HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 2005-085 ORDINANCE NO. 2005-85
WHEREAS, an application was made by the Grapevine Historic Preservation
Commission requesting a historic landmark subdistrict designation by making application
for same with the Planning & Zoning Commission of the City of Grapevine, Texas as
required by State statutes and the zoning ordinances of the City of Grapevine, Texas and
all the legal requirements, conditions and prerequisites having been complied with, the
case having come before the City Council of the City of Grapevine, Texas after all legal
notices, requirements, conditions and prerequisites having been complied with; and
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Grapevine, Texas at a public hearing
called by the City Council did consider the following factors in making a determination as
to whether this requested historic landmark subdistrict designation should be granted or
denied; safety of the motoring public and the pedestrians using the facilities in the area
immediately surrounding the site; safety from fire hazards and measures for fire control,
protection of adjacent property from flood or water damages, noise producing elements
and glare of the vehicular and stationary lights and effect of such lights on established
character of the neighborhood, location, lighting and types of signs and relation of signs
to traffic control and adjacent property, street size and adequacy of width for traffic
reasonably expected to be generated by the proposed use around the site and in the
immediate neighborhood, adequacy of parking as determined by requirements of this
ordinance for off-street parking facilities, location of ingress and egress points for parking
and off-street locating spaces, and protection of public health by surfacing on all parking
areas to control dust, effect on the promotion of health and the general welfare, effect on
light and air, the effect on the transportation, water sewerage, schools, parks and other
facilities; and
WHEREAS, all of the requirements of Section 39 of Appendix "D" of the Code of
Ordinances have been satisfied by the submission of evidence at a public hearing; and
WHEREAS, the City Council further considered, among other things, the character
of the existing zoning district and its peculiar suitability for particular uses and with the view
to conserve the value of buildings and encourage the most appropriate use of land
throughout this city;
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Grapevine, Texas does find that there is
a public necessity for the granting of this historic landmark subdistrict, that the public
demands it, that the public interest clearly requires the amendment, that the zoning
changes do not unreasonably invade the rights of those who bought or improved property
with reference to the classification which existed at the time their original investment was
made; and does find that the historic landmark subdistrict designation lessens the
congestion in the streets, helps secure safety from fire, panic and other dangers; promotes
health and the general welfare; provides adequate light and air; prevents the overcrowding
of land; avoids undue concentration of population; facilitates the adequate provisions of
°il�w� transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks and other public requirements; and
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Grapevine, Texas has determined that
there is a necessity and need for this historic landmark subdistrict designation and has also
found and determined that there has been a change in the conditions of the property
surrounding and in close proximity to the property requested for a change since this
property was originally classified; and, therefore, feels that historic landmark subdistrict
designation for the particular piece of property is needed, is called for, and is in the best
interest of the public at large, the citizens of the City of Grapevine, Texas and helps
promote the general health, safety, and welfare of this community.
Section 1. That the City does hereby designate a historic landmark subdistrict
(HL05-02) in accordance with Section 39 of Ordinance No. 82-73, being the
Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Grapevine, Texas same being also known
as Appendix "D" of the City Code of Grapevine, Texas, in a district zoned "R-7.5" Single
Family District Regulations within the following described property: 408 East Worth Street,
,� �, specifically described as the East '/2 of Lot 4, Block 33, City of Grapevine Addition, and in
addition thereto, the adoption of the A. W. and Ted Willhoite Home Historic District Design
ORD. NO. 2005-85 2
� Guidelines as conditions, regulations and safeguards in connection with the said historic
landmark subdistrict, a copy of said criteria being attached hereto and labeled Exhibit "A".
Section 2. The City Manager is hereby directed to correct the official zoning map
of the City of Grapevine, Texas to reflect the "HL" zoning designation.
5ection 3. That in all other respects, the use of the tract or tracts of land herein
above described shall be subject to all the applicable regulations contained in said City of
Grapevine zoning ordinances and all other applicable and pertinent ordinances of the City
of Grapevine, Texas.
Section 4. That the zoning regulations and districts as herein established have
been made in accordance with the comprehensive plan for the purpose of promoting
health, safety, morals and the general welfare of the community. They have been
designed with respect to both present conditions and the conditions reasonably anticipated
to exist in the foreseeable future, to lessen congestion in the streets; to secure safety from
fire, panic, flood and other dangers; provide adequate light and air; to prevent
overcrowding of land, to avoid undue concentration of population; facilitate the adequate
provisions of transportation, water, sewerage, drainage and surface water, parks and other
public requirements, and to make adequate provisions for the normal business, commercial
needs and development of the community. They have been made with reasonable
consideration, among other things, of the character of the district, and its peculiar suitability
for the particular uses and with a view of conserving the value of buildings and encouraging
the most appropriate use of land throughout the community.
Section 5. This ordinance shall be cumulative of all other ordinances of the City
of Grapevine, Texas affecting zoning and shall not repeal any of the provisions of said
ordinances except in those instances where provisions of those ordinances are in direct
conflict with the provisions of this ordinance.
Section 6. That the terms and provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed to be
severable and that if the validity of the zoning affecting any portion of the tract or tracts of
land described herein shall be declared to be invalid, the same shall not affect the validity
of the zoning of the balance of the tract or tracts of land described herein.
Section 7. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be
deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in a sum not
to exceed two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) and a separate offense shall be deemed
committed upon each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues.
Section 8. The fact that the present ordinances and regulations of the City of
Grapevine, Texas, are inadequate to properly safeguard the health, safety, morals, peace
and general welfare of the inhabitants of the City of Grapevine, Texas, creates an
emergency for the immediate preservation of the public business, property, health, safety
and general welfare of the public which requires that this ordinance shall become effective
from and after the date of its final passage, and it is accordingly so ordained.
ORD. NO. 2005-85 3
GRAPEVINE, TEXAS on this the 18th day of October, 2005.
William D. Tate �
L� d Huff
City Secretary
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John F. Boyle, Jr.::-
City Attorney
ORD. NO. 2oo5-s5 4
E;e�ic�iT� TO �:��
P� � �_ of _����
1. Name
Historic A.W. and Ted Willhoite home
And/ox common
2. Location
Addsess 408 East Worth Stxeet land survey William Dooley
Location/neighborhood Jenkins and Yates Addition block/lot Block 33/Lot E'/2 4 txact size 0.246 acxes
3. Cuxxent zoning
A1 Single Family
4. Classification
Category Ownexship Status Pxesent Use
_ district _ public x occupied _ agxicultuse _ museum
x building(s) x private _ unoccupied _ commercial _ park
_ stxucture _ work in progress _ educarion x xesidence
_ site Accessible _ Entextainment _ Religious
_ yes:xestricted _ govexnment _ scientific
_ yes:unrestr. _ industrial _ transportauon
_ no _ military _ othex
" 5. Ownership
Current owner: Rose Gacilos phone: 817-488-0302 or 817-488-8766
Addtess: city: state: zip:
6. Form Preparation
Name&title Susan Odom,Owner oxganization: Preservation Pattners
Contact: Susan Odom phone: 214-707-2992
7. Representation on Existing Surveys
Tarxant County Historic Resources National Registex of Historic Places .
Recorded Texas Historic Landmaxk
_ other _ Texas Axchaeological Landmark
for office use only
8. Date Rec'd: Survey Verified: Yes No
9. Field Chk date: By:
� � 10. Nomination
Axchaeological Structuxe District
=a�-.� Site Structure&Site
EXNIBIT�_ TO,��r�:�_y�
Page of L�
11. Historic Ownexship
original owner A.W.Willhoite
'"""� significant latex owner(s) A.W.Willhoite estate sold to Dale Wolf in 1971 TCDR Vol. 5046,Pg. 943*
*infoxmation obtained from Tarrant County Deed Recoxds. It is unclear when or how the properry passed
ftom Lucas to Willhoite ownexslup between 1913 and 1971
12. Construcrion Dates
Original 1913
altexations/additions 1928 and other(s)
13. Architect
oxiginal construction
14. Site Features
urban desi
15. Physical Descxiption
Condition Check One: Check One:
excellent deteiioxated Unaltered x Original site
_ good _ ruins x altered _ Moved(date: )
fair unexposed
De.rcribe pre.rent and original(if knou�n)phy,rical appearance;include.rtyle(.r)of architecture, current condition and relationrhij�to
surrounding fabric(.rtructure.r, object.r,etc.). Elaborate on pertinent materialr u.red and.rtyde(,r)of architectural detailin�embel-
li.rhment.r and.rite detailr.
An American folk house at heart,with Craftsman bungalow styling,the wood-fxame home located at 408 East
Worth Street in Grapevine is a well-preserved example of houses built thxoughout the United States in the fixst
quarter of the 20�'century. The composition shingle xoof is czoss-gabled with wide overhanging boxed eaves,a
very common sub-type of this txaditional home. Exteriox elevations axe painted lapped siding. A partial-width
front porch is protected by a separate fxont-gabled xoo£ Simple,xound,floor-to-ceiling white columns,such as
were common befose 1910,have replaced the heavy piexs that suppoxt txaditional Cxaftsman poxch roofs. A
red-painted door with octagonal glass ulset gives contrast to the grayish-blue siding and white trim.
Two lazge rectangulax 1/1 windows sided by faux shuttexs overlook East Worth Street. All othex windows are
similar in style,shape and construction.Windows along dze sides are grouped in pairs ox ribboned in sets of
The 1,592 square foot,two-bath,two-bedroom house is deeply massed,extending twice its width into the small
quastex-acre lot. The long dsiveway that runs the full depth of the lot leads to a detached garage/outbuilding.
The small yaxd has a numbex of tall,healthy trees that pxovide ample shade without inhibiting the architectural
view of passersby.
E;��-fISIT�_ TO Q(Y�. �QD5-�5
Page �_ of �_
16. Histoxical Significance
Statement of bi.rtorica!and cultural.rignifzcance. Include: cultural influencer,rpeczal eventr and important pertonage.r,influence.r on
neighborbood,on the city,etc.
R.L. (`Bob")Lucas purchased the vacant property ftom Junius Edward Merritt Yates in Decembex of 1913
(TCDR Vol.387,Page 563)and sold the land to A.W.Willhoite.The original home was small and sixnple. Its
first addition(xooms added to the rear of the home)was made in 1928,when the home's square footage was
nearly doubled. Other addirions/altexarions have been made but none have been recoxded.
Andrew Wiley Willhoite was botn on December 24, 1884,at North Bxansford and the Cotton Belt Railroad. He
was the second child in a family of 12 boxn to Joseph Gillis and Sarah Wall Willhoite. He attended Pleasant Run
School,whexe his father taught at one time. Through woxk experience and reading of all types of books he com-
pleted his education.
Wiley moved with his fathex and mother to 1211 East Bluff Stxeet in Fort Worth,Texas,about 1900. Wiley was
employed by McVay Dxayage Company and latet at McCord Wholesale Gxocery Company. In 1905 he joined the
Santa Fe Railroad as a freight clerk. In 1906 he married Bertie Winfrey of Grapevine. She was the daughtex of
Charlie Taylor and Mary Elizabeth Lucas Winfrey.
To that union a son,Wiley Deloys (Ted)Willhoite,was born on August 7,1911. Soon aftex the birth of Ted the
family moved to Grapevine whexe Wiley entexed business with his father-in-law,C.T.Winfrey. That business was
Winfrey and Willhoite Hardware and Implement Company. In 1916 dze business was sold,and Wiley established a
gaxage next doox. In 1918 that business was sold,and he worked for Mx.Bob Morrou�s Gxapevine Home Bank as
a cashier.
In 1921 Wiley and Baxt Starr,Jr. foxmed a partnership and opened Willhoite Garage and Wholesale Petroleum busi-
ness at 432 Main Street. This partnexship dissolved uz 1934. Wiley did all die bookwoxk,battery rebuilding,and
day-and-night wrecker service. The hours,5 a.m.Lu1ti1 10 p.m.,wexe long. Wiley had a little dog named Shorty.
Wiley would walk home whistling hymns. Shotty would hear him two blocks away and run to meet him,jumping
and playing with him all the way home.
He joined fl1e Methodist Church shoxtly aftex moving to Grapevine. He was very active,serving in all posirions.
He was treasuxer for many years and taught a teenage Sunday School Class. He loved childxen and sent several to
cht�ch camp. He was intexested in the development of Grapevine. He served as a City Councilman;school boaxd
member;and as a membex of the Masonic Lodge,Woodmen of die World,and the Intemational Oxdex of Odd
Fellows Lodge. Aftex years of faithful service to family and community,he died July 23,1958. Son Ted Willhoite
and his family resided in the home unti11971.
Mrs.Dale K.Wolf purchased die home from the A.W.Willhoite estate in May of 1971 (TCDR Vol. 5046,Page
949). Taxrant County deed xecords show a$7,000 promissory note issued as part of the transacrion. Wolf sold
the home to C.Ray Hadaway and John M.Stephenson in February of 1984 with a promissory note of$21,000
(TCDR Vol. 7770,Page 97). The deed fliat recorded the transacrion showed d1e purchasers'addxess as 408 E.
Worth,which would imply that dley were alxeady occupants of the home. Nine years later,in April of 1993,
the home passed to David E.and Tai7uny L.Wilson,owners and occupants of 409 East Worth Street,located
dixecdy across the street. It was subsequendy sold to Heidi L.,Elmer and Susan Simendinger in February of
the following year. Rose Gacilos is the cuzrent owner.
17. Bibliogtaphy
Sanborn Digital Maps
Taxrant County Appraisal District Recoxds
�A � Tarrant County Deed Records
�vw Young,Charles H. GrapevineArea Hirtory. Grapevine:Gxapevine Historical Society. 1979.
EXi-tlSiT� TO D�. �.�5-g5
Page �- _ of �_,
Audiocassette(Gtapevine Public Library Holdings): Hushour,Kaye.Interview with Wiley Deloys(Ted)Willhoite.
� July 29,1982.
`�"�� 18. Attachments .
_ District or Site map _ Additional descriptive material
Site Plan Footnotes
x Photos(Current) Othex( )
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A.W.and Ted Willhoite House c.2005
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Page �_ of �_
I Designation Merit I
A. Character,interest or value as part of G. Identification as the work of an archi-
the development,heritage ox cultural tect or mastex builder whose individual
chaxacteristics of the City of Grape- work has influenced the development
vine,State of Texas of the United of the city.
B. Location as the site of a significant H. Embodiment of elements of architec-
histoxical event. tural design,detail,materials or
cxaftsmanship which represent a sig-
nificant axchitectural innovation.
C. Idenrification widi a pexson ox pexsons � I. Relarionship to other distinctive
who significanfly contributed to the btuldings,sites ox areas which axe eli-
culture and development of the city. gible for preservation according to a
plan based on historic,cultuxal or ar-
chitectural motif.
D. Exemplificarion of the cultural,eco- X J. Unique location of singulax physical
nomic,social or historical hexitage of characteristics representing an estab-
the city lished and familiar visual featuxe of a
neighboxhood,community or the city.
E. Portrayal of the environment of a K. Archaeological value in that it has
gxoup of people in an era of history produced ox can be expected to pzo-
, characterized by a distinctive axchi- duce data affecting theories of historic
tectuxal style. ox prehistoric value.
F. Embodixnent of distinguishing chax- L. Value as an aspect of commun.ity sen-
acteristics of an axchitectuxal rype or timent ox public pride.
T'he Grapevine Township Revitalization Pxogxam re-
quests the Gxapevine Historic Preservation Commis- Burl Gilliam,Chair
sion to deem this nominated landmark meritorious of Grapevine Historic Preservation Commission
designation as outlined in Chapter 39,City of Grape-
vine Comprehensive Zoning Oxdinance.
David Klempin
Further,the Grapevine Historic Pxesexvation Coimnis- Historic Preservauon Officer
sion endoxses the Preservation Criteria,policy recom-
mendations and landmaxk boundary as pxesented by
the City of Grapevine Development Services Depart- Tommy Hardy,Dixector
�• � ment. Development Services Department
E;��4�BIT� TQ Ql�..��5�
P�ge �.� of L�Z_.__
Histoxical Maxkez
The Gxapevine Historic Preservation Coinmission and the Gxapevine Historical Sociery have a cooperative maxkex pro-
�� gtam for pxopexties that are officially(individually or located within)designated Historic Landmark Sub-districts. Please
indicate if you axe intexested in obtaining one ox both markers fox your propexty. There is no fee for either of the maxk-
ers,however,the Grapevine Historical Society will only fund two (2) of the medallion and text plaque(second option),
per year,on a fixst come,first serve basis.
Check One:
❑ Yes,I am intexested in obtaining a bronze Historic Landmark Plaque for my
pxoperty fxom the Historic Preservation Coimnission. I undexstand diere is
no fee for this plaque.
❑ Nq I am not interested in obtaining a maxker for my propezty.
❑ Yes,I am intesested in obtaining a bronze Historic Maxker(medallion and
text plaque) fox my pioperty fxom the Grapevine Historical Sociery.
Belozv for office u.re only
� �• , I
� �
❑ Historic Pxeservation Commission's ❑ Historic Preservarion Commission's
Historic Landmaxk Plaque. Historic Distsict Plaque.
❑ Grapevine Historical Society's
Historic Landmark Marker.
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Keelin�;.Tlie Aau�c rc�ain.mucL nf i�v Heelin�;.Tbc hou.e re�ains much o!i�� Keclin�.The linu�e rriain.mu.li„f i�� Krelin�.'Phi�liouce retainti much of its
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pv arnunJ 1hc x��p'fu�can culumns Ih�l wraps arouoil lhc
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pnre 'pc�inc 1un in 1897.Tbe p��rthaseJ 7'he(;rapcvine Sun in lAY7.Thc
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Desiqn Guidelines
The A. W. and Ted Wilihoite House
408 East Worth Street
Grapevine, Texas
Grapevine Township Revitalization Project, Inc.
City of Grapevine
200 S. Main
Grapevine, Texas 76051
February 9, 2005
Ei;�s�iT�.. T Of7�. `�.Ob5-$,5
P«�� � of _!_.�.
� Table of Contents
■ Setbacks
�..._. Driveways, Parking Lots �
■ Service and Mechanical Areas
' • Fences
� Preservation
■ Exterior Finishes
• Windows
�......._._Awn ings-Canopies
■ Exterior Lighting
■ Infill
�__Additions to Historic Buildings
Page 2
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The A. W. and Ted Willhoite House c. 1925
An American folk house at heart, with Craftsman bungalow styling, the wood-frame home located at 408
" East Worth Street in Grapevine is a well-preserved example of houses built throughout the United States
in the first quarter of the 20'h century. The composition shingle roof is cross-gabled with wide overhanging
boxed eaves, a very common sub-type of this traditional home. Exterior elevations are painted lapped
siding. A partial-width front porch is protected by a separate front-gabled roof. Simple, round, floor-to-
ceiling white columns, such as were common before 1910, have replaced the heavy piers that support
traditional Craftsman porch roafs. A red-painted door with oetagonai glass inset gives contrast to the
grayish-blue siding and white trim.
Two large rectangular 1/1 windows sided by faux shutters overlook East Worth Street. All other windows
are similar in style, shape and construction. Windows along the sides are grouped in pairs or ribboned in
sets of four.
The 1,592 square foot, two-bath, finro-bedroom house is deeply massed, extending finrice its width into the
small quarter-acre lot. The long driveway that runs the full depth of the lot leads to a detached
garage/outbuilding. The small yard has a number of tall, healthy trees that provide ample shade without
inhibiting the architectural view of passersby.
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R.L. ("Bob") Lucas purchased the vacant property from Junius Edward Merritt Yates in December of 1913
'�``"°" (TCDR Vol. 387, Page 563)and sold the land to A. W. Willhoite. The original home was smali and simple.
Its first addition (rooms added to the rear of the home)was made in 1928, when the home's square
�,�,�, footage was neariy doubled. Other additions/alterations have been made but none have been recorded.
Andrew Wiley Wilihoite was born on December 24, 1884, at North Bransford and the Cotton Belt Railroad.
He was the second child in a family of 12 born to Joseph Gillis and Sarah Wall Willhoite. He attended
Pleasant Run School,where his father taught at one time. Through work experience and reading of all
types of books he completed his education.
Wiley moved with his father and mother to 1211 East Bluff Street in Fort Worth, Texas, about 1900. Wiley
was employed by McVay Drayage Company and later at McCord Wholesale Grocery Company. In 1905
he joined the Santa Fe Railroad as a freight clerk. In 1906 he married Bertie W infrey of Grapevine. She
was the daughter of Charlie Taylor and Mary Elizabeth Lucas Winfrey.
To that union a son, Wiley Deloys (Ted)Willhoite, was born on August 7, 1911. Soon after the birth of
Ted the family moved to Grapevine where Wiley entered business with his father-in-law, C. T. Winfrey.
That business was Winfrey and Willhoite Hardware and Implement Company. In 1916 the business was
sold, and Wiley established a garage next door. In 1918 that business was sold, and he worked for Mr.
Bob Morrow's Grapevine Home Bank as a cashier.
In 1921 Wiley and Bart Starr, Jr. formed a partnership and opened Willhoite Garage and Wholesale
Petroleum business at 432 Main Street. This partnership dissolved in 1934. Wiley did all the bookwork,
battery rebuilding, and day-and-night wrecker service. The hours, 5 a.m. until 10 p.m., were long.
He joined the Methodist Church shortfy after moving to Grapevine. He was very active, serving in all
positions. He was treasurer for many years and taught a teenage Sunday School Class. He loved
children and sent several to church camp. He was interested in the development of Grapevine. He
served as a City Councilman; school board member; and as a member of the Masonic Lodge, Woodmen
of the World, and the International Order of Odd Fellows Lodge. After years of faithful service to family
and community, he died July 23, 1958. Son Ted Willhoite and family resided in the home until 1971.
Mrs. Dale K. Wolf purchased the home from the A.W. Willhoite estate in May of 1971 (TCDR Vol. 5046,
Page 949). Tarrant County deed records show a $7,000 promissory note issued as part of the
transaction. Wolf sold the home to C.Ray Hadaway and John M. Stephenson in February of 1984 with a
promissory note af$21,000 (TCDR Vol. 7770, Page 97). The deed that recorded the transaction showed
the purchasers' address as 408 E. Worth,which would imply that they were already occupants of the
home. Nine years later, in April of 1993, the home passed to David E. and Tammy L. Wilson, owners and
occupants of 409 East Worth Street, located directly across the street. It was subsequently sold to Heidi
L., Elmer and Susan Simendinger in February of the following year. Rose Gacilos is the current owner.
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Retain the historic relationships between buildings, landscaping features and open space. Avoid rearranging
�M.:.� the site by moving or removing buildings and site features, such as walks, drives and fences,that help define
the residence's historic value.
Building setbacks should be consistent with adjacent buildings or with the style of the building. Setbacks
are an important ingredient in creating an attractive streetscape. Buildings should be set back to a line
that is consistent with their neighbors and land use. For example, a residential setback should retain the
setback of adjacent and nearby structures, with landscaping along the street right-of-way.
Residential buildings with a commercial use in residential areas should be set back in a manner consistent
with setbacks of neighboring or similar residential structures.
Maintain building orientation pattern,with the front facade facing the street. Maintain spacing patterns
between buildings.
Driveways should be located perpendicular to the street; no circular drives shall be allowed (unless proven
with historic documentation) in front or corner side yard, so that the character of the landscaped yard can be
New parking lots for commercial uses should not be located adjacent to sidewalks in the district.
Off-street parking lots should not be allowed to interrupt the continuity of landscaped front or corner side
yards. This is important to both the preservation of historic character, and to the strengthening of the
" residential district.
Screen existing parking lots from streets and pedestrian areas in the Historic District. Existing parking lots
located adjacent to streets and sidewalks may be screened to the height of car hoods. This will provide a
certain level of continuity of the building fa�ade line; it will screen unsightly views; and it will provide a level of
security by allawing views to and from the sidewalk.
Historically, fences around historic houses defined yards and the boundary around property and gardens.
Wood picket fences, wood rail fences and barbed wire or decorative wire fences were the common fence
types in Grapevine. Traditionally, picket fences surrounded the front of the house while rail and wire fences
surrounded the agricultural portions of the property. Maintain historic fences.
Simple wood picket fences wood and wire and wrought iron fences are appropriate.Avoid chain-link fences,
privacy fences and concrete block fences for the street sides of property. Wood privacy fences may be
allowed when installed in the rear yard and behind the front farade of a property. Utilitarian/privacy fences
should not be installed in front of a historic building or beyond the line of the front fa�ade of a historic building.
° If replacement is required due to deterioration,remove only those portions of historic fences that are damaged
beyond repair and replace in-kind, matching the original in material, design and placement. If replacement
,�„,.z�, is necessary for non-historic fences, or new fences are proposed, locate and design the fence in such a way
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that will compliment the historic boundary of the property without concealing the historic character of the
F ,, property.
Service and mechanical areas and equipment should be screened from the street and other pedestrian
All garbage and equipment storage areas should be screened from the street.
Mechanical equipment, including satellite dishes, shall not be located in front or corner side yards or should
be set back from the edges of roofs, and screened so that they are not visible to pedestrians and do not
detract from the historic character of buildings.
Preserve, stabilize, and restore original building form, ornament and materials.
Any missing or severely deteriorated elements may be replaced with replicas of the original. Ensure that roof,
window, porch and cornice treatments are preserved, or when preservation is not possible duplicate the
original building element.
When rehabilitating, remove non-historic alterations.
Often, "modern" renovations conceal the original facade details. If not, the original style may be recreated
through the use of historic photographs.
Where replication of original elements is not possible, a new design consistent with the original style of the
building may be used.
Reconstruction of building elements should reflect the size, scale, material and level of detail of the
original design.
Preserve older renovations that have achieved historic significance. Older structures or additions may
have, at some time, been renovated with such care and skill that the renovation itself is worthy of
preservation. Usually, such renovations may date from before 1940.
Original wood finishes should be maintained and painted or, when necessary, replaced in kind. Modern
synthetic siding materials such as vinyl or metal bear little resemblance to historic siding materials. The
application of such modern synthetic materials often involves the removal of original decorative elements such
as cornice, corner boards, brackets,window and door trim, etc. New synthetic siding shall not be installed;
removal of existing such materials is not required, but strongly encouraged,to restore historic patina, finish
and appearance.
Original asbestos siding should be maintained and painted,or when necessary, replaced with synthetic siding
to match the existing asbestos siding. The removal of asbestos siding over existing wood siding is not
� required, but strongly encouraged, to restore historic patina, finish and appearance.
:�.,� Original masonry surfaces should be maintained and not be painted, unless severe deterioration of the brick
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or stone can be shown to require painting. If the color or texture of replacement brick or stone cannot be
matched with existing, painting may be an appropriate treatment.
,_ ., Paint colors should be complimentary to each other and the overall character of the house. When possible,
research the original paint color and finishes of the building's historic period; the right colors respect the
historic building.
The Historic Preservation Commission shall adopt, as necessary, a paint palette(s) appropriate to the
districYs character, which may be proposed and approved through the Minor Exterior Alteration application
process. The Commission in the regular Certificate of Appropriateness process may review any colors
proposed outside the adopted palette.
Original window framing and lights (panes of glass)configurations should be preserved and maintained or
replaced in kind.
When replacement is necessary, do so within existing historic opening. Replacement of non-original windows
should consider the use of historically appropriate wood windows. Use same sash size to avoid filling in or
enlarging the original opening. Clear or very slightly tinted window glass may be used. No reflective or heavily
tinted glass shall be used.
Should the owner wish to install security bars, they should be installed on the interior of windows and
Storm windows. The use of interior storm windows is encouraged. Storm windows are available which
can be installed on the interior of windows. This helps to preserve the exterior historic character of the
�r x Should storm windows need to be installed on the exterior of the historic windows, storm windows
constructed of wood and configured to match the historic sashes (i.e. one over one sash)are
If inetal storm windows are installed, paint to blend with surrounding elements.
New awnings and canopies should not be installed above windows or doors.
Lighting is an important element in residential areas. Fixtures should be consistent with the historic
character of the house.
Appropriate incandescent light fixtures to the style of the district should be used.
Avoid exposed lighting of any kind unless part of a historic fixture.
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The Secretary of the Interior's guidelines for new buildings in historic districts encourage similarity of form
and materials, but not actual replication. New construction proposals and the rehabilitation of non-historic
buildings will be reviewed based on these Criteria. Judgement will be based on the compatibility of the
design within the context of the property's adjacent and nearby historic buildings.
The design of new buildings should have key elements of the building's historic period of significance including
massing, scale, fenestration and materials.
Infill buildings should not be absolute reproductions, and appear as clearly contemporary. Only when a
previously demolished historic Grapevine building can be accurately replicated may a reproduction be
Infill buildings between historic buildings should be similar in setback, roof form, cornice line and materials,
to one of the adjacent buildings. Relate height of new building to the heights of adjacent structures. Avoid
new buildings that tower over existing ones.
Horizontal wood siding (either novelty, tongue and groove, shiplap or equivalent) and brick are appropriate
exterior building finishes for the historic house. Fake brick or stone or gravel aggregate materials shall never
be used.
Additions to historic buildings should replicate the style of the main building if possible; otherwise they
should adhere to the general style with simplified details.
` ` As a minimum, new additions should reflect the massing, roof shape, bay spacing, cornice lines and
building materials of the primary structure.
All new wood or metal materials should have a painted finish except on some 20'h century buildings where
the use of unpainted aluminum or steel was part of the original design and should be maintained.
A new addition should, if at all possible, be located at the rear of the historic building. If this is not possible,
the addition may be added to the side if it is recessed at least 18 inches from the historic building facade or
a connection is used to separate old from new.
New vertical additions should be set back from primary facades so as not to be readily apparent from the
facing street.
When reproducing elements that were originally part of a historic building they should be replicated when
evidence of the actual detail has been documented by photographs, drawings, or remaining physical evidence.
If no evidence exists, elements typical of the architectural style may be used. Historic photographs can
provide information on the original elements of the building.
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