. hereby dWtcot, b the public bore f -or We rightol wry od -thou .hown lyase. DESIRES. DDR, The coma tbw9 berm arc hereby ended for rhe papom, �icou& The utility• -.b d" bo op- f W City a a1z Pt]tD:61.LCSPRD519 INST.NO.D21W171H IN T. ND. D2d4Wft I fmOchiaW be tdtllti. fa each mem me. The ound ee of - We romaro m, am do d ffie Wm �� rnpamola. pfD DILTCT. D.RTCT. ouffi. No btiidmp or-hury mudaee.hal) be W W-ftd. rmmamcted, or plead q..% Wer, or aeon da nmmk Y shin m. I Said eum-ui beittg h -by rerervd fm ft mutual um ad aeoommodak- of all public obliu. ming, or d..w to tree rte. Any City or f mohmW ubhty shall hve the roll right to rem We rd keep rem oil all or pats of may faro., Iron, drubs, or ah- impmemarts a growths which m my w endaoga or int -fm with We c rwaiwb-, madeonn, or aM-.7 of iu row t- Aysim on the amo mt. ad all City or frmchised utirta shall at all It- hve We bill right of ogres and open b and bm ad rpm rid --b For the pmPwe of-truertow, recaraunntmg, mapectctg. pm lhpg, metrnamog. ed adding b or --m all 1 -pans dib -Peaks ryam without the noceiaty r my t®e of pre -rig the pamini. d w -e. roar tS I W. revnw•ed the City's Fidmg. a-cramg dedicaiom ad I do agate thou th darmema ere true ad mrrea. N88°4009"E 65.12' S89°54'49"E 66.07 - sn°Joa9 E 6a47' - - - - -' /pyp ihu pial approval •ttblect r all plmtiug ordimncea, roles, reguloti-a ed remhdiom of the City of Gmpevoc, T.u. I - - - I Wb-.yh.Wtth.th_dav of20_ arta a�^'1a aY.r'rs" I I I ( GRAr¢v04E msrolucAL BORos, LLC I IAT,,1 WOC1P, w'yyTFJLY S,I."lJJN• By: STEAK NOL:.F. I 1.01. JF&1m PG. w Amborri-I Repr.emattve YR.T.c.r. I F fU°"'rt rAmanm�,r I rot w„- I Titk/D.k I LOT 2, BLOCK I I STATE OF TEXAS $ LOT I, BLOCK I 9,302 SF 9,543 BIIF.IISE1' COUNTY OF $ tl I 0.214 Acr. I 0.219 ASF ( - INST.tT fR N0. DM:192143 ay pally the um SLOW Te, m this den- BEFORE ME, denipod mud-ity", a Notary Public m and for the Sod m $ I DRTc.T W...d known to - b be We pe -aa come is sMro ted. b We faegotog .\tZ SERI +4�LLC6EWE�'e n I I a -W-V- mmmant ed ae18ow1edgW to me t}ul dce a[eagai ehc same for We ptbpoaee ed coasidmtion Ihreir expma.ed. A"67. NO. DSI901J,H - ^ DATCT APEMNE HISTORIC I � HISTORIC I HOMES. OOFS. LLC 114:10-02. 1Vol-'A0 c GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE tM._dry of 20_ INST. N0. D216103339 O.R.T.C.T. I it D.R. T.C.T. I - - - i I - Nary Public to and for the Su ikof Tau. ' I I PLANNING AND ZONING COMNlTSION: �qsr i°i `��®®`? I ( Daft Approved: "`. •crT+s'_ a van. arae ,m I Crimea JAI 5 tQ2 I I ern• azo' Se..Lary: @ i NB9°2159'6 13101 4€ GRAPEVINE CITY COUNCIL: E I B Dot, Approved: F 1 N00"11'55"W 7.17' LEGEND OF ABBREVIATIONS • DR.TC,T- DEED RECORDS, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS • O.PR T C.T. OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS. TARRANT COUNTY, TFXAS • PR TC T, PLAT RECORDS, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS Area ed Dedication: • ROW RIGHT OF WAY • IRS 1/2 INCH CAPPED REBAR STAMPED"ASC" SET 1.1. Total Platted Area: 23,181 Square Feet or 0.532 Ace. 12. Net Ploved A- 19,182 Sq.. Feet -0.417 Acres • C M. CONTROLLING MONUMENT 1.3 Right of Way Dedi.ti-: 4,999 Square Feet • SF SQUARE FEET EAST WALL STREET fVAR,AWLE mLimKO rV ) O W NERlDEV ELOPER G.paro. Historic Horan, LLC 504 W. C.Rege Street Gtopevirm, To- 76051 City &-dory WINDROSE LAND SURVEYING 1 FLATTING oro ea arm. carne r ,amanrLrx>rr , :rurr.u+a Nra drGlrYlnd all lallaar 1 a3anarHYre.raCOM ARTHUR LAND SURVEYING oro FJm n.. x-a.l-+vwiltr. nc uosx lir nunzsu-T)RNar coca d,ava...asso� uuW�em l9es ORAWNBY:G1,C. DAMIO/M/2119 CHECY.EDBY:T- J0BN0.:2o19.9.34 FINAL PLAT GHH Addition LOTS 1 and 2, BLOCK 1 Being 0.532 Acres situated in the A.F. Leonard Survey, Abstract no. 946 Zoned: R-7.5 City of Grapevine, Tarrant County, Texas -2019- THIS PLAT FILED ON INSTRUMENT d D